Sylvan Valley News Our County—Its Progress and Prosperity the First Duty of a Local Paper. •I. -I. y\Mniiauvr. BUEVARl), THANSYLVANIA COUNTY. N. C., FlUDAY. Jlll.Y U. lOOr,. Dunns Rock Lodge No. 267 Ji. F. ^ A. M. Moots 1'I-id ay on oi- b(>f«>i-o tlio lull moon ill carh nionlli. at '1 j>. m. \'isitinLT Masoi)> ■dvo ooi’dially invito. m. <’’ontral ( Mlict' .Mc.MInn illock. Professicj^Gl Cards. W. A. GASH. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Rooms 7 & 8, McMinr SId'g, Brevard, N. C. W. B. DUCKVt^ORTH, ATTORNEY AT LAW. InvEstigation of Lend Titles a Specialty. Kocdns I and 2. rickclsiiiic!- Jir and lit. Mi'.Minn iiloek. D. L. ENGLISH LAWYER Koojns I! and ll’ .Mc.Minji lllock-. I5i’J-:VAi:i). C. M!sceIia!^eoiis. The JEtkelwcld l')i'‘.‘vai'at I'duaL:'!' of tlu- ti-a vliii;. ]in!dic well as siuiiiuer tourists i.-s(d;ei;i-. Good Table. AHentive Waiters. Clean and Catnforfabis Rocms. Main Slrt-et < ite I'oslollice. Brevard, N. 0. 50 YEARS’ EXPERIENCE Trade ft/JARKS DcstG^s •rTvw' Copyrights &c. Anvono apridlnf? a pkclch utkI dprcripf ion may qtilcldy as<-crt;ii!i onr <«i>iiuini iiee wlii'ther jiij invent inn is pmbaiily i>:itt'tilalilc. ('iiinin;iiiif;i- f i()i\sptriftlyconlliiential. HANDBOOK o!i sent i rc'n. oldc-it airPiK'y for socunnj' patent.^. Piiieiits taken tlivmn:li Muuii a. Co. ix-celve tpeciid 7iotice, cluirifo, in tlio Jliitricaii, » illncfpfitoH n-ook'lr T.*»rL'PSt, ( u;/ Hit IV.I 36tBror.dvv3y,f}e»/^f York A han(i3oiTicly ort wopkly. T,artiest cir- ■iii.'tridii < f any .1'>iirnal. 'IV-rins. .?.} a 'ar; four nioiitlis, ?1. iioliibyall Twwscicalers, .jNo.:.. ■■ ■ Branch <.)Oico. tl25 K \Vasihiu;.'tc)ii. D. C. riinT7iliprla5n*«j cholera .'iml l/ndUlDeridin & J^iarrhoca Remedy, ICever fails. Buy it now. It may save life. A buddinijr «^oniu.s I dcvolop.s inlu a blooming idiot. * * Tlio \vif(' is .ironorally tiio b(M- t('r iialf. Sometimes she is the \vh(>le tiiin,£;. The earth is a lar.o'o and bitter [»ill. but you can i)ut a good deal of sugar on it. * At * The katydids were tirst heard. W(' are told, on the tngiit of June I’jll’. Aeeording to th.e old say- ini:' tlu'r(‘ will be i‘i’()st on Sept. I'oth. This is said to V)e a iiretty suro saying, so you can arrange to g(H ripe or })till yoursell' in out of iloors by that time or talcc the elianees of gt'tting your verduri' ui{)pi;d. Seol TliO man wlio thinks right thinks Tor mankitid. Train your boys to ru.n th(> I'aiMus. brother. Teach tiuMii to h)ve it and honoi* it and how to make money out of it. !^il)eralily is appreciated but peoph; woidd prefer to look on en joyable fourtli of July rnlly and old-time singing'at Davidson riv er on the gloriotis Foui'th. The occasion wms one that will belong re!neml)ered by the ])eop]o of Transylvania county and is to be hoped that on each and every Fourth of July in the futiu’e th^tt the peoj-jle will again meet togeth er and renew tlie friendships of thcMi' early 3'onth find become r(‘ juvenatod. There are sev('ra.l rt'asons wliy it is necessary to hav(' tlu'se gatliei'ings of the peo- t>l('and I will enougli of your valuable space to ex[)ress my ideas on the subject. As it is well known the Fourth of.July is not as generally csle br:ited in tht' south as it is in the nortii and there is no reason for It would not be right to men tion this occasion without giving tlie credit for it to liim who was i,tie originatoi’and to whose good managc'tnent and untii'ing perse verance tlie lintil success was due Mr. M. .1. Orr. he was thi‘ man who llrst proposed tlie celebra tion and he devoted his time, tal ent and money to making tlie gatliering a suc<*ess and we hope that he will make it a point to get another celebration for the 4th next year and if possibk; have one between times. To sIjow how the jieo[)le prc^sent felt, hind there wei'e about I’.OOO on the ground.) re.'5()lu lions were* ado[>ted that read as follows: Tliat. as about two thor.sand ()f the best people of Transylva nia ;ind her sister counties are hc're present and Whereas, all present enjoyi'd a such b'.'ing the* c;i>(\ e\en instructive series of exercis(‘s i)e it most iiniH'ctmst ructed vet(‘ran caiinol (i(‘ny that we liadas mucli ; 1() do with tilt; original Fourtli as any st'ction of the Fnited Stall's, it was Xort h. ('ai’olina that tii-st tit'clart'd her indi'pendence and the man aft(‘r whom our ct)unty S 'at was n;tmed. i-^phraim l>rt‘- vard. was tlie man who penned tho Meckhuibiii'g Declaration. sf> v'ou r beinii'a st inav lellow, \\ Ikmi ! ‘ a purt'ly ])atriotic stand point, we of'Transylvania county, should coli‘b]-at».‘ the natal day of ut 1 here is. anotla'r and p('rha})s more cogent reason wliv sucl; ii'at h(‘i‘ings shoisld b«' atlvocaled aiul bi'ought to a successful ter- iuiiiaiioii and that is for tiie roa son that t iio ])('()[ il<“ of on r count ry ind (‘.NpeciiiHy thos(' v>'ho live in lh(,‘ si.'ctions far away from the .enow it is th.e only I towns should comt'out ami meet t lu'ir ni'!ghl)oj’s and fallow man. 1 f oni! would but investigate ih<‘ i'('cords of tlu! stati' asylum for t ho insane in this and otlujr statt'.-^ i1 would l)c- found that a. largt', in fact, entirely too large a percenl- ;;g<‘ of th(^ insane wouii'ii in such institutions art* :armers wives and daughlors ard the cause of so in uch insanit y among this ('lass of })eople is tliat the^’ k*ad tor> se- it comos to r.sK'ing them to share your troubles. Tiu‘ farmers art' tin' salt and bread of tl'u' ctMitUry. I>ut for tl.ein and their busiiu.'ss tiui pt'o- ple would have to go empty and iiare. 'I'hey have the highest c.-iliiiisi'. They havt! the one that (lod chose for man. It is one in which (!t)d i.N a diri'ct ]>a!'tntM-. So fill- as v.'( business with ])!'omis(‘ - at it has (iod's higln'st and ni(»st sa ei'('(J cotu.-ern. h’armers should, nul many of th<‘in ilo. magnify liieij’ <-alling. 'i"li'“y are busy now. They do not comt' to town only as they have biisintss. Tney -iri' in a struggh* just ikjw with ••(ient'ral (ire<>n." If you want to intt'resi farmt'rs -^-tht' sensible' f)nt‘s- talk to t 1m‘in about divt'rsified farming. They havt* I cluetl and ist)laled a 1:fe and set* rt'alized by ('Xperience that t ht.'y | 100 lit! le of t)ther ])('t)pl('. man is can't rely o!i one or evi>n two crops. Tht*y art' I'ight i?i want ing fail' })rlces ft>r their ci'0}>s liut the farmers caiuita afford a. gri,‘g:irii>us animal and it is a rt'fiui.-.itt' of his natui'e that he mt'el atnl as.^ociate willi his fel lows and if he is (b'jirived of sucli to adopt tlie tricks of trade to | association anil mitigling he will gt't them. Tlunr senior ]):;rt- j lose liis mind in many instances, ner (iod. woukl be slandered by 1 and much [)U?asiu'e and a great such an act. j:iiuount of ('ducatitjn in all cases. ^ * So for the ]))'t)tection of (Mir wo- ‘•Ti'uth is miglity and will })]•('- | men as v.'ell as for their pleasure VOL. X—NO. 2 wrougiit. Now, our ti'ain'is ready to start ajid we musl: le?.v<' this iMiciianted spot w’nich we h()[)e to visit again. A V 'Sl'i’Oiv,. vail.” they say. Yes, but not ;il- ways in this :ig»‘. In (*ourts fre- (piently the majority of thewit- n('."ses don’t swt'ar the; trutli, or don’t tt'll the whole truth, which i.s just as bad for a half truth is more dang('rous always than a full grown 'lie. Lies often ])re- Resolvt.'d, tliat the sincere thanks of this largt'audienc*.' bt' :ind it is her(!by extendtnl to Mr. M. .1. Orr for tht' al)le and ('fii ci("it maniu'r in v/hich he con diictt'd the cxcu'cises of this day and be it furth(‘r lit'sov('d, that we will celebrate 1 he Fourth t)f .July liMH) in same nniniier in the town of IJrevard. i'hanking yt)u for your space. Mr. editor, J rt'iuain ( ):n 1: ()!•' Tiik.m, k Visit fQ Lake Toxawaj. I'ditor Sylva!’. \*alley News: All aboard for thc' bt'autiful r..aivt'Toxaway. the gem of "'riu' land of the sk' v.’’ A party of ns tooiv advantagt' of tli*' t.xeursion !hat wt'iit uj) from Ashc'ville on Wt'dijestlay, J um‘ 1 Ith to si'e and | enjoy oin'of t lit'most lovt'ly spots I in Westt'rn Xt)i'th C'a;'olina, situ-| ated on an i^levateil plateau, .sur- j ronnded by mountains wliich al- | fords the most bi'autiful sc tlr> prt)p(»'^(‘d union, tlu're c»r kind ofaulo.'- ra -y wliieli will aet work !i.>tii way- .Somebody ha" suiiu'e.-ttMl Iicnry (”ahot fj>'!;^^e for S: en.tury of Statv. \N li.v not Tf'tidy's tJd friend, Jact;!‘ irik? Seeretary Shaw 1 rcvit- that t!* t)f ( on J;, s!iiall !M)ok. lio'i * in Ci.t, < »* *j V - i’ u'eie a veiy Sam'' i)i;el:et- A cra'lk) of> r.;ted i>y ele.-tricity has ho‘U iuveiit <1. 'I'he m<»ther 'ou ries tht^ hut't.iii ;.*ial tht' !>a'ay tloes t he r*-st. ll ht'i^lii- to l()(.l: ti'.otr.:li the i i- faiit c/arowitz m',:ht !iave a cii;in 'e lt> ui'ow up to cc :• L 'v^d ;;atl U-efU; “inivatt' fitizeti." Stavtliirj: news ronies from tin* Western nuu'Kt,'!-l‘ tht eileet tliat }»o tatoes art' wt'ak. iiavi* tiiey ever tried i)hysical cullu -e'.’ .^apan’s reatline~-to i-(>T;:imie tht' Iiowevor hi;^' i'act(;r in war, if p -ace i- ii:.| ;.ialliug I o KU"ia. i- a th'* l>e;iee | >ossi i d. i i! '. Iftlii^ ‘“^^r-aiOT'" (-■■* •(ini])ment. lt)Cated on an ; internal Se’:ati>r ^! irchel:’- ; pn)nt»«iT ion that a senator c,,j. i;,. ,;o wrong, t'.oe- iiot ap[»t*ar to lie v\ rittc,:. in tiie con stitution iu verv 1 tv t.te, it nia> prove e.t. Piiil 1>. ‘'Ar mour ;s i.)U”h enoujjih to ]>rotret tho beef tni-t ajrainst the law' wheii po]» ul.-n iiitcre-^t is at “.-t('ak’'. Catan-I; C’ai.'not witli local a{);dicati(;U';. a-ti:ev v:;a- not reach tlu'seat of the tlisease. Ca tarrh is a blood or const iiittit)ual (bs ea-e. and in ordei- ti'cure ityoumiist: la.vlie.^. H.'tlPs ea tarrh cure' istalce’i iuteiiudiv ;;nd we should hav(^ more of these ipublic gatherings, tlie niim comt'j ;;0 or 40 r^.et abovt' tin It) town Iretjuently and by tht'| ^rt>ntly down It) | ttu' bit tnl nature of their various busines- st.';-, are thrown nearly ('Very day with others t-ian tht'ir immediate family, but the women, oui‘ wives, way is the [)lace. Wti ha\'t‘ i it is ce.iimc-eo ol u <• of tlie Elysian fields of Paris, ' Kno\.n, ce:;d'iiu'tl witii which in our iimmination are tlie best blo;»d i'Ui i;;( r-', iictiiiiz: ei- t)ur motht'rs, our sisters and oui' vail in courts anil also in m.iny | urt on high ••truth | ke|)t at home and see vei'y litlle ' like L..... will prevail," and evei-y criminal I of the outside world and nec('S-1 its surroundings. ''<>mhmat;t..i of the t'»vo in will receive his just [lunishnient. j sarily they become narrowed in I writer Vv’as on the .grounds ^ ^av h w 01. anti mucou' the water. All wlio ai-e loolcing Utn-fuce.s. !hill's c,uar;li cme is ne.v ;i for an ideal s})ot. a sylvan I'e-j proscrib-'I treat wiiere they can lind i'(,*st for | hy t>ue t>f the b> st i-hysicUnis m tl:' ■ tht? mind and bodv Lake Toxa-■ >T years aval > a ngular ke Toxawav r<>c; iy on th.' nnicou- K'sultsin ci.viiiucatarrh. Soiai PKTiMiPai;lI':y. j tlieir views, and as said b('ft»re. ; w'ln'rt^ tho lake is-, now^ spread out | f,,!- toscimoni-.vls fre:*. 5'. J. ( ni::>»v —^ 7 , ,, , I thev become mehincholy, morosi'lij^ b(''a.utv tnore than Props., i'oledt), (;. ‘-’('Id by Tlie Star Snanjihd Banner always; . . t . in' -1 . ! _ ’ has the right to tlie limelight >^s do all 1 years ago, but what a wondenul; (Irnggists, price Toe. lake liatVs dn^the fourth. j in our power to make their lives Icbungo the hand of man has 1 Fa’iiily pills tor co:-=tiinVaon.