Our Counfij—Its Progress and Prosperity the First Duty of a Local Paper, 'I. M R1{EVA1{1), TUAXSYI,VANIA COTIXTY, X. T., FRIDAY. M:\Y 1'i, 11)05. VOL. X--XO. 1<) ln'l’i ll'C lln,“ fu 1 1 tuool! ill t'lU'li inoiilli. :it i>. in. N'isiliii^ Miuons aiv fiirdiailv in.vitfd t-.> nit'cl will) ii> sptly \Vm. M A.\ Wl’.Ll. S( r'li I^unns Rock No. 26Z Edltori2,l Bric^S* Ji. F. A. M. I Merts Fi-i(l:iy oil Of ! Tlic Xt'w.s lakos ]i)i’a>uro ill li'llin," its r('ad(M‘s lliat a now (‘(>ri'('s|)on(U'n1 is introduced llii.s \v('clc “IVtcr Pa:-]('y.” Tlr' lias _ad e.xiK'nmce’.n ihv iie\v3]XH)('r tic'ld. understands lluit tnoi-»? peo ple' will r(\id shoi’t ])ara;i'i'a])('.?. than will n<>{;ic(?l* (olnnin artick's. is a l.)oli('V<*r in ^ood nioi’als. tinn »,»'raiu*i\ «'U‘ pi'oti'f'ion ' sns sf:i!isli<'s oni' family nwt r)f is all th<‘ tiin''* somewhat itiotti'.M-; c'V'.'ry live iiiisst contribi'te :i nnv etit because it is ir.ade to harm on ■ I lo r :i d r u !d\M r; I's iri’avi? eaeh \ • a r i:'o wit !i oa r s(mis(> of ^ -A: 1st ice. that 1 he saloon husiiies? Iv'eiit up and ])rosner Wi •h of vo.jr vwvY Mendav at ^ , .. and \vi <> (‘lock. X'isitin^' Itrellirr.- (lially uivit<'(l to visit us. D. B. HANCOCK. N. G. Transylvania Lodge No. 143, I in ord(' I • may Ix 'The ('asiesi way and tin' most j Will yon h.dpr (^liicient iiic‘lh(>d (>1. suppi'i'ssin^ hoys shall i* Th(' scieiute (jf socioloixy is ro- criuie is lo shool dov. n th(‘ |)(>r- ceiviii'j: much all(>ntion of late and petrators in their ti'ack's liive [)articularly so a.loni^ the line of wolves. Hut we let them iroon t he treat men! of c.riminals. This I r('p<»at iiiu: crime after crimo, vio- matter is often discussed in onr lation of law after vi(,l ition, all c-oa! nr.iMaiiiy. slate news[)ap('!’s auil peiaodic-als the lime incrc'asini^-1 heir numoo!' ' ''*''■ i-'-i''!-'Uonu-is now , , 1 * 1 • 1 ' 1 -i * .. 00!) a • i' in t< n vcars. and was before our last le^isia-; because it i^rates oii our s(>nse of i ‘ . • " I . _ ' _ i llo.iai.iii I - nnu It cl'.cajx r t r;u>c‘ii mu tablish a “rehn'matory for youno-,crime or misdt'meanor more' se-,^^“‘“’ or unhardened ci'iminals inst('ad V(MH>]y than we feel that it tie J MANY MILES FROM HERE. London nst ? up ~0,OU(t.OOO tons of I ty is i'a})idly increasii;o‘ i:i valu(‘. i’v.'miiar ••onveiition <‘v-j and wiiat ar(! we i:<)in>’• i,j <;(.})(„,j sit('‘:' Isn’t it about time >o!ii<- ll:dl. \ IS i; 111 i: ; , KniLilit.':'>-o cordially in-'t!:a- W(> waiv('n]) and secni’e lots vit»*d to attend. WELCH GALLOWAY, C. C. Our town is ofrowini^. propi'r-j of seiulino tiiem to the ])eniten-' sei'ves. liary or to the chainoan.ir” and ■; * * " thi're is sense and Justice in this | Tlierc) is or shotdd be a deter- i)ro[)osition, yet we must keep • to punishment. Vu' ('V(.'r in mind the fact tiiat ev(*ry , cannot idVord to dispense witli it. man is a criminal in ht-art before i ‘'H who are loo brutal to re- iie becomes one in f:ict. Brevard Telephone Exchange. not'us: Daily- 7 a. in. to in p. ’n. Sunda\' to ;U a. i'!-. 4 lo p. n::. ('i‘iitr;;l (MiMinn i^ioric. Prcfessici^.cl Ccs'ds W. A. CASK, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Roonis 7 & 8, McMinn Biti'g, Brevard, N. L W. B. DUCKWOR.TH, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Invesiigation of Land TitJes a Specialty, l^.toins 1 and '2. 1’irlsolsni;' r I’eo.ldii’.:. ZACHARY ^ rlt^EL'SE ATTO R N E\T-AT-L A vr Oliiccs in iwc^inn Bicok, Brevard, L C, AW. WELCH GALLOWAY ATTORNEY-A'! J'i-acl Icos in all tl:-.■ coni-ts 1:00ms !t and 10. MoM iiii! ■- D. L. e:-:gl!sh LA\VYF.r; lloonis 11 and V2 M<-M iii'.i l',!li:VAlIi). N .that will maiv(‘ a res[)e:table lo- I cat ion foor. ;ind our Ipt'op!'.' .'-t able lo the .sei.ool patrons. I'jVi'iy elth/lion de;,ionsl lates aiU'W lliai liu' posit i(i:: of this pa per is wis(‘- no “*dru'nmino’" for vot»‘s on ('leetion ilay. A cam- paiii'ii .“.hould close (,i; t!:(' da.y l)e- foi t‘ till* votino is to I' ' done aiut ' I it s'loiild be a crimiiii'.’ (dVop.sei.>| even aslv a m;in hov, he i;itendsj te vole. All a.!’i(-'Its sliould ■' Ije presi'iited ])i'ior ^o election, and a man be? Icd't .rev to foiloNv 1 he dictates of liis cahn judijrttnnit ni<.'!r., nconUiiiis h;i]f ii uoz- (‘II vt ry hdtt !s. Vhuitaa. M arly ‘JO C(Mit Ui-i> v. liris ri ni'';:;l.t rt v> < ii-k i r - , : ■ r t ;i moll n nu n: to its lt< at ix f i. !'lu sin of $20,000 lias iu'i'n (i and an:.-;;, ai'c calk'd i-n to semi plans ii; c(j;ni;i ii- ispond to kindiie.ss must bt,* con-^tii»n. * trolled bv feai‘. Tiie suLTij^eslions of some writ-' and s’p('alv(,*rs t)ii Ili(> liiu'of ( We are not y*,'t in L’iopia, and refoi'iiiatory methods should l.>e 1 we must clino-lo th(\S(‘ rea{l or listened to with ;i ourird-j !’i'i>i<‘iples. howi'Ver o!>iioxious; ('d mind, (^Ls(j tlK'V will appt'ar to i'^'be justiee of jciuishim'ut for i)o iiousnics aii'ainst the; puiiisii ? -uilt: the ic'ces'dly for piinisli aoMii of criitit; inst<‘ad of for t lie ' ior i,'’uilt. ior 1 he |)rot('ct ion supprt's.'.ion and t h'i reformation !‘d' society ;tnd its utirty as a of the'perpi't ivi!or. ‘ itK'ai’s ot checi^iiii; iheolfenhm<‘i’ts on ('lec- iieii day so lono- v. ill I'oe voice of lur peoj.de b<; a n-isu(jiner atui I he r.Mihdaiion of ]iL>er1y endan- u'eii^.d itirouoh ]ierl;dious and '.ii-' person:il inoiiea^v's. Pro- tfci ; 1,0 Voter on ('le(;ji')n d;:y as you would protect a i’ary wliiie I d' cidini,^ a ca.se. It is surt'iy possible toadvo- ea.t(' a philaiuhi-opic treatineiit of evildoers witlioiit njirootiim' the fownda.t ions of soci;il order, r'or instance, a. man i\!l!s liis nei^-'iboi' lo '^e* ; ho iiioiioy in ’pic!\e'-> a:!ut do I'el in 11; i.sc; ;i'o-ei Vi >d p'-.ilaiit liro^ phy. ;:iai\e ■ Iuto o! Im.;; iiecause ol hi.-; erii.iinaliiy. is boih LTood ne.->s an<’ 111* ne. I \ liw.io’s. {>ut is ‘vl-.at aii’r *Vre you | v/eit. a:> severi !)Oi lo o;u]o- hiiJi, (‘>'pecialiy if he ' ^ix'tit oi his iidlowm •lapfieHs to be v.'idl conneclv.'d so- | cialiy. altiionirh lie is himseli; a notorious proi'; ()f all till' lorins ()f oriranized (‘s eertaitily iijujj; him. for as a ! seltishness that liav ‘ manifestiHi d.oi* has .-^aid: “'riii' civic | t h drfsr-c’/s invariao' \vi'ar v>'a;'li Ill: a noirl:;Tc s!i;^‘• 'I’liat it i.-, no !anL''C'rde rinaicur to 1 a\ a ■•'• t I'i!i.T tie lit'd. in a •.;cn;ss; tiie tlii’.'T now. 'riial li;f i':;rt ;fn\"r v. oina'.i I'.i ' t-r s’n>\’. s a of dcanK'cat ,'(.n ' ' hvr i) ifd\‘. as -'10 i;‘^(5; 1 v. t f rl' to p-',\c Tljt‘ T'.i'if-,-a'-y : I'-'.o.Ti li. ciVc<- . 'I'ImI wonn ;:: il r.-'ii i;u\' <■ >' - tiv.‘ sty!' I'l ; in* s];o. Ti f ^vf;In- c'l !ai-i‘ •') ■ !';;'’y cr‘'ssi':!r in the i:- tiT witi’- bo‘, 1; itrinirs, w iii'i“ tlu“ iiien lace SI I'aiir’i ■ -.— 1. ■ • Hoiirs, - 'I'tio X;.rv» i :riar.s };avc a cnr!"us <_ ;ir- T'(‘i.cy, but it l.s rarily si't n .-ai •>;' ov\';. <■ .1; i;: ry. for :li- r 1 i c; \'i ry iiiiic am wr tiir v r.iVi a p , ;c , a;,d iL - <■;:>' lliat i rniiria'.'. 'I'! , -t Se\-o!'itv with(h)d.j >ii-'k To ; l.c' r c .[iptr ai.d • i! v- r ( ‘n-i ' t;:;d i^!:nn tl.(^ iitilc c-li.: ;;nio:i br;n\r' hdof : in ir cuv.ri; ’n*. i;;. 'rh" Ai;>n-ia;; H'a-- prl^t.'d nn U.:ht- tvdoi-. d j.ap- i-. \\ iiich ;'ho\v< i • nc ('f lht‘ sili: fib. r nnrks I'f jrconn : ;'iu lines nsL-d as .a etioii ajjainst (.-.'au- terfw tinLT. 'lii-ilits. ; i( i 0( > ia a :)(»dtiess as lau’s t real - p!)Wt‘i- bears nc.t the sv;ord in v:nn: for it is tin' miiiist('r of , ( h)d. au aveiijj:<'r to ev»-eute wrath joti him ihat d(jesevil.‘' lirovard'r? Xuw Hotol .\ioi;“i pointnK'iils Oiu-n all tlf year. The ])atroiia<:i* of the ti-a\* lii’-j' pubi a» well an suinmer tourists !.-• sol ciiv Opp. ('onrt House. I’o t vard. X. < Galloway, Oiiok.;Griti Si Beams 3 and4, McMInn Block, Brevard, K. C. X>uv *if‘d st'll all Icinds ol beal I’^stHt'’* (.’oll<‘et vejits. and ;il1en.l to prop erty wbtMi owner is absent. Farming and TiRiber Lands a Specislt)'. IS’ and Building Materials. j>r. s-cd Lumber Laths ShiiiRlea J)noiK Bliiifls I.orks Hinfres Window Pulleys I’!a*-t(‘rini; Hair (■■■inent I iiiie i:''aN; <;:n- lioiise oliicer.s at I.e.s \’crrieres -'jii'neil the cliest, inspeeted tlie contents a:id informed tl:e owner tliat llu- ee'iisiLrn- ;n< i;t must h(> e!;i.'.si(! as anima! ijimcR ii([Uor tralillc. It h;is spread i’.s | t;i\i(i at n.ue}'; the pound. 'M;e web, like a venomcc^s s))id(*r far! ‘‘''d eventu- , .. n 1 ' " reconsidered ti:e qnes- and \\ ide COllt !'< i. h IliT t he avetiut'.s | tl()n. When the uav bill hud been re- of ap[)roach. wa te'dno- f,,f vie ! ' in the followingform; the I puriposes of gret;d and a\ari ‘e. I llit.M'e is noiK' .so pov.\ local ap[>ic:ii’():i-j, as th(\v can- nol reach tho dis justice. You ' may talk to him so long as he , ehooses to listen; you may pat I him on the back, give him a su- jgar plum or boquet, but as likely’ | shield of the law over the devil as not he will laugh at your ap- [)eais and go forth to seek anoth er victim, for he was a criminal at lieart before he did the mur derous act. Anything that throu's the Society must protect itself. Self preservation may not be the principal aim of social order but it is nevertheless a very funda mental one. “Being is ever be fore well-being,” ulterior aims will soon come to grief, if crimi nals are permitted Ui fiat up and destroy law-abiding citizens. * it and wlion it is etitiroly (ie;u- ncss is the result, and uidcss i lie ia- Irimmation can lie ta cii oat and this tube restored to its norniai cou- ditioii, hearinjx will he de.stroyed Ibr- Xinc eases out of ten :ire .‘:.trongest alley ( the saloon') is bad j and bad ’ atavrh, whicli is nothing tioii is not-enpi-al tliivMiirliout tlio ' land siinply sliows that tlie phys ical ai)})etite and greed for mone}’ can trample down conscience. A scientist says “a]x*ck'of corn makes a pint of whiskey." Yes, eous surfaces. \V(; will give One lIuiHh’ed i)(jllars i'or any case ot' deafiH'ss (eau.'^ed hy catarrh) thali Icciniiot be cured tiy K.-dl’s ('"atarrh (^ure. Send for circulars free.—i\ J. CnENKVct Co., Tok*do, (). SoI(J by draj^jxists. ()5c. T-iko Hall’s Family and we have often seen a pint of j Pills for eonstipation. uiiisU-ey make a iieolv of trouble. I ^u,r;r“iu;'7,„.ii,s tirclne., * J moan, cro.ss feeling, no ctrength, no Speaking of the saloon, one j jioiii