_ ..VAN VALLEY NEWS i'lu- Kidney Ivouhl* but bv (*hot)sii. E. U. Wolli', o. c*lu*ate iij^o 1 h:ul UitliH'y • ctl mo pain. ^ ii'ty, hut 1 took ctlVcUd :i Jr.ive als'j fouml tli* 1st ill ^tMR'ial 1'. tiiii lu'ivc 1 roul)ic‘, and kct'p 11 - 1)11 hand, siiu*t‘, a-^ I .ni .i;( \ iii\i lU) ('(|iial.” /i. V\', :.ic d w. j^uannitcc^ IhcMii at •') <• Si'crc'tnrv Wilson ]iro])ost*s Hint the post f.K.a's waproii 1ji Iho rur:d friM* de livery SIM \ ice. whieh is now rapidly ('Xl endin shall e;'rry tlie daily \\{'athcr fonca.si. with eo!d wav;* a!id i: w.ti iiiiiL':''. I’.'V t’u' !;eiu'!i1 of fariuers. \Viih. ni'iiverv::! nir:il free delivt'ry. ev»'vy h; !u‘f g-ovi'rnr.ient nia’te:'. of \vhieh a ilisi rihiM ion of tlie weat In-r forecasts may he only the Ih'st upon an c'xlend- ! le.i;' list. Fniry IliiifUTK. !Mr. Steeh' lias an artick’ in Kiiowlodjre «ni “Fairy IJinc's.” thos-e s.’-reen circles i:i ])ai-1nris whiih v.t re ioru.ei'ly helieved to he eauset! h\ tlie midS'.i^'l;t rt'veli\\ of tile fairies, Tiie\ are eaii.<('d hy a fiH’i’iJS \.l!oso sj)a\vn sjueai’s eeiMrif- t;<;ally in every direction :i:;d forms a (oniiuoii flit from whieii the frui; rises at i t s ex I re me edsi'e, t lie si:i i of i Jii“ i h ner j disk is exluuisled. and tlie sj'auii dies tl;ere wliile it sjireads all locnd in an j outward direction and ]:rt:(!iice.s ar.- other eroji, whose sj^av. n | Tlie rank L'^rowtli of the ^ra>ses com- jjosir!”’ these' rinu's is j)r<;!!t;!d\' (iiie i;> ^ the fiuiiriis taldntr np from thes>.i! cr- : iranic nitron' ll \\hich is lu t a\ail;'.l.le I to the yrc.sses. and in some v.ay he- ^ coniiit}:' tlie ineciiuia of supply of the soil nitrog-en to the j^rasses forming- Hie ; circle. i [[iio Ilinidi I'd Dollars ]Ic- ^ w.'ird It)'any c;!S(‘<>r( at.iirii that can not he <-ni-e«! l>v lialTs <’at;‘.rrli '’tiri*. | —F. *T. (’liKNin- IV (■;>., 'i'oh-do. (>. ! Wo, 1 he luidersiunoi!, liav(‘ ktiown F. t 'hciioy lor th(> hi't 2') y<>ars, ' ans t raiisactioijs and linniiiially alile to c.;rry om an>-oh-| lij^atioiis ui.idc* hy his linn.—W.m.*:- !n;;, K'.nnax iV AIaiivin, \‘rhol(.‘s:do l^ruu’^jists, Toledo, «>. liali’s ('a- tarvh < 'nn* 1- taken intc'rnally, arhnjr d r ctly ui>on the l>lo(»d and iniK-oiis ^urtaces of tin* system. Testimoni als si*nt iVee. Price ~'n-. ])er bottle. Sold by all 1 irnjij^ists. Take Hall’s I'jiitdly Pills for coiisitipatioii. 1, >•; . .i.y i;e, .. li > ■ t! (' ie;i. '.ler i. . (lo.Klrieli i!i Le... tnr.n v.ho lias 1 ;i * e. r li .. . ' ?!s :.;n i^:vVi.:a I.:s a \ - M t!i(.‘ • says Ar: i ■'s M;;:,a”'l!e. ;;!is eiia'-.uh I ) •'■.i-i.u'.” t’('.!.;r;‘d one 1- THE MEANEST LOVER. Fortnnf Certninly I>lrt Favor I!U Ex- Flanceo A’.lien Ho Jilted Her. ‘•My roommate i« a chap of extraordi nary financial was ens/ai^ed at tlu' time, and whiic lie was there he cor responded rcfxularly with his lianeee. Afterv.ard they (piarreled and tht' match was broken olT, hut the jioor frirl tliouirht Ids letters were l)eautifnl, and treasured them reliijfionsly. “(^Uiite recently lu‘ saw in a paper that the Hawaiian stamps of the period of his stay tliere had become very scarce and vahiahle. and lie immediate ly s;it dow n and w rote to Ids own i-weet- : l'.('art. demandinii’ his letters. He said | lie was soon To he married and f(>lt it his ' duty to di stroy ’em; he ajjpealed t«i lier ‘hi'tter f('e!in^'-s’ jinil all thaJ, and, to make a lont; story sliort, slie sent them hack. They w(>re yellow with as;>t--i ansi repiual!.):) anioii'X men, and lt“V\' men respect a p;‘h<)olteaelK'r." Onl.v one out of elev en leaciiers inlervii>wi‘d hy Mr. (Jood- rh'h felt satisiied with hi:^ work. “1 ni;:ki‘ «‘nnu.L;h money.” this oni* said. “in‘.iha!>iy as laneh as I couhi in an other 'profession. I iir.a.uine ti;e n.ia- jority of people resixvt !;u* Jis nuieh as 1 resp,ect tiie majority of I'eople. I find a .ureat (h'al of satisl’aelion i!i jny work, and l‘ei’inicndeiU :ire: “First, char acter; second. s<.-hol:irshlp—a nniv<*rsity ediication if possible; third, jihysical hoaltli; I'otn’ili. ai)tltnde.'’ Vet it is ditlicnlt to linil enon.uh '^ood teacia'rs, acc;)rdin.ir to the statc'inents of super intendents, a’ld dilliciilt to keep them when once obta.hied. lint a small jii'r- co:ita?;e of coil(\u:e finidttates take up teachinir. and ni:;ny of thc'se p> into other lines of v.'ork .*;t tlie lirst opiior- tunit.v. Out of a jrradnatiniT cl:;ss of 28o at I’rlnceton last yee.r but twelve expressed ;in intc'ntion to teach. This eviilent ]!rejn'.lici‘ apiinst teach- in:;’ ;;s a prof«‘ssion is hard for an out sider ti) ttnderstaiul nnli'ss it he dtie to the san'.e spirit of tnirest v.iiicli iii;ike.s men of every profession lhal f:inlL v*-ith their lives. It is douljti'nl if the ;:ver- a.fix* doctor or lawyer linds more jileas- tire !n his "work than thi* aver;>,:j:e t('aeh- er does in his. The schoolteaclu*r Is ;;:en- i erally sheltered from micon.uenial i»er- sous.and as to s.alaric -.Avhile they ranue for Avoii'.en and m(*n from .'?L!t)!)a yeiir to }sr>.(t(iO. the avera,c(‘ s:;lary of men ica' hers in public schojls in Xew .Jer sey. j’or examjile. is SST a nioiitli. The avc'raire income of tlu* doctors of the Ui:!ie«i States has been esli;n:;ted at a ye;ir. r.oyond flie «pieslion of money th<‘re is an indirect rewar.l for the school teacher v.iiich men of otluT i>rv)fessi;>ns have not. The (hu-tor ma.v jioint to re- luarkable cures, the lawyer to the win ning; of a Lvreat law c:;se, but the sue- i cessful teacher has an army of wit- j nesses, themselves doctors jind lawyers I and htisiner.s men. whose* s-.v:Tess is in part his oVv*n. whose minds he hjis muldeil. whose Impnises lie lias stead ied, whoso ambitions he ha.s enconr- ! a.L'ed. Herein lies his re.'il ri'v^'ard. i As for the futun* of (lie te:;<-her, with I the jxrov/inj? consoli make you a ;S ])roi)ositioi) .li’ood till June 1st. ;,s foilow.^: Any man, woman *(>r <-liil(l who will nl one lime ]mr(*luise $1«) ior easii out ofjiiiy (l(*j)ar!miuit of luy store 1 will jiay his oi h(‘i‘ ;j|j r;iilro:ul iare to Ilemlersonvine anr! rtMurn or to I.ake Toxaway ami return. Now tliat bs so much lor tlui town (Mistomers—ami for tip; (*ouiiti*y customers i will ptiy their rail road iare to Hrevaid and return anywhere on th<‘ ^i’l’tnbvylvania railroad. I actujilly know some i^ood ])eo])lt' in a!irevard who iuive never rod(i a n:ile on the ^i’ransyIvjinla railroad sim*e it has been built, and if tlu^y won 1 ji(M*ej)t this jn'oitosition they oii.oht to hiiv(‘ to walk as Iciiii as they liv<*. I Sell First Class Gcods and Give First Clc ass Fare The nicest hats, shoes, rlothniu', shirls, neckweai', (h’cj-s i^oods, waists, skirts, und(‘rw(*ar I'j (men s or women s). or anythino’ you want just as ch(‘a}» as you'can ,L;et them «inywh(‘r(*. :ll This olfer is tor cash tratly obtnirnil, cr FEE RETURNED. <:!0 YEARS’EXP£REENCE. Our CHARGES ARE YtlE LOWE^ST. Send il’udel, pliolo or skit'.'h for t:X!K*it .sciinjii find free rejnirt on patotitahilit »rR:NCEMENT suits conduc-t'-d lK.fore all c;'>!rtK. IViti'nts ol>t:iincd tliror."h us, ADVCR* TiSCOand SOLD, fico. TRAOE-MARKS, PEN SEOfiS and COl^VRiCHTS quickly obtiiineU. OpposI WASHSNCTON Send liicxlel, sketch cr photo of uiTcnticH for v For fi t e b(x K, ( frecreport on patont:u>ihty. 1 row to SccureTS^ fl P Patents and write r to ^ m m r-J Q Lt:^ rt - \i:ry Vic.>* S u • • H ^ r::)»~r„rn P " M t'j /-.itD J Qli |.j (.J J'rA r: r/h j ^ rT7\t3 ^ L^Jj Li, aW|f \i fVGNSUI^PTlOU Prico ^ ii OUGKS and EGc & $1.0? v.r F.-o Ti'is!. r* fiarent and Cuick'jst Cure foi’ all IJ ^ri.::aoAT and zraNG tb.gvii- f; i\ r.33, or MCNET BAC2. fi It is lieeominr; clear that the Japa nese haven't a monopoly in heroism after all. The Utissian soldier avIio “kept on being shot” until lu* was full of l)u!iet bolos. yet maintained Ids nerve and cheerfulness, is a case in point. And the jiallant defense of i'ort Arthur j didn't exhaust the pluci; and patriotism i of the .garrison. Out of L‘2(» Oilieers in- j eluded In the surrender only ei.t;hty. it j ■\vas reported, {^ave theii* parole in or- j dor to evade the ordeal of a v.'ar prison, j A paroled man neinl not ticrht any more, | and to li’ive a parole is tlie easiest way ■ out if a captured soldier is tired of war. “Will you love rne wlien I uni old?” | she asked. “('erl.'dnl\ lie r-epliefl, promj)tly, “if i yon v.ill_ love me when I am bald."— j I'hiladelpliia .Vorth .\merican. 1 The 31t*iliI«n. “No,” said tlu* man who was feelin" blue. “I have not been a sneeess—not even as a failure."—Indianapolis Jour nal. True to ItM Name. Brushe—Vriiat became of that story of yours entitled Had Penny?” Penn—It keeps coming- back.—N. .Y. Journal. That Enj;lish letter addressed t() .John Smith, etc., “Usona” (United States of North America), was imperfectlj' addressetl and has been I’etuivied to the writer, Mary Smith, etc., “Ewisieasa” (England, Wales, Ireland,* S^-tland, In dia, Canada, Australia, Soutli Africa). Now the Sir Edward Clarke's nickname incident is closed. Qiiiolily licliovcd. The e.xcruciatin*:; jiains character istic of rheumatism and sciatica are quickly relieved by ai>i)lyinti Chnni- berlain’s Pain Bahn. The jjreat pain relieving power of the liniment has been the surprise and delight of thousands of sufferers. The quick relief from pain which it alfi'rds is alone worth many times its cost. For sale by Z. W. Nichols Brevard, and O. L. Erwin Calvert. Do you want to live \vhcrc tho climcile is mild the yec.r round— v/here labor is never cpprcGced by stress of weather, end v/here animal vitality is never lost by mere confiict with cold? Do you v/ant to live in r. region whcr,e the i. Cu^O^i OOcj are more varied than in any other equal area in the world, where the division of g; reat ranehcs afiorcs a fine opportunity to get a cm.all farm that will assure you a competence? Do you v^ant to live where, with a minimum cf labor, you can grow profitable crops cf grapes and small fruit, oranges, lemons, olives, prunes and almcnds, alfalfa and grain, where crops are sure, business is good and capital easily nnds profitable investment ? Then go to California, v/hcrc both health and opportunity await your coming. n ]uhu^ is the most direct rente to the Pacirie Coast, and there are tv/o fast through trains daily via thi3 line, over the famous double-track railway betv^een Chicago and the Missouri niver. One-way Colonist tickets arc on sale daily, March i to May 15, at the rate of $33.00 from Chicago, with corre spondingly low rates from all points, give you an unusual chance to make the trip. These tichcta csc r;ocd on daily and personally conducted cxcurGioriG, on which a double berth in a Pullman tourist sleeping car from Chiearo costs only S7.00. Round-trip tickets are always on calc froin all points at rcduced rates via the S®Eati®iriiD |p£i(giy© FILL IM THIG COUPOr] AND MAIL IT TO-DAY. W. B, KNISKEr.n, r. T. 1.1. C. £: II.-V/. Hy., Cliicago, 111. P!er~c mn:l frcr: to my address, California booklets, maps and full particulars toaccrniaj rates aad train acrvice. KW484