■1. Maiia.u'fv. Bunns Rock Lo<5ge No. 36? 9?-. F. ^ m. Friiiay on < i- bi'l'uro tlu' full ioacli iium111. at _ p. 111. Visiiin?^' Ma.-onsj »H)rr!iaily invit^‘(i 1.0 nu'ot witl’ us. splly \Vm. .M.\n\VI:LL. S'(•'//. Transylvania Lodge Nc. 143, Knigiits of Pftiiias i‘onvrnli(in (■ V- orv T^K•^'llay ni^iht in .Ma- so'nu- I fall'. Visiting'- Kniuhls ai‘c >"• iall\ in- viu-(J u. ultv! a HILA8Y C. BRUXOT. C. C. Our Coiinti}—Us Progress and Prosperity the First Duty of a Local Paper. BKEVAIJI), T15AXSYLVAXIA COUNTY, N. C., FRIDAY. Anii’ST II, lOO.-. who know aTiylliiu.u: iioont lli^* *; boot \vliisk'(\v Of bliiid tii:r<‘rs jlhiil uro ruiuinii' onr boy^y Why I is ;i man a crnnlc if Ik* stiys a word al)onl [))'ohil>it ion oi’ai^ainsl iIi(luoi- clrinkin.u' but a \vis(‘ man A l('llo\\ wbo is afraid to say j{ ir^od citizon 11' b(.‘ talks like what hehoiU'sti\ bcl!e\ <‘s t riu' j^y liour about and ou^iht to ho said, t'oi’ ioaroJ j fixuls or (>dueatioii? nisultinjj: somot^ody is a s(‘itish j * * rur ..m. u-lio II,inks „ioi-o <.l' iiis | .nv,i imlo hKlc tlKUi lie doc««fj,„ ..nll.o .[ncstion lliL'tlutll. I this: Oil wiiicii sidi^ is Ai- mighty liody I >('assni-otl of this; wlicu a man tights i'oi- sobriety and rij^htoousnoss ho ti^^hts for a IS iiiiw thr<-;,tcn(‘d with ;i »-<- licit as a r<-ult of !'( !!'.;\\ in^’ licr t. rn"’ t(M) clo-ely. j LutluT I’.iu'l»aii!;‘s la.t-. st ti iiiaipii, i" ^ tlic i>r<>(iucti(Hi <»r “^dldi ii {ihnn •' j'riiat man sliould 1»(' in jKiiilicv. Brevard Teiepfioiie Exchange. Hca'i.’s: Daily- 7 a. ni. \r lU ]>. in. Suntiay s v.> iu a. ni.. 1 n> C> p. in. ^'cnlral < )liici‘ .Mv.Minn l>UK‘k. If no one should s])('ak about I : nor do anything only that which I ho is pt'i’ioct in. tijon t ho woidd ■ thitii;'. (lod is on his snic I would bo sMuiclc siK‘ocliloss and I and he is sure 1o win ii' }ie v.'lli I worivless and helpless. jonly keep tit it lon<.C euou;j:h. ancJ j * * * I iuird enou^di. The only ii’round ; Many iitcti avo only ntnninally. jb('t\v('(Mi j-iiiht and wi-on^^ is “hat- Professiojia! Ccrds. W. A. GASH. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Rooms 7 & 8, McMinn Bld'g, Brevard, N. C. W. B. DUCKWORTH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Investigation of Land Titles a Specialty. UooiiAs I and 1’iokolsiiU(,'f JJuilton;:', ZACHARY BREESIL A T T O R N E Y S - A T - L A VV Offices in McMInn Biock, Brevard, N. C. WELCH CALLOVv AY, ATTORNEY-AT LAW. i'raotWL'S in all tho rouvts Rooms ;> and la. Mc.Njinn I’dock. D. L. ENGLISH LAWYER llov»nis II and 1:^ .Mr.Mimt U!’vi:vAi:i). X. c. not j't'tdly so. That is tliey ;n'(' men only to the I'Xtent of wc'tir- in^ ••bifurcat('d irarin^'uts" and havinii: tiioir nam(\s on tho])oll hook’s; otlu'rwise they arc'' ev('r snhj(>rt 1() some one elso's opinion or dicttition. tie-- )und." 1*i'/;'i:k Hi There will ti Slate l-’'armei''s (,’onv('ntion ;it A. I'v: M. (’olh'iie. (valeii^h. X. (’., .-Vu.ii'ust .‘JI. Sep- " ^ * ’tcMuber L and l'. IIH)."). First ses- There htis hocm ;i vi>ry dolor-; sion will be lu'ld :il ll'm.. Au^irnst mined ef’ort nuide ol‘ hiu* i>y (hoj:;i. I'^roni tlnwi until tla* clos(.‘of I fund ;-.t .‘Ji."(».(Kio.on(i. distillers :ind brewers and sa-! th»'i-onvention at noon Satiirda\' Miscellaneoiis. The ^thelwold Brovaj'd's Xow Ifote!—Mi^dtM-n Ai)- pointiiKMils (all the yt*ar. The patnuiH’^c of tlir iravelin^'- i)nt»li«- as well as suminc'r tonrists i.- soliciteil. Opp. Court House. Mt'<“var(l. X.C. A FREE PATTERN (ro'ir on II '-••it'c) imi' ti> f^i*rv sub- S.CritXT. Olliy 5l> Ci’IlIS ;( year. A LACIES’ ^fAOAZINE. A fr'” - , <-coti<.mir*s ; f«r*cy woi k : h-'it'-cn-*i(i iKIion, rtc, Siih- m rib"- ii> U xV, or, •■rini n: fur copy l.aily waiilcj St iui fur utihs. Stylish. KcliriMt'. Sinipli', I'p-to- rtalp, Kfi>noni u':i I .'Mui A hso'.iucly- Perleci-l'itiiii;.' i'.ijn'r J'atti*rjis. All Seams Alionfd pnd Pppforatlons show the Basting an snr.irion to K'in.i:’ l^dwtii-d. says upon tli*} subject In a recent tirticleon the subjoct: “Alcolol a food or ;i poison.” he says th;it it is a rank poison and should be classed with strycdi nine and th;it its stile should be IS ri:reat extent or just simply to Ihtit of being- :i r('gisiered ticket ho))})er. * * A [)oet has said that the stiloon is ji})propriately culled a bar be cause it is bar to hctiven, a door to hell. A i)cir manliness and wealth, A door !o want and broken health. A bai' te» honor. ]>ridc and tame, A door to sin and j^rief and shame: A ])ar to lnjnored, useful life. A door to V)i-a\vlin^. .senseless strife: A bar lo till that's true and tirave, A door to eviM'y drunktird's ^rave: A l)ai‘ to joy that home imi)arts, A door to ti-ars and aehint^ hearts: A l)ar to hetiveii, a door to hell. WhoevL‘1'named it n:eti<'m at lf>ss th:in cost. J»ON"T DEI.AY. WRriK TODAY. Some practical questions for you: Which is the more di.sgrace- ful. to be a drunkard or tt drunk ard maker? Who is deepest in the mire, the man who signs a petition for a saloon or a man who pays for the license? How’ much does a county make in granting a ,^500 license that brings in its train a mur der trial? Why, in a country district, is it so easy to lind wit nesses to prove a man has dyna mited the river and injured the fishing but hard to find those S(‘ptfinbei‘ I’nd. tl.or',' will bt';i coiirmutil round of good things. Nig-))t sessions will b(} held and daily trips will l)i.‘ made ovi'r the College anti Experimental itirms. On b'ridtiy and Saturdtiy morn ings depart luenttil meetings will be hoUl. Specitil sessions by the Wo- mtin's l)i![)tirtiiK.'Ut. S[)eci;il sessious by the Dairy men's Association. S[ieciai sessions by th.e Cotton, Tobacco and Truck'(Growers. ()n Fridtiy afternoon the dedi- ctitorv exei'cises will be held and ;i specitil [U'ogrtim prepared, ceie- ijrating the completioii ol the new agricultural building. The ftirmers of the sttile htive long looked for this building, and this event will be one of S[)Ocial inter est to all ])eopie in tlie state. i’romini'ni men and their wives ! will be in jUtendance. N(.)ted s[)eakers will discuss, among other things, the following sub jects: Insect pests; Diseases of Plants and Animtils; Soil im- [u-ovement: Fertilizers and How to Use Them; Stock Raising and Stock Judging; Dtiirying in All of Its Phases; Corn Culture; All Phases of Cotton Culture; l\)ul- try Culture; l^eef and Dairy C;it- tie; Poultry Cr<»[)s, and How to Uaise Then}; Tobacco Culture: Truck Itaising; Corn Produc tion, etc. All questions conceining the farni home and country life of s[)ecial imi)ortance to women will also be taken up at this Farmer’s Convention. Reduced rates on all railroads. Ask ticket agent. Board and room can be obtained at the col lege at a day or for the ses sion. This is going to be the largest and most interesting convention ever held at the College, tind ev ery farmer in the state who pos Japan’s Bill of l*articulars. T!h‘ ind(M'!nity (h'liiaiui'-il by Tf-kyo may b(* l.;rp' or o\vcrs as the “seorir^t' of <;od" lii»‘y iil fo.»t up not far fi’oni ihc billion doHjir li.ark. Th<* actual war exj;cnditun's of .]::pan since Fehruju'y. l!‘i>t. are ostiiuJitCvl at 'i'liis cov('rs «i) fo-fi;:::i and ({oiliestie loiin;-. excopt the ^ uuu.euu Ir.aii ti'tw on tlu* ii;avk<“t ami i lioclvateiler i- W(ui(hM'iu‘.;’ il the rev(‘nui's of th*' (''iiipire wliis'Ii h;.vi‘ itho>(.^ l)U'-y eritie'. <:1 his are not 1 ('c‘11 sjicnl for iiiiHtary purjio^cs. : iug to tak(‘ti li{)li:i;ty iifter awhile. The ai!i.)i:nt sptMii in prose.-ill :ntr hos- | i , . , , \\ natover el:-'' lor i;‘'o(hiess s;jkc, tilitu's IS t!u‘ lari/t’st itt*in in the b;.,. | iKut it win be neccssary for .lapan to '><>"/ in tb- n ania-e service s'.ipport war invalids, oi’plians and wid- ; 1^ ***' i.i uo\\ ad;’ys. ows. Ccruiauy's fu:;: n i:^v cn!-i | freight and insurance and of certain ; raw niat(‘ria!. Then, t'>u. .Japa;. has j been .‘it (‘ijnsidcrable lo.^s in the wear and tear of her 'llie expcast' ol i i‘(‘trirnin,:r the army home :;nd of ad- | lainisterin.c: affairs in .Maacliiiria ;iii;l {he outlay for miscellaueoas cliariX(‘alilt' lo the* war lati.-t a’ ■ > be talieii into jiccoant. tlie r;-;iv‘i ' l().;s !•> c‘>a!- ii;(*rc(' at .“itanil t!ie v. e-r .-.’ii! tear and cytra e:-:pens<‘s r.t .''Pio.ikki.- | the tuta.l will coaie close to a bil- | iiou up to the tlat(‘ <-f >).ro‘s vie\«>rv. j licfon* th(‘ v.'orld s cor.ri .iripnn | 1^..,^.]^ nui th po!; clrum to liaA'c* bi-en a ^.i!)d policentan and destTvinj? of a;i ;iw:ird tliat v.'ill i make i;ood her less. j .lapau repeat." ti\:,t she does I waul the I’liilipiut '. ;uit w ill .^tpaa the who doe.-' w:ml tl'Ciu. C’lucago is making 1‘uu of Iviius. - ^'ity bec;ui-»‘ a \\t‘ati;y Vv idoVv' ma* ried hercoacliman ti.< :e. In ( liic,i';'> the retil thhig i.s to ma.rry \ iie “( ha'T- euv.” The daily ;iuu(unp enn'nt tiiat ti. Tafr ptirty •‘.-'peut the morniue; (\ui,1- ly” oeetisions no M\rprise. when y(xu tliluk how they -p'i;t th“ ni^dit In- tore. It is th.nj^hi icl his ship thal Peai-y should !ii • lime, unlt*'- oo.-eveit” ;.hould 1(ku^<. time stop\)ing lo .-lajiit the polaL" ori/zlie.s. Talk of a ('oniln,"; Iron Faiainc. lu !i r('ccnt ptiper Professor N. Sha’er of Ilarv.-ird (ivats of the world's f^tipply and cunstiini»tion of in<'ta]s and javHiicts tu(> e:;li:’list ion of some of the {xri'at iron b.'ds of l]in'<»i)e and tlie I’uited states Vv'itlun a period measur able l>y decades, 'i'he idea is not r:ul- ical for Andrew Carnepie h:is ex pressed the belief th:it th«* (‘xhaustion of tlie hijrh j;rade ores in tills (“oinitry is a (]U(*stlon of only a few deead(‘s. It i3 a fact that we an* usin.i: the prcr^ont | j i; however, iJu.-^ia sltould !^tores with vast prodigality, that the j exi)erit>uee ^^e h;-s gaiuei’ ji. ' the hist year wiJl lud “W'htit is a ticked a youu..- tintlioross in the rrunseript. [ We cannot d(‘litn* it but v» ill he nhid I to demonstrate it, I:’i>f('per uraleri,.' j is 1‘tu’nished. j ('ardinal (iihhonis says ho (a'l think of nothing nn-ie loiiesoiue thau t he mail who has an immetise tbrtiHK . The mail who i< dead broke is the only one more louescuie. waste in manufaetiir-ncj is nearly one- fourth, ajul yt't only a small ptirt of the world is using iron to any jrt'f'at extent. ^^'h(‘n the pre.-Jt ore beds of the pres ent are e.xliansted, the only recoarse now in siglit will he to work hi small er deposits, more <‘<'stly in on(>r:;tio!i. and to use ores which are novr de^' ued worthless. Prices will nece.-s;irily soar and iron be eouuted a precious metal. If steel btilldinjxs continu(‘ hi favor ttiid railroad development is kept itp, civ- ihzed man will be forced in the near he ail e.Kcessive priei' to p;iy lor iU Exi»erience comes you know. P;ml Morton and his. II. IJyde, of' I tlu* Equitable Society, lock(‘d arms I in a cotillion at Xewtxjrt on Saturday j iiiu,dit. Their ‘v^luut’’ of loek);;^; I lioriis is reservt'd tor hti-ihie.ss lioui.s. I The Maryhiud ;e;-ul Ii :;u.-. are iiu i portiii;^ ‘■niuger.-.'’'Ki.;Li rirt>iuia to ! hell) earrv theelecf i>:i thir' fall, 'i'he I I result will tie toturuthe v.hite re- fnttire to discover n m;l.: titute for iron i unless, as some }:eologii»ts teach, tj^e | 1**^ * that is ai!. eartli's core Is mainly Iron fintl's a way to extract it. nil(“do. ( i W(‘ th(‘ under.Mgncd iu.ve kr.uwn F. »l. (,'heney for tlie ]iust 15 y<'ar.\ Danger on tlie Kail. A bulletin just issued by the inter state eonuneree eouiuiissiou shows that over ir>,0i)0 jiereous were killed or i;;- jured in railway accidents in this coun try the tirst three months of lOO."). This is at the rate of 60,000 casualties a year. In tSSn iiv have there been Improvements in the i * ri'inaiJ^, acriiii^ (iirt'etiy tipon tb< service. Evidently the inultiplicatioa , i i i . - - 1 -.1 I blood and mucous suviact^s ot t i< of safeguards dot*s not keep pare with ' and lHdi('V(' liiin j:e: lu)n(r,\i- 1)U> in all business trail-^actions ui'.d financially ahle to <-arry o.;l anv oh ligtitions uiiide by —W.'.t. niN'(.. Kixx.vx & M.'.uv.x. vrlioU'side systi'm. Tt'siinionials Sv'nt free.— Price To cts p(*r h'otLie. >S<.,‘ld hy all druggists. Tak(‘ Hall’s FuTuily I’ilLs for c;)Txstipation. In the midst ef a torrid .«5umujer. the growth of lines and traffie. In this connection tlie Engineering Xew.s, dis- cusshvg the new fast train enterprises, says: Thf* firreat dofect of American railroad ing: todav is not low speotls. It I.®! too fre- ' quent accidents. Most Amorieaa railway j wlllle VeiloW lever is seizing the trains are run at quite high speed as , ^^ith the Equitable about t<» the existinsr track, rolhn.ir ftock and Fisrnal i - ’ i systems Justify. If money I.s to be spent ; |)(? probed tO it.S hnVest depths, and for improved service, let it be In making j prenarlu'*- to wrestle Wltll travel safer. So far as Increa.'ted speed i.s | itoo.icxcii j it-paiiUj, lo \wt_. tie Wliu lai iiiui m »* j f.oiicerned, tho traveling pul)lic as a wholo j (.'onj^vess, Peavy’s e.XCUrsloU tO the sibly can ought to come and | much i north pole aoe.s not .•ipj>par to bo bring his wife for a pleasant out-1 and close adherence to_ time tables; Uian 1 ;i foolisli veutiire after all. ing and take part in the discus sion of the viftil ftict«;rs connected with North Carolina agriculture. E. L. DAUGHTKiixiE, Pres. C. W. Burkett, Sec. and close adherence to time table.*; than it will by spectacular feats of fast run ning by special trains. J ti. -m l It Will wash and not rub oft' Tes, John Paul Jones at one tUne I This conplexion all envy me, was la tbe Kussian na^y, but as that I It\s uo secret so I’ll tell was over 100 years ago It cannot reflect ■ Take tlU)U Koeky Mountain Tea. upoB his fame as an able fighter. j Nichols