Our Countij^Its Progress and Prosperity the First Duty of a Local Paper. BREVARD, TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY, N. C., FRIDAY. JHVE 1905. VOL. X-NO. '-:r, Dunrs Rock Lodge No. 26? Jl. F. €?■ J}. M. Mec'ts l*'!-i(liiy (ui or J)ot'i)iT tIlf full moor, >>' ill t-•’! inoiitli. at ll ]>. m. X'isitin;^- Mas(>i)s ai\‘ foi-dial 1 y inviti'ti lO 11', ,_i with us. \\\m. Maxwkli.. Sn ’//. Transylvama Lodge No. 143, Tiis Lesson of HiFil PfliRf. 'VALUE OF GOOD IHIGHWAYS. .Mhort I’lu'tiis t(‘l!s m v(M-y in tcM'ostinir .sloi’y in llu‘l;ist imm- hor ()1‘ tlio Iviliimor(' Mannfjic- turidir !v('ror(l about the injirvrl- oiis (li‘Vt‘l()piiU'iit of tlio lown (>r coniiDcrcial ])o!iits, lliirl) . N()"t ll Carolina. Ten Their Tendency t<* Stininlato tlie I’r<iflii<*tive -•'.s railroads l!av<‘ (*oiif::('stc;! liojuila- (io!i, jr >0(1 or.l»lic roads will dlfnist' it. .■^nid a siu'akLT at a Vir;;inia ;;.)od roads foini'iilioii. 'J'hc-i v.ill InU Il:‘i:ular coiivtMitioii cv- orv 'l'>i«->dav niylit, in Ma sonic i\ nii’ht vito(i lo attt'ni: all. V i s i t i n art- <‘‘)rdially in- WELCH GALLOWAY. C. C. Brevard Telsphor.c Exchange. iioi'K's: Daily 7 in. i o Iti )». in. Suii.i;i\ to ■(» a. ni.. 4 to ti )>. in. ('ont !-a 1 < >nii-o Aif.Mini) Jiloflc. Professicnc! Cards. W. A. GASH, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Rooms 7 & 8, McMinn Bld'g, Brevard, N. C. W. B. DUCKWORTH, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Investigation ct Lard Titles a Specialty, Kooms 1 and Ll. 1 Mt-kelsinier JiuilcHii”-. ZACHARY ot Br-EE5E ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Offices in McMinn Block, Brevard, N. C. WELCH GALLOWAY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. in all tl-.e courts lloonis !• and Id. McMinn I" D. L. ENGUSH LAV/YER ilooms 1! and ll! McMinn i iniKVAlU). X. Miscelki^ec-us. The JEthelwold l>rcvard‘s New lT(»tcl ?dodcrn Ai)- ])ointni'-:.ts 0])cn all tlic year. The ])atroi'.a<j‘.‘ ol iht* traveling- ])nhli<‘ jis well as Miinmcr tourists i.'solicited. ()pi). Court House. I Jrevard. N.C’. THE OLD RELIABLE McMinn Hotel M. B. WATERS. MansRer. Tiioi’ou^hly I'cnovat-'d tnnn Kitclieti to Attic. Motierate I’rici* tl to ]icr iia\ according' to icoins. Good Table. Affeniive Waiters. Clean and Comfcrlable Rocms. M.iin St reet )i)i»osit<‘ I’ostotlice. Brevard, N. C. yc'ar.s airo it was ono of the .sl(‘cji io.st villa,u«'s in the tsoulh. willi only a planini: mill, a bobbin fac tory and a tobacco factory, fur- ni.sliiiiir cMiiployiniMit lo a fow work'iii”: men. Today it has thirty fn rnit n re factoriivs malcinir ovi'ry k'iiul of iiouseh^dd and of- lice furniture except those of lancv de.->i^n and hiirhe^t cost, I and shi ppin^LT t iioic prod ucl to all parls of t h(‘irlobo. Resid(>s llieso factories there arc ten otln'rt'.s- tablishment s (Mtira.ii’od in t 1k' man - iifacture* of articli's used in fur niture makin^^ and si\t(>en ot!u>r industrial plints. making- a total ofliftv-six factoj'ies. with an an nual out [)ut of about S-l.()()().000. WluMi the furniliu't'nia'.\in,ir biisitiess was Leirun at iiiiih Point there W('re only two furni t lire factories in Xorlli (’arolina; now there ai'e at It'ast a hundred. [ourtoiMi of \vhi(*h are etii-Ta^ed in the makinii’ of chairs ;it '’i’iio::! asvilU'. Th(>re aro twolvi' fui'iii- lure factories in L('xi;i^j:t(m. foiM- or live furniture and desk f;icto : ries at Winston. I'our furnituro, factories t'ach at Statesville. ’ Mount Airy and .Maben. thi'et' c'acli :it (! ro(Mi.>boi‘o, Ashboroand Marion, two at liickory and one each at more tluin a dozen ot li(‘r placos in the stat»'. The town of l!i<j:h Point is sup[)lied with S(‘w- e!’s, water works. e]<.*ctric Ji.uhls and will stxjii have an electric j liiK' of streetcars. Its roadways I are [>aved with bitulithic blocics. and it iias tw('lvc‘ mih's of irraiio- lithic sidewalks. ••( )ne of tlio liandsome.^t pul)Iic school build ings to b(* found in a city of 10.- pi'Ojde anywhei'(3" has Ix'i'ii iM’vci(>(! at i^.int, and thei’t are doztnis of handsome privati residenct's that W(udd be attract jit your niilroad statioi;.s, your c.Minty st-ats and your viili;,:^cs. They will ;.:ive yot: better facilities for mar ket iuj,'-; they will ffive ;.ou easier co:,)- inimicaiion lietween your lioines, .v<n'r ; t;)r(‘s, .voiir ciairches and .vour .school- iiouses, and la <‘very way they Vviil 1 !;ik(* yovir l<;-<-jilities more coinforl.nldf and ni,»re attr;ictive. 'J'hey will make it jdeasajjt lo live in the country, .•md tills Will draw or.t from the city nian hers of iie;)ple. Au. tlu'r tiling I want to mentivjn hi <-o>i!i(‘cti<»;i with tJi(* ci:iiiva(ioti of yorr unoccupied farm 1.. nds. 'i'h( r:iiIi'o:uIs for tlu* m<»st part now de velop the country within a narrow Un it on ('ithi>r side of tlieir tnu-ks. I Lands a; a di.^l.aiice i'r'.;:;i r;iiL*^>ads ; iire low pri.-.ii .".nd n“i;;i ci('./!, si’.iip’.y ; i!ee;ius(> farmers ha\»‘ ii.>! f;ici;iru -; ■ for p,(‘ttiii.ii: their prod.uc(> i > i!i<> rail- j road staiion. Impi'ovt* .v(»r.r hitriiway.' I .•'.i:d lliis limit will !•(> v, idr-ncd. lo n I ;:.H*;'.t extent, s > that raIh^>:Mt;^ instc;id ! of carr.vin;;- the lr:i..^c from whhin : ilirei- or fo;u’ or livt‘ mile; of their 1 iiiies. vx'i’i c:.rry tin* iivo'hi'-e from , v.'iihin twenty or tweul.v-liv(* miles. ' hecMust' it c.-iii iir.)iit;;lily 1k‘ hrou^'ht ! th;U <I:staiice over I’oads. V\'h-'t is tn;e In N'ii-.LCiai.i ;i;'. to l!u- (h'^•e] I))..t will come f)-.»i;) iJje I’liprovi'incnt of her puhiic h:;:!iv.-.-iy--. is trr.e if aj piied t;> the wliole soiiiii and to tile whoU' counir.v. 'the :;(‘:i- f-r.Tl impr ('.•cmcut, of ,\meric;;n ld;.ch w.-.v;!! ilo imoi'- tli.-wi :in.vi idn,:; else t'» : t!;aula;' the iirodui-ti\c ciic: ;-.v of our p(M!iI(‘. luiildiiii; ui> and providiai: new i;:a!'ki;s. i:.ii:;e m.-iri.eis the !<•-' .a;kci. v.e can have ii.< re;isiu,:^ a;i.i .iifr;i.-:i;;.: o;;r niatei-ial 'a<'.11i. provid i:i;;' new licltis of lahor f our yo ith ii!'o;ULcuin^ anti heltiTin;; ;:ii jn'o )ilc ;.i.d in every way ad.lin.u: to ihei;- J ios; cvity ;,nd Social .Tili! n:o.-;,l a.il- ^■:;n(•e!!.c;l:. ('oiiip.’.red ■with the im I".- '.ve...e;it of our im'olie hi.ijhw.iys ah otiier cc ;i;o>!.ic ('Uesl;, ns iiow hcfore t!;“ ;..'{»pi(‘ arc ri'.iii.v ins;,::n;t;<-;iut. fASHIITON (jHiiT. ‘ I • • • , j V\ illiam would make a j^ood sail r laiMn itcli iii-i-(s (ill iiil'onnini,'- tliojora fair i»ro c.h, r. and .Mr. I’oosevclt puhiic tiiat ho is not to he I!oj<*stveii- Could write i.;-t(»r.v, i)iiiicii cattle, I command a I’ei^jmoii:, or do any- Mr. 'i’aCl will not In* rt*(jU‘'ste l to | sit on th(‘ lid when tlio peace eovovs hejjiii to plenipotciitiate in Wasliiii;^- (on. IV<» (.roiiixlM for I>iHN(.>nHion. “■I)au!.>!iter. it' you marr.v Mr. i'cr Icins .':rc you siir»‘ you (pi.arrci t.ii l)oiil ics cr rtdi j-i' ;; ?" "Oh. ,\ cs; ! d ai't know ;i t)iir.,'.f about I'oiiiM s and in •! , sii’t kn(/\\ ■.'crv mach ;il;out I’clijjion." ( liic;i<ro Daily fitc- o rd. Tiie (Jcor^ia and T(*xas cotton _’rowers k(‘cp thr<n\’iti<: a brick now and tlien at the Departmeiil oiW^ai- CJlltUl (!. .■'.laryland jiolities iiavt' pro(h;ccd a “Wellnj^toii’' and a “lioiiopart--'’ hut is 1 lier<‘ a Jiluiicher? Xeyl Xey! Pauline. i Wasliiii^ton will i)e reoc^^uizcd j I) .- tl o nations of the world as in })oace.” Wc neve;- did take aiiy- tliiiij^ but first place. Tii(>rc is i;o occasion lor I^u^'ian de.spair .vet. ,Sh<‘ slauild remcmlter how loii}^ it took <'olorado to •'(^cure pe.ici! al't(‘r the fi^litiim- uas o\ er. 'I’here was a decided hullisli ten-! Special itiducemeiiis this soa^^o •. • I(‘acy to the “mint mark‘‘f’ in j y“ur vacation on th*^- Paci;;'* bouisville dm’inj? tlie visit of tiie j or in ahia'st an.v of the \vesl(‘: i; old (,'onfederate veterans t » lli.it I .-Uooiier at a low cost. Piiln’roi: 1 okI s 5 n <?;»• (icriiinn .\rn!>. lu an artic!-* in the^iilir^r Woelien- Wochenhlatt ir is stated that tlie num ber of cases of*^tubercu'o:^is in thoCicr- laan army lias fallen from |-er thousanci in l^'.n -'-,1 to l.,s |)( r flious;uui in ISOS-’Of,. Tliis decrease is at trihutcd I.arfrely to Koch's (iiseovery (jf the l)aei!- lus of tubercu!-!sis, o\\ in;r to whic]j ll;.' di.Tirnosis of the diseasi' is (*asier. ai;;f rc‘(‘j‘uits siifrerini^ froT’i it are rejected who woidd otherwise have pas&eil the m ed i ea J ex a n; i n a i i o r.. Take a Trip West. cit.V. .S-'imtor elect La!'ol!ett(i oi‘ Wis- •oiisin knows a f(‘\v thiiijrs ho will ak(‘ pleasure in <loiiie to the i-^Ikius ■|) nmittee’s report on I’ailwa.v Kates. J^ouimI trij) excursion tickets vi.i l\ock I'laiiil S;,’-tom :ire on sale ci'r- tain dates tliroii.ehout tin* :-nriii;ier. ^ ou can j^o (U!t \ ia Colorado, vi^it- in;4' \ ellovvs! one i\irl< and re*urnin;x soiithein lou'i- Py way of K1 j’a-i', or vice versa. lo!;if n ti:rM limit cliotp r:ile-n for ^i<le trips to (>,- ery point of’ iiitcrest, i'ull ];;irtic; - ’ars, litoratur''aiid Uock fold ’d and .Mr, l-'olk will b(* r<*m‘-!iiii<-r» onuM'st !is the man who lidd d .<t. .otiis for s(>votal successive .Siaiilays and the !id .se<*ms to !»e pe.anatieiitly i (M-. front .foh.i'. ^' has;’’r.-so-j^-M- I Traflie >:aa;;;:er Uock Mn-:d i^y-tcio. It st'ems that when it comes to til- |^’bi<*a<;o. tration, some of those IMiiladelpliia ^aryin-^ poliiicians show thems('lves to in* mo 1 of sand. They are absolutely uniilterable. 'I'wo Stri:t_"s to the C /.ar’s I.'ussian (i!pi>>.ii:lts ;:re < re i'te l v. ilh 'jein.u: yv:y deeii as well as tr:ck.\‘. *\o d.(!Ulii but p; ace ver.V I'.MIcll desll'ed 1:1 St. i’( :<-ivi)ur;^. .V( r it is to > m;ie!i to e.vju'ct that ;:n.v j»ow(‘rful eleiriot in t!'.(“ (‘:;i;»ire stands for “i;e;;c<‘ at any ;i'.’ice.” 'i'h(‘ idea of iic.c;'.>i ia t ions e;\n well fe ' nlert.ained wit!:-Mit .uivin.i; .ground f >r i!u> assumption tii.it KussI:; is ,u!ad for any hole to crawl out of her .ii!<‘mi!’a. ii has been assert* d th;it th(‘ c/.ar ivc‘ in any community. “Kvery tl: iui.’’ht <>f tlie nation.il assenfi.iy soh'i.v bit of this dovel pinent. ” says ]\I r. . an e:;p(>ii;ei!t to sav(* th<* face of th(' Piienis. is wholly from xvithiii. ' ’ ',,,,1, .. 1 ’ . 1 asiu- in the east. 11m' onus of laakini: .'■>ucli men and money ;is liavi' peace wotild tall upon t!;(> n:;tion:\l rep- .Japan js m a jtosiiion to s.-iv “that !s the price of' peac(‘, an<l we reco ot'iid tli(‘ ”•00(1'-, but yon can t.-ike diem or leav(= them a^ \’ou st*»* fit.” !*oor Ivussial Neither “drinks” or “shave--" are o!itainab|(‘ in St. Louis on Smiday. If (iov. Kolk w ill Iist(Mi to a compro mise, .'-^t. I.ouis would consent to ”o \\ il hdut th(i “shaves.” many ;; cv I. if Avit !i nil . t n «n wlictlic !’u t<dd r ricm.’s. 1 df-n' in plaid .•oiiistKtr- noi“s. * v(;u have a -a I hr. ari^Avci-eii 1 ; "it ail i]i p'ci. it 1'. oi !i< r ]■' op iL,’’ to b. willing- to lend."—\’,ashi!;;.’-1(; Fa 'I'he I'. r w(' al\\ a.% ^V;.e;; it rr.a] —J uoKe. i: tfu- '.V j’.aco tco L. disi^n.st ;d <■(,1110 from witliiml have done so i„ x ki,,,.- r„,- biM'au.se they were attracted by j i<*nn*.''<>nt;;ti<ai in th(* councils f>f state the s[)irit of tiic' })lace. ” and Couriei". New WE V/A!iT YOUNG MEN AND WOMEN. 'I'o take Lrood po-itions which will 1)(“ positivel.y *;i!aranteed them in wriiiii”-. We will pay all the li. ii. tare of six worthv hovs and <:irls who i tlu‘ peo'dc* commit theu'.relvtv; to le sponsibility. rsi>\v. it is ;i p );>r rule that v.'ou’t work huh v.-;!.vs. If t!ic j»e;',c(> terms of .I.apaa are (‘as.v tiie a < sembly will ia :.ll proiialiiliy ur;:e ac ceptauce. <)a tlic* otia r hatal, if t!M'y :ire hard a;u! lnuniii:;ti;;;; t!a* vv]>vv sei.tativc-s v, ill reject tliem a.nd there b.v commit t!io AvhoI(‘ lanpiri* :;n in it t I a vi;.: war. T!ii"; is paaa;.', l;'>a’’' 1 b.v the )’.ls \ 1J tia .J. A. and Building Materials. pressed I.umber Laths siuiif;les S.i.«h lLfK)rs Tocks Wiii'lovv Pulle.vs Fla<-tenn.ir Hair Ct-inent I.ijiic Keaity Kooling < i 111 -iSS I’utt.v Sasli' Look.*; Wilidnw l.’fts Sash I'orii and Wei^'hts McCormick Reapers and Binders Mowers, Rakes, Corn Cutters and Grain Thrills. Cor. M an and C.ildwell BliKVARD, X. C are readers of this tiaper, and oivi * * ’ stronj,''st ea'ineiii them tuition at 1. ss than cost, if they j„.(.sc< ution of th( cater at on(.*e. 1,(',(;() more calls W(>re -^vhat the war i-eceived for jrnulnates last year tiian C/.ar, v. ill weicou;e, for !. ni'-.ias a • •oiild h(i tilled. Some of oar nation of one mind :;nd an «‘utlius!a.''lii uraduates are now makiui; over S5,- soldiery. (IIIO i)er year, and yon etui do e»pially j ^ as well. The (ieor^ia-Alaliama liusi-I , rr.:i.n«-nri .mioii.i. . ,, • 1 I -! ridaona sliells are very oomraonlv .i,.ss(<,lk--,.is;;,.»*rM.l.vi(voi;Miwih,s|,.,,„, i,i Eiiroiw for holy •‘the lar^( st, cliea]i<*st and best in tii<‘ w;:((>r b.asins .‘ine evi'n fonts. The lar- .Soutli,” ahd every amliitius \oimi; 'iK>rhaps are thos<‘ Ja u.se at St. man and woman siiould write tfds 'riiese sliolls attain a . ,. ,, . . . I'- ^veij-rht of r»00 pounds (the two valves \eryaay lor lud intoimaiioii to L. to.'rc'then. the animal Itself .sometimes L, Martin, I’rest., .Macon, (Ja. , heiiifr tvrenty pouii{Is in wolprht. The — ^ v.-ord “tridacna” is from tlie Oreok trl- Ssrair.sd Ankle, Stiff f'leck, Lams Shoulder i-«t who ,1 -I * coukl eat a twenty pound animal at 'ihc.se arc, three common ailments , bite^v.^st. Nicholas. for which Chamherlain’s Pain iitUm i ____ is especially valuable. If pi’omptly .\ movement is to I e starts 1 in | Xew ^’ork to cvanuc!i/.e Wail stieet. j I he Xe.xt st(*[> in tlii.' heiaaiiean cam- j paien will probably b- to-avcihej “souls” of tlu! corpor it ioii". ! I Tlu* X'ebraska L<‘”^i--la t m’e [proposes to allow a citiz*-n to ^et drank three tiiiKsayeiir. A la-v makin--it com pulsory for Some pe<)ph:* to «^ei solicr tiiii(‘s three a year would lie more to tiie point. If (Jov. I'olk errs in his idea tiial laws Wen* made to be enl'orced, will | someone kindly explain what tiiey ■ire'for? \\ c cannot answer c.vce[d that some ]»'‘o[»le think they should • le “put to slee[).” A IVimsylvania man has a iiet lisii that knows its name a!‘>d is fond ot the family. It is evidint that The “imagination’' of tiie ujt-to ihUe tlsh- erman is j^ettin^- away from the liackneved trails. .lasper-What ar^- yuu about ? .1 umpupfie—i had ;i .sijIc:did apj.eritc am; as •.-ct t ii.'/ [ -.■;;dy to .•••o to a res- iaura.iit to h.a’ e ,i 'ini' (iirr- r. wlien : (il(i i'ri(']:d calhd ;:!:d ii;.~’.-ted tl;;,: ! i.;i i.'o;:;c iia\i‘ pet luck witli him. to','.;, i “Don't ca!! Mca.idi rirr:- >:ike. (h, y: ;; x> (]’.!ire(i ii(’!ai "W. \ n e a 1. lot J • 'ccn.s il bird." jirotesti-d tt) be calli;d in- coinpri; a-.i.-e .tt,' dir-e. .\tt :• .M!" • ’ •■'C." \\ashii;”ti n Star. Rot: :• .ill }>uu t. “Papa.■what i.s tiie iiiirher Criticism T’ “My son, it is t!.e n.ethixl wliereb;' people eonvinee themselves of tlie fals ity of Koniethiny they know isn’t true.” —I’uck. siuli n f (tin'll. ( 'H> ‘I I U’the Canal {'ommision has a rieht to buy where it can buy the ehea[X‘s;. why shouldn’t the ciiizen?! have the same ]»rivile^e? It is i.ot very pleas ant to have taritT aiul trust robltcrs g »in<:- tlirouiih your i)ockets. Tlu* lady managers of the .'^t. Louis e.\'p(jsition “returned” over ;i <]u irter <d' tlie money j?iven them to expend. Tliis is merely another ins- It turns out that Norway cut loose j taiice showing? woman’s rtrer untit- apphed it will.^ave you time, nioiu*y i from her union with Sweden in order ness to enter tlie tiehl ol i)ubjic life and sull'erin^ wlien troubled with | to f?ot a better hold on things substan- any of thes** aihnents. j tlal. She i.s readj' to tie up with Swe- For sale by Z. AV. Xichois, Tacvard'deu and Denmark coiabiuod, “for bet- and O. L. Erwin. Calvei t. tor. for worse.” and ])iactical politic.s. iion. Her.ry Walersoa says of Emi eror ^Villaui and the Piesideut I'rank .7. ClH-ney mak('s oath tiiat h(‘ is ser.ior i)artne:- of the tirm <d‘ r'. J. Cheiie.V iV Co., doiil‘4 b;'.>ine^s ill the city ofToU*(io, count.v and St.ile af'oresaid, and that said tirm will pay the sum of ( Mie Iiitndred Dollar' for eacfi and ever.v (:*.<e of Catarrh tha.t ?ani!ot be cured l>.\ the use »>f IniII’s Catarrh ('nr;*.—I':;a.nk J. Cnr..'.;A'. Sworn to before m<* and sul'scrilied in my i)re.seace, tills (*.th (hiy of' l)v- cember, j). (:-^kal) . V»'. Cl ;;.\s(V\, Xotary I’ublic. TTall’s <'atarrh Ctu'e is taken inier- nall.v, and acts directly on tne bloo<l and mucous snnV.ees v>f the s.vstem. Send lor testi»i)oniais free.— !■'. ,[. 1'!!!-:ni-:v i": (’<)., Toledo, (). Sold by all dru{j:-j:ists. Toe. Take HalTs j'ata- dv I’ills for constipation.

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