Sylvan ew miner & BKEKSE. Our County—Its Progress and Prosperity the First Duty of a Local Paper. BREVARD, TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY, N. C., FRIDAY. NOV 1011!KK 25, 1904. VOL. IX-NO. 17 I^nns Rock Lodge No. 26? F. -A. M. Moots Friday on or boforo tho full inotm in oaoli month, at 2 p. tu. \’’isitin;j: Masons are ooi’diallv invited •ne(»t with ns. sptly Wm. MaxWKLT.. Srr'?/. Conestee Lodge No. 237, O. O. F. Mot'ts o’clock. dialJv every Monday nijjfht VisitiiiLT hrothoi-s aiv at ^ oor- invited to visit us. T. D. ENGLAND, N. G. Transylvania Lodge No. 143, M Knights of Pythias I’a-unilar oonvtMition ov- <'fv 'fuosday niyht in M a- so'nie Hall. Visiting- Kni>ihls at'o foi-dially in vited to attend. W. E. BREESE Jr., C. C. Brevard Telephone Exchange. iior h’s: Daily—7 a. ni. to 10 ]). tn. Sunday^—S to Id a. in.. 1 to <1 p. in. Central ()t1ice—(’oop‘‘>' Hlo«‘k. Professional Cards. A.,,.,,., |kZ; [Copyright, i8gs, by J. B. Lippincott Co.] W. A. GASH. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Rooms 7 & 8, McMinn BId'g, Brevard, N. C. W. B. DUCKWORTH, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Investigation of Land Titles a Specialty. Iiooms I and 2. 1’iekolsiinor liuildiny. ZACHARY &. BREESE ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Offices in McMinn Block, Brevard, N. C. WELCH GALLOWAY, ATTO RN EY-AT L AW. Practiee.s in all the courts Rooms 9 and 10 McMinn Block, Brevard, N. C. MisceIlas\eous. Dr. H. K. CARSON Surgeon Dentist ((ivcr Hanl<. HKNDKU.soWILl.K, N. C. SatisfactiiMi <;uiuaiitt‘i'il in all oporations. C. C. KELPATRICK, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. Office at Barber Shop, Brevard, N. C. Estimates ^iveii on all kinds (d' work in the building- line. T. B. CICAR.Y, Contractor for All Kinils of Brick Work. Cement Woi-k. IMasterin^>-. IVb>)le- dasli and Kouyh Castino- a .S])ecialty. BREVARD. N. C. G. W. Summey- ]iest of reconnnendat!i Jobs in or out of to^ All work yuaraiiteu Carpenter ~iii> I. A VACATION VACSAP.Y. “Wliatover broujjrht you to Trep:ar- then. Mr. Ikliip-brand? Il seems to nu 1o l)c‘ tlu' hisl pl;u'(‘ in tlie \\ i)rld as here ;'u ;i ut lior eon Id hope to lind material.” “Who l',:!s l)ei*n aeeusintr nie of ;inv sueii iiit<‘iition. Mrs. l.ndl'ow ?" ‘■\n liy. ;in aeiMisat it)n isn't net'essarv; r\(‘i'yon(‘ knows tliat when an author • an l)t' induced to cxchanjrc the Iitt'rar\ a1 nu)sph<']-(‘ his respt'cicd I’oslon. or !;is In''d New ^■oI•k, for the j)rosaic | surroundinjrs o!’ a »lin,”-y little coal-! niinii)”' \ i]]ai!e in 1 lie’^rennesscM* mouii-| tains, thei’c' must be a stronirer motivt> i fiian a mcr(“ .sii;litse(>T’’s cni’iosit x.” i "l’erha|)s you ai<‘ ri<^ht. .\nd yi't i | ihini'; you art'a 1 itl !•'s*“V(‘rt‘; ifoiu'wert'j sc.'kino- i!ispir;it ion. what could l>c more tipijl'i in^r (|,;,n that ?"--\\a\ ino- his , land v.iih a coi!jpr(*licnsi\(> ifcsture to- ■ • ai'd the moonlit pict ur«'of v.-illcv iinu liountain ii’.'iincd hy t Iu‘ jtilla rs oi'1 h(> I • cranda. “ItuT 1 assuiH' you, as 1 .'-•.aid ' I monu'nl a;,;'o. I couldn't ^i\c a simi- 'il'le i cason ior coininir hcri'- inasniuc.'i as I did no( know that you wc!-c hihcr- nati’ip in 'i rc^art hen. I'm not sun* '\hi<-ii was the more surprised'ii A<‘ ni'M this inornin”-. Ludlow or mv- ■^^'It. I had lost I rack of _\ <)u _\ cars ayo.” "I’.ut we hadn't of yon - t hanks to the !n::fj'a/incs. ,\nd that brink’s int' hack; what can vou lind wortfi studviii'* luM-c?” KiiiLrbrand lan^'luMl. “Vou positiv(‘- !y i-( I use lo he diverg'd, don't \ (>u ? I’er- ii.'ips I <*oi!ldn't lind anyt hinj,'-, hut from 'lie liltle 1 \(* s('cn of ()lact‘and |»coplc ! .should .sa\' 1h(‘r<‘ 'vsa.s a [)crf(“«.‘t ini;.i<‘ ol sioi-y-i(“1!iinatcrial if oiu* would take lh(' troul'U* to dcvt'hip it.'' “I can't .see w here yon Avould find it." I hai .s l)ci-;ius:‘ you live here; vou'rc unal)Ic to fci 1 lie pcrsjtecti\i‘ ot' un- tainiiiarity on llu' (|uaintness of the leople or tiic bcanty of the sc(Mier\ . I h-' tliiri'j's that arc curious and inlt'r- s! In;: 1 () a iicwcnint'r an* common])1 ace to _\ ou. 1 >('ea use \ ou st'c 1 Ih'iu t‘V(‘r\' da v.'" “I'm siii'c it's \er\- nict* of you t<» j)ui t inliiat way; one lik*'s to be told that >ne cou'cs shoi-t of rcnius only in un- a’uili-.'.rity. I’.ut you haven't told me yet Avhy you came to 'I're^art ht'n." "Mrs. Ludlow, you'i'c ))ositivelv in- ■■orrii>-il le. I assar<‘ you 1 h'ft Xt'w ork a A\ ('<M< a,yoA\ iih only one ch'arl v- Icr'jicd idea; that was that ! was over- •\ori<<‘(l :ind wcar\- and Ticcdcd a v;ic;'- ion. I'verybody sro<‘s to Knroiit* and ’(» the rcsorls in si:mmcr, and I w;,nt('d !o iret away from the errawl; if yon >)lcase, you may call that a reason foi- n,y <-omin,<r south. My ticket ran out .‘it .N;isli\ill<'. huf ;!i(> (|ulct of _\'oui' 1 K'au^ i f u 1 ca pi t :i 1 <‘ity (.! idn't coin pen sat ( “I'm not siirprisf'd; if tlM> 'I're^rnr- thcn Coal t'v: Iron company could ^ct :ilon<T without a superii!t(Mid('nt for a month or such niatt<T, I h(‘!ie\(' I'd olV and do somcthin.c: una.ccoun'^able niyseif; it's a part of my i*reed that a man should i)(' totally irr«‘spons!I.le o:; a vacation. P»ut se«> Iicth*, Kin”l»!and. it vou're iroinsr to stav in 'rreirartImmi a dusky iiiK' rari'ly sih'u in tin* Aiifrlo- Saxon t\ pcs; and h»' had even f>-one so fai- as lo try to transft-r it fioin liis menial camera to a h'af of Ids note i)ook. 'I’lii' pcnci l-pict u re was fairiv L’'ood. from a techjiical point of \ jew, but when he saw liow the blaek-aiul- wliite su!i'^,‘st ion faih'd to ^i\ (* even ;t hint of the 1 r.aiispai-cnc^' <d' ]i«‘r cf)m- I h'xion, or (tf t lu* chanfJTid ul expression iha( «‘ameand went on her fac»‘as slu' turiK'd the leaves of Iu‘r hook, he tore i^ up and (IropjM'd tlu* fraf,>-nn>nts out <ii the wiitdow. 'The hooI< sutrtreste»l an idea, and h<* ijrol up and w alked down I’k' aisle, catchine- tin* title in passinjr. “‘St. idnio."' lie mus*‘<i; “t hat's healt hy. hut it s no indication (»f chai'actci'; I s;:;)pos(> every youi'LT woman reads Miss (bans. Slse's rt'adiu”- inleliijrent ly. ?!iou,'rIi; anyoiH' can see that; sIk* Oscsi; 1 look as if she'd Ik* {guilts' of sl.iniminir. liow tlu* mischief am J »'v(*r to lind out who sht* is? licllo; she's |)Uttin^ tlu* Itook away; this must he h<*r stoppinj:f-plac(*.'' 'I h»* train w:is slowing into Trepar- t!u*n, and Kin^l>rand p"ot his lucfi'af.’'*' rcrul\’ Coi- a s1iate<rlc j)ursuit. It was (piite dark hy this time, and he di<l not UM'an to lose siyht of her until <juite sure of hci’ destination. \V1h*!i sohcd it. lie i’casoii>;i that Ludlow would misunderstand his mot ives; t!iat h<* would he accused of falliuf>- in h> ( with a i)r('tty face; that if it would !>.> i:!(i(*licate to (|Ucstion str'anirei’s about Ihi* <.!-iri's identity, it would b<* inipey. j. ncnee toask his frit'itd. .Sf)it ha.|-p< ncd that two da;.s slipp('d by \villK>ui I’l'iDtf- i'.i.!.'' him any ix'arer io the ohjeeiof l«;s visit to 'I’reira rt lieu, and he \\ as Ix- n'ini.inf,'- to hold himself in <icrision, \' lu n a luck,\- <-h;incf hr !.hn ; opportunity for w hich b - was v.:iil It was on the day followi]K<>- Iiis ia -:t!- Jation at Ludlow's, and li>‘ wus reta'n- (‘xclaimed; "tliis ain't ain't half w.'iv IIicih* vou'vc ^.fot to comt* to us; I'm not eojne- to havt* you put uj) at t hat nnscrable j t he t rain stor)|)cd slie t ri pped I iirh 11 v u o evcMisc for :i hotel down in the v;I!aee. ; the aisle, and bii!!,’'orand followed. ^ Ou'll di(* of d.\sp<‘psia in a wt*(*k.’' j reacli i Ui^-t he ca r o’oor i n t im<* to see t lie “Vou are (iood Satnarita;is,’' r(*pru*d | c- Kii'iirlirand. laurjrhinp'; “I've jrot it al-{ re:uiy- d.vsj)epsia, I mean. Why. .Mrs. I .udlow, _\ «'u'\ (' no conc('pt ion of w hai 1 h(*.v’ve hct*n makiiiLT me cat t here! I'or i)rc;.k fa.--1 I iiad ^;al t bacon, biscuits .Hid potatoes; I'or dinner there were potatoes, biscuits ar.d salt bacon; and for supp<T thi'y varit'd the bill of fare !'.v lca\in;_; out 1 iie i»otatot*s. And the Piseuits uj:on m.\' soi; I. \ f>u nes cr f a an.Nt hin;,r lik»* them in yourlifel" “Oh. y<*s. 1 have.” ri>spond(‘d 1 he lady. '■hccrfu ll_\-; “Ic? iu(‘ dc:-<'”ih<* them: they wcrt'about half an inch t liick. an<! hen \f»u tool; one b('twi‘('u .voui thund) and tiii”'(“r, so, you could pi-j-ss t!ie ‘rrcasc out of theedire. P.ut didn't llu'.v ^'■ive you any colVee?" “I think not; I certainl.v ha<I som»* thing' to drink, but I'm <juite positive jr(‘t Brevard The as wei Opi AND ICS ’rice I$1.00 Trial. T3 for all [ for th(* unspeakable lieat, so 1 took to 1 !ie r-oad :u,"ain, \vit h Asheville forades- inatioii." “i'li;it's all Ix'autifidly elt'ar and jeasonabh' up to a ci'rtain point. Mr-, Uiiiirbrand. Now, if you w ill onlv tt*ll in.' what possessed you to h'a * your <-jmfortable parlor ear to coi ■ away Mp hen* on a t*oal t rain. I'll 1h* satisti(*d.'' 'Phe shadow on the v(*randa j)revent- d the lati.v from si'(*iiur tlu* look of em- ii’i’assuient that l!i1tc*d a<*ross t lu* face ler visitor, and his hesitat ion in re- r.;,’- was fortun.atcly covc'ivd i)v tin* •:;nce of liis l;Ost. “Sit down iu‘r(\ loAv." h<* saai; “Mrs. Ludlow has in tlu* coiiU'ssion:»! for the l.afi hviur. and I was .just upon lh<' point of c< >:}Coc< inir a [)UJ’(* fabricjitioTi lo account for in.v beinop in 'i rce-ari lien, an't you explain to her that a man iia.v sometimi*'.'’^ do unaccoiintabie ihinirs?'' “One would think an ex])lanation wouldn't he neeossarv,” repliefi Ludlow, v-.vnically. tossin.'JT his hat into the hail and diavvin^'' up .1 chair. “Lt't's see, iiow lon^ ha\e w e bet n married, I fehm ?" “Loii”- enoujrh to make me very cu rious and infpii.sitive. as Mr. Klnpflu’and is .just lindiiinif out. He confesses that he didn't know we were ln*re, and he can't tfive any {)lausible reason for giv ing up his trip to Asheville.” it wasn't <‘olTet*. Indeed, now that .you nu'ntion it, 1 rcnu-mber having made a :.o1<* of it w ith 1 he intent ior of asking the landlord to detiiie it for nu*." “I doii't know what we'\(‘ 1/ccn Ih'nkii'.g' of. to let vou sta.v thereat all."'T’poscd Ludlow. “ 1 i' vou'll < ci!se us I'or a few minutes. r,i\ dear, we'il Just step down and g'ct Kiu'.;- lu-and's luggag'c to-night' ;> on travel in a grip, don't vou. II u, "Ves, or at least in two of th(*jn; l!it‘\'re n>>t lu-avy. thoiigh." 'Two (lavs t'ariicr. while his train was stojtping" at Chiiw.-UK'c .luiiciion to transfer ])ass(*ng'ci's to the Harmon.'.’ ''.':i!h*y branch, ilugh hat' seen a girldesccnd fi’oin tlu* thi'oug'Ii train and cross the platform to tiie ae coinmodat ion. Sh<“ was st'. iking i ■. beautiful, .after a typ-e (piite unra]:;;li:; :o Oie student; and the passing.i;-|'mps- he had of her face made him wish tliat lv‘ might stud.v it at leisun*. It sud denly occui-red to iiiiii that ihcic not.'iing' in his purj)Oseless plans to pre- '.ciit it; and he hast ily t ra nsferred >nm- .'-clf and his l)cloiigings to a scat in the ()th(*j- train, w In'nct* he couhl continue his observations. 'Tlu* study oiice be gun. tin* bcaut.v of lu‘r face grew upon him, [ju.slnn”- him sw iftly to < he conchi- sion tl'.at nothing sh.ort of a<‘(piaint- ;okh* would t'naldc him to i-oinph'tt* his charactcr-skctc!i; and, not being' a c(^mmercial ti-avelcr. tlu* sinipler method of v)btaining the desired de gree* of intimacy did not sugg'cst it self. On the coiiirarv, he could think of no bet ter expedient than to lea\ethe train at tlu' voung- lad.v's destination, trusting'to tlu* chapter of accich'nts for ! ^'di. furtht'r help. 'Flu* absurdity of this hast d v-apj)rov('d desii- n appealed to ^ ^ his st'ust* of Inimor w lu*n tlu* conductor aski'd for his fare and lu* was ui;abh* to t( 11 the oliicial where he wantetl t(» go. “I liave no ticket,” he said, “but I w ill l*a.v to tiie end of the line, liow mueii i;i it?” “'I'o Kingville, .sali?” “’i <'s, that’s the place—T\ingville. It's singular how these names escape one, isn't it?'’ “Oh, I dunno,” re])lied the man; “I forgit sometinu's, nrs»*lf. 'I’wo dollars and fo't v cents. Tii-*re's your change." !’he aceommodatio*.^ was a mixed train of empt.xVcoal aiul iron cars tow- I ing' a sinii’le pass«. jie'crcoach; and on it.-; I slow progress u])thevallev Uin.'rbrarid nductoi- lu'lp lu'r dow n tlu* stcjis; but len lu* attem])t<'d to get otV, tlu* man stopped him. “Hold on," he \'our town; \\t* .V(‘t “I’hat's all rig^lit. I want to here. I've <*hang'»*d my nniul.'’ (est(*d liingband, trying’ to him. “Well, jest Jiold on a minute; don’t be in sich a Ini'ribh* rush; I collected your fai-(* to KingvilU*. an’ I've g-ot too much f)f vour moiu'.v." “Haii'r your fan*! 1 don't want it. L('t nu* get oty." “All right, cap'll; .j(*st as you say." replit'd the o\t*r-zca lous conduetor, " iHiring IJing'bi'and's valis** to th<* i;!atform. “'I'hen* vou ar<*, rig'ln side i'p w it h care.'' As lu* had fcan*d,tlu* slig-ht dehiy lost !dm his opportunity; wlu'ii his g-jance s;-arch«*d t he small plat forni. his 1 rave!- iiiir c;'in;);inion had disapp<>;:rcd. an'- he as not the man to nia!<i* hap-h:./a:'d 'itjuiric's .about lu*v ^d’ t'ic si ra ’•::■l■al;• -'' n i .-•■e’-s at the station. \V!u*i, flit'Tain depa.iird, he sa.w t ae .'flai!' of an !i’on fui'uacc a ; Iiort dista.uct' farther I'p flu* ti'ack, and fhe tw inklinir 1 is^'hts of a tow n on tin* hillsi(h* abovt* th(* sta tion. While he was wondering if there Cyar' yo' bag{^?e up to cte botei, aah?’ wriau't* W!t !Oe a.t a nai- road to Ic ;i, /tfd hi.', hat s .'-alu’al i;>.' M'liieie, a;. : • alizod 1 h I • a hotel, a decr<*])it old nt*g'ro hob bled up 1o him. liat ii; hand. “Cyar' yo' 1 agi.’'a.?t* up to de hotel sail? Yes, sali; t ai.k .\o', sah. ivight 'long dish vt'ie ay. sail." “<i<»f a g'ood hot**l here, titu h*?" in- »p;ir('d l;:rigbra.nd, a.s th(*.v ti)iled U]>t!ie stt*»'p hillside. “Kig.'it snia't g'ood hot( I. s;-’); v •. sah; t'az.k .\o', sah. L ^I’s d 'on-- v t Cin'i'al .lad.son .voo; '(■<! to ^ to;) ’ • u he's g-win(* to Wasli'r.'ton. !:>'('.e r.h." liing'brand had i.->t ! •. <'n |i,r. . o I I- () I- r.I cii t^e < i;t < m (*ast '^i'cniK'ssee hostelry A\it;dn crossing of tin* ^ similar claim, bi’t him as being’ a currt'd to him that the was ])rol)ab]y a’l o.'-’ h fort* ac(piainied ; !i ;: <■ lies in tlu* r.ei; ‘!.' o:-;;-'t. I, “Did .\’ou sc(* Mi.-;.s : g'ct oiT the tra;:'. m intpiiri*d. Tionehal in- jruess at tiu' i.anu* in tiu guidt* wor.ld corn e', I “W ho. me? No. sal 1 <' tha! r:\('r n •.n.f.'i t ;( icnt ] o;!:rIi ' \ erv ing from a visit lr> tiu his host. 'I’hcy sti'pp* d a row plaee in the hiil '.'ale buggy i>ass. h’ingi)ra;id in (h'fej-'iice to his fric:ji to t lie occujiants of i!;e nt'ar'y let it faii hen ;;e lu* was fae<* to face with the objeet o/ his searcii. *A\ ho an* tlu*y?" he asked, as soon as they had di-ivcn on. * "'rh'.it's Col. Latiuu'r and hisdaugh- t<*r Hester." repru'd Ludiow . ••15y t he way. if you v. ar.t to ma!;<- eharaei studies. thcr(*'s a g’<i;)d c],■,!■<•(* foi' \.ia. 'I'hc colonel's an ohl-t ime sou i iu'i'u g< n tieman o; tlu* school 1 inn .’.on an'hoi . are aiwa.vs attempting to portra.v an 1 can't. Lh'fe's tic ()[)..ort unity of.\'oar lift* to g' 1 a jiictun* that'll !^e a.s<vo.>il as a piiotoii I a ph." “L siionld be (iclighted to improve it," I'espondcd liinu'lirand; “can .vou sng- g<-si tlu' means?" “Noiiiing' ('asier; tlione'h 1 fancy i<':! be to on;- dct riiiu'nt. 'I'iu- colonel'.' < ;■ ■ of ou>' <Iire»,'iors. and lu* was the orij inal ow ncr of t he’Frcg-art hen coal !ai:d." . his hospitality is as w ide as t I’c h. a\ cns. If i introduci* .vou he'll l.c »-arr\- ing .\ou oiy to ‘Tlu* Lauj-cls.' and we'l! ]os(* yo!i." “Don't lie too sure of that; I'nijjreit x < (>ni!’»."*;d»!c wlu*re I am. I’.uf I shouM lilvc to mak(' tlu* colonci's :ic(p;aint ane,'. \\ ni l ',* is ’'I'ht* Laurels?' " “i r's up on t he mountain, jusi w !u r ■ • iiiaf ciear .'paee b<". ond the ,'e!..n;.*'. It'.s ;.n old-iaslii;i:i;' c • !<:);ne \-. iile \e;-a;. 'as. iti;; !;;■ lUi :n e p rej^hn'es. and ' 1 tha; )uld <rc1 a lot of Ti.a'ir!..; yon m1 'I'l'a n rooi.. ■^'on o i i; colo: I i..c^ !!oT t.i n >.;;i *r. n' g'O:); t '.at feli I'm . n haxar(^e ho[,i' 1 !'a ■ iin. ; tl;ar.k vo’. . a.’.(I (li'op X :. .. t'.'d int t'i';'o '-.’I - ut wiTli a 1‘ani I ;i r-’noTc-bo.'i,. I hai a hint of su'-*'. ■; ■' ■> to prejudice lici- tiom i:i. <iot'sn T i^n(,>w any lao.v o' dat r,ar..e. Didn't see no ladv g'it oH'di* train; ih.” 'ri'.ar gT.a pT'ling hook Iiav in',’' (*on:e up cT'apt y, Ibng'bra.nd \'/as com pel led to await further <!e\elopnients; and :;s !■<* sn'.oked h's a rte:'-'~'i: jtpi'r <*igar in the <ii;.gy I'ttle o!:ice <.?f t he lu'.tel. he i r ied to c'onviiu-e himst'lf 1 liat t i'.c jm <*s ■:’.i ;stl- v<-nti;r(* was ('.niv examp.l;' of th‘* pi'i'sistci'it a ith w l ich I:t* had pursut'd other (pu'sts in thi*slud.v of his ai't. 'i’h<.* i lT.;'.'! n-.'iy ha\t* been w!i<->l!\ suc•c('^■sfal. l>ut the <'(.)nclusi(^n did not (*nabie him to har.isli tin* pic- t u "t* of the rrirl’s fa.ce. wliieli liaurted him even after he had g'ont* to sleep aciid the di.^’mal fnrnisiiing's of (u-ii. .L'.ckson's rooi'.i. The tollow ing morning he wasfortti- nate enough to stumble upon iaidlow, VN ho was an old frit*nd and one of his lu* a ith'a t io;-.-; i l*r-. n J;oi.'. W OU:. I tlu' Si; “Prejudice* whom? Miss Hester Wliat's slu* g-ot to do with it?" “W'hv. nothing', of course—that is, nothing that I—that slu*—liang-- it ali, Ludlow. I bclie\(* I'm ahoii? f(> make a fool of mysalf!" Ludlow sto})ped and gazt*d in open nioutlu'd wonder at his friend. “Wt'll, I’m blest if .vou don't i.reak i lie i cc,); > Huirh! 1 tliong-lit it st i lu-k iim* pi et^ \ suddcin’.v, but jishaw 1 my case \\a^a i ;i ».':rci;iiisiaiu't* to liiis. :'\c iicarvi oi lo\e at lirst siglit. i;ut i' riu* in v cn 11. r ■rstajid. •ar* hee had ample opportunity to antilyze his ; college classmat«*s. The meeting- af- subject so far as s:m]>!e ob.servation I forded tin* plainest jmssiblc solution of would serve him. I>.‘fore they reai*lu*d the author’s probl<*m, but he seemed 'I’regarthen he had a fair mental pic-i somehow <juite unable to fiame liu* t lire of t iie oval fact* lighted by e.vt's of | ^'nii»h* iiuiuiries w hicii Avoald have stantaneons ])hoi(X-;-ra; hv kit Vv)u ctuiidii’i ha\e goi :iu):' glimi)s.' of !u*r as t:.,'\ jir,-e• “I—\-. c—t iiat is to say i v\ before," .s'aninu*r>.*d King-br,,:: “Oiiol now 1 begin to ina that's V. hat 1'lought von t<. i 1 tli.e.’.gat lu'len'.-j proph,';i, • i !; mislead Jier. Well, tell n: ' tii-, re.-; it; i'w rot ViUir fate !u Hiv I- you i.iigait as well naikeari ally of :ik' till* sia,’J." ;ia;l told his sriiail ,-;tor; l.v. eoaeladiiig- with a ])lea i'-H “j.'d J a-\ on x' -'auM'i i I i • (Continued on ]>age '' fr,

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