MINER & BREKSE. Our County—Its Progress and Prosperity the First Duty of a Local Paper. BREVARD. TRAiVSYLVANIA COUNTY, N. C., FRIDAY. MARCIf ;]]. ]90r,. Daitns Hock Ledge No. 26? F. Ji. M. Meets l-’i-itlay on oi- before lull moon i 11 (‘acli month, at p. m. Visit inir Masons ’ ai-e eoi-ciiaily invileti t.' witll IK. sptly Wm. Maxwell, Sa-'</. Conestee Lodge No. 237, M(‘ets evx'vy Mtmuay ni^ht at o'ehiek. Visitin^:’ brotiuMs are cor- liially iuvitiMi to visit us. D. B. HANCOCK, N. G. Transylvanici Lodge No. 143, ! If tluM(‘ aro any povvors which may ho thiIIKiiMjf ol' hclpitijj^ th(Miis«*l\c.s t.»a pi t‘C*e oT ('liiiM'se soil, tliey would do well to <*oiisuI( 'Kokio first, j “J. Edwanl A(ldi(*ks fias broken rc f * i C .1 ' his sileiH'.*’' s.iys u Wilnniiif^^toii (5is- ir $25^000 per year can be rai seci i. or three patch. I;il<‘sl report was th.-jt -I t rt 11 * f , had also l;n)k(‘r. Ills “clieck liook.” years to advertise Brevard, the ibllowing sub-, it iippeais ti.iit n.e i» ; preserviii<; harinntiy l»ctw(‘(>i» tlie i-c- scriptions are madet FIRST HORSELsr.s carriag: Vancanaon Invented a Mnrvelons Motor One iliindred und Fifty Years Ago. i , ' ' |{i>oular eonviMition e\'- orv "i'i;esu;’.v ni;^iit in ?>la- simir liali’. Visiting- Knij^nts ;ire <‘ordi;iIl> in vited to alt Miti. V.fcLCH GALLO'^VAY, C. C. Brevard Telephone Excliange. Hoi'Ks: Daily—7 a. ni. to lu ]>. m. Sunday- S to ;(i a. ni.. 4 to (> ]>. ni. Centi-u'i Otliee- :\b-Minn liloek. Professxoi^al Cards. W. A. GASH, Sylvan Valley News 1,000 J.F. Hays i,000 John W. McMinn 1,000 W. P. Whitmire 1,000 1,000 1,000 F L DeVane Z W. Nichols Who gives the next $1,000. ('orresi)on(li'nc(‘ Nr\s s. All l!i(' fuss nnd lioi’s. f;iiv j t'arroiiado, tiddlest icks aiul tho jchea[) and l;iwdry bhii’o ol \ ruin- ATTORN E Y~AT-LA*Vv^. i attotidant upon tin- inani;-!!- ! ration oi' a i>rcr>id(;nt ol' liu'sc> Oil h.i?; certainly lost ils reputation for stillin”- troubled waters. 'TIk* various i)owtM’s are be^inninjj;' to look over their spring stuck of ul timata. Rooms 7 & 8, McfirVinn Btd’g. Brevcrd, W. C. W. E. DUCKWORTH, ATTORNEY AT LAW. InvestigstiOR of Land Titles a Specialty. Ivooras 1 and Ll. I‘i(*V:elsiiMor Ibtiltiin; ZACHARY &. B,\EF:S ATTO R N EYS-AT-LA W Offires in Mc?*inn Bicck, Brevard, H. C. publicati lactions in Xew York by appointiu*^ ni 'ii whom ucitiier faction wants. lietwei'n the “yt^llow” p(*ril abioad and th(^ “red” peril at home, liussi.i may be p.irdoned lor i'eelin^^- blue with a dark i»rowu t.iste in lic'r moutii. Kob^i't Stovens')n. Writin.i;' in 1i;e Loiidoii S;;here. Mr. Clenifiice Sliorfer talk's up the ciid.acl to dellu'one Stevenson in tiiis Avise; Any lialf do/cen rn'tics \v!io iire in ncrree- mcnt i-;:n crtsily plac.' u m-:i\ <!>\ a clc, !ind th'- rc'.'-t of the v.ritcrs in in ws- pnpcr land will lollnw blindlx' in his i)T\'iipp. I-ct it 1)0 Lfi'ant'ii t!’..it :ir. Sl<‘\‘iisrui v.’as a plonsant urit-T. that hi.s iire L‘;land” a capital Punk for hoys, that tils “Ma;-tcr of r.allantrac-” i.s a n ail- aPl<‘ stor>' for s'rown ij's. that hi.s “Vir^in- ibiis I’ljcrisque” is a rcmarl;a!)l<‘ volnri-^c of f.ssa\'S and that in his “ChiM'.'; (']nr- dcn of Versos” tiic ix- is much to i>P‘asf' the little onp.s. Certainly Su.-vcnsim was an ir.uu.'-'trioii.s and an asr<- 'aP!o writ«’r. and ho had a sense for .'-t.'-lo that fow have today. U'Jt that i.s (jiiiio uno; li<'r ihin;.;' t<^ his bt'injT :i Rroat writer, which, ti> road some of tho t‘uloj;ics that liavc Pi'0!i paf's- ed nj>on him, one mi}:;ht be m:.si'?d into assuniinK- Thu f^Tctit writers of every fiio;']! are those wlio strii'.e ;i new note, who bi« ak E>v.a\- from con vent ii^n. Not in one sir.';;e department (pf }p.s lit<-rary wc.-rk did WELCH CALLOWAY, ATTORNEY-AT LAW. I’raciii’es in all the eom ts llo(ans ;t ami 10. McMinn I'ilock. MisceHaiieoiis. The JEthelwoid Tiu‘ <’olorado rc^ptiblicans have “Slieriaapbeilcd’ th(' tleniocratii* oovornor. r^Iissouii liad to bo shown a “<;ood deni” belorf* it mado up its mind to j Stevenson break away from convention lUit the readei’s aro not few wlin re- memltor lliat they tiirnfHl t-i Sit'vensoc as a r«‘liol’ Iroui the eonvnitioii.iiity of tho dominant sclmuls when he stepj-t'd into the arena. In fact, a love of lic- tion was restored to mnny )>;icksUd('rs hy ri'adin.i^ “Tre.isnre I^laiid.’’ ’‘Kid- uai)ped" and '‘Piaster oi li.'.ii.-tntrae." ('l.'Ct that StMiator. • iamay y»*t oveiwiielm J i by imposing’ on it t1u‘ nece.sslty of i feedin;^’ so iiamy prisoners. ' will I United St;itps aro piLSsed and jsifone, the crowds liave n'oUi'dj iawav, loavini:’ tho poclcetboi>k's ol’i jUie "saloon and 1ho S.oU-1! may vvt ovotxvnolm .la|,un man ph.'tlioi'ic in t !u‘ capital city of the nation, which is tho sole ohieci ol all this rot thai occni-s| l'iin>|«tkin .loul.tUss win ai.j.rc' l,on. ovoi-y four yoai'S. Tlinv is ‘'"■'■‘I'"'-can ,lo . " • +1- in the wav of beinj^ captin’(*d. not a man in tl.c cit_* noi, tluv0.i-, • ] some measure of ^reatne^s eicist !>< roct boneliciai’V ol' all this nois(*| A hitie “pocket edition’’ol a‘'tate i •iccordcd to a v.-rii?r who wii^s .-url and bciitire'' of tomto.MS wIkj is I)olewai‘(‘ will be a.blo to ' holds the a.Pe.uianee of two eontiiienis.. sorr'' that it is (.voi- alon^’with (»ne senator anyw.iy. | A half t’o^en criti-s and -tlu? v,-i-;'<*r-. ' I of ncwspaiicrs'’ mav st.-tri ;’.ii at:;!;-'-v’s Someday maybe the Dooph^ o! j -Next timc--If there is a next tim(>| tlio n:iilon will have tlu' ij'ood ■ I'-aiopatKin win be t(*mpt<*d to beuin j r,, p/.,. .pie the s;ii>.i.-i ‘ • •• •'■ j of s(‘rio;is cri!ieism. Si(>\(>:;so;i is re;;;i ! and i'er(*;id by adnhs v. lio wove l.r.»Ue;iii I up on the nuiscers of fiLilon. If further proof were needed of the lictuui that “tlierc is no new thiiij^ U!i- Jer the sun,” it lias he(-n su[i[)Iied hy au article in the Ivevue .Scieiitiihpu'. 'whic'i traces the invention of the autocar to tlie in^-enious meclianician. Vauean'^ori, just L")0 years In a meniormidum recently hron'rht to li^>-ht, it i.s ri-eorti- (’d that \'aticanson was iioiif;r( (! in 171S ])y a visit from J.oil is XV. for the [)i;rpose ot" inspectiiif,>- a marvelous carriage That ran witlioiit the .aid of .i Jiorsc or any vi.sihlc means of propul.'ion. 'I’worie;- sons took their seats in the veliicl. , which s( eiTis to have heen as ^ror.vecr ^ J!s a slieriff's carria'je, and were (iriv. r. roniid theconrt\ard fo the sat is fact ion of h is majesty and of I>uc de Mort ema rt. •M. dt’ L.aiizun, ,M. d'.\ve/.ac, and c'l.er* members of liis suite. Hut. thon^Ii .a jiromise uas secured of royai patroi - au'e. the Academy of .Sciences dt'clnre ! tfiat such a conveyance could not l;t? tolerated in the streets, and the scheme was nipped in the hud. The motive [’f)wer was sujiplit'd b^' a Iniye <doclc spring-, so that only a short journey was jiossihle, hut the ^fear seems to have closely resembled that of tlie horseless carria<res of to-dav. LETTERS TO FAMOUS LIEN. Thi' j)rivate letler?^ ol' the j)riiieo < \Val:“-' are vc:y nai;u'rous. fo - ’.i.- r - t!\e> k; ( p liini in liuicli ;,!. Pi,' intcre>;.'- tiicm. liis slstih-. ihnr>i-. -- i-’reci- i i. I^. is a charmii'.^^ iettt r-\v i .i t r. arid ei-rre.'^punds with the j)ritn.e rci^- iiitiri y, 'I'he j)resident of the French r< piil>- lic is siii;! to rtei'ive thiily Too ii ite;-.-. M:d ih.’.-e are made iij) :.s i'ol:u,\>; iIelti.r.-f. LT.u; petiti 'n> >,);i j.Mlitleal a'.r.iii’s. ix.i.t ion;- i‘ri!nir.al>. P.o; c(.i;i[;Iai!,’.s va rious fu'.e; ioi'.arie.". also Kill; aui.'iiy- inoa^ li t 1 i -1',-, eoii t a!1 ny' i n> n i i>•>. and t ’ireat.' of a^sa.'-inat ii.n, L''i. 'J'lie (hilly post h'.iL.'' ai M;irll)orouL’’V. l-lrevarirs New lyotel J p.dcrn Ai>-' poinlTU' tits—upen all Tii<‘ y> ar. j d Tlie piati-oiia'.e of the traveiin;-' i.ublic ! (| ui j sonso to eh'ct a man ])l■o^.i^.l('nl j will) win ('schosv all tliistoinmy- I I'ot and v.’ho Vviil rcd'tisj to have hiVivthin.iT to do witli it. lk‘will !bc unpopular 'wiih tli<‘ saloot> ' aii<l Ihii hoU'l nii-n. V)nt h(> havt' iho iViaid':?^ oi all tho pud order!V poojtlool’ tiio H’ .tCuro})atkia ever readies St. I'o tersbur^', he will likely bo wfarin;. a “dcljiveil in tran>m;ssi(!n” ta;^’. I I Oount (’assini, who is now f-'crs in:, !t would seem to boa h.ard Job for! the exar :;s ;iml.;!s.';;i<’o!- to the i'i)it:>d i\urupal kin to a'-ranue for the tr.ins j hr.s oeou iu tue iliploiiiiiti portarion of wiiat is left ofh.is c.rtii nouse, 1. ; don. coat ain> .'Oil! ■ 1 1 a'l;-- dii.aiv h •:ter.'. li.\ one pO.' ■. I Ip . <■ ar- v'eti I !: • following' A re<i' I I’or .a h an <>!' Mi;() to t . h.!■ . iiii< i.t i.t '■iMoaioi! ;.^y to star: for Airi a; : i * ^ * ti'Ui .1 a piT.r (.!■ I hid .V t,, i''' ■d; a 1 fV.\ r \ f ; !• !:: r (;aii;ri; t':\ vl. ^ Ii- he m:; ;■! iv'd: a ])! ■. ■ ; j- 1 ai a !’rei,ch i i.. nt or (^i' 1 \ d i 1. J • .- - 1). i.-piiiir the prince >f \\ : :.-s To 1 ■ r. a: d div- into tl::- il:e w !;i 1 1. n< \ ■ \i.-ited I ’arls. and a calm r. <p!( fui n:o:iey to redoent a work n;:’.!', .' t c ■ tds. i.r -r.lv,.. i,<...[■• 1 . ;• • a.s well as suiumor touris ted. ()pi). v'ourl iiouse. i,ri v-‘.rd. X.('. Oycfe'srti! & Gq ! ci: V ;!t;d tIn* count pv. 'J ;|b E it'd t tbu I'.v itat If^ ijn It & ^ Rooini 3 2i;d4, Block, Brevsrd, N. G. Huy ani’i stdl :ill kmdr^ ot iJoai l',^tat>^ ('olleet reiiis. a.i i att''iiu to ]a'(>p- ei’ty when ov.iic!’ is tily.-oiit. Farniiiig and Tin>Ger Lanils a Spsciaity. Sf'!'\'- i«-e h:‘!f a cejituiw. lins.-'ia’s le;idi:;'.r ! ,tr('nerals and adauirals a.nd the cza.r's 1 h(‘ Sa.nio laui'inoo treaty hasco j (•(>i!i>.s«»'lors and mhiisters aro confii-ms th(.“ suspicion lh:it tho I’n- - ! men of advamn-l a.ire. Some tl.-ty, and ! ] f t!,(‘v an.' to copiiinue this idi- iih>nt h:is a Sen;ii<'bronclio to-‘bu.-t.” ! that h(>fore y(>uni;- Russi.-i will locitv. thou why in the nam.,‘ofi ... , | ^-ou^e imo power, ami the empire may i " 1,1. 1 (>! a I mu* .11 l(\.st ( olo? pIo i.n oo- | jj, step wiih hiotU'rn p.ro.ia'oss. jcemmon .sen^o oo ^ip no ii;o-|,>y i,, j, ,>],[y | ji-hap.i'O th(? dale ol iio'dinir 1 .ii.' o-overner. It v.'ill he a novel ex.'oc;. i Soui'.dina-tho r:l(>rieM of’progress with . inaui’'ur;i1 ion to tin? -!0 da v ol cnc**. |a hv^ ha?o tlram is a.il very Vk-('il. pr?-- I ivive :l 1 .'iii HsIiiUoT''; -•X p. i:i. ■d t :t 1-': p.’. p. m. !• he ,\'>rir:' Vt.'u ea!i be as.su l eil oT nas'u. .1.11, s! v.oatliei' (>n r;H.-ord of Miirch eaeh y(\ar in j,.. I on t !p 11! I i s ( I .‘oar. Ii'-icii inauu'uraiioii, se >mo V ol any tiliK' durin.ir tbe j, And e:;ch yi'tir or al h'a.st ! vidin"' the raci el does :ut slitle la; voiee^; of th.e !’'ve('. foe.r. tive anii s;:: It ai.-o ])){)inises t;,> | ,,j(} po.v;’, a;id. .uLi'l.-: v.’ho t iil in f.'.;-- ilii'Sian hopes and tories from ten ;o il/'.eeu h. ?Tak<]en is fi’tnoi;s :is 1 he tomb of; »'hine^e royait.v 'i ■*! Ol < niii;. .-av.- '!• Mlh' (■ iiS M;ir- Jk iLDiLiSi ll niii and Btiltdirig Materials. \notIp'r cliarye .-ifi'ains; (Joveru'T .'.(h'.ms oi‘('olorado, se.nus to b(‘ that | he v.as ;-lected l.!r;;ely by r(^plii?lican ; vot<*S. ! ; tV/eill.V-f:)Ur. 'f’i'O i word lo h''p on t ic comiiiir Iheir w;!v. o,. W ! ! ! Pr-'s ed t.nraber l/.iths .shiiiules S Blinds Locks Jlititrc.s Window Piille;> < Pbi'-terin;.- ir.iir ('cin-nt I.illlC K• ‘Ud >' 11‘. >ol 1 a^ I’liU.X' I.. wiii'kiv. i.;,is .Sash Cori'i .;;;d \\ < .'lits McCormick Reapers and Binders Mowers, Rakes, Corn Cutters and Grain Drills. eor. Main and e:)i<iwell Pi;i:v,', K1 >, \ (' Administrator's Notice, il-jviiiic f|uulilied as admnii tjrtcr oi' P. .s. Ms Ke'vy. (ii’i-i -.isi' l. li'ti‘Tv,insy!vtn5;i coini- fy' S.f’ . tlii' i' to ticp v all hi'vin.t; Hsii'ns i)(7Miii't tl"- c'-tate "i' suid. dci (-.■'••d to i>v- liihit tliein to ilie ur.di-is.fiia’d on <.i-ln-inre tiie 1 irh d^iv o! Fi>bre.;iry i>r this not <v will he I,load in liar <M their lecoM i v. All }i(a>ou.« ni- dcbt-d to Silid C'tMte will iil>'as<‘ r.t-ive iluii'cdi- ate pavmeat 'tins t.ib <i:;y o.‘ F.'briu.rv, i<^c>. W. H. ?,I( KKLVY, A'.i.'niii’strator. 'l\.o ('/:ir of Ibi-Sia to the of (’olor:i(h\” whoov(‘r Iu‘ ma.v Write n;e how von o’ot alon;^-. verv miich inter(>stcd. \m ! i Vf si of di-a1 ii iroin colds coi'.i I'tict- t’d from ('Xposure tp.Kb-r incp'm- ont si-.ios wiiile the ])fcsi(h'nt is (iflivoi'in.n' ids inau^'uial address. This time tbf' \'ictim was (i('ar old Senatoi' Bate. <)f renipvsseo. Ko took cold and lived only four day.s allef sittiii^’ lif'tei.Mi mnnitos in tlie cokl Alarcii wind Ihtit was blf)wini'' wiiih' on the revp.!wini»' stand. Ther<.; is no b.:ihn_'; how many more that we will mn’er iu.'ar of, and thus it is al oax-h ]-e- euri'inir inau‘j;'uralion. ^I'his p. ir- ade of nonseiLst* and ntd.st^ is be- eoLiiing’ p^realt?!' eueii lime. J'rit'n- ei- the Ainei'iean ])eoi)le arc* j^et- tlnj.^ closer to the idetis of the el- |tiiouoht tiiat all theforoiyn countries Hite moniu'chies of the old world. j‘-know about him.” ap.d long to havt' a king to install on hi.s throne, or else are going ho tire'r ii'/i; I'lif* I'cadcrs of this p:',]ier Viill ple.as.'d to !e-irn th-;t ther<“ is a( le:ist ^ oar die.'idful disi^asc th:‘i science iias | heen able io cur(* in ali its sta;;('s, ■ ' Curi- i- the oid.v positivi' etne now Indiantv towns r('i?:'I’d it as a ^ [.^iKnyii to tlte m<*dical iVaternil.v. in a(Ivanc(> wluMi 1 h(‘ c.indidalc's for ! (Vdtn rh beino- :i constitutional di.<-| ^. , ma.yof t h.row questicm m;>rks iiistoad j ojiso, rern;r(*s a const itutioiml treat- i ol ‘‘mud” {it each oth<*r. I ;uent. Hall’s Catarrh i'nvv. is tala*n ^ all :i!:iMU-‘;;-. ': ! ‘‘ ^ b-onljit'd a d' i ‘s'M in my ; e’'■ ! s“\-!>r d I'ir ' r' - I it ■ - ! ' ! ' - ; •?( : . ( •. , ,i Ms-« «.f :hp ';e s;;lU ;.aii;f;,I '-.t whr ean be oht;; ine.j tor :i s:>;.ill < )iiO ap])l!f;',tMin jiivc' pv(v i ? :ph1 iis--ontimuHl us(‘ Ibr ;i slmr w id pi;.'du. <- a permriiu id cu.'e. I'\f .'••.1'.' :>y 'A. \V . Ni.'..'0>. ;;;■ ‘■\v ill < ^ V-. ‘i- . ■it;(' mv; :.<■ . • t.^s : 1. I til 1 he total value of fish Landed on tho ^ , English and Welsh coasts durin”' A!i anti-tr!)st law has Ixhmi d('c!,ii'-1acnni:- d'.iecti.v upon i1k‘! amounted to .iiG, an inetvaso ot! od const’tutional bv the Ohio Supr(‘-| nnicops surfaces ol th.e' r.early a quartt'r of a million over the s.vstem. rh(“re!).V destroying t h(> ! total for t lie preecdir.,<:;-year. fi.undari.n of tim disease, and -iv-i are .^nne OO.ooo co^termon<rers ^ , , , . , I carry on business iu th.e streets ing tho ])di(>nt stren-th by nuiid-j Their capita! is supposed ing p.p th.e constution aiul assisting} he £ Tjii.riS)!), \vhilst tl.ev ;ire said to do me court, and yet tia'y ,siy th.it tin* ‘•age ot mirach's’’ is past. In declariii”' Ih.tt he would !U)t ;ic- <*e]»t a diplomatic nppointment, !Mr. Addicks may bt‘ inspired b.v lh<* ci-azy. It i.s the opinion of all right thinkir.g ]:)Cople liero that the thing ought to be stopped. Japan will not (u'niapd all th(' “riohts iinil pf ’lidues’’ which it nature' in (htini;' its work. The pro- trade ilurin”- the year of three mil-* pri'etor.j liave .so much faith in its ; of this turnover are I about a million, curative ]MWors th.it they offer (hu‘' Hundred DolliU’s I’or any case th.it it j It w ill britio-i i-h re.l hlood, lirni fails to cure. Hend for list of testi-j I’lesii autl iirt.scl,-. Ti.at's v, !i;\t Holl- moniiils. Address: 1". J. (”n!:>;i:v »V' i ister’s i?ocky MoutiL.iin Tea will do. nught exact in Manchuria, .as thort'U.’o, Tolo(h), O. Held by I)ru<igists j Takini this montlL i:eops you well ure a number of thorn that it d(;os | 7.‘c. Tak > Hall’s I'amiy Tills for j all summer. ;>r'Cents, Tea or Tablets, not want. I constipation. 'Z. \V. Nicnols.

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