YALLI^Y M]WS Phcn.e Goygis, pared by Z. W. NICHOLS, Druggist Brevard, J'^. C. iORGAM K( >{'(; II :uh) SASH j)i;i:h-sKD l^OOilS )’L!M>S Iron work and (*H'tin<^s of (>very <1,-script ion. t’urnij>hc(l })rouipliy on nil work. Wffl. M. JONES, Pres. 2nd Trcas. J. L HiULLI:^aX. SuDt. Have your Old Furnitiire Re&aired I !;iv.‘ olil f',ii-!'ilnrt‘ ruiil'' nt‘\v hy i)rl.-::)- A ni-;i(ik'y. I)!v>l:i-ii and (k’.niaL!'>i l-’uniiturt'. ihi'dwn or [nisiiL'd to tlu' kitcli;*!!. ni;Ki<‘ iMXHi ;!s iK’w. <'r;;,;y !,;'(•!■>. I'iitiii,^- 'ooi-^-. ftc. ri'paiffd on shoi-t ni)tiff. 'i’aliK's. Wa.-nstand.s. ( ;n»!ioar«is. Sid(‘l)(»ardH. (“tL* . iiKulf to oruff. Sylvan Valley ifevtrs Sijbscriplian in advancc, On3 Dollar a \ear. PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY M1N1:H it I’.KKKS!:. iu;il I’nii'i i' tors. (iSIl': M. .MINi:i:, llunkkrciHT iHnl <'')lU'i tnr. Fi'iddij .[[ii'il .'1, I'iO.t. Town and County Items. X«'xt Sunday is —liow is llif crop? Mrs. K. Oir rftnnu'd la-t ’’I'nos- (l.iy Ironi a two weeks visit to her tV.thfr in Statesville. ()i;r >tri'fts and sidewalks an* in tlie l est sliaiK' they hav(‘ ('ver bc'eii sinee i’>re\ ard lins h( (mi a town. Miv-'danies. T. W. Wliil mire :ind Allx'it \'erdery wcMit to Aslu'villi* la.'t W t'diiesdav I'or a siiort visit. leister Sunday at tlio I^L K. c-hurch will b(* (‘(‘lobi’Jited witli sjx'eial music and S('rmons. Morning subj(>(d: “iii.son with v'hrist.” Mv('irm<j: suUjccl: t(M‘ Its Llopc ami Duty.” All arc rortlially invited. Tlu? i(*vival mc(Min<j^ that has IxM'ii on at the Mctiiodist church cl()S(‘d last Thnrsthiy ni^lit ai’ti'r t(>n days oL‘ V(>i y in- t(M‘cstin<j: scrvic('s. ])i’each ini4' was tlone by licv. W. A. 'Phonias <)1‘ Canton, X. who is a viM'v bu'id and practical ”os| c'l prc'achcr. 'Thcio Wi'rci about I'orty ])roressions of conversion or restoration and on last Sun day mornin.ij: after :i very solemn and imi)r(‘ssiv(? baptisnjal c(>r(‘- mony. iburtc'cn were rc'ceived into the I'ellowshij) and coniniun- ion of th(' M. \]. (•hnrcii South by ivev. C,’. 1*. Moort‘ the? pastor. Mrs. (\ P. ^looro h'i't last Tiiursday afternoon for Mont- ironujry, .\la., wliere she is in at tendance upon tlu; annual moot ing'- of tho Woman's llonu! Mis sion Hoard of the M. K. church South. l''liis is the Board that has control and mana.irenuMit of the lJ|-(‘vai'd Industrial School, Mrs. Moore is the I'^irst \'ic(> I’resident of the Wonian's lloin*^ *\Iissioii Soc'ioty of the \\estern X’orth (’ai-olina C’onfor(*nc(« at;d iroes to Montiromei-y in the inter est ol lh(' 1 ndustrial School and of anpropi’iations f.-r i):ii‘sonairt“s upon the wealc cir(*uits that have Swiss v/ill find a fine line of iaiiisoDk Ei!ii3roi!ieri3j:. atiii Laoas for.* tlicir Sorixig; Scwmg* -Y7^izt Linens^ Stairpcd Gcccif AJ-.c Stiiniping Dene by Order* rllK PAr^ MISS U. WAVS LONG J}lli3on IjuiLdirzf- ROBE.^iT liiiliiE B1:ESE, CiecEiica! tnsineer. »I»V5 CDMGKO C. LRCLGIi. frlii::!’. Main Streot W. EREEEF. Trcc:urcr \ U y icn's •I. L. i\.iken left ^londay Tor tlu* | no homes loi’ their ]>reachers. eastern part of the state to look ai- tc'r his extensive business intiTi'st.] in tlu'se 'parts. J]vrry memlirr oi' tli' i’.n'vard llapti't ciiiiifh is earnestly- riviucstcd to l)c p!(‘S(‘ut on next Lord’s (iay for thf i>ui-pos(' ot' I iu‘ I’onsidi'rat ion of nM’.al an important transaction. <1-]. ()rr hren.i^ht to town last Mondav two of )he line.^t hors(>s thni hav(‘ ever h(‘en here. Ilf hounlit Tlu' spring'- t('rn] of llroad \"a'- ley Institut(‘cl()s(‘d [’’l iilay, /'v))ril 11. Tlu! f 1 tondanc(‘ was not so foi' the spriniT term t!ie enrolim-'nt lu'in^'-only t'iirly ><'V(Mi. l>ut nisirly all who |alt»‘nded seiMiu'd eaufer to learn land m:id(‘ rap.d ad\’amrement. shop al I'inslt'y’s -tand DeLong ^ 'Bradley. old Itlacksniitli them in Hfndersonviilf and thrv' were said to bo the best liorses in | that town. A modal was o^Ti'red at t!;t'b( - i^'-in’.iini:’ of the session in .Viiinist fo!’ lh(; hiirhest .n'l’ade in I^ati':!. 'I'his was v.'on by (). II. Orr. Miss Myrtle (’layton, who at- :( luled only the sprin^' tt'rm re- 'rhe Xeus al.'^o is ffehn,iv ”'ood over ■liiiriu'st ^rade lor tliat t lu* neat aj »p(*a r.i n('(‘of its hand icraft. i • her j^radi; on tixamination We ;ir(' lioidintj: tlu'tvne fora si-con.i Tliusi^ j)roiui.'ed bool^lfts for(lal- low.iy. Duckwoith A' <’o. arcnow !)(>- ia^- dflivfi(‘d, and thfy ar(> iiappy. (<)'.viK‘d and opL'rated by tl; j (>uf iK‘\v itu])!M>Vfnifnts fiiabli.! ns to do your (“astoai woriC \V!ta di>p; I and 111 a nianata- unciiailicd in the coinity, I? £0 u "We can ijrind youi' Wheat. l?U(*k\viieat, (’orn, Kye. IV-as. ('aiif Sfci ot- any sinal 1 jji-a in. ( )iu' ‘'.Si.'itMit i!i(* ('fusli(*r Mill’* ^idnds corn, col) and shuciv (ulifii dry ■ to pci'iV'ction, ;>.nd also ;^rinds and mixes at same time - in any propor; ion yon desire all of tiie a,bi)ve j^rains, m:ikin^‘ a bahinccd ruUou l<n‘ ev»jry l.ini of stock. ()nr own inannfactnrc' of liorsf, caft!<' and bojr ffcd. and partifnlai-ly oai Milk-Producing Cow Feed i:? endoi-scti aiul rceonnncndcd by tlif a,i;ricn itr. ra. fxnfriin^Mit >tatii>ns. One 2-horse “Smalley’* Tread=power. One ‘'Smalloy” Cutting Machine. One “Srnalloy” 28-inch Circular Saw I wiiii a ca))acitv of -H> cortks per day). Cna pair “/^ordyke <S- JMarmion” French Buiir Corn Meal Stones. Ail in First-Ciass Orderc \V(‘ ”iiarap.te(“ llif ‘ road power' ‘ (with eithtM- two nnilfs, tw(» horses o;' t'vo oxen' to I'an any of the at'ove maci)ines witli east' and dispatcli. ana w> (item till' ontiit an iiK* 1 one foi- any farmer vrho d(‘sires to economize at,.: Lii'ir.d )i;s own me;>J. eul his cora. iw])s fodder, ^huck:-, stalks ;ind straw ami saw lliri <»\v W(MkL 'I’o afcomniodat!' oui‘ it><‘rea.-e(j custom work we need heaviei- mac’iiiif - to he pakeii !.\ (iiir mill, wliieli is onroiiiv reason fo!- seilin;.;-. T ijeino- om* humlie l. Sluj v/on and ia'lp C'-tabiisii yori' own town on ai' ;j<)oti Imsis as your r.i,-iL;Ii'.>o> ‘.'.? \'>;n can do tlnit by .-ending:' us your La’.'.uchy work aral thus keep your money a.t iiome. V\'<‘ r(.'st)ec5 fiiily licit your ]iai rou:i;.’e am! u;uai’ant. e satisfac!ioi-. < loot's calliMl for and <le- iiver<.-tl free. I ’lione <1‘'. Brevard F.--aiindry Co. \. '!', !>< )\Vi:X. Mana-ei-. L i i fsk’srs. At llie la^i nH-'Otino' of the Uoard oI (Njuntv C{)mmissioiiers edition u hich nia\ be pj inteil later. Oave Hawkins is talking' of sellijp^' out and removin^^ to Soutli ('arolina.. Kvidently th(‘r(*is IxMter it--iiinu'(;ve:• , tli(M(‘, as W(‘kno\v of lu) otluM' rea.-on w hy h(* should h'avi* l.revard. 'flic j last lime he went tishinj;^ in our boat I —hut we a-^rced not to tell— jsk him. The trost (hi.' WeOk ha.-n’t hurt th- |^ard('nnnd lawn nt t!io Xews onice very seriously. ()ld fashioned ]>er- eiuiials tiiat are known to Ix'hard v, and bine on the lawn, are th(‘ extent of (Uir j)|:i nt in<^s. Sweet pea- am! nnstiutiums will ornament the I lences, i)ut tiiey are not stickin;^ tin'ir noses oiu as yet. \V(‘ hav(‘ over two linndred sub- iscri!)crs whos(‘ time expires with tins issue, and unless reiuwvais art* t he iollowinu: wore a])))oinied list sont in this is the last copy they will lakers lor tlie y».?ar l;;Or |]rovard - ,i. .j. Sliipman. 1 >oyd (J. 'W [jvday. C.'allu'ys 'Jreek—.1. .M. South ern. I>u!ins Rr)ck- Wm. Maxwell. Kastatoe - E. M. Whitmire. (iloiu'.(>stor- W. P. (Jalloway. Ho,irb:u*k’- 1'. i). IJeid. Little Jviver—L. AI. Hart. t?i.‘t. Ti'.ose of (nu- lujtiu; })('o{)|e who arc semlin^ the News to friends shotild look into tho mattoi, as all names are liable to iio dro[)pod in the revision of our mailiii”- li.st. Th(> jnd”c W(>nt away on last Sat- I ui^lay aiul so wo had no court this I last week. We hop(‘ that the next ! legislature v. ill ]>a.ss an net requiring ^ all Sui)erior court jiid”(‘s to remain j at tho county seats where they are W.\XTi:n—^len aiul women in this]^*‘''t b) lu)ld (*ourt lor tho full length county and ndjohiin<^ ti'rritories. to i term of the court whether roi)resont and advertise an old os-i ^heio is anythiuji'to do or not. tablished house ot solid financial j It’s lu’cessary I'or ii news[)apo.'man statidinj'. Salaiy tomenJJl weekly, j to j^o about town occasionally in or- to Women .'<1-. to .'i'i8 weekly with ex-j to roj;ulat(' thlnirs. A hakerv penses ad\anccd each ^Monday by! .-iun has decorait*d tho front ot* a check direct from head(iuartors. j piutiihinff shop for lo, those many [Torse and lurnished wIkmi j ^ i>ut a A isit from the editor on riocessary; Position }»ermanent. | Tuesday renu)vod tho misfit in two Address, lUew Bros. & ( o., Dept. j minutes. JJv)u’t toll us that ti coun- iMoiion lildg., Chicago, 111. j ti-y newspaper ha.s no influence. second pnz -. "i’iie following: ticl\('t has bf'cn liandtMl to tl:io News Viith a re- ^[UOst that it l)C published. Tho sale of our municii)al bonds has ini'.'ctod now issues into tho oloc- i tion tiiul two tickets will do no i luii'm: Mtiyor—T. 1). En^^laiul. Aldormon—A. 1\. (_)rr, J. W. McMinn, .1. M. Kilpatrick, W. 15. Duckworth, W. V. Woilt. Often ends in a sinl accident. To heal accidtMital injmies, use lUiL'k- leii s Arnica Salve. “A deep wouttd in my foot from an accident,” writes 'riioodore .Schueh', of ('olinnhus, ()., “caused nu.? vreat j>ain. Physicians \v( 10 helpless but lUicklen’s Arnica Salvo (pilckly h.ealed it.” Sooths and heals burns likt* niajjic. ^-'ic. at Z. W. Xichols, dru^irist. How to go to California. Travel via tho Chicau'o, I^nion-Pa- ciirc I'j North-W'estern Line. Two fast trains per day, The Overland Limited, electric lighted, less than three days on route. The ('’alifornia Express throu<;‘h service to San Fran cisco, Los Anj^los and Portland. The liest of every thinj?. Full particulars on application to W. 15. Knikern, V. T. M., C. N. W. Ky., Chicai-o. Feel tired, no appetite, cannot sleep, work or eat? That’s sprinj;' tiredness and will disappear at onco if you take Hollister’s Rocky .Mount ain T(*a this month. 3.-)cents, Tea or Tablets.—Z. W. Nichols. Another lot cf Siioes, Brass Goous and Nations just arriveJ. A car load of Cottcn See:l Meal. Fre:'i ?^8al always cn fisnd. Gentleriisn’s Screemer Si'ioes. Lauiiis’ New li-ea Siioss. A few Lailies' Ready-Maa's Skills. % »9«lt Transylvania Railroad Company. General Offices Brevard, N. C. SPRING SCHEDULE Effective Wednesday, March 22, 1905. ^^Ivistoi’ii Starubird Tiiuo) STATIONS ■; T. — 20 .'l !>-t :> 40 r, 4s .■) (■> 0l> (•) 10 <i 14 (•) -JO, c. ;i;r *; 4(*j c, 4.')! () .>0| 7 OSi 7 ;ioj I 1*.M. ! 1 <Ki; I 141 1 :!i.j ' V!1 1 liS 1 I 4(r ! .'.0, I ;>4j iLv.... Ar IA r HeMtlersonville VaU Horse .... ('annon l-'tov.ali Ijlant.vfo I’enrosc Davidson niv,-)-. , .Pisi;:ih Forest.. Brevard Selica .... ( 'beiT.v lieli! .... ('alvevt 1 Josman (^)iu‘be(^ ..Lake Tt>.\a\vav.. \r i ..v L^- i’.M. I •) •-!B ~ •’b \'2 I'i ij ir 1- ]•> I3-I *- w- II .')7 II II K I I :!(i II :>.Si II l.‘) 11 !■ 11 b 15 :{T| .\.M. i .~r •/. 1’. iT43 1 -It; 4 111; 4 ;.7 4 ::i' 4 l!7 4 -2f, 4 IS 4 r* ' J BB Connects at I/dce To.xaway with Tui'npi'Ko to the IJesoj ts of the Saimlii, Connli-y—At lleudersonvlllo with Southei-n liaih.vav foi* all ))oints* Xor and T. S. BOSWELL, Siipcrintaidtnt^ J. I. HAYo. General Mannjier.

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