Kl Our County—Its Progress and Prosperity the First Duty of a Local Paper, '1. MINKU, MaiKiuvr. BREVARD, TRANSYLVANIA. COUNTY, N. C., FRIDAY. JULY 1905. VOL. I-NO. i>unns Rock L^oege No. A. F, ^ A. M. Moots Friday on oi- bol'oiv' tlu' fu 11 niDoii in oafli Tuonth. at '2 ]). in. A'isilin^^ Masons arc ooriHally invitiMl lo tno('t with iis. ■splly \Vm. MaWVKLT., S( Transylvania Lodge No. 143, KniglitsofPytiiias MODEL TOWNS. The Sappiiire Goyntry. lu'uular oonviMilion ev ery Tuestlay niulit in Ma- so'iiie Hall'. \ is it in i:- i\ni;4'iUs an* (MH’tlially in- V ited to attend. WELCH GALLOWAY. C. C. Brevard Telepficne Excliange. nor !;s: T^aily 7 n. in. to 10 ]>. in. Siui'iay S to lo n. in.. 4 lo <> p. ni. I’t-niral < )tlire- inn lUurk. Profession si Ccrds. W. A. GASH, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Rooms 7 & 8, McMinn E'd'g, Brevard, N. C. V/. B. DUCKWCF.TH, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Invcstigaticn cf Lstid Titles a Specialty. lIo^.)ins 1 and '2. 1’ickelsiin<.-i- 1 iniluin-j;-. ZACHARY B3.EE5E ATT O R N E V - A T- L A. W Cificss iii Mcfninn Bicck, Erevsrf, N. G. Fealijr«*s of Soino In end tierinany. Tilt* Anioriean ('ivic ass.iciatitr.; is in rccoipt of \ arious ro(iu(*s{s for infor mation with i(( cities r.iul j.iw :.s both in tlu* T'niied Stale.; and }:;;ro:ie. ^^'llat i:-; di'.'UH’d li\' u;h* iuv'ivivlual i.s very apt to be desired i»v <(ih‘.*;'.-. Cine r('(iu(>.st was ill reference in xM tiou IS apt, The objective point town.-; in i:n;rlan 1 a:id AiiitTic.-,. laitl | of 1 h('])) esent joui'tiey I coiltiwiiod out as the result of tise hest *‘.\iier; ::ii>i ; Iirofe.'sionjil advice. M'hefe ;>r.' ;\v;) i towns of from :’.,n»Kt or .“i.o in ! aiit.s wh(‘r<» thi:- ha.; lie;’n d<>n(‘ ! land. 'rhe.-:e are l’> iin-ni'viiie ;!;:d j Suuli.LThi. in which (\)nsii;er;!Mc pi.vk and jil.'iy.irronuil :ire:is have beci; pv«>- servtHl. In r»(»urneviile tlu* ohject is to : have a play.^rrotuul ^vithill live Kiintitc's' I waP.c (tf evi'vy cinici. In addi'.i ii;. c:uh I hons(* in both of the tovrns lias I (l(‘ii all )iii'.enf, if i^o.^sihh*. n*-:.! t'> j an i a; Icasi Vilthin tv.-o <',r i*.ree iiiin- i nt('.';' walk of it. (hie tuie.\pt'ri( d r'-siilt I has been the ini]»roved s.iln-U'ty. M r. Kj'aP.k ^\lnrtolt. Ill llio ; l or liv<‘yc;rs the av(>r;’.ut‘ (.c;.;!i r; r(‘ i fj-esll lliorilillir air the trip i.s I'O- , in lV.,uri:('V!l!e has be-n a lil'ie \(.« I than iiiiH* lu-r v.iiiU' in Ainericiin I cities tiie ax'craire rate bus itc; ii i;.. vc ! road, and We'll bed’oro noon oiu' is ;ihan uineleen per in ..:Lvr down by the sido of Lake And throuich .‘^neh a Hurrowes, who wa.s until roc'M.t- ]y .siiperintcpdfMit of Ihe dining'- ear service of the S()pth«M‘n :^ail- Li tlie boolchd.s and otbcr lit-j way, and is so j>lea.sant ly renio-j- er:!tui-e al^out it. it is i-eL'erred to I lje]-e(i in C'li:ir]ott«', whiclj was as *‘Ti:e Injautiful Sai)i)hire eountrv,’* and the characleriza- j from Tlmi’sday's })aper) is Lake Toxaway; and selectiny AshevilUi as the startin'^ point, one leaviiiir in the afternoon travels twenty mill's to Hendei'sonvillo, then taires the Transylvania Kailroad to ]>revard. about tv;onty miles. his head(inart('rs while he v.as in chai’^^e of the dininii;- ctti- service. Patrons of the dininir cars of the Southern while he was their su perintendent. know what may be e.\pe(ded as to tluj fare and i:en- eral service at any of theTo:-::’. way lioteLs. Tnat expectation will not b(' ilisa})}K)inted. This Sa])phire C'otintry eiuei’- pi’ise, the devel;>p,inetit thus far j where the ni<.*iU is spcMit at the ticcom])lished and that i-j com[)letely ;ippoint<*d Fi-anklin, kept as a liotel should be kept, by Mr. Fjar.k Morton. In tlu fresh niornin^r air the trip is I'e sumed via. tho Transvlvanialiail- ^'O- i rp i oxa wa v I words. n(or(' th:;n twicc* a.-; j jih' are «-o:uh':nne;i to icive up life in j , oui* i!!i('kly C!ii!;L^‘-sted <'i!ic.' than wo’,;ld ! I i]o s;> if ihey lived in a ic.wj; ;;■{(' j i llotu-nc vilie. The I'irsi (hin;'-:! (".ty I (liuiitedi, a new (trfra’.u"::!ion i;; ■ ■ l::ii»l. roc( ii',ly h:is adopted ;i v< :y i;.u r ' I e^iin.u: is alo ;i •■chei;.. to i I build. :i lown near will li is i-.t ; j bo a ni<:f ! t!u' v.'.;v !-■^■eet^; ai’e e:;t('i!d.d ii. 'ii r- ri.'gion! Jt has not betni a ^'I’eat many years, as thehistoi’y of ih(? rare I'uns, since tlu; idt*tiof a rail road in so wild a Coventry would have b(‘en rej(}ct(*d with deri.siou. IJu1 here it is. ti toriuo;;s lii;e. v/ith heavy ilsi'lf ovei- fears{)me ciiasm; throuirli n!ounl;iiiis of solid roc WELCH GALLOVf AY, ATTORNEY-AT LAW. i ra<-tices in a’l the courts I Jooins P and id. Mc.Minn Ulock. D. L. ENGLISH LA\‘/YER IvOdPis il and ill McMinrt I'.lock. I’dlKVAlli). X. C. Mksceilcineoiis. luan citu'; . 'I’ltis i.; recdi^nlzed a:- I'-;;'.- danu'iual. Vor. must c:):i'.:idc:‘ y..e.r cily liiait if you v.-au; a beautlft:! <’. y. this fact. t!i;‘ .Vr'.craan (’ivie ;is:;o:-ir'.ti(Mi h:'..--. cnated its di- Iiurtinent <■;' city ir.akin:.,'. viith Freder- i(*k S. L:.;ul' ;;i its head. aion^'sidii 1 clear streams, bri.'lccn Ix'ro and thor(! into v.ater falls; aci'oss smilini:' valleys with ! This is a conto m- t)latt*d, is on a Lriii'antic sctde. The real (‘.>tate Ipjldin^s of ihe "i^)xavray Company embrticc* ->■).- 0()0 acrt.'s in HeMidei'.son. Tran sylvania. Jackson, and it mav 'o(\ other counties. Tik; Transylva nia Railroad and the completed hotels all beloiK'i-in^ to this com pany have alie:tdy been s[)okeP. Jaj>j.ii c.inu'it se!> whv some n.v tiops are wo;ryin^; f)V('r tiiiaMical troiibl'-swheii lH)r;’(nvin^" is such a pic nic. The Kpworta Ijoaj;n^ d elares ti',;\t j tlu* very smeli (jf touaceu i.'> iinmoi/.l. ' Kijjjlit you iiii- K. I,. Sf.mo of ii ,anyhow. IvUs^iii is r(‘p.‘irt(.Ml to lie iof)kii!-j;' tor Sijhniarines aijro;i!<* it‘.',ho \v<»uli' ‘d»,ick talk’” at tliad \vickc<;. Ma Taiiv ll. I Senaior |)<_*{>rtv says lie stands oit Ills liunor. /-.I! Vi’e have lo s.t*- is that he must i-urely have siiiall I'eet to stand on .'tu-ii “-mall space.’’ It i> reported tisat (MMieral !Jue- ' viteh will not elTor battle to '.'vnina. f ri'ij , , . . „ I-'iiievIt*/!!, ‘’ohi iM,;. ” so.iiiis to know OI. 1 hese are tne bei^innini:-oi ,.1,,.,, m , , ■ ^ uiicn t ) let. Ufil eiiouj^li ;do:ie. to be dope. 'J'Ip' esvate 'rho'“ (‘i;:i.tee!!-liour tra.ins be tween < .'iicr;i;^(> itiid \0: k proni ise t I!' ‘•p,; iiilc‘ss c.jIii>ioi;s‘‘a;- thin. stands ]U‘ticticL;lly as it (‘a!:i'“ fi’oui the Jiand of tiatiii’(*. To mention the names of the coj.ii- ties ov('r whicii it extends i,- to suLi'ii'est fort'sts of untouched t imber. vincontaminatod strea’.ns. grain, .g-rass and c^'ltlo; is to s j_--- ter a !i;rJ-j i.ra> ti; (-, lv>t u- live ill We are told ie .'ioly W'ril. “tlia'- money ;s the loot ot’ all evii" bu; the [MiiI.elelpi.i.t (. rafters iiiiiik that .'jr<'st scHMicry. lh<‘ pp)s1 awf:;! a,;d “Miif,-; most pictui-esque. the abounding former, wealtli of nature ;‘nd tiie perfec tion of climate, ii is .saitl tiial IS ;i V. : HOME PRODUCTS DINTnER. I — Bfiitei i'«“C ’3'! i % 4-:n*. s :i li;;n- (iUet d(>le; (iu;;. Il-.n b(' riddt'ii over—neither to b( talked about. i»ut Vvhi!*.' tall: ir ill {)i‘e':ress. this adventurous ej' i’ort in railroad c(justrm-tion musi b. T/ie JEthelvjold J'.revard's .W“'.v Hole! .Mo(],‘rn Aj)- jiointine.iis < );n.'n al! the year. Ti'ic pa.ti-ona'je of tla* tra'/eliiie' pul-d.i as well as ^;u!!M1'.l I-toiedsts i.-^ .--olici Opp. (’oui’t lioase. I’lri’vai'il. X.('. THE OLD RELIABLE Tsr T T i)nv,i-> has ju.-i. ) hdits. Tile c(fu:t on tln' ]iott(‘st day tho mercui’V fi-(,i.. count I'v to be se(;ii tiiid a I’oad t(jjha.s never been knov.’n to rei;’is- lef above ^7 deiii iust.. indeed., aliitleafter inidriiLiiil. tiie' niuiil clerk of tlii' Toxaway inn and a uuest sat on tile front veranda smokin.i^- and tabdng. As thin,!:: abdiii the evi.-iit was that (“verv- I ... r ; ^ i > • , , (hi:.;;- servi-d ;:r li-e lab]e wa.; a “lur'io ! nuibOt 1 ol sli.nt-s(( Is ; ckn-k arose to go in to looiC a pruduc;.” All tl'.e v(';4:etaM!'s were'*^'’^^ iiealtii and pleasure seek'ers some duty he remark'ed, ‘d .thrown wiLhiii l!te cu,;nty. the Kie;-.is I'A-ho resort to tiie.-^e' b.'aii! iful ele : live I will looiv at th< ] vatioiis, and the traflic which will ; ‘-WIulI dot'r : ri'siilt Iroiu the devi'lopiiK'nt oi ' vvas aslc(.*d v.dien li<‘ liad looked at copyred an-! (h.'cUire |ti rei:-ion hit her to almost untoiu'h- : it. “Sixty-two” was ilp> answer.., 1 ('(I. and abounding in Up.'soui-i-es irentleinan Vvdio hud iust left «! \ rti.si';s'vs‘.'i>: i % 4-:n*. ‘w IT ‘!iti;s I t’u !'e v riv< n in .\ebr:iska <‘ity. .Neb., to ies to ;i state c.(iiV('iit;on of trav- ip.en, sa.vs I». .M ? ;;ir in -,1;^. : baV(' been (‘P.oriuousiy eX[)t'nsi\'e 'fr.'uh' Advocate. A notable ; t |puigh in the y local paeki!;-.; h(r,!.-;( bread wr.s i;.?'.de I'roni Loi'u- ”• t be ter 'oti- t hermome- it sav'r" h<' >1 (Ml di.-cli :)anl;ru}itc' and it say th ‘ '-redit*.;. did noi .• e.-ime !.y it. Sea serp('Ut> < !l tiie Xe- coa"t iiKty ta!^<: p :i ice i i . uoiiiu’' to have \\arm eoi;: at Ports!!.at’P / commi- v. !;a a was laae niiil, t:i;‘ pickh' fr..::-. i. 1 bit i we;iltli, v. ill maki: it a.-> prohta j ^Ik'. little' buiu'h on the porcii to as it must bavv'been tin “X-j to his room had b('('P. obsi'rved N\ itii no more pr;'. ate tip-^ g )ii g c.-;' i i hi B. WATERS, [^lanager. on ’ini.’. renovated Ironi l-iitchen (.'Tati■ I ’rie-• •■:;! to I..'ii) iliii:;' to rooiris. 'j'horou-iiiy to Attic. .\i per d:\. a,cc Gooi Table. Attcniivc y/aiisrs. Clear; and Oomicrfa’cle Rooms. M:li:i Street <>ppo>ite I'ostoliice. Brevard, N. C. ii;e ’,vn int.» ;l.»:ir ia a ^ anil 1 (reserve's j local piclciiiiK :'-iid lev ' and th*’re v%';!s little ix'- ' tiie s::;;ar and that wa.- a Ne- ■ ; product—ai:d t’;e cutlee th::t 1 ci'.ri'e fr' n; on;sid.e .Veb-ask.a <’ity. 'fhe I spread was one of tht' liucst iii ; ihe s1at(‘ for yeiirs. i-ispe'-i:;l can* was taken il;;i1 every ;i:-T;--!e needeil be I P:,:ae lh’ow n and. liorneuaide. ' Tliere could b;' ii'< i.cip.-r a;!v(>rLise- ! i.;ent of the ]i;t>"-re ■ive!.e.:s e;;ns freedom ration of trusts and coir,L;ii:ation<. ' bighhinds. tip'Strangest siii'ht is , too kite to tall-: me.eh a'oout tb;it I and the bialdin.s; up of the ho;u(.« tovru . that of a model hotel, Toxtiway ■ no\T. Tlie association elected ar. t and the couiiti-y surrour.diii::. and the | r • , , •. • i- • keepin;- of the earnii:-< of idl classes I sc'tting jusl above it-^th;s ^ it.s president :vtr. tiC'ment :\Ian- v.'itiiin the district to iner(';i'-;o its icdy-lik'e Structure with its .)(>'• ly. of Winston, and to say that is bi-oad vera.ndtts. ma; AoW i:i> aiK t;:<- l.(,;;o^ oi riie enlv uav t< Ui.i: de'-lar f J. ;!leck liiat ti Patll .5 ito leV r.'sin.- ire n >t ••MS Web iawe I he': I. :I ol her ii:- VVitl! the rn cuttinir It- vetm'ii' t'rcjii rae>'nev/ :!. pensive ])roperty. i.is he arose from his cha.ir. to The I'eatler luis react btdoreand j iiave' on an overcocit. h('ai-d of Ihis Lali-t' Toxavray—, TIk^ ])('e.cil miLdit run this artiticial siiei't of water thir- ■ (hdinitely wit!io',;t con\ -.', j h'en miles arou-.ul and ;;.0(J0 fee! ih(^ read('r who lias i;(>v< i-> UiboV(' th(! l('\'el OL tlui sea, Jt i.', tlutt r(\m’on an idea of it. To ias clear ;ind captivating as Lu :,,j it tiiat it is (bui's c(.un:i-, Icerne; mountain trout abound in jenouirh. dt tind ntipt h:i launcht's tiiid ]‘ov.-I Tin; liar . vss'-cia 1 ion was ibotits ply u])onit. I’>ut allurin-: s('ssion at Toxawt.y Inn w('('k l>o. ■ie'.ueids t!iat aj'p.'al ■ as is this mountain iak(>. ('xactly fo-u last—a fact adverted loin r.v citizen, au.d more'. O! in- t<» e‘11 a V in dep-.ri mei:t t * ■ id o'ltii ^ok for t.'i • \ id,•!!(!. r-l<‘tealf favor:II , >-e.-re:,;ry ii«; .r ie vis ill!' ;iiid iloaa- .Tro-AMi'^i'ieai: e.-i- i.iiration, it iook:- a- tiiouj:h the t abi- uet waiiled tib- i ra.try ail to itself Ib\ bepre-en: tiv:* l-'ui:-ton mu^t have u-;. »1 a'.'. fi" b i..;';:a,ue in Kan-.is to have be(-‘n an< - r.i i’or “inliaiiinia- “ .•i”ri:-iiiti ; 'e\v 'fork it i- . comp;i!iv‘s next \fi’h >ecret;. ('Iii;;c'<* exehi.-;' alter i; 'i;iit:rati( parte ao voea: ; rooms. „ Town. i ^•olttmns, TuipL tii eplace A .iuuior improvement b'amu' has AiorS. r(^tldin :siV(‘: tc tell what sort of })2o])le com- tory luter iuei'.-.” hea r(i .l,-iome, i.; son without I; haudcutl’s. «as lia(i ab o I t rollytte mi for her been (;r,:;ani/( d 1 ’■ 1 I v.'itii ioeal a[r,.bet Co! 11-1 pcj.so its ni('inl)ersiiip. .Voie and , , , - 1 i, .1 • • n diot reach thc'seal e steam ei('-; learned hiwvers. swi'et sniriti'n. 1, , . ,, i ' tarrl, is a bhu.'il 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE man wort hil V Trade Marks Designs Copyrights &c. Apvone soiidliiK a pUptfti and dp.scriptinii may quickly aaoortaiii our upwiioii free whet.hor an iiivi'iition is probably paioiit:ible. Conmiunini- tionsfiirictlycoiitldcntial. HANDBOOK on I’atente sent free. Olfiest aupncy i(jr secunnp patents. I’.'itnifs taken ihroutjii Munn fz Co. receive special notice, wifliDat cliartfc, in the o:;s. a- 1 iu'V v;in- ' I iit'dl-'‘.‘a'r e >ustiti!ti(»r.al di- ('.•f-e. and in order lo cure it you/im-t wor-'j.j]-^. iiitei-ual reii.t .lies. Halb.' need l)e tarrh euro islak( ii ii.teruallv :;nd a. : i... ™«.«t I..U. «r»«- !” "•*•*>: *'« of the I kU'A..;s v.-;tii yjjn,.; i the si)U,'ndors OI ntitui’e ai’ound. j cept that it IS a Conti 11 uiilg rei^^ret; su;T;jces\ Hall's c;‘danb. (*tu e is tiot a and to f^et tlK‘:n intcr(*sted in a cam-: tiiere is yet tl d(.*ligbtiid incon-;of [he Vv’riter tluit its nj('iu ij('rs I >|uaei: meiciue. it was i'ro.-(*;-ii>e'} r'‘.‘1 'T " r*' T-?" ' all—tins pahitial liost- I scattered out so rapidlv and that ' <'!' ’1^' i. ehysieia.us m this and ju t.avor (,>f ilu' l)ac-k i)orch white- : , . , . . i v v. jish i)rush. Tlie movement v.as ,convenience. , he saw SO few of the la v>\vers tind j n*^'-a.ar :;tartf'd liy the ,7oplin Improvement as-i sat down here in thes(‘ wlldsl «so little of theso few. The Char- co!n))o-.;ed of the , CO’.!'.billed wilii i‘ooms y -chooi ch;l.u-en : vator and elecdric lights, its wa j ticcomplished i;’enllemen. no of .!o])iin. Mt;., for the i)iiri>ose of i eau- i . 1 tifyir.i;- th.' town. The oh.iect of the : stcani h('at—ev-| tn'er Wore mor association is to ('ucoura^e ever.v ierytliiiig that any other hotel ha.sI ; | ]iname, ttnd no more school child in .Toplin to cultivat : foclation. and the children are taking ' rp j I'^uch interest in it. ♦♦ A hanrtsomoly illustratoit -n-r-ckly. I,;irt;est oir- •'iilation of any sfientitlr journal. 'J’ernis, a -car : four niontha, ?l. Kold by all r.c’.v.mlealor. C. Colic. Cliolcr.'i and Diarrliot-a Remedy. Never fails. Buy it now. ll may save life. Chamberlain's This is but one of the Toxav/ay ; lotte Observei i system of hotels, the other be- I be>t tonics kn; I tlie best blood Pti;i;.ers, acting: TIi<* LifiT\!i Solti the 3’oiihp. ' illi^ In a .suburb of a hi'fc'u cit.v rceentlv r . , XT . rp i Wbore are .you sick? Headaehe, j i.^.^ilv on tlie muc.ui x.ie on -MomU Toxa-1 way, near by; The Franklin and noap])etite, hick euor-, perfect .•oml.hiatle iv:a->s. Tfm the two iii- two pieces of property sold at such dis- i ^ci.n_. ; p:nn in your stojiiacai, conslipa-1 what [tn luces such wreciuted tlio value ■ ^ under the gener- oii tho one tbat wout high. , al management of Mr. John C. Chamberlain’s Saro,o“°K™,od? Never fails. Buy it uow. It may save lile. j druk'J^isls, price 7.>e. T ike Jlft*! Family pills tor cuiistii'atioii.