SYLVAN YALLKY NEWS LIKE FINBIKG MOKEY. Uu' [>rcvar<i Dru;^' Co., t!u> jiopul:;!’ dir.y;^lsts ari‘ iiiakiii”' an otliT lliat is liko Moiu'V, for a ^'‘^Cular ,i() o;.ut hott'K'of 1 )r. iiow aid’s sii.cilic for llu' i*uro of <^*oi!stipation and dyspi'psia al lialf ill addition to this dis- < ount tlioy a;^reo to roturn the nion- ^*y to any piuv hasor wlioni the sp(>- d()(>^ iio(^ cMiro. It is uniisnal to Ix* ab!o to Iniy fifty pi(>ct‘s for a tiii.irtcr. Ij'it tliat is what tliis olU'r moans, for it is only roci'ntly through th(> solici tation of Dvuy^^ist i‘irc‘li .Mlisonthat this nu'dicino could ho honj^ht for Uv'S than ^.Oct'iits. H(' nr”('d th(> pro- l>rk‘tois to allow liini to sell it at this r(‘(hic(‘d pricc for a litth‘ wliih*, .•lUTc'ciii*;; to sell a ct'riain anioinit. I lu> r(«ult has justili('d his j^ood jnd^- i‘>cnt, tor the sale has l)ei*n soiue- 1 liiii j: rcMuarkahl,.. 'fhe spccifie is very plasant to take '‘iiniiu'j: in 1 ht> form of small granules :uid theu' aii^ sixty <los(*s in (>very I'.ickaiii'. It is especiaily conven ient wluMi trav('liii}i'. an<l no oni' should start on a jouriuw witnout a hottle of this rclialtU* niedicin(‘. Protect Your Family By msuring Your Life in the nsyran of New York. 'J'he youti^'-(‘i‘ you are i.u* hett<‘r and cheaper for you. T. W. WHITMIRE, Agt. Streetmffie’s Asi Absolute Cure for Gonorrhcea and Gleet. I’niiilcss, (iuic’<ly and coirectly ('oiiipleie t !-eatn;ent. Sent by e.\-;re.-r upon receipt of PRICE $2.00. T. L. STR.EETMAN, Dl‘U;j i: if<i. AS !K\ILI.!:. X. ( ]M-P-A-X-S Tal.ules ])()(*tors 1*111(1 A o’ood pfosci’ipl i(Hi For inankiiid 'l lie r>-c(‘iU y>ai !u-t i> fnmiu^li I'.n U'-ii:il riie ia;iiiiy bottle ((i i i <-..t') coMi.iiu^ a v for a Vfur. All (ini'-::^i't'>-cli tlu ii;. lulitors Sylvan \'a.!ley '^'ew.-: .). K, (JaiTtMi lias purchasoil a tine sowin*.;’ inachiiio Tor liis wii'c. l).)irt you lu'ar tho- o weiidiii;:,'' b('lls jin^'in”-':' Wo think tlio sound couies I’j-oin LiUlo fvivcr. Hollo. Siinsiiiiio, why do you not us SOUK' dots i'roai .yo'ir locality’:' \Vi‘ lliiiil: you could favor us with a luUcf now and t Ill'll. I’ariiH'rs art' all voi-y |)roi)ariu^' to i)lant tli'ur crops and tli(‘rls art' plauliiii^' llowt'r st'otl. S:'y, ^irls. h't's .ry and so(‘ who can hav(‘ tin' iM’i'tt.ost yard of ilowors, and v.ho can l)!acc tlio tiicosl boiiqut't on the editor's desk tills suiiiim;r. Wo had s(>rvicc's at our c-burcli Suiulay wilii a ^^ood alIt'iidaiico. (),ir Sn.nday school is c(}rta.inly iinprovinir rapidly tt'acliors am! scholars have iroiie to work in 1‘eal oariK'st. We listtMK'il to a ufood and intei'esi in^' st'rinoii from r>ro. Corn, lie sei'iiis to ije deliirlited wiili our Sunday school and sinL,^iiiL> class. We hop.e much may bo done it) our church and Sunday sciiool this V('ar. MorxTAL\ Mah>. Byck Foresi lleius. Mi&imwFNMEjm 11‘voii ('xp(vt your l)(^cl()r to no siK-cess’!‘iil in treat p iii^Li' liis ];atieiits it is lii^lily iiiiportaiit tlial ]h‘ f;eis ^ the identical 'Drug called for in his i)r(wcript ion €. a and not one of tke so-called ""just as good’* § ^ preparations. ^"ou mny <l(ip(.‘nd upon us—we ^ will not subslitnt(‘. (Jive us your piit rona;j;(‘. Brevard Drug Co. Pare I Miss.Mary Mto-rell of (lran<,a‘ ' is s])ondin<j;' sc'voral da^'s with relat ives here. Klza Shi[)man spc'til Saturday iii.:j:lit and Sunday with liis }>a- rents at (I range. A danco was yivon at the honn' of W. J. Xeely Saturday night. Those present rei)ort a swell time. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. llogsed and little son spent Saturday night and Sunday with Mrs. Hogsecrs parents at Calvert. Doka. Oresza; ilditors Sylvan \'allt‘y Xews: }>Iiss Sallie ('oucli of I^oftis lias b;MMi visiting her aunt of this s('ct ion. Tlier(‘ was a hiI’ge attendance at the baptizing last Sunday al Laurel C'reek' Miss Iv'iie Andt'rson has rv turneil home from Morganlon. We art' glad to set' hor in our vicinity again. Miss Addie Tliomas audMrs. Xancy liogtM's wi'ro ph'asanlly ent('rt:!ino(l a I t ho home of Mrs. ^dartha iiishttp last Sunday. W(‘ understand that Rt'V. A. O. *\llison is going toatttmd Sunday school regulai-ly at Laurt.d Creek. Wo Vvill be glad to have him with us. liAJiV CiUL. i”rilSS. 'T'lTE body ^ots its I’fi' from food pr(-pcrly di^c.'tcd. Ilonlthy moan:! pvre bloodfor tlic l.iody, but ft )i;!a,i.h trouble.^? ari.-e tror.i ci;r< li .'S'if -s in eating and ston';i»* li disorders upset the entire systc-ni. Iinpr.ip- crly masticated food ('U the stoni.icli, catisiiifT dutnssin" pains, belch in£j and naurca. When over-cat ini? is pcr?i.-!.'d in the Ktoniacli bccor.ica v.'crkcTicd and 'vvorti out and dy?pci)sia claims the victim. "J’ h e d f o r d ’ s Ijlacl:-T>ran"lio cures dyspepsia.. It frees the Btomacli and bov/cls of contrestcd mutter and gives the _ stomach new life. The .^toinach is quickly invigorated an.d the natural stimulation results in a good appetite, Avitli the power to thor- ourrhly digciit food. You can build up your stomach with this mild and natural remedy. Try Thedford’s black- Draught today. You can buy a packago from your dealer for ‘25c. Jr he does not keep it, send the money to The Chattatiocga T)I e d i c i n e Co., Cliattanc.o"a, Tenn., and a packagc v/ill be mailed you, THEDFOSD'S Bl^K-DMDfiMTi IMe.oi-'^ .'■'Vlvati \'allt‘v Xew.';. Miss i.ottia .lonos has returned to 1km- home a! (,jut‘l^(.‘(.-. M!’>. i>ob M(.>ec“ vi.-^itf(.l Mrs. ihib (JJazener Wednesday even ing. Mrs. I'reetiuri Wliinniro called on Mrs. T. W. Ptdtit last Wednt's- day. .). R. ( IhizGner sold t wol vc'head of tine betif cattle last Wi'dnt's- day. Johnny \Vhilmire ami mothei- are vi^,iting in Oconee county, S. tiii.-, week. 3*'rt;eman Widtuiire and T. W. i’ettit. of Uosinan, are running a bark mill near llaiTiel f’atter- son's. Mary (ialloway and Dock (Jal- lov.ay w’ei-e married the tirst Sunday in April at Hurnt Moun tain sciiool house. Farmer's Wife. Ba’nian Itains, F.ditors Sylvati Valley Xews: Mrs. X^ora Merrell is (jn the sick list this week. Mr. Henny visited relatives this week at (Grange. Lee Fisher and wife went to Uencersovill8 Saturday on busi ness. Miss Emma Bagwell called on her friend Mrs. Wadkin Sunday afternoon. I’ditors Sylvan \'alley X'ews: Venia Thomas is on tl;e sick list L 1 I I Si W I ‘ t * h . Tli(' !>lantyr(‘ "v.ind" is aii un- ! usually cohl ono this W('ci\ for ’ t h(,‘ middh.' of A [)ril. i A vory Just us. from b'lat iu)ck'. visitt'd in our community Sun day and Monday last. Iu!\. A. O. iVllison will ])reacli at l^liMisant drove cliurcli next Sunday at 11 o'clock' a. m. Mrs. l']lizabt‘ili Shipman is visiting her daughters, Mrs Justus and Mrs. Johnson, at i*"lat Rock this week. Mingus Hamilton att(Mid<'d cdiui'ch at Holly Spring last Sun day. Wondt'r if 1k' v/as not try- ' ing to catch a (,‘ricket. Till' farmers art' prt)gi'»'s.-,i:ig nicely with thoir v^'ork. All ai’e , nearly ready to plant corn, but liiey v. ill iiavt'lo v.’ait for v>’armer wcatlit']-. Cleveland [\ilpatr:ci; retui’iied 'to his home neai' Blantyre this weelc. lie has been working at Carlyle, S. C.. tlie last yt>ar. We aie glad to liave him lioiiH,* tigai I). Ivichard ]Iamiltt)n. who has 1 bt't'ii attending scliool ;it Uroatl Valley 1 nstitulo. is at home now su})erintending hi> fat lit'r’s farm. 1 giu'ss lie tliinlvs it is harder , than going to school. iOverelte'Tlioimis v/cnt toward i lioilston last Sunda.y. It seetiis i tliat ho is dt.'lermintMl to accom- I piisli liis undertaking if patienct,* jand })ersev('rence is wortii any- I tiling. .Mamma’s [)ai:lix(;. \ Wonderful spring- tonic. I)riv»‘S i out all winter impuritie^s, gives you 1 strength, lienlth anti hai)i)ines.s. ; That’s what Ilollister’s j joeky Moun tain To;i Vvill do. ;>5eents, Tea or Tahlets.—Z. W'. Niciiols. On Hand Sale* lly vii'tiK; of authority of seotioti 1;;^.') of tlu; ('ode of F^r4,\vs of tin- State of Xorth Carolina. I will otVer for sale to the l>idder for casli .‘Ki cases fruit jars, on Monthly, the lotii tlay of May. I'./l)-'*. at 12 in.. ar the Ti’ansylva,nia It. Ji. station at Ure- vard, X. (’. Said 8hi])ment of)nsi*i!ietl tt) I'. W. Whitmire A))i'il S. Ji>04. I’rocceds of said sale to t>e a])plied to the ])ayment of cost of this advertise ment freight and charges on said shipment. T. II. CJ ALLOW AY, Agent. V7e ccrry on.e of the largest stocks of Carriages, Wagons, Farm Implements, etc.. in V/eoterik Caroiir.a. BLY Si^OX Near Depot Hendcrsonvilic, /V. C, |%g "a "I A n U.1 bei 105 CANTON, N. 0. J. A. MAY & SON (Jeneral liin‘ t)f Xiirsei-v Stock inr S])ring and l''all I'.Mh), To.nill) .\.])j>les Trc'es in slt)ck. oD varieties. W e solicit you': of(lers lor l-'ruit Trees. \"iiK's. Ornainentals. (‘tc. Everything Guaranteed True to Name elwold (xKOC^ERY lit I re Stoc &t Store is fresh and clcjin—neat, sweet and toothsome. Higli 8rai Gaffees, Toes aoil Fanof bMimi Ooous You pay no one ckc's bill v/hcn dcalin^ with us, as cur terms arc cash. J, C. LOFTIS, The Grocer Aethelwold Building:. Phone 85 W. L. AIKEN & Co.,--Meat Market w < 0) fD- O a CD d o :s Buy and Sell Fat Cattle, Sheep, Hogs, etc. Milk Cows a Specialty. Main st, Brevard, N. C. Phone 62. King Concrete Bldgi.

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