— ■yr—jr y New Our County—Its Progress and Prosperity the First Duty of a Local Paper, •1- J. MIXEH, .Miiiiajicr. BEEVARD, TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY, N. C., FRIDAY. SEPTEMI5ER 1. 1005. VOL. X—NO. DunnsJRock Lodge No. 267 F. cS' Jl. JVl. Meets Friday on oi- before the full moon in e:u‘h niontli. at 2 p. ni. Visitin*r Mason.s are cordially invited to meet with iis. sptly Wm. MaxWFLL, S(c‘i/. Transylvania Lodge No. 143, Knights of Pythias Ue-- tion, neutral. (’hlorides j)er million ])arts, 2.7: W. A. GASH, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Rooms 7 & 8, McMinn BId’g, Brevard, H. C. W. B. DUCKWORTH, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Investigation of Land Titles a Specialty. Rooms 1 and 2. Pickelsimer Bui Id in atrona«,’-e of the travelinjr public a? well as summer tourists i.s solicited. Opp. Court House, Bi*evard. N.C. A FREE PATTERN (roiir own selectKnit to erpry sub scriber. Onlv ?«.• cfiiis .1 vear. M£CALLS MAGAZINE A LADIES’ MAGAZINE. A Cf f'; bcamiiiil colom! platrs ; latest fashion's: vlifS'iTii.ikiMfi rct'iMiniirs ; fancy work; litMistlmld l.int*;; tivtu i,, etc. Sub- scrihe or, send ‘C Ic.r l;,ir‘t copy L.id>' wintcd. Send fur lfrrn>i. Styli*5li, Kcli.ible, Simple, llp-to- d.atr, KioiiDniic'.'i 1 A iitely Ferfeci-Fiuiiijj Paper Patierns. School Year The Brevard Normal and In dustrial School w’ill 0[ien Sept. 5. Although remarkable advance ment has been made since the opening-, less than two years ago, our present term will eclipse the ))revious openings in many re spects. The faculty has been increased by three new members: Miss illia E. Davis of North Carolina in the Highschool, Miss .Tuditli Isbell from Missouri in the Busi ness Department and Miss Hat tie Raines of Nashville. Ten., four years an instructor, will teach sewing. The music department will be supi)lied with three additional pianos, making four in all. S[)ecial attention w'ill be given to the Business Department, For bookkeepers, stenographers and typew’riters there is an ever increasing demand and our school will offer these courses in the most a])))roved methods. The demand for teacliers is so ! ressing that it is necessary to cf Nine Months Opens September 5, J905. [supply that demand by opening ’ stead of idle thoughts it gives : a Normal Department, giving es- them mental food that d(?velops | ■ pecial attention to work of train-' them into useful men and wo .0: trac' 02fi; al 'U- ing teachers. All of our students examined last year, so far as has been learned, were successful in men. The greatest safeguard that any parent can throw’ around his i securing first grade certificates. ;f;nnily is to put his children, One entiiasiastic student writes ; ^vhen young, into a good nine or that she sc'cured a first | ten months school and have them with no branch below ninety and | trained and developed year by • that she will return to Brevard year until they are grow’n. with a sister and six other girls i t it " I ihe Brevard >.ormaI and In- from her community as soon as i • • i, i , , , dustrial Sciiool is especially de- |sh(' t»>aches out her ])i-esent school. While the above courses are partly new features, the rogular school work will be improved. For the systematic davelopment of tlu3 mind a well graded high- school is the best device ihtit has ever V)e«,‘n invented. Such a school should be cherished and supported by every community • because it puts into the reach of signed for students of limited means M,nd to this end its ex penses are far below’ those of similar institutions that do a sim ilar grade of work. This year in our patronage w’ill be represented South Carolina, T(Minessee. Missouri and perhaps tw’enty-five counties of North C.irolina. The fall term will open Sep- Nitrites Nitrates Alum, 0: free amnioni; minoid ammonia. .02(1. Contains—Al^^a-. none: infusoria, none: oriranic detritus, noiie: bact^‘- ria, common saprophytic only. Remarks—(Jood water. It'people who Come to tlie moun tains for a .summer outiii}; w.nit good water wliile here’ Bnivard is the place to find it. At least this analysi.s by the .n’s Arnica .Salve, and wa.s .-^0011 sound and well. “I use it in my family,'' writi'S (i. J. Welch of Tekonsha, Mich, “and find it perfect.'’ Siuiply gi-eat for cuts and burns. Only iMc at Z. Nich ols’ lii in liCiiily every city and town, or by nian'l from THE McCALL CO.. 1I3-II5-I17 West 31st St, NEW YORK. UNIVERSITY G0LLE8E OF MEDICINE, MF.DlCIWE-DEWTiSTRY-PH«RIWACY f Modern Laboratories in chxrgc of specialists. J Quiz System. Superior Clinics, I Bedside teaching in our own Ho<;pital. For detailed informa.tion, write THE PROCTOR. • / FOR I To hotter advertise the South’H Leading; BunincH^ College, a few scholarships are uffered in each section at less than cost. nOK’T DELAY. WRITE TODAY. GA-ALA, BUSINESS COLLEGE, Macon, (ia. Peace Terms Accepted! Japan and Rtissia Come to an Agreement and the War Is Ended! Japan Wins Every Point for which Her Armv and Nary Have Jleen Fignting! President Roosevelt the Hero of the Hour! Kditor Sylvan Valley News: There will be an old time sing ing at Connestee church the sec ond Sunday in September 1905 beginning at 10 a. m. All are in vited to come and bring full bas kets. Dinner will be served on the ground at the church. P^ol- iowing is the programme: Sin<:inu: at U o clork a. m. by Wes ley MeCall. Sunday School at io a. m. ]*re.iehiiig at li o'ch/ck i>y IIcv. J. A. Sliarpe: Dinner at 12 in.sharp. Sintring from 2 to 4 }>. m. l>y Wes ley Mcl'all and others. A special invil-ttion is extended to tile Sunday Schools of Carr's Hill. Dunn's Cret^k. Eist Fork. Cathey's (.’reek Kticky Hill anu others. Preaching at Ciirr’s Hill at S o'clock i>. 111. by liev. J. A. Sharpe. X. POUTSMOUTII. N. H., August - Peace between Russia and Ja pan w’as practically concluded to- (hiy. The Japanese receded from their demands for indemnity and for the repurchase of the north ern half of Sakhalin, Russia at the same time agreeing to the di vision of the island. The .Japan ese withdrew articles ten and eleven of the peace conditions or iginally proposed for the surren der of the interned war shi])s and limitation of the Russian naval po w’er i n the Far E-as t. Bar ring these recessions, Japan won on every point. She gains the King dom of Korea, Port Arthur and the Eiao Tung peninsula and drives Russia out of Manchuria, thus restoring that province to China, and also opening its doors I to the trade of the world. Japan alsoalmos!; doubles the strength Of her navy by ships captured from Russia. Everything for which Japan ‘fought has been ! won. I i As the news that thei^lenipoten- ' tiaries had agreed to conclude j peace spread through the city all the church bells began to ring and there w'as general rejoicing. Throughout the late afternoon and evening messages of congrat ulation by the score poured in upon the president from people both in America and in Europe. The great part he has played in bringing about the success of the conference and in promoting the interests of civilizaton is recog nized throughout the \vorld, as is indicated by the cordiality and wide range covered by the con- grat u 1 atory d i spat c hes. Japan gains Korea, I’ort Ar- t'lur and the Liao-Tung peninsu lar, half of the island of Sakhalin, Russia is driven out of Man churia and the province restored to China, Japan falling heir to certain immensely valuable rail roads built by Russia in the pro vince. Besids the strength 01 the Japanese navy has been al most doubled by ships captured from Russia. C’liainborlain’.s l*aiii liiilni. This is a liniment reniarkal)le for its great power over pain. It quickly allays the excruciating pain.s of rh< u- matism and makes sleep and rest possible. For sale by Z. W. Nichols, Bieyard and O. L. Erwin, Calvert. $100 llinvarjl, »■:(>. 'I’he readers of thi-s ]>aper will pleased to learn that there is at lea^t one dreaded disease that si-ience h;i-^ been able to cure in all its stages, and that is (Tatarrh. Hail’.s ('atarrh Cuiv is the only positive ure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional ilisease reriuiit s a constitutional treatnienr. Hall s Catarrh Cure is taken interuallj’^, act ing directly ni on the blood and mu. cous surtaecs of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of tlu^ dis ease, and giving the patient strenjith by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative pow’ers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address F. J. Chexey & Co., Toledo, O, Sold by all Drug gists, 7oc. Take Hall’s Family Pil!5 for constipation.