SYLVAN YALLKY NEWS THE OLD RELIABLE McMinn Hot€ Wl. B. WATERS, Manager. 'ro-day isdootl l-'rida;,—your (‘urly beans. It. r.Caiivt of A''iiovillo was a Uri'vard visitor tlu'lh'sl ofthis \v(‘*‘k. : 11(‘ <niilo projx'rty iii- 'Ti.rooMirli’v ivnovat*'!] ii-oin i\it(*lnMi ; trosts hero which ho is looi-ciii;^' al't(‘r. -•> Moilt-raU* I’riri* to si.r»;i (lay arrordiii^ to I'cuniis. ;ittentive Waiters. Clean and Comiorlablj RaoniS ■\‘a a Sifi'i'l r>]t])ositi' 1 *o<l<ilViri'. Brevard, N. C. We still have oii hand plenty of COAL Ami Wf als(> sell WOOD Miss Al*lri(l,;j:o. a Xi'vy I'.opii^ar y.niiii'C ^*;:(ly ^vho has 1xm‘71 wintrriiii: at 1hi‘ Ilt'miiivii; hm, ro- tiin'ioJ to h>'T homo at Syracnso. X. Y., last Fiiday. 'riicrc' w ill ho i)r<‘aci»in^ at tho I irt>- vard lM’{‘sl)y((‘ri;»n idiurcli on nc'Nt Sunday at 11 a.m. Suhjcot: ‘I'ruit l>y i'allinu'.’’ Picachiim' at j)a\id- ^on [’ivcr at 1 j>. in. Little I liver at s p. m. (hi l*'riday hi^t word n'aehcd I’.re- vard tiiat Doll ^^.iahaUre had h(*m s(‘riously cut in an altercation with \Va(l(‘(iaUowjiy. 'l'h(‘ SherilV with two (k“iHiti(‘s imnu'di-itely h'ft for the see;u‘ Init w» r(> unal)l(‘ totind Mr. vlalloway, wlio iiad dissapi arod alter tilt' tr(.u!>!(*. 'I'Ih'atlVay oceured lu'ar th(‘ home of dolin I). (Joihiway and Mahatlee was lonnd at tin* liou-^c of a Mi-s. Smith, .'eeordinj; to hi-; ver.-ion (lailoway had b('en (h’inkin;i\ and tiu' atteak with a knife was without pro- vo: tion. As only (»ne sid{> has heen heard frc'iii it is safe to res(>r\-.* jiid;^'- mer.t until <lallow;iy has a eieiiuu' toi teli his >ide. sherili' rrtnrned: S.itunhiy without makiii”' any ar-1 i When buyinjT loose coffee or {inythin" your ^ocer happens to iiavo in his bin, ho',v do you know What y^u are ? SoiiiG queer Htories about coil(!e tlia is ko c in )u couLl be told, if the people who handle it (j,^ioceis), cuie to Could any amount of mere talk havo persuaded millions of housekeepers to use llev. Woodall of (Mv(U\ X. will .re^ts. i ! ^ ! he^in a ilible scJax!! at I’lri'Vard l!;',])-! >!a!ialte.> has t wo S(*rious ya-iics in i • ■ is oat I'iat:' ii' ; I i.f livi-r it to \'oii al . < .. '. ('ca 1 in 1 .''.'a 1!>. lots a: I \\-~ : \\\ l(‘>s (juati'i’;:'s at & ti L ^3 5^. J Lh y ^'j t i i 5 •• jfj ^ IT ' "i-— iv' have li'- M oiir '.von, :•.! oni‘(‘ to •l'u1 bo'.iics ti't chureh < ii i'riday ('”’, April 2^. at S ()\dofk. 'i'hc ]!uhlie is invit »mI to att(‘nd. lU'v. Woodall is ex- p('( ted to till the 1 lapti^t pulpit on t lie iifih Muiday mornin;;' and evenia^. 'I'l;;' r(';ri;lar \v;UM-:!y mo;-tiu;r ‘ i' i ••''ndoin . srcii'iy v^.-s ]i'>ld at >h(‘ I’!Ts')yI(‘:-iau chiirr]) ( li !ast Wi-dmsviay ovot'.invT. Mis.- : ''.u.lali Tav ^a(l. (I. and s.'Vi r- al int. ri -^.ti!!';: ] aiH^rs < ii 'Ir’istian ■•eci'o:. ;ii 1: ' w.'Vv' rs'ad anddi^i-iii-.-'rd ' . y 'ill: s.' in-'.'so’iv. — , Sovi'ral L'tt-'vs v.i'i-o V(‘c, ivo'.l ('!•) la to i'l r t liis is>'!H\ liioy wi'i appea !• iK'x i wool:. (''Ihormat- V ’1oj‘ iiitt'vc'si covJd not lii' ]»u! in ty;);’ for this isrMl;“. oilico i'.'}-;-!' is W'w’ciiiLr ovc” ■ i;idin>: ■|:air- and -hat J ;■> is oiV -aiv ii:;7ids ilio ni'\',s]'.ani'" wHl In* s: no-.:';'I tnl. hi-^ iM'ck and shoulder, hut ia*ith(‘r is eonsidmMi dau^ei'ous unless hlood poison int(“rv(‘;;s. < !i:r county ”'aiuinu' worthy notoriety a-; a lui and law-a!lidin'j; section and this hi’each of the peace is ”reai ly reu'rett ed hy ;dl ,u<>od cit i/(>n-;. the leader of all psckasc coffees 11 i. 1 1 .1 1 * of a century, if tliey had not found it sujierior to .nil other ) a h.h m Parity, Slrcnglli, Flavor ssiid Unilormity? Business Locals. Ti»is populer success oJ L50N COFFEE can Sjc due oniy fA inherent merit. There is no stronger p:*ooS of merit th^n con tinued and increasing popuifirity. El flie verdict ofi MELLXOIVS OF IFOUSEKEEPERS does not convince you oS She merils o5 LEON COFFEE, is costs you bill a triSIe fo buy a pacJcajje. It is the easiest way to ccnvmce yoarselfi, and to make you a PEaMANEXT PURCHASER. I,IO\ f'Opj.’Kp; is po!(l only in 1 II). pp«Io(1 packHses, and reaches you a.3 pure aiui dean as whcu it left our fp.f't'iry. I.ioii-ho!ul on cv(»ry pnclca^e. Save these Lion-heads for vali!al)lp promiumg SOLE) B¥ GS«>CESS EVERYWHERE WOOI.SON SPICE CO.. Tolpilo. Ohio. every Cv.^' own ;it I' r , I a I'l • < • i sill-:: oi .r,''; in till' ser'.ed at ihe pritv CO,man wi.l i (»I • c!; ler i 1 !-’verytnine' U(‘W at Whit nnrc now. 'fiK' llarne itcliell. aiilder. — '!\ ]\1, tr( .hi>t arrived a new lot of hats .-it Vs. Nita Norton’.'. .\ u(‘W lot of l'urnitu;’(‘ and :.!at- ' al ( la vtoii’s. ( a.r lo;id Xo. ;') oi‘ I'('r; ili/cr Ju.-1 an ived at . i]. < lavton’s. New f'li r.iture aiul hou^e furni- ;i- arri\ in;^' at J >i-\’aiH‘'.'- (iail \. ('nr >i>ecial roasted c<iH\‘(> at ! Tn- jvi-ati-iaci ion.—'f .'.1 itcliell. i'^.xaiiiint* the (p'.alily of i>e\’ane's ,ras< a.i.d ciover 'ced> iu'fore \'oa i uv. •i a V. ; \V( ii'l:. r Only \v( a-: 1 l.asl wec'k two pa-^'es ol‘ our pam phlet wrile-nj) v,er(.‘ transpo'ed in tli(' inake-r.p and we repu!ili>h it' tili'; Week a> it shoual Ix'. We could j not hav(* made such a hlund(‘r i'' j •.ears :!^() hut are not as yonn^’ | a>; we used to he.” Any one wa.nt-! lU^ extra coi>ics can'jet th(‘ni at ti.i-l eiilct', or of (iailowav. l)uc!\Woi';h u j ' j I will he awa> from llrevard art(‘r ( >ur l>onds avi> suppo'iMl to he soh 1 ^I-'.'’? -'l>ril 'JJ to •■;<>.— I). S. and ^iayor i'-ell nnd >'fia-et;,ry A. i\. ^ :-iwixin". i nr wi-nt to Washiinaton y(.‘>ti‘rda\ !o seal a'rl d('liver tiie sana- t<< {j,,. late.-i !\ew York linanciers w ho have ! \\'!,it h(/UL;'!it tlieni. Tbe pu:cha>in;j,’ jiar- | j tie-'ari’lo nn c*t the Urevard reiire-j f •'(■ntatives in Wa>hinu'!on. .''.'ext I k I weekvvehoix* lo t;ivt“ lull pariu-u- ^achovia Loan Sp Trust Co. ASHEVILLE (N. C..E.aANCH. Oapilai SSOOjOOOj Assets $4,OiO;424 T, 3. MORRiSO:i Oiin!. a Viss-Pres. Vi. 0. WILL!A!,!SQf!, CssLler. GEIBAL OAliffi, SiVilS AlO IBOSI IBmmil Act< a.' (ina.r.iiaa. i’,v<‘c’.ito!-. A^iiaiai.-'ti'ator. 'frastee. cte. Will ];a\c yoac will by t.a la\vv-')-.s i;; tli ■ >tat<- w.tlioiit rliai-Lie. 4 Far Csal M la Savings Oepar^so! ggd on Osrllfieate new lot of Men :uid hoys hats .'tyie., last arii\ed a.t A laru'e sl'.ipnient of I’aint-^ ju>t receivi'd at l)e\'ane's and t!iis i-^ tiie ; im(“ to oaini. i, lars. 'ro!i! ,\ p! il ; j( a\- 1 -t I will a'i»ent i'.’oni i’.ri vard. i'( in;^' work wiil tak.- notice ent i't. >ns want Me 11; rl,r am. i! V.O Lev. 'ir. ( lia’iman w ill oificiate ;;t : i. l‘hilip'< on ila-tei- .'■'anda;.', .\i)rii! ornin” service, ho!\- c‘<):i;nuin-! auii '•.■i-nniU :it ll. Sulj ct: ‘‘'rhej W(> are Oil’orUied that the Moidi lA;alied i iidetaiier." <'hiidien's ’ ia--i'i i to < o. -er'.a!; ve '-lininu' < o.V , I . :ia'servic,. at Ser\ ic<‘ on ' ;oo(i ;-ioek w ill he ad\'aiic.-d tVom to ; • 1 i'riday, April L’l,a; 11. < liilth'en’,- per .-liare on .';ay 1 !;ext. 17 It - 1‘vice al r.;)n. Si*r\ire on [|oi_\ ^'at'ardiy, pril 22, ai ■>. .\il ai'( u elroa.e. \ at(‘r < 'o. met on a i;d adjou! iM d lo j 'I'he llrexard j >»i ii 1 , •">. I V: t n: <iay, ,.!ay •>. 1‘.Ui i. \' .:ii.tu-sy()ua-e-; .lau-h-l I )i'( M)()> il: o i\ i( ;• oi n-Uis, V. a- married ia-t | n,*;. j-y'-dav afteriioon to .Mr. f'rid;a:i‘S. * '■ 'ciioii •'.•.eiaan on tli.'Tra s\-jvania (•a;lroa<l, at theliona* i;fh r i;ith(;i foi.r laiU ' altove tov.ii, M o;»i’(‘ ofiicia.i in;^'. 'Die iiai)py con j>le left (ai tlie C*;:!''' train lor <^>ueh.c, iiicii Vi ii! iK' their fiitur*,- hon.e. ilie Xi.n\ s (',\t(‘l’ds he.-t Vv'i'iies. V > 5 H r ^ ij 'j Ji ■* _».* 'I ll ^^jA '■^fc :;in~xl- a D <3 V 'Vy /'Vv^ 'ria-H' willl)ean old time-'•in^in;^' at '.ia.dy I aaacli chmch la-Ui.^ tw<> days he;4iiiiiin;4 on .'■■'aturday before ;l;e ."ec<,>nd;’.\' in M.;v al o’clock, 'file (Jrr hrolh.ers wid he tiieri' and tlu‘ir a.-sistaiice. r‘sei;ih!)(;rin',.i' Suialay scho(»!s are re- (jU — ted to h(‘ out hoth day^— -rin;: yoar>in^in;j,’ hoo!:(*;ind luncii ha-kets an I h. V ■ a --oiid time. A c.)Ii« clii n ! !at>I Mor(‘ ' at" and ^draw I iat -I ^’ou h;i v(‘ iio i.!:*:i iiow nrmy liat" i’.rc‘\ard wii! iio'd, aor li.iw cla'ap liiC'v are ."oid, unie-.-.'.'ou s( e Weil' s >tofk aaal prire-. ^ i iiie and s. t‘. ' y aii (Jrder lai^ ine.-s ha-lunai so ^1)0(1 f«<r ih(‘ la.-i two month- 1 hav(>. ;.;s an a, la'e. iat ion of this hu-i- 111 s<, d< cide;l :i) prepa.y i he ex j iress on all or(ivi's anm’aatiau' to S ) and. LANDERS,rR.4SY & LL\BKfev \ Cutlery MAKES CAmiMG >1,1 v.-i'M ! / fl r’-'/rmj I :i M.t I >j t’ I ..i jj t* f; n fi K-» '-y ;i H I-' •• Lj tiH h' i' ^ ** f' n Sj i'i 'i.' ' ^ f f. i ^ 'I : w n - j M 1 a il mi aral :a ai.' :;y ca- r .'I- liN'. r-:, oc.i; ahl! n&;a;8. \ a I'll ’ (,1! \v 11 ; . oia- r. r. »- -.1 y. -X '.I-' »,j ^ S ii.c* i; V_)- . » ia‘ lan- V I v ama :ai!- ■o M(l.—'i'. W. \\ hii'i.iri'. win he mk-non to pay the « iitillg; UJtiCi £f (•IniycJi out of dehi.— ii. ('. -i J w:lwVi I (; ii!e>pie. 'Die cold snap whirli ha- destriiyed our prospects tor a pearii crop seem- rieatsrs Bui Grates r ruit and (Mrly veu'etalde- wire 'U^ I y 3 in'Q A 'lin:' of !’]nmht‘r's Hri-i)])lies. : •• 1:; .Fiiti-V'S. ele., oai ]ia7V,l. < a''l ^ or. a?)d Caldwi'll Sts. BREUJjPjJ, lY. C, kilU'd oV( r a lar^e part of TtMi’a.e-sd', (;c‘<»ruia, South and North !':i!-(;;jna and X’ir^inia, whil(‘ h'entucky es caped. !n ea,'t<*rn Carolina th“ a>^e t') tru-k t’arnw has haen im- m(‘ns(‘, and wheie cotton is uj» it i< al>o amoe.;;' the “has heens.” Wiien .any kind of <i storm injurt's th.;> i iiHauitaiu section il is .-alV^ to as.;ert i that other sections aie worse liit. A n auct ion -a 1<‘ of I 'a rmi r.i:' 1 mplc- nuMits, ho.:-(‘ fnrni-hin”s and otlii r u-eftd a i t icu- will place at ih.e i'oxaVv'ay (’oV store :it Sapphive on i'aturday, .\pi;l 'j'2. S<*(‘ po-;ers !'.;r li-t to h(* sohl. i'eopI(‘ who ii\’e ahove i!revar<l will do wall to re- meniht r the ,iate and hjok for tiu‘ list. L’r oi 'f-2) i ^ Kj '\»»tiC(‘.—i'i'oiM now l.d .\iU ii ‘J-jth 1 will pay each (a:>{o!uer w ho will com(‘ to r>rev:U-d and trade s;;, in ca-li with me their raihoad fare !»oth ways from any>lationon the 'fran- sylvani.i railroad. ?s'ow as th.esehed- ule has chan;.',<>d it is very eonveiiient for people wl'.o liv(' a!>ov(‘ T.revard to coiiu' and <:(>( wiiat yon w..nt a.'al j;o houK* till' same day and V(;ur ride V ill eo>t you iioihiiM^’. i;es[>ect{‘ally, T. Vr. Whitmire.. i eecl 'PJ 9.J hT.' T". ■ il/. 5^ 7ARD, N. C. 'p to (1 at',‘ Vehi(des. (S'; (lood i-idinji' and drivint;' iror><es. Attentive aad ea.i-el'ul Drivers. \Voi‘k for sininacM' visitors nfid 1h< ininacM' visitors nfid tlie 'ravelin^;' C tee. Orders hy INione. 'felejrraph oi- Mail promptly at’taiia'd io. 'I'vvo priiicij)al Main strec't ^tables, r.asso'^ nx-('t ::!) trains. i'V -

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