Sylvan Yalley News Our County—Its Progress and Prosperity the First Duty of a Local Paper. •T. J. MIXER .Mnnauei- BREVAR]), TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY. N. C., FRIDAY. SEPTEMI5ER 8, 1005. VOL. X-NO. 80 Dunns Rock Lodge No. 36? M. F. Sr -A. M. Meets Friday on or ]>eft)re the full moon iu each inojith. at 2 ]). in. Visiting Masons are ct»rdially invited to m«‘ot with us. sptly Wm. Maxwkli., Transylvania Lodge No. 143, Knights of Pythias WASHINGTON CHAT, 'fauj sk;n i.kjmters It wont bo ^^00(1 for Castro if Uncle Sam tiiid.s otit that he wants a scrap. The dove of ]ieace was in luck when it took Theodore Uoosevelt for a partner. HOWCALIFORNIAWOMEN DESTROYED UNSIGHTLY ADVERTISEMENTS. Gentler Se.i; of Sun llnfiiel Elottod Out Yellow SIkoh That nefMc«^a Ronk Vnllej- by PnlntiiiR Them firecji—RonilNides Xo t I hi.s own incrennity in findtn;? respite. ‘ To ho sure, the people who eugajrost to know how .*i lleiTular convention (‘V-'and Illinois recorded an earth-I ery Tuesday ni-ht in Ma- I ^^e.-^tiojed s, McMinn IJlock. D. L. ENGLISH LAWYER llooms 11 and 1l2 McMinn Hlock. iirj:vAi:i). x. r. Miscellaiieous. The JEthelwoLd Brevard's New Hotel—Modern Ap- l)ointments—Oj»en all the year. The ])atronage of the traveling pniilic as well as summer toucl.''ts i.^ solicited. Op]i. Court House. Iii'evard. X.C. f C (yiMir own sclfctH'iii to rvory sub- ■ ''OrihiT. Only N’ coins .i vc:ir. A FREE PATTERN A lADIES’ MAGAZINE. A crm; hcuiHilnl r,.ior. cilf and town, or by luari from THE McCALL CO.. 1I3-II5-I17 West 31st St.. NEW YORK. UNf¥ES!SET? OOHIESE OF MEDIC!NE,SrA°- MEDICINE-DEWTISTRY-PHflRMACY r Modem Laboratories la charge of specialists. J Quiz System. Superior Clinics. I Dedside teaching in our own Hospital. For detailed information, ■'vn'te THE PROCTOR. The Republiciii] c()u!icil of Cleveiaiicl, Ohio .really inightba ve known betttM* than to have tala-ii '"J'oni Johnson for a fool. “A teacher born, not made.’* is the opinion of the Portland. Oreironian. Wrong, ‘“Necessity'* makes them by tlie regiment. Gov. Vardaman is cooling off a little as he is about convinced that Louisiana did not contrac^t the yellow fever just to spite him. Atlanta might make a generous appropriation to })rovide its may or with soft drinks, and thus ••coax” him on the water wagon. As a holder dowti of th(ilid, the Pi‘('sident is not to be compared with Secretary Taft if that Wes tern earthquake is any indication. A Los Angeles man has been discovered wiiose heart is on the •‘riglit side.” His name isn’t •'L^^gion” liowever much to our regri't. The “cotton statistics" exile colony of the Agriculture T)o]iart- ment, now in Ei;i'op(\ is reportcul prosperous and increasing in nu mb('rs. Tho Chinese have pi-oniiscnl to sto)) tlu^ boycott, “but it is eas- iei' to stai't a bf)vcott than to stop ono” according to the^San Fran- {*isco examiner. Now that Ivussia and Jaiian have come to terms, Gov. Varda man and the Louisiana authorities l)iick iu yellow the si^^ns that now are luidistinguished under their coat of gr('en. snys a San Uafael dispatch to the Sau Francisco Exaniiiier. He iK'uaiihed the fences and th<‘ rocks aud the dead walls, and ho told, as sij;n painters do, t)f lh(‘ marvels of corn (.‘iires, of the jrloric's of wart eradi<-ators. of how baby carriages nii^ht he purchased iu hardware stores, and how nurslnj^ bot- lU's Avere for sale at dry j^oods eni- l»(»riums. The work of the sijijn i>ainler was not I)leashi" to the eye. He daubed in y(>l- low, juid yellow never did j;o well with ;rreen. AH lJ»e countr^ hereabout, from the bastioned glories of I'anitil- l>ais to Avhere the tinkliiifr (‘ow ln'Ils and the rr.stllu}' skirts go gayly up ihe bypaths to I’astori’s, is all iu green. There is an artistic sense in Koss v.'slley aud the country tln'reabout. 'I'hat sense was arouf^ed against the si^'U painter man and his ocher inva sion. The artistic sense grumbled and trlowerc'd and talked on the train. The men said it was a great shame that green n.ature should be so profaned by tluv^e str(>aks of v«*llow, but the men of th(‘ community had a streak of yel- li>v,' in thems.'lves. and they ut then uj) Jir(>se the women of Iit»ss valley, as I'oso Xarifa Axiit'n she laid her g('kh‘n cushion down, or as u|) rosf i1k* historic women of Marble- ht'ad when they tarred and ft>;uhcr(Ml and carri(‘(l in a cart old I'lood lre.-;ou, whose hard lu>art led him to sail away from f(‘llow s<*ann*n in distress. These women had the same artistic* sense as tht* men. but they hiid more courage 1 thi* maintenance :’.nd mi»r(‘ action. They were hnl by j Rut the fact is Mrs. J], (J. Schmied«‘]]. witJi Miss Nath-‘ (’otiin and Miss Sara Cotiin as her active lieutenants. These three women c;athered around them a few (Others of (heir se.x and tln'y cpiickly but (piietly det<-riiiined that those yi-llow signs .should no longer mar the beauty of the 3Iarin laii(ls<*ape. They cared not for the .admonition to buy corn plas ters at Smith’s. Nothing to them was Ihe announcement that bargains iu kidney cures were to be h:ul at the corner store of Jones. Their souls did not thrill ov»*r the alluremenrs for the [)urchase of seedless sowers and track As a matter of interest to the many strangei’s now within our gig.£ries of those who | borders, as well as to the homo i consumers of the Brevard water will compel them to go forth and put ■ take pleasure in pub lishing the following analysis made by (rerald IVlcCarthy, stale 1 t 1 biologist, and forwjirdod from Japan and Manchuria. i 1? j • 1 ri > Now aud theu it crops out that after ' ^i^h to J. S. JjOsu^'II, Super- all it is a case of “dog eating dog” j intendent of the lirevard Water that is raising all the hubbub in the far 1 Com])any Aug. i’ll. To those who east. .Japan an.l Ku.ssia were after tl>e ' seeking -good wat(‘r” there same thing-that is to say, the inside 1 1 • no necessity lor looking be- track m exploiting the resourci's of 1 ^ yond Brevard to titid it. Here is the analysis; resourc(‘s of China. Russia was all jiowerful in that tield before because she controlled the railroads and the banking fjicilities. She claim(‘d bc'fore Ihe Avorld vh;it she was mainlaining her far ('astern arma ment simply to protect !u*r commercial interests. And in spite of tJie (‘xhaust- ing Avar, Avhich is taxing tlu> energy and r(*souri*es of tin? Ja[»s, they :ire '■J''em])erature. <'—Turbidity. O; sediment, 0; cf)lo;-. O: odor, 0; i-ea-;- tion, neutral. ('hlorides ])er .'u:'lion ])art.s, 2.7: Nitrites •• .o; Nitrates ■■ •• trac'.i Alum, 0: fi-ee ainmonia. albu- braiK'hing out into eiit(‘ri>rises Avhich ' minoid ammonia. look to the conunercial future of Mati- elnn-ia and incidt'ntally of China prop er. T iiless matters go contrary to all prec(‘dent ^Manchuria Avill never slunij) back into th(‘ semibarb:irism of t!ic past. The land Avill be worked f(;r a!i it is Avorth, and outsiders will do ihe busint'ss and reap tlu* liarA'est. .lapan is knoAVU to be put to it to raise mon- I ey for her Avar clu'st, yet she embarks in vast i-ailroad enterprise's to connect her island realm Avith all Mancliu!-ia. Ordt'rs have bc'en pl.'iced for I’ailv.ay material to (‘over the import.-int poiiit'^ of tlu* country crosswise* from tlu* Yalu on the east, to the sea on the Avest aud leugtliAvise from Port Arthur to Har bin. The eijuipnu iit includes :{."0 steel l)ridg<*s, ir>(» locomotives and cars j Contains—Alg:e. none; infusoria, j none: organic deti ilus. none; bacl*,- ria. common saprophytic only. ! riemarks—( Jood water. I If people who come to the moun- I tahis Tor a .summer outing wjiut I good water wIiIIh hero’ I’.iH'vard is Ithe place to tiiul it. At least this aiKilysi.s hy the state cli(‘mist proves that we have it. ^ l»y :i .">Iob and beaten, in a l.ibor riot, until cov- en>d witli sores, a Chicago street car coJiductor applied I5uckl<'n‘.s Arnica ; .Salve, and soon sonnd and well. “1 use it in mv taTiiilv,’’ ^v^ites^:. J I . ^ 7 Welch of Tekonsh-a, .Mich, “and find and is out of all i>roportion for th(* use it i)erfect.’’ Siiiiply great for cut^ of tlu* feAA' singU* track lin(*s that did tlu' bnsin(*ss of the country in the ]ir;st, iiu-luding Jiussia’s military trans portation, Avhich Avas heavy. Tlu* puri)ose of tlu* cont('st in Man churia has been stat(*d by .Japan to ?)e of the “o'len door." sugg(*sliv(* that her orders for niilu-ay mat(‘rial were placed Avith tlu* utmost s(*crecy and that tlu'y w(*re hm-ry orders. Evident- ond Sunday in Sept(‘inber ]y .lapanese interests ni-e to be the j lu'ginning at 10 a. m. All are in- llrst Jind the b!gg(*st factor involved in the problem Avh(*n the door is barred open and liussla out of tlu* way. atul burns. Only i’">c at Z. W. Nich ols’ drug stort^. Old Tims Singing at CGnneslee. i'ditor Sylvan Valley News; There will be an old time sing- inir at Connesteo church the sec- ought to patch up a truce and let ! ^'agons at the emporium of Brown. , . - 1 Tlu'y even put Ix'hind them all thou.tcht US have universal peace. Miss Tarbeli’s Historical 3It*thod. Jieviewing Miss hia Tarbcil's sl'.;.:y of .lolin 1>. Iiockef(.*ller. a AAriter in the (Jateway, Hetroit, tak(*s an unusn;;! and a s(*ver(*]y cri.ic.-tl vi.'W of the Avork. He saA s: A Florida |)aper ])ubli(*ly ex- presst's the opinion tiiat •‘there is from which one mav infer that not much attention is giveti to“liorse racing” in the Editorial Sanctum. put of th(' m.arkt'd doAvn advantages in lingerie and dn'ss goods offered by Robinson. TIu'v (h‘t(*riained that those signs iu)thingsouncertainas baseball " blotted from the feiic(*s an.l ’ the rocks and from tlu* dead Avails. With a line id(*a of an artistic rc'venge tiu'y (lecliled that green should b(* the color that sliould blot the yellow from the landscape. And to d(*ciJe Avith them Avas to act. They .secured pots of gi'een paint and heavy brushes, and iu their t(>a carts aiui tub carts they Avent forth in tlu* gniy of the daAvn and la bored as the Scriptural laborer.s Avorked in tlu* viu(\A’ard. Whenner they foimd a yelloAV sign they d;uib(*d it OA-er Avith a coat of green. Even the Avhite sign and tlie ri'd sign anti the multicolor(*d sign Avere not sj)ared. Wherever a sign could be pulU'd doAvn it Avas carried away in stead of being painted over. .S.t night the Avork of defacenuMit and elimina- ■ vited to come and bring full bas kets. Dinner will be served on Mhe ground at the church. Fol- I lowing is the programme: .'Ringing at o'clock a. ni. by We-;- ley McColl. .Sunday School at In a, m. Preachhig at II o'clock by I'ev. ,]. : A. .Sharpe. Dinner at T2 in. >Iiarp. Singing- f’rotn - to t p. ni. by We.s- ley McCall atul others. A special invitotion is extended I'll t rust The faith Avhich I’lu-le .T.ames nol)bs had always kept in tlu‘ accuracy of ii- lustrations in his favorite magazine w:is sadly sh.iken iifter his visit to the bot:nii<-al g:)rd(“ns. When Mrs. Hobbs calUvl his atten tion to a pictun* of a ('ut»an village in the next issu(? of the magazine he look- (*d at it doubtfully. “More than likely it doesn’t look that Avay at all.” he said. d(*jection ]>lainly AA'ritten all oA’er his drooping ligure. ‘T nev(*r told ye about my disapp’int- 1 *h)U Avas con;plete. ment sitting under one o’ those pa’m trees in the gardens. Why, the pic- tun*s in t!ie magazine g.ave such a i shade to them Arabs undenu*ath I’d i alwaj’s Avanted to sit under a pa’m j tree. But I tell ye, after ti-ying it that ! blistering hot day tliiidc of exi»*cting FOR * To I'OMcr advnrtivo tlu* SoiifJi’rt l.fadiiiK C«»He);c, just :i fi'w s(‘h<>!arships are ill '"ach st'ftion at tliaii cost. DOV'l' DKi.AA'. WIU'J'K TOD.W. San Anselmo arose the next morning to lind a green bridge in place of a yel low one. ]\lill Valley knew no more of corn phisters or of easy aids to indif- fer(*nt digestion. Where the dust^' roads of Nieasio lead into the dim be- I’d jest as soon | yond the fences Avere draped in gi-een. a ladder to shade ! "^'h-ed .nnd bedaubed, but triumphant. nu' as a pa’m tree, and I don’t knoAA' : Mrs. Schmiedell and the Misses (’of!in but sooner, if ’tAvas one Avhere the , tlieir feminine coadjutors returned riuigs AV(*ren’t too fer apart. I wouldn’t i their homes feeling that they had hiy luy calculations on ('uliy’s looking > h(*en res])onsible for a good deed Avell too much like that picture if I was In i ^Iheir AA'rists ached and all the ^laria.^^ i l)enzine of all the aaoiKI Asould not _ I cf)ax the greeu color from their goAvns, I !)ut the sign l)v the Avavsi(^J no more Head the Sylvan Valley News—offends the eye of the wayfarer and ho per year in advance. 'who has corns ou his toes must use >ti.vs TarboiT-s study of RockofoUc-r is ! the of a mo!i!-tor. hut, curiou.cly the inonsier turns o’lt 10 Mis.s Tarbcll herself. She occupies tlic ceiitor of the .slagc. At iin pl.ioe in ]\tiss T.'irbon’F sttuly dots it appr-ar that sho has . ver rro;;.! to Mr. j to the Suuday SclK^ols of C'arr's Ko(.-k('f<-llr-r por.«onul!y for iiii'ornK.tii):'.. ovin on the j;r;i.v ever tho’uc'.it to a.^:k him wliat are the rno: of hi.- life's Avork, In whose ncral n .■tates ('IianilxM'laiii’s 5*aiii l>s)lni. This is a limnient rjMiiarkable t*3r I its great power over pain. It (jiiickly ' allays the excruciating pains of rlu u- j matisin aiul uiake.-^ sleep anti rest possible. i For sale by Z. AV. Xichol.;. HreyarJ : and O. T^. Erwin. t,’alvei*t. i The Financial Times of London says I “it is admitted that an enornunis «iuan- I tity of British clotli is importe;! into I the L’uited States, but it i.> only tlie j Avealthy who can l>uy :i suit made of : British cloih, Avhich costs from £9 up- : Avard.” If all the nien in the I’uited who pay for a suit of time Jit n cost of 15 cents per mide per | clothes made of British cloth Avere hour, or a total cost for four ndlcs of ! wealthy the country Avotild haA'o an t)0 cents. After traveling four miles of | astonishingly long list of rich men, and macadamized turnpike the route lay j jf j^ji those Avho paA* J?45 for a suit uu- a little less than 2,000 feet (less^ than i iujprossion tLat they are get- tAAo-tift IS o a mi e ®n a ( ir roa . o . clothes made of British cloth aud travel this 2,000 feet it AA’as necessary I to use ten of the best mules and seven I excellent Amei-- men, and with this force It took nine j substitute AA'ere included it woulrf hours to complete the Journey.” be a great deal longer. |