MINEH & BREESE. Our County—Its Progress and Prosperity the First Duty of a Local Paper. . BREVAPiD, TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY. N. C., FRIDAY. MAIICH t'4 1905. VOL. X-NO. ’2 Dunns Rock Lodge No. 26? F. J\/l. McH*ts OH (II bofort* tlu‘ full tniKii. in each inonlli. at '1 ]>. in. VisitiiiL:' Mas(»ll^ ai't* tMti'di:ill\ to nu'el witii ns. ^n>tly W'.M. M A X \v i:i I. • V- Conestee Lodge No. 237, O. F. : tlospt'ct. IK) .sour (lis})()sili()H ii(‘u- : with U* foot stt>p, .suppi’essod itralizod th<; sweots of the pi'es-j voic(5 and watclil'iil oyt's, await- |(‘nt lifo, and no forbidding views jin«jr The hour of disolutioii, which |sha(h)Wod tin; ever hriii:ht«‘ni]i<^: 1 honirh sad inch'ed, was less l)ie(i on ()ct. .»l>t. I fut ure. Hers was a <?()ld('n au-| ^-rievous b(,*cause death was so Maiy Atm C hiylon. ^'’ii(‘ gI tiie | unto the lat(* '^J^lios. ]). ('l:!Vton. at tin M.\KV ANX ( i.AVTOX. at ^ rof fvrry M outlay ni^lit oclorls. \'isiliii>: lii'o; i'fi’s ;!i't liially inviti-d to visit ',;y. T. D. ENGLAND, N. G. Transylvania Loc?5'e No. !43. Imtne of her «lau,n’!itcr. Mrs. Vril- iiani Maxwoll. on ilu> French l>roail IvivcM* in Transylvania county, X. C.. a^'ed s”) years, ;”) months and 4 days. Sisi('r C'lay- ton's nuiidiMi name was LinstiM-. She was hoi'n in South (Jarolin;i on tiie liTlh of Api'il. l»i lu'r (Mi ly ^’irlhood sin* ac( (*pt('d .)esus as ht>r Savior and Master, and was all her lif(* a. faithful and loving- follower of 1 lu* Son of (Jovl Wiien but a icirl lu'r fath(>r 4, is 1 lai‘ c()n vent ion t'fy'!'ui'sil;iy niiilit in MI niovt'd to lI(Mid(“rson county, X sonic ■ ‘ ' i\ ni; vit<Ml to att Mid. ;11. \' i s i t i M Ills :i I f c< )i-(i i;t ll \ i II- W. E. P3EESE Jr., C. C. Brevard Teleplione Exchange. iicriis: Daily 7 a. in. to 1(> p. in. Sunday to iu a. tn.. I to »i p. in. C'entral < >nici>-McM inn IJlocic. Professicna? Cc^rds. W. A. GASH, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Rooms 7 & 3, Mcl'linn BId’g, Brevard, N. C. W. E. DUCKWOR.TH, ATTORNEY AT-LAW. Investigation ot Land Titles a Specialty, llotnns 1 and rickclsiiner l>uiUlin;_'’. ZACHARY AT O R E Y - A T - L A W Cifices in Mcfiiinn Block, Orevcrn, H. C. Vv'ELCM GALLOWAY, ATTORN EY-AT LAvV. } ic.“s in ail tlie ci.ulis ilooins !• and lU. N’cM’iin MiscellcFieoiis. The ^-tkelwold liivvard's New IImIc; .M-xI' pointin.-nts ( )p< a’; \ Tl)t‘ ]);;ti'ona .'c of tl'<- ’ ra'. cl i n; as well as sr.iniiicr 1.-. s( ()iii). ('(c.ir^ 1!<mis". i ; i-i :i i> .. ■n ;ind her niouibersli p was t ransforr»*d 'o Shaw's Ci'ei'k a!. Iv c-hurch, south and lat(‘r, aft(,>r h('r marriaii't', she bi'caux'a nuMn bei‘of ()ak (Irovt^ ciiurch, Tran sylvania county, in which follow Nhip and communio’i sho pass(.;il away. She was niai'ri d on tin- ^th day of May, toThos. 1). ‘Jlayton, by tin* Uov. F. a1. Mr.n nin.i!;. Mr. Clayton wasa<x:idcnt ally Ivilled a few yi'ars aftiM- tiieii marriaiZi'. and sister Claytor, lived a widow for ju.-t lif y years, dyin^’ on tiu' frftioih anniversary of htM' husi)and's dcceaso. In lu'r early life sistt‘1- <.'*ayion cxem [>lilicd the lil’i' of the rii:ht- <‘ous inari, as il is no irraphicail'v’ c,i<-turi-d by tii“ l'>al!!iist in 1:1'. ‘\\iui he shall tn_‘ rik<’ a trci planted by t ho rivers of v.atei’." iVe. "i'iiiN is to mo a !no>t beaut i fill i)iet ;ii‘o o[ “ii'roen old a.ii'e." and il! tiu' li fo of s j>; (u-( May t on it i,i( •: s its ful! I'eali-c it ion. ■•Piaili'd <‘arly by the i'i\'er oi liei- leaf (lid Tiot v ilh'i’." >utlived iie.r allotted tiuj( a(idt‘d y< :i rs, 1 Ikhili'-i ;s “l.iijor a!i^} s >rro'-.v," ’ e a 1 \ i 1 * ‘ S S < > i the lies!: Aa> c<".;c(‘i'!;e 1. I)/ ieaso;i of th( '•IMi'!:. Wl'i'e ye;irs of liT>'at :!:o 'V. Sisl»>r C'lay ton a tiorned 1 of reliiiioi: by li\’ simplicily, (Midear h(>r swt'et woman ce unio me s(‘iison in which sh(! depai'ted, and h(‘r old ajjrt* was indtMnl abeautiftd Indian summer. As nature einbroid- ert'd its shroud, on th<> borders of its tontb, so h(‘r life took on its lovli('st hues when th('autumn years brou^lit h('r neari'st to the winter of th(‘ i(rave. Sh<‘ lonired i to <j:o home, and at last the sum- ujons came, and her winii’s were r (*ady. It did not liiid her alarm ed or unpre))ared. Living'’ well sin; died well. As her pastoi’1J am only the mouthpiece of those who knew 1km‘ best. Tin* fum.'r- al words of this irood woman ar<‘ INFLUENZA FROM OZONE. Pore Air from I.iike MiohiKnn CJnvc nn InvoMtlurntor nn F^xtrenie- ly ifjird i l)ea(*t'ful. l^he bui’ial was conducted by Ivev. F. M. .Jordan at Xtnv Pros- ))e(.'t Baptist church where;, in n<‘ar perfect as c .1 •1.1-1 l*oi)ular Science, ;ind \(‘t tin; midst ol a lar^-e concours<; ol friends, the k'ind neighbor, th<3 dear niollier and the Christian was placed bt's.de her husband, who had preceded lier some oa 3’(*ars. lirother Jordan ])r<‘ach- ed one of his stron^^ and Charac teristic sertnotis. ^ivinir m(*ssa <jfes of hope; and choei- to the be reaved. When the last sad rites w<;re ov(M' a n.oble woman had b(>en consii^ned to earth. Friends will bt! kindly rem-Miibei’ed for said. Jind while praise is checlced | U'iudnc'sses doiu; and service's on my tonirue t)v her own UKKles- rondered in sickn<>ss and the ty of disposition, ye't I luMrd a hours of death and burial, while voice from heaven breaking the j tives can feel the .satisfaction sil('uc('and r<>{usitig all ri'strainl, (doming from a semse (jf dutv a> it cries, “Hle\ssi;d ai‘(.; ili(_;d(*ad j done. To tiu^ sons and diiughters We' would {piote the first comm.and UHMit with promise. “Hoiior t hy fatlKM- and motln>r thai thy days may be lon^' upon the land which the Tjord thy (iod uri\'('th not as 11 lose who die in the Lord, for tlu'y I'c'st from t heir laboi-s and thi'ir works do follow t h(‘m. ” C. P. MooKi-:. Pastor. MK\S. WIJJJAM Fl.SI!i:ii. Th(' hush and silence attemd- lilt u))on death ])revaded [jake Toxa.way March *•, as the result of th(' death of tlu' widow »)f Wil liam i*’ishe!’, familiarly known iud in honor te>rmed as ‘-Aunt ■larriet.” She w-is l)orn in ireenville county. Sou.h Caro lina on May -1. k'!''', was mari'ie,! :o William I''''isher uf (!reen\'!iJ( . South (\Lr(;lina. ii! I " i.”i and died • it Lak't' 'foxaway Mai'ch I'lha! J:-)!) p. nj. lit').”). Slu' was tak'en sick diirinir ti (> jtli('(;. *\.lso, *‘\vee I \\ ho liavi; no hope. " On ono ocoa.'-ioii the j)n'seiit writf'r walked to the edL>-<‘ of L.ike Micliifr;,), when a strong wind was l>!owi;i»r riirht, fioin tli(“ lal<(‘. i li(* hodiiy couditiou ould he, s:ivs in Ies> than five nunutes there was <‘V('t'v ‘'vidcncc of liaviti”- caught an extreniely li..!-a cold. !h! seuM-e iiiflueii/:i eoiitiai: ;i unfil, on walkin.LT away, in Ics- th.'in .^00 feet, it <1 ii-a ppciit (‘d as if h_\ raajjic. Jt is Certain that tlie 1 t‘nij.'ci'a- ture had nf)tljiii<r to do with this, lu.r tlie wind, hut lh<“ inf!u<‘riza was direcf- 1\ dU(r to the aisniidant oz(jn(“ in i])** air. ]Iy iiMpiiry it w:is ieai i;ed t hundreds of re-idei.ts who h;id livd njjon the innnediiite edi.-;‘ oi the I;:;:- had been ohiiircd to ince.c l»a( k rliree or ff)ur miles iu order tf.« reiim'e the:;.- selves from such ex[x-ricnee'-,. I’hvsi- eians readily admit tliat it is not al ways possible to say wliv one “catches” er>ld; it certainly cannot al ways be l)<‘eaus«‘ of undue e\i)osurc or ehanirc iu tenip«>rat are, but |)i-eb- ably alhifj to eh:ni;_>cs in tie* electric condition of fh(‘ air. Facts of liiis kind should h'ad to tlu' «‘xtr. ine>t c.-ii,'- tion in stiidyiri”- :iny sni)posed rej;i- tion between tlit* we;ifh<>r anti he.iUii. BRUIN LIKES MOOSE STEAK. Here Is Proof of an Offenne of 'Whioli Black near<« llnve lleeu .1 P. T.o\vkv. . i. e She' ( ami lie!‘ :ae'‘ (> or 1 'O far ;is ■pring of l<r.)}. a i<l t iioii-ii ho \veia‘ einoitann'.l lor her rt'co\ •i-y. sh(' g!adn;dly ,i;'r(;w W(!r-' anlil in S('pt(>ujbi'f when she wa:- bi'd and he*- con •Ol |iiu;d to h(‘c ehfulne .];citc(i. I y ■ j ing in c'od - iing herself Galloway, BuckwQrin k Go, Rooms 3 and4, Mcfi^inn Block, Brevard, N. C. 13ny and sell all I'Cinds of Keal I’.staie. (.'otlect riMits. a!ul attend to ])ro]i- erty when owner is absenil. Farming and Timber Lands a Sjieciaity. and Building Materials. Hair l»r s ed Lumber l.nths Shingles Siish ]»M>rs Bliiids Locks Hia?es Wimlow Pulleys Fln'-teriic. (■(•iiieiii l.ime Kc.iUy Koolitig <ii;iSSS I’ntty S;\>ll I.(ick« Window l.iits Sash Conl and Wcij^hts I ly graci.'S to ;iil lu*r neighbv)rs an;] I fri(Mids, and it may be saitl of hot- “ 'as was said of another nobi(' mother. “Like tht; Uiociest violet 1 slu‘ lovi'd tlie sliade and sl-.o dit'd jin the faith of th<; T..ord ,j<>sus (.'hrist without a shadow upon iiei’ name." .Sh.(i had t^tron^ charactci’istics. l^ut was biessi-d also witii feminim; f4’.>‘ac<?s. Sh . was domestic in h(;r iiudinations, siiuplt* in taste atid sweet and simple in mannei’, she devot<^J all her womanly ^ifts durinir a ]<>n^’ life to the trainift.ir of her chil dren^ and souijfht no honor but that wiiich came from Ciod. Her ))iety was fi-ee from all cant, atid her Oiii-istian experience was dii ion I'o'i uirt'd t he wat and eare of hei- laniilv ar^d i'!'i('iuls both day and ni,<;-li1 t!i:'o‘' the Ion;;.-sad ])oriod .-^t I'eich.iii”’a.-^ a cloud of ^:]<)om to the time o'' h(‘r death. 'i'lu; writ(*r liad kr.own .\u.nt llai-riet foj- some* tinn.* befor<; tier sickness, atid to k’now h(‘r meant an atta<‘hme;it aiul friends! ip won which comparatively few !Zain, f(U’ her aimable. (dnH'rful and kind disp<<sition was such as io win and iiold ac<[uaintanc(\s ^ls friends, and if Aunt liariiet ha.s an enemy the writer of tijis trio ut»; IwKAveth It ?iot. llavin.^r becoi.ne a member of IS She!'id;Ui's “Sihool Sc;’!i;l bolni;' revived in inasii-n] i'oti;,. b,i; it would sfM'ii). v.'ith :i!l our sen;.;?: nnn-dor tri-ils, frenzied, linance. n>yste- rit)U.'< divorce cases :'nd bishujit; be;n;r haloil before (•‘•eic'siast!c;i 1 t]>at we reaily lu ed no sc];o )liii*^ iu that line. Another crimo has lately been lai;l to the char^'e of the r.nria'’':iu black t)ear. It lias lonir b<-en t-uspected tliat he was in n<> ^vay advei-se to a fresli nioos(‘ steak, and testiiiKUiy on the subject is :it l:ist forthcominc^ from Henry l‘>rail hw aite, tlie \-eternn Xew I’.runswick guide, fcays a Quebec rcpi >rt. }Ic says that lie Ii.'is lonLif bc:-u awai'c of th(“ fact that liears ofren kill moo'C caht's, ;ind (!ii «.u(‘ <)<■•,)- sioii he saw :i bcrir i’t the ai*t of kiil- inir a th;'Ci“-y,“ar-«>ld ni;) <se. 'I'Im- In nr had the mnose clown uad was biiini»' at ils lu'cl;. Ilciiry wounded the tiear with a ril!c*, out he Iiad imJ;.' nr,-- sliot \vit’» him and the bear t'-ca;)ed. l‘>y lime th(‘ moose was bes'ond the ai<! of surgery. Ill non hern f>Titnri'. , wticrc mo.i-c art' now »'xTreni<‘Jy pienufi;!. In c.iri'-c- (juence of the rt,-ct ca eh >' :~e;!S';n for a ttM'iii of _\'ears l:t',;r> ;i i-c ,al>.> •;:! tht* ir.;-i’c:;sc. !!i'iic(‘ the ^;re.'it inie:'e<: t;ik'>:i in tlieir life hi^t ry. F;iii oils as bears arc to the y'>i;riLf .>i' i'e> nii i’se th.vt <-onie in I'le'" . it is f;;i!y reali I'd thai the um-! d': <ii'< ;■ (‘s of tl’c moose are tl’.t :it. ho?-,it'< -.f w.ilvey. tiiiif ro:i'u th>' '\i! Ml' the l.iv r.i-.-t!i :ind :;re inc’-i--i ■' 111 ‘J’**’!! a ^Teiiier rat<‘ thc.n the moose. 'I’l'ese ra'.erious l^rutes h:i\e no hesitation in attaeloiiLr and run ning' down a fuil-i;r<'wn moose. The J.'ij’.anese .uovor'iment ])l;inujnj^ to hold i ll internation;!] e:;!i;;sition Id Tokyo ‘after the war.” Ir 1;ciiooves Russia to announce .a lii'4 show ;it ?,'os- cow unt? .vhow tliat she <-.inni't oi:t- bluffod < Iiar'es I‘" Iain’s J’.iin i: all iiiii’iicti^s ;d;e a laail carri(M- at : 'tnin. -..y-: “(’hauiber- i 1H! th.■ cj.an:i!;.)ii ( !' 'fin' iM.t vear 1 wa> ;i cm' t roiilded i ism in tay s!io;:;, c:!v ~ t;.c rec(111 1Idul-'! tin Die rcud(‘rs of this pa])cr will be { X(;w’ }^ros})ect liaptist churcJli • j)leascd te learn ttiat tliei<‘is at least j some Ol' n:iore yc'ars airo she oik' <h'ca<Jful disease that science has I did honor to her Savior thiuu<»-h to cure in all it-' sta«:es, ! .... a long- period of years. |t v/as ' catarrh. Hall’s ^ If ^ ^ ti'uly Itlessoii oii pai-enliilduty "“'y l>'wiiv.. cure now ' "r :•. > u.t twA with I'laMim.i- ■r. ,\fter tryiuL- TrdxC ‘f.cr In'r'- reusetiy ac.d jt coinitlctely (.au'cd m(‘.’' 'i'licve jw, jj, us(> ()1‘ anyo’.u* sutiei iuu' troni that paintnl ailment when this liniment can he olUaincd toi- a small sum. McCormick Reapers and Binders Mowers, Rakes, Corn Cutters and Grain Drills. ror. Main and Caldwell BHKVA HP. N. C Administrator's Notice. Havinpr qualilied as administrator of H. P. McKelvy, deceased, late ei Ttansylvani;i (•oiin- tv. N. C , this is to notify all i crsons having riairas aj:ain>t the estate (ii said dci i“ised to e.'t- hil)it them to tlie uiMiersifjned on or before tlie 14tli dhy of February 19J0, or this notion will be lead ill bar of their rei overy. All per<ons iii- «lel;t^d ro said estate will t'lease rrmke immedi ate paymeut This nth <lay of February, 1!K)5. W. H. McKELVV, Administrator. witness the care, tenderness and i devotion of which Aunt Harriet | like the tlow’ of a deep noisless j was the recipient from anxiously j river, whose Sf)urce was in livin.^-, watching sons and daughters un- j mountcdii spiitigs. sad, sad hour of death. Her favorite scripture was the 14th chapter of John's Gospel. These beautiful words of com fort were on her lips like a jirov- erb, and were the keynote of the On. the day before her death 1 witnessed an inipre.’:5sive scene. The critical condition of niothei- h.ad brought to the paternal home all of the 9 children—six harmonies of her soul. In hei'isons and three daughters (ex youth she laid in a fair stock of | cept James Fisher who resides pleasant memories and had plen-j in Arkansas) and to see those known to the medical tVateruity. C’atarrh i\ coiistitutioiud di.s- re(iuires a cousritutional treat ment. JlalTs ('atarrh Cure is (akc'n internally, acting directly upon the hiood and niucous surt'aces of the systeni, thereby destroyinj? the will produce a f)crmaneid cu.'c. I'oi-sale by Z. \V. Xicltols. lirovard and O. r^. Fi-u in ('alvei-t. Another \ of tin- Mntter. “I firmly believe," she said, “that woman should have the ri^-ht to pro- j)ose.” “Of <‘onrse, if woman proposes," he foundflticn of the disease, and g’iv-j "s)ie wonld <rjve an enL’-ae-ement J-intr a;:d oiiier presents, instead of re- ccivin/r tiu in." ••(bi second iliouirtit. ing the i>atient stiength by l)niid- iiij; up the constution and assistin'^ nature in doing its work. The pro- prietor.i liave so much faith in its curative powers that they otter One Hundred Dollars for any case that it sli»> answere<], "f.'crliaps it would Ix* better not to phan;rc exist inq- conditions." — I‘hihi- deljiiiia Call. It will bring rich red blood, tirni ty to think about, much to ad mire, and many to love in the waning years of her life. X^o vain regrets embittered the re- sons, strong, brawny mountain- eers. and tho lady-like and de-1co , Toledo, O. Selcl by Drusgists voted dauglitors iti Uie gloom of j 75c. Take Hall’s Fainiy J’ills foi- the face of death quietly, sadly,'constipation. fails to cure. Send for list of testi-1 flesh and muscle. That s what IJoll- nionials. Address: F. J. Cmkxev ct ister’s JJocky :*Iouutain Tea will do. Taken tins month, keeps you well all sunmier. ;ir>cent.s, Tea or Tablets. Z. W. Nichols.

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