Our Countij~Its Progress and Prosperity the First Duty of a Local Paper. •I. .M 1 Xi:ii, .Manu.avr. BREVMD, TRAXSYLVANTA COUNTY, N. C., FRIDAY. AlKiliST 25. 100, VOL. X-NO. U Dunns^Rock Lodge No. 267 Jl. F. ^ Ji. M. Meets V’fiday on or before the full moon i n eaeli nioiiih. :it ll p. in. Visilin>r Masons are eorciialiy invited lo nu>('t witl) iis. sptly W.M. MaxWIXI.. S( (•*(/. Transylvania Lodge No. 143, Knights of Pythias lioirular eonventlon «'v- ery Tnestiay ni^hi in Ma- .sonie 1 [all. \’ i s i t i n Kni>;hts are eitrdially in vited to iitU'nd. HILARY B. BRUNOT, C. C. Brevard Telephone Exchange. iiOT'U’s; Haily—7 a,, ni. to !(• ]). ni. Sumiay ^ to It* a. in.. 4 to (i ]i. m. < enti-al ()lliee—MeMinn J>lot>k. Professional Cards. W. A. CASH. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Rooms 7 & 8, McMinn BId’g, Brevard, N. C. W. B. DUCKWORTH. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Investigation of Land Titles a Specialty. Tioonis 1 and 2. rieki-lsimer J>uildin;_^ ZACHARY &. ER.EESE ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Offices in fi/icMinn Block, Brevard, N. C. WELCH GALLOWAY, ATTORNEY-AT LAW. rractiei's in all tb».“ eonrts I looms 1* and 1(». MfMiiin i'llock. D. L. ENGLISH LAWYER I looms II and 12 MeMinn i’.lock. JiilKVATJ). X. (’. Peter Parley's Paragraplis. It is not the cimount one road.s bill what ho i‘(':ids will do hini ^•ood. Moral—Itcad the Sylvan Valley News. * * The liible .says, ‘•Watcli and pi’ay.'* bill many can’t pray for watcliing’. ★ * A th()ii,irht that one can use foi- good is worth more lhan a whole column of (rossip. * * * The way tomtdce “honest mon ey" a wise man says to cre ate or manufacturi' somethinir the peo})l(i need and that v.ill do them irood. * * When a man stai’ts to get Sf)me- thing for nothing tlie state should take him in hand and give him a job on the roads. woniati falls by the wayside it is because there was no one to take them 1 y tln^ hand and lift them up. The professed Christian j proper cl’ this day, as a whole, owe the world an a})ology and isliould fall oil their nees and ask God to forgive them. Present coni[)any not excepted. 1^i:tek Parley. The Fowler Murder. Kxtrcivagaiit Kronoiny. Mrs. .Jdlni Lane of r>onfIon has in- ent(‘<I a new description f.»r lliaf pc- v(‘t by ni> iiH'ans rare lni!n:;n its victims open to tlif‘ cbarp:(* of hein^ “I'onny wisr> and pound foolish." She chills it ‘’exirava- fe'ant economy," and hy way (»f ilhis- tratiiipr her meaniii" tell.s of "a woman of massive intellect" wh/ fri kuvo 1.". cents in aji^i^regate on pever.nl pur chases npeiit a Mhole forenoon in the The .lananoe lon<; “bill”. })eac<> (]ov(‘ ha.s Brains that are £;ood are abus('d. not used for Miscellaneous. The JEthelwotd ihward's New Hotel Modern A])- poinlments -< )]H“n all tlx- year. 'J'lie ])atrona;j:e of ihi.' travcliiiir ])nl>lic ;\s well as summer tourists ir solii-ited. Opi). Court House. I^revard. X.C. We believe in obeying th(' law. If it is unjust, then voto for uk'u who will make it just. .\nd tluui laws that are not enforced should l>e repaalod. As long as they ar(‘ on the statute books'they should b(' ('nforc(‘d. An officer of the law who has taken an oath to en force the law and doos not do it siiould be indict(?d for perjury. And the court or official that will iu)t juete out justice to friend or foe, rich or poor, white or black* alik'e is a breeder of anarchy. ★ * If the men of the towns and cities woidd do iheir i)art as W(.*ll as the women do thi'irs this would be ti pi-osperous and ha))py world. 'Diei’o :iie i'ew e,\ce{)tions. We The following clipping from a Birmingham })aper was sent to M. H. Fowler, ftilher of the boy whoso body was sent home for burial some time since. The item was rec(Mved by him on Monday of last week: John (ir('on and Louis Chat man, both negro(is, have been ar- rc'sted upon warrants issued by C'oronor W. B. Paris, charging them with the murder of K. H. Fowler, of Woodlawn. Fowler was fatally wounded May I’l) last whilo- escorting his sister hom(* at night from the East Lake car liu(\ The arrest was mado by Mar i’sluil F. P. (iray, of Woodlawn. (Chatman is the man of whom mention was mad(> at the time of the shooting as t h(‘probable slay er. It s(>«‘ms that Fowler had killed the nogi-o’s dog and the lat ter is alU'ged to havi,; had a irriulge against him on that ac count. (Ij'oon is his alk'ged ac complicc'. llo is alh‘gtHl to have also beoti lying in wait at the place t!i(i tragedy was porpi*- f rated for another negro, of whom hj is alleg('d to liavo been jeal.)us. The two tiien wei-e arrc'sted in th«> Southorn railway yards, noai- th(? ])lace Vviiert; the shooting oc ciirred. B is said that they have biien in ttu3 hal)it of sttiying around th(‘ro. The ari’est cam(> as a ri'sult of the verdict of tin coroner’.->, jury retuined last week'. Marshal (rray statt's that ho has (■videtu'e whi«-h Ik* think’s will dis))rov(? CJret'n’s stat(unenl that he was in a house with two negro wonn'ii at the time of the trag(‘dy. lie says that he will produce witnesses to swear that her indiil^(‘nc(* in a All that jiils \'anl;imaii, is that he sncId(Mi]y roinenibercd that Jk? had a reputation to “live up to ’. TlioSoiitJj liasaijain boon reminded that there aie some tiling,s wor.'^w wet. caught a chill and bad to j;o to | Bi(‘Cotton boll weevil. the seasi(ic to recuper.ile. r<':illv irivin?: i T/an» n m i • : 'M>nn I*. liocKatidler ?avs he never ; tasted a strony: drink in his life; !uay- I be a (h'ink would do him j^ood. It is holieved that peace j)rospect« I would hrigl>teu, ifOyanui and Lin< - vitch were to resume uej^otiali >ns. The “Tiraft Hunt ’ iu the Ijep.'.rt- ment of Agriculture n)iji!it possibly come uiKU'r the head of .sci;‘ntiflc re- seardi. up pounds for m<*re Avhirn. The notable tbiiif? about Mrs. liane's argument, penned in th.e Fortni.qbtly Keview of recent date, is that Wfdiien are the chief sinners in s;ivin^ at tlie spigot simply to waste at the bungbole. J^he says they will sbcp all day on cup of tea or an (‘clair to spc'nd the savings iu gewg.-iws or extravagar.t Tirtiides of dross. Men do not starve their own stomachs in that fashion, but whih'’ i»reacbinfc (‘couomy at bctme in all things that aff(‘ct the f.imiiy they I to liave the war ^^o on, reali::ir.g cling to twenty-live c('nt (Mgars and i that she has n(jthin»^ more to 1(;o‘-e Piussia intimates that she may le- similar luxuries and plan most exix'ii- sive outings, whi<h arc “all right, my dear," so long a.s tb(‘y are iu them. But really somebcxly must bo practic ing economy or there would be uni versal b.'tnknipfcy. Matters not who if? tli(‘ e<’onoinist, Avife or husband, so long as the result.s are all in t’.ie fam ily. by fi<;litinj?. Neitlier ofthe(>hi() Tajjf^arts wants alimony, in that divorce suit. Tbeu fhey niiist want advt'rti.siiij*’ worse thun nu)st other lolk-. From the testimony, it w.miI.I seem th;ttTa<."k^art nnd h;> wife should have t)een con^eriial. One i*. ;rs bl.ick as the ot her is smutfy. Now Hie Fiiii)inos know \vh>-u they “are at.’Mf they want self gov- ernu^nt, th(‘ .^^ooner tiu'v lit them 'clves 1‘or it, the sooner th(>y will get it. w(M(* in a busy oftico the other (_Ir(‘enontoredtho house just aft< r f A FREE PATTERN j KUb- I Vi fyoitr own mn i to pv» scribcr. Oi.ly 5d oimUs ■< t*ar. MAWINE A lADifS’ MAGAZINE. A Cf m ; hc.iutiJuI color, d platts ; latent (.4sri:on«.; I’n-sviualiii.j; rcoiii.rr.ifs ; lancy work; lioiiM-li.ilil limis, l.< t h.n, etc. Svib- <ir, s^i.d ‘i’ for Utrvt ropy I,ild> \vai:tci! St nd for trinr.. Styli'sli. Kcli.il'lo. Simple, I’p-to- datr. ;ii:(l Ab^oUilely I’erfeci-riuiiii,' I'apcr Pauerns. All Seams AlloHfd and Prrforations show the Basting and Sewino Lines. Only lo and 15 cents earh —t>onc hithfr Aflc f‘>f them Sold in iiraily ever> city and town, or by inai'l (roiri THE McCALL CO.. 113-115-117 West 31st St.. NEW YORK. UNIVERSITY COLLEBE OF MEDICINE, ^vfRG^NlAf’ WEDICIME-DENTISTRY-PHARMACY f Moctern Laboratories lo charge of specialists. J Quiz System. Superior Clinics. I Bedside teaching in our own HospitaL For detailed information, write THE PROCTOR. FOR I a/m Bif Baroin Tn hPtrr-r a<lvf*rtisf tjio South’s nuKinoA4 just 11 n-w si-liolar-liips are 1 Hi I'iich at less than nOS'T Mil.AV. WklTK TOpAV (lay and saw not less than foui- young wf)tnen busily engaged at fiieir difr('rent duties. Wo came out on the streets and saw ten strong, robust young men loafing on the cui-b and around the stores. Wo [)ity the young pe(jple who have no regular work and who have to ])ut in their time loating on the streets, playing cards and othei’ games and in manv other ways which we dare not mention, “having a good time"' as they call it. They may b(? •‘sowing their wild oats” but at the harvest, the day of judgmont, so far as they are concerned they will lind the crop to be cheat, smut, block heads—“a stench in the nostrils of (Jod,'’and only tit to be ti’od- den under the foot of man, or to be “cast into the tiro.*’ * *::• * There is generally too much backsliding. We all do it too much. It is a habit that grows on people. With the cold and lukewarmness of our churches and church oiiicials we may ex- l)0ct the weak brother or sister to stumble in the spiritual dark ness into the pitfall of sin by the wayside dug out there by the devil himself. We are losing the power of being our brother’s keeper. We can’t even keep our selves—that is “in the straight and narrow way.’’ Three times out of ten when a jrood man or the shooting and was much per turbed. The men have been locked up in the county j.iil for safe k'eo[) ing. The other suspects jailed in connection with the Fov.ier trage dy wore released shortly after their arrest. In the la.St college year students at <_'olumbla earneil an average of about ^'■172 by work done while aiti'iid- ing to their studies. In these eases work of course had to supplant foot ball. Some educators liold that the only education g;;ined at college worth the while is that which the college Vv'orker masters. He is dead in earnest and, unlike the ma.ss. has little diffi culty in making a living after he <piits school. ‘‘Marching Through CJeorgia” is said to be the favorite tune of the .laps. Native music has no marches, as it is Avithout “time.” Japanese composers have, however, since the war began remedie<l this defect by adapting va rious foreign pieces. Tlie soldiers have picked ut> the new airs and sing wltti great delight tlie .Japanese words fitted to them. Himry Van D.vke says: "There are two good rules which ought to be writ ten on every heart—never believe any thing f)ad al)out anybody unles.s you l)ositiveIy know it is true, and never tell even that unless you feel that it Is absolutely necessary and that God is listening while you tell It.” Cxjir Nlcholutj j>n<l the Zemstvos. Four congresses of the I’ussian zemt'tvos, rcitre.^entatives of the M’hole peojde, have l)oen calle<l since the ont- l)roak of tlie war. Tbi* iirst congress was held In St. I’etersburg in jiriviite. the gov(‘ninient having lir.si permittc'd it ;in»l tlien forbidden it at the eleventh hour. The sec<ind and tJa* third con gresses of the sci-ies met in ^foscow in priv;ite. The third <-ongress mot and transacted busiiH*ss iu defiance of the orders of (he ;iuthoriii<‘s. J^trangely cr.ongli. a d.‘putatit»n of the third con- gi-e-'s, pronounced "illeg:;!," was re- coivc<l by the <*z;ir and given a cour teous hearing. The deputies were even aski-d to convey to all Ilussia th(' proir.- ises of the czar with reference to c.iil- ! “^raild old man.’ ing a national asseml)l\. Ihe fourth me<-ting of th<‘ zemstvos held in Moscow in .Inly. v\:is frowiu-vi upon, but tlie membt'i's c!ev(*rly urged that the step was in‘c(‘ssary in oni(>r to convey in a formal way the message of the czar to the third congress. In com mon with the Liberals of Itussia t!ie outside world has f»een disapj»oinU>d ;it the meager results of these :is.=:emblies of the i)eople’s repre.-:(>ntativ(>s. I'.ut the fact that they met. delil'orated and made known their views to tin* masst's i.s H long step in advance for Iiu;<sia. The habit of meeting will grow, and one day when the government h'ast ex pects it something will happen to shake | <^lelej;ates will have to do the fabric of a.ristocracy to its base. I business with (Jeii. (’larks )U. *‘\\ here to look for iiiosrjuitoes” is j the title of a lon«:-article iii a j Orleans jianer. We never find it I necessary to look Tor them as they I finiJ us first. 1 Secretary Bonaparte of the Nav\ iK'partment excludes l)ill collecto. ! from tlie department dnriuj? workinjr I hours. The clercks call him the Mayor Weaver is taking a lew weeks vacation, and PJiiiadelphia may lift the lid t.ir enouj*!! to a few breaths of the old tainted air to wliich it is accustoinod. It* the Pe.iee envoys would only admit correspondents t<; riieiriijeet- |iny:<, they would avoid th<‘ necessity I of havinj; newspaper wriiers draw up ! tlie treaty mi the outside. j j l'h()S(‘ republican i>residental aspir- :ants may llirt witJi the .South all ' they pl(>ase. but tlie man who j*et-- Peary’s Fourth Arctic Trip. It is a matter ft)r regn-t that the equipment and departure of the ex pedition now speeding nortf: wjird should have been attende<l with sensa tional e!(>ments which sugg:'st the ad venturer rather than the serious e.'i- plorer. There may have been reasons why these methods were ne;-essary to attract attention to the trip. Stanley indulged in a great deal of posing, but ' Efow’sThisV e ofler .SI(H) IJcwiiid f or any I of Catarrh rliat cann .>t ho ciin*d Vv j Hall's ('arai-rli (’n- o. F. J. (.'iiEX!-:v i <S: CT<>1<h1o, (). I We th(' vmd(‘rsi^ned liavo knowji I F. J. ('hency for thc^ ]>ast 15 yt*;;; s jand believe him ])(‘i*j'eerly hon<n;i-- j}>l( in all Im.'iiness rransa.ctions ur d I Mnaucially alik'to carry (/i:tanv cl; I ligations m;id«' hy his firm.—Wai MNo, Kixxax &■ Mauvin, whok's;*;^^ ri- he accomplished good v.'ork in Africa. IVary’s outfit for this voyage is the {drn.ir<*ists, Toledo, (). best that could be designed, and his | Hall's Catarrh {’urt* is talrt'ii t-lan is bastxl upon previous experi- | ternally, acting dii’t'ctiv uptm t^e ence. If the coming winter proves mod- and mucous snrfaVes of tS* (>rate on his route, he avIH push his rt, ^ ^ ' ,sASiem. IX'stimoniuls sent frt't* base 3o0 miles nearer the pole than has , Prici' ,.) cts pt'r l)<itt:e. bSold hv ;;11 Chairman Shonts declares that the cry that mosquitoes are responsible for yellow fever. What’s tlie use of talk- 1 anama ca nal Vfill be completed mi much? Why don’t they get five years, or about lOo years less out and “swat” the mosquitoes? than the time set by .Judge Yeomans, I heretofore been possible. From that , l)oInt the force will l>e fresh for the lak(‘Hall s Family sledge journey over the ice pack, which ! <‘<>ii!^fipati<)n. Peary believes will take him to the ! farthest north. The explorer is to try I ^ i‘i*p i lam^ is entitled lO what he has trie<l before and failed in. j ^ manner in which he Success this time hinges upon his abil- j ^^**^iibuted. by his silence, to making Ity to breast the dlfliculties which have j Slimmer more endurable. John checked him In the past. ! evidently thinks he did enough talk- ■ ing ia.st year for two years. For the thousandth time the health ! ... , are trouliled with dizzv atithonties are announcing the dlscov- n , , , . , Spells, headache, indgiestion consti pation Hollister’s I'vOcUy MountaiQ Tea will make you well and keep you well. If it fails get your money back. That's fair, 30 cents.—Z. W. Nichole

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