SYLVAN VALLEY NEWS a S J- F. HAYS, Pres’t E. 1’>. ALSOP, Vice-Preset THOS H. SHIPMAN, Cashier = Brevard Banking Co. J BREVARD, N. C. I g Does a general banking business and 1 solicits your patronage. DIRECTORS: J. F. TTays Iv. Orr K. B. Alsop W . 11 Jisii 1». 11. Deiivor T. S. l>t)s\vull TT. H. IJrunot Tliori. 11. -Shipman 1 o My F'riends and Customers . ♦ . Mnd I feel that you should all be that. 1 U’.int to t(‘ll you of soiuo tliiiiiis 1 lilc(‘ nnsl .‘sonio 1 don’t liko, nnr colVeo or j^ome otlu'r ariich' ani ve pe<»pU‘ who know wliat th<\v want aixl who know how to appri'ciate a kindness wlien they receive <>n«>. I like promptnos-; on both sides and all the time. And 1 tlo like monc'y and would like to j»ive some people* cri'dit for j^ood l;tri:(‘ amounts. Hut I don’t liko to down my floods and cut s nnples for pef>])le wlio are not rej»ular customers and who at tlio timo don’t e.\p(‘ct to l)uv—fsp<>ci;il!y wh(*n others are waitinj^'. I don't like lor any one to t(*ll me they c:ui do so and so som(‘v. here else, as 1 :un not doin-r otla'r ]t(‘Op](‘’s business. 1 don’t like tor p(‘0]»le to ijo souk?- whoro elst> and sptaid thc'ir money and tlien come to me tor credit. 1 nt to u;)y t ii r.'ii, rnilroaii mkmi I)',:;.’ it ^<'V( i couulis aiid <‘!d«*rly p‘(Ip <• b'l , it !<* I:i-iippe” says Muoi<‘ !,r((s., l^u|(»,i. Iowa. “Wo sril more of • banibi*.- Iain’s (%)U”h licmrdy Ihioi a ly oiikm kin»L It sc(>nis to haVi- ijikeii tiio ii‘,td over M'vi'ial si?hcr .”Oi)«t bnnuls.” I’luTe is no (juc't'on i>ui ti is OH'driiM' is the best tiiat can !)«■ procured !‘i;r coughs and cold-, uhetber it bi* a child or an adult tind is aillicied. It al wa_\ s ( ures and cures »jui'*!ciy. l ^■:! !e l;y W. A ici'.ols ]>i'cViX"ii. ;i r.ti < ). 1.. i-’i wi II < 'a 1 v<-i t. It would 1>(‘ uuirrateful to say that the cr!)ps of l‘.>u4 v.cro “too ?nucli of a Sood thin.u:.” At tin* s;iino time the blcs.Hiiiy; is a trreat iiUMUVonicnce in SonuMi’iiarters. Tli(‘trouble of iiarvest- iu‘4 a i)henon:e!ial yield is folloAvort by that of inovin:; it to ni.irkot. The r.-iil- waj's are s;iitl to be l.otler equlpi>od with cars than ov(m* before, and yet they cannot Ifandle the bu.sincss. ■»V<;rk 5 jis' IIjo “Tliat EiJulir’linirni v.''r> is visitinj? tIht Xnritcl'cs claims t;> b;> a lord.” “Yes. Arid tiio Nuritches are v.’orliiuj^ {h(‘ claim for all it is worth.”—Devroit Tribune. u •(• iu'V fatl.'ei-'s s'.ic h:id to and tl:-} 1, Only 9: CiobJs Cen ila BoIJ On Credit I W?e3cn D5rcc£ Froia OyrVJorE-Etr-.insTo'S'fsis H'ircsi'-Jo Of Peopi© AS! OssrTho W'Sf'jJ -ai ! .'jcyd ot t.;'" II ,» vett’,-at<*'!ur!ar;'0 vnr. I'nO ; lii'atcrs •Aai iiijiicil to • II.t rt*I .liriii;,'. n-.T c-y can S*e ;iur- ^ !■ '• ai- .'irt'-i'i., l-ca- ' ’ ,7 . ( r o-n r"(lit frornjk’ i j ■ ^ . lur.'.r'iro, * n;y dti L'nt’.able ^ I • ] i — — !::• Mt'.ii.P..ri<*r,j':0-r'vr.7>“5, as v.t l! us > •■■•! I,' Cur i-ur ;;p-re-:ii az:.!' arlivlcs !;,] i, \ir-' h I !>■ i. I.: i;i 11 \ Ki . \ 'i' I ;r t-ii'.o i.-; a!- \ ; U'!;. i'Tirj 'Si cii s ‘ i !ict:. It t t.-az: Is, v'l. Jtl-*.} '1 rjt? ^ • Jroji aiJ;);! -at sl.l maia' tlip-e st.vlf's of; f I'?': >-li<>:!!'< trv ,".u -‘.•'•'•'lyd ’>.«rrantmi t;> frivj standard Tv;)0%'.ritt'rs, i '•"■'■‘•'xi .'iut-ieali)!:one. cntiri'Kiffsfactlon rr your from ^ i.t<> U) ».■», . ;ii» !i-: it. niniicv b.’ic!: for tli3 askinp:. poM fi)rcasboroiicredit. Yc‘::? f<;:n3y tias DoafcSo VsSae V*lign L's far Yea St;y DirecJ from !cla*!t:?2c?iiircrs ai SJricJiy Factory PrjCES. ^ L ri' 1 - 1 n i>y(' .r v;it- i ■ :■ : io. i • ^'i,' :•')'! l.c j;cn'(JCt I V.’:‘;ls iur i'uii IniVit u:ution uisvl Froc deac.-iptlve lists. Address Z-iiSLEV^OOD CQ„ Gcnsclidaied Factcrlcs, OeiJj. , l.'finenibiT.anj-ono o:>n open n Ocdit Ai'foiint witli iiiattor wliiTf tlioy livf. and iit‘e i>i«r nooild wliile i>ayintf for tln'in. Oiir patrons liave all middk'nu'n's pnilits. CHICAGO, BLL. -i LOW BATES TO CfllrforEia and the Lasl 13ojk‘ ViJ!!ish «‘ used it for over 10 years and consider it a marvtMous throat and lunii' cure.” Strictly scientific curc* tV)r eouj^hs, sore thr.jats or colds, sure pr(*vt'utative of prieumonia. (Iciaraiiteed, Tide and si bottles at Z. W. Xiciiol.s' dru^’ store. Tria! t)Ott!e free. W031EX a:s1) iuNKLx;,; OCD NOTIONS OF SOr.'ii OF THE FAIS SEX ABOUT FINANCE. THWEST! PAC FIC THI 50 YEARS’ v2P E R ! e n c e CPCRATES ■^arryiti,:^ Pnllmun Sleepers, Cafe Cars 'a. la. carte) ;,iid Chair Cctr^ free). Ekctfrc Lighted TkrGvf>!'oui; E C T V/ E C N rlc:i;?n!3 and Ka?;5as c:ty AMO TO AL.'_ POINTS IM t cri*alor)ics AN D TH E Fai’ West anJ NoiTriwsst Trade Marks OcsiGNS Copyrights &c. Ar.vono soiidlni; n sUotoh and dppcripf ion may quicUiy onr <>i>iiiioii free whotlipr an iiivi'iii ion i;i ]>rnliMl)ly )>atetit!il)le. CotiimuiiiPa- tiimssirictlycoiitidciitial. HANDBOOK ‘>n I'.-ifeiita aiiit fri'o. Oldi'.-.t !i«ron<-y fur sof iiriiijr imtonts. r.-itonta tiiUi-ii throuL’h Munn & Ci). receive Si:e<'i(il nuticc, without ctinruc, iutlio jr fjaasis>B A hnndsonipiv illnalrr.tPfl-weoklr. I.firircst cir- -ulaiioii of niiy scioiititi<; joiini:!!. 'I’oniiH. §=:> a -t'ar: lour nioiith'i, ?^1. Sold by nil tio\vsdo:ilera. SiliJNN & York lira’.'.ch Oi'ic(3. (!25 F J-'t., V/asnji3;,'toii, L>. C. W'iil sell (ia.ily bciu'een :in»l Xovfinitei'I'.iU.'J, iov.'rule i-oumint ticki.'is lu pt.)iai5> in CDashington, Oregon, California, fdontana, Idaho, LDyoming, Colorado, N evada, Utah, Jirizona and New J^^ejcico. >li irt liiio, qn’ck time, no Inis tra:i'!oi.-, irri, rc< liiiniu' clmii -rai'J. iMi.'s. SL-hciiuios, iiKips lull iiiiurnui- !ii 11 write lo F. E. GLAmK, W. T. SAOilOERS, Tiavoliii-; I'ass. Ac;t. Ai;t. Pass. 1)0:4 ATLANTA. «A. A I'HEE PATTERN vojir (»'.vn '-t'loc?H»n ) to every sub- scriiuT. (^tily c»'nt.s a vt*ar. ('•'liU nniicc^ V. IT luniL cnnrirc, ui luo i r-j » i ] S TWe h.andsoniolv illnalrr.tPfl-weoklr. I.firircst cir- j 5-A•-I; ! ^ A? ilaiioii of niiy .xcioiititic joiini!!l. 'I’oniiH. §=:> a \ a .AiJ, %i >ar: lour nioiith'i, ?^1. Sold by nil tio\vsdo:ilera. THE CN'LV T.^iROUGE-5 5LGEP2NG CAR L8NC B2TVVEc:.'‘] THE SOUTifEAST A.ND KANSAIj CITV r Descriptive literature, tickets ar- rang^ed and throui^h reservatioua made Upon a.pplicatioa to 1ft/. T. SAy^DESS, Gen-l AoiT. Pass. Dz?t. OR TRAv.pAon. Agv., Atlakta, Ga "5“ Gcn’3 A.^cr.t Psacamrjor ATLAfCTA. GA. ; i o i own i anpayers. I t»v revai-il all Ta.\es due * for the ve:u- iiiH^t b(; paid at onc(\ 'fhe ta.\ list is now in lay iiaatis and (;ii! win' »)o not i>ay bc*fo!-e April 1:J will !ind theii- property .-idvertised. To save cost be prompt. .1. LOFT [S. 'J'own Ta.\ CollLctoi*. H0L[aic5T!:R'3 EggIcv ^ountaio Tea A Susy Me:Iioi?.9 for Busy People, Brings Goldoa Eeaitli and Eenovs ;d Vigor. A Rn^ciflc for CnnF.;ip:ition, IiKliccsiion, Live and Kiiln^y Trrm!-.!es, I’imples. F.i'ze.uv^, IiiiE-nr<» E;nl Breath, Sluyrff'sh Uowois, Il^adhclif* Hackacho. It's R(«?ky MouEtfiiii Tp;i iit t:'b' !.'t form, S.'S cpnts n, bos. Goniuue luado by lIoL.MSTr:a Dura CoirPAs-Y, Madison, Wis. fsOLDSra riUGGETS I-C3 SALLOW PEOPLE A LA3:i5’ fvlAGAZli^L A ivMn; ]*!at^s; latest f.isiiidiis ; I's^inakiii:^ f<'"iinmies ; faiu'y vviirk ; li 111 .f.ioal i.lilts; l:( etc. Sub- s< ril>c In sts n t'isTj- <:;:s c»l' I llis Obse:‘'« 1;» SLr women oi coai’.'f .’.i l ;i V<‘te:-.iii ‘•Uliiierstaiiil ilic roii- ui’ l»;iuk;i'.j^ I'roiii iiiv* cii->iuiii.'r'.s :i.a‘ it about as well as iiiea. Ltat llie t{iie<.‘i' Kl'jas tia* aver.i.u'c L >L iu 1 iii.'iiu-s.'j iias a;)v)’.ita woiiiil Liake a loleia pole i,ii;y;li. “i li.'St an awiul >il accorjit onc<* hecjitise i couldiri . «;iivilice ;i '.voajai: a noli.' ]!};t iu the bank tor col t-f- ti^iii is not liiua. y. J he < aia;.* ia oue oat a di'poslL slip ;i:;u iu (leoosiL a note ilue. 'i in? t^iicr told luT that be woulil lor\v;;;\l it lur collection. Tii.It sceaK'il to strilu' i;cr '■'.A ail I'i^'iit, and kci.i, uii cli>v-k.; a;.r.iiast licr a'-couij". “t.'ii*' overdrew iu a c:’.y (L becu paid and iniglu la* retana'*; unpaid. She l!‘.*w into a jj.i.-siou. Vs’h;il vlid >-lh> c*;ire about if.' J.-lie had it ia.o the bank, and .'■■lie ineaai lo liuve the i.’.-,)ney oa it. hat v.'cre IjtHi’;.; I'orV I e.irilioa'.i hi'r cii'jckla;' a;;',iins.': lae oi' ibe n:)tc nalil it ii:\d liei-n paiil, iiiU she v.'cul away ia a hf.i’i ;iad ke:vt i'i;;;ht v.a laakh;;^ ch.\ 1: ; aall! we had t> slop h..>r. V.e re.;i.a\l la'r clir(*ks, iaai‘!i;a:^ thc-ia *Xv)' ai'.'a then .she \viLh-..rev.' her ;icc-o:’.al. If larnt'd or.t to be a tland.y, l>al; to ihl;} day. I iiadersl.ind. sue can't st'e any dliJerene.* bt'lween iiotc;'.. clu'cks, drai’is and lurrcncy. -I'traa/vo as ii laay fcca', tlie number of v>'ouii‘U--hoacst', al);'ohite’y i^ailelcs.s women—w!;o v^'rito other iierson.;’ si;^- iialarvS to c'u'cks is lar;v. Duly to- ihiy, ior in.'tancc*, 11k' dar.ichlcr «,'f cat' oi! oiu‘ best ca ;t;);;-ers c.'.aa' into l!io bank v.’ith a c-!ieck for inailo pay able to iierself. “II<'r fallic'r’s name vras sipied to it, aa.'.l Iu‘ had plenty of money in llio bank, bat bis dau‘j:i:ter ha.d si;_raod Ids name herseir. \Vo e::plaiued to her tli;it we car.hlu’t pay out inoaoy on an oi'vlcr or requcxt. “‘i^ut,’ said idle, ‘vvo haven't a cent of inom'v in the bouse. I’apa is on llu* trai'.i soniev.'bore between Iiere and New York, and I—you don't sr.iijtoso lio’d hesitate to p:ivo us .^'oOO, ilo you?’ “'Fhat youn.t; v.!)inan did U!)t and coil’d not uudorstand why_ shq_ t]jdu’i h:!\-e as rl.r^ht crc'dit ;'.t t!ie ban’c it ::1 th(‘ <-e:i ilie K.o’.ay oa niy j)er.-.oa;’d Jiccoaui. and :-:I:e wt*at away a bit niiiTod :!!al f;iaeyla,^ v.e v. ('re a fiis y, uarcasonable lot oi.’ n'.oncy jj:-'.l]icr{'rs. ‘■Tlda^-i like tliat are always cardii;; up in every bMid:. "We h;;d one d.epos- itor, an ine.;i*eri(*nce.l yor.n;.;' withiw. t-'he had over .V'-O.od;) in the ban!:. One lierseif. Tlie telk'r stared and asked bow she’d liavo it. Any w;;y wouhl suit lier, who said, only she v.-ant«*d l!ie ca.di. “lie sent v.'!>rd to me .‘ind bep:in to count out the iiioiu-y in -Sio t an-.i J,-’."!)!) nob'S. After <*!Huitin-4 Iht-ai ovt'r slio wrai'.i)eil th(‘ whole sum r.-) in a news- liajK‘r anti Avent out. V»'e wore ;iii j»uz- /.l(‘d, and we Vtei'o afriild sh(* aii;;ht b(* rolt'^t'd, so I sent tv.o of tiu* cl(*rk:? afl(*r la>r to s(*e what she to p!'ot(vt lu‘r. She AViilked through l!ie crowd(‘d stn'ets about six bl!)cks to aa.other bank eaal d(*posited the w'lole ^:i0.0it i to Ihe cred it of :i p.oor youii.ic lawyer to v.’hom. we afterward l(*ar!ied, siio was on- p;:i,ir'*d to be married. ••1 don't tliink lu* w:'s lh('u avraro of her iatenrioii lo 'ner inom'V to bis ac<-ouat or he v.'ould h;iv«? ad.vised bt“r t() ^rc't a certified or cas'aiev’s chock iiistc'ad of lu-'^iaj; her fi>rtune ihrou^rli Ihe downtown sU\ets of a city like this. "T!ie wonrin depo.dtor who caa’t un- dersta’id wliy oilier p(‘rsons' < he-ks d<‘- positeil by herself are dcdc.cted from her account when they n,t i;o >d is a faaiiiiar <''iaracter i!i nearly every liank. “When HUC'ii a ciicck coaie; l>ack and they arv* a>d-;(ul to t:dco it up they will low'k unalterable scorn ;it llie teller or folii'ctor and say: ‘1 lait it baekV Well. I urru'ss not. Why t-hoalil I pay it‘^ I lld.a't m:il:e it out. Mr. So-an ;-so Ravv> it lo me, and if it isn't j;ood tlial'.-3 his lookout. (jO after him. Tiie id(*a! Surely you d.on't e::pect me to p.ay out mv own good inouey for Mr. So-and- .S.iV "I>y drawing several dia.zi'ams, exort- in;:' much p.itienee and diplomacy, yoa may (■ouviace such a wo:nan that :*he has to covcr ihe ba i check.; she de- pOoils, but v«‘ry often s!ie refuses or fails to bo convinced. Slie will prob ably insist on reaii;;!nc; on every cent ‘die teller .ccives her credit i'»)r in her banic book, and if she doesn’t t;et it iook oat. Sh(‘’ll t.ike her accoanr to some other bank anti ro-'-unie Iior delor- ndn;ition lo have 'her rioihiS.’ Oh, the iu{'?:i»cri(-iiced woman is abnost as nn- noyint? :iad f;ir more niimerous tha’i tlish;ai('st: women, so far a.s banks ar(! coaeeraedr’ — Cinciu:iati (’oaimercial Tribune. .3ie e-:. in his ■torv of rtriti di <’ost:;m('," ll-at in r.vr-t An.alo- f'’a\o:i iP;i:;!in:i1ot1 i i.-’.nus'-vipts tl’.e h.'.ir ]»:>.InU'!l b!;;-' ;mh1 tliat llie men are «le;)icl('d e.s v«'ri'ai>le r>ir;e’)eavt!s. In a Sixon I’lMitat(*U'-]i Ev;>’s locks are of t'.iis cerulean T’aore i? r.!-:) (';irly evid(*nc(' >1' ,:rr(‘en and O'.Mnre fa-hions for 1!k' liair. br.t blue f.' by iiai?eu!‘J jo:- dyt'Iii-C it v.’ith i‘r('-p;'.reil Ii:p:!«ls, ac- I eoi'dlii.:^ io ;;n<-i(':it eastern <•■1 tom. or j by casSiH!' ;t into ])owiier of dlfierent hues, airrct'a.bly to mod.ern prc.etico, I ; cannot det'^-mine.’’ ri:a' ha!r ]>'r vr;t?, worn about I 177i> by <'h;:rie;; .lame-; The ; Moatl'.Iy ?.I;!ir.’.::i!:e. "Ives an ac- I of ftatesm-’.n's dress and j (iO'cribt's li’ni as ;i Itvalei* of f;'.shi.on. I "He liad,” sa.ys the wricar. "I’is red lieeled shoo;; and his l>lne Iiair pow der.” I TJjo i'rpKoIi diri. I To’ay kh<' French .iciri I’lii't submit I to bavin,:; h(*r busbanil <-;iosen for her j exactly as di.l her L;Tt‘::!:-,:xrandmother, I aial that in every das:-. of s<>c'(‘ly. To 'the ;;ve’’.n^e Frencli <.virl th(‘ ftict tliat ;.he will f;iie thiy be ;i wif;‘ and ])roba- bpN' a liiolher is .‘is int'vilab!<‘ ansi cer- t.iin as is ar('iits beixin sav- j in" a dowry for her, ;in;l sln'>idd tlie.v j fe.ll in c.massh!" .a suai pro;>ortionate j to their mea.ns public opinion Jufltres I tl’.om ver.v severely. It also froauently ! happens that several relations, even if I by no moans very well off. will Join to- j ffelher to ])rovide a rianll dov.Tv for an j ori)han nio(*e or cousin. D.iucrhters j share with sons nn.y fartiuic left by I their riarents. All this makes tht' po- i sit ion of a I’'ren''-li woman very secure' and akin to of the man whom she may marrv. T. V. Powderly, the former labor leader, thinks that the fashion of arbi tration v»dll extend over disputes be tween Avaseworkers and capitalists aud tliat the da.v of strikes is over. liussia, it is announced, is to have an $800,000,000 navy, the equal of any afloat, if the Japanese and the British fishermen keep otit of its way.