Our County—Its Progress and Prosperity the First Duty of a Local Paper. •T. J. :XIIXEI!, >lana,<;vr. BREVARD, TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY, N. C., FRIDAY. N0VKMI5ER 3. 1905. VOL. X-NO. 44 Transylvania Lodge No. 143, Knights of Pytliias ReiTxxlai* convontion e\*- ei\v Tuesilay niylit in Ma sonic Hall. Vii^itinor Knights aiHM'ordlally in vited to attend. HILARY B. BRUKOT, C. C. Brevard Telephone Exchange. HOUKS; Daily—7 a. ni. to 10 ]). ni. Sunday—S to 10 a. ni.. 4 to C» i>. m. Central Oltice—McMinn Jiloek. Professional Cards. W. A. GASH, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Rooms 7 & 8, McMinn BId’g, Brevard, N. C. W. B. DUCKWORTH, ATTORNEY AT-LAW. Investigation of Land Titles a Specialty. llooms 1 and 2, rickelsiincc Muildln^-. ZACHARY &. BR.EESE ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Offices in McMinn Block, Brevard, N. C. WELCH GALLOWAY, ATTORNEY-AT LAW. Practices in all the courts Kooms i> and 10. >icMinn lilock. D. L. ENGLISH L.AV/YER Koonis 11 and 12 McMinn Hlo«‘k. BPvF.VAllD. X. Miscellaneous. 7he JEthelwold Brevard's New Hotel—Modern A])- pointinentfi—Open all the year. The patronajre of the traveling'' public as well as summer toui'ists is soliciteil. Opp. Court House. Hi’evard, N.C. A FKEE PATTERN fyoiir own selection ^ lo e-very sub- scrilnT. Orilv 5<i c«MUb. a vcar. m a A LAD!tS’ MAGAZINE. A Rrm ; br.iutifiil ciloti-d platfs; latest fasMioTiN ; <lrcNMiikKin< tt fiM'ir.ic*: ; laiicy wiirk ; h.iinchold l.iiits ; l.ciitin. rt<-. Sub- • crihe !■> (1«v, or. scr.d ic. l->r copy L.idy a^;eiUs waiilecl. bciui for terms. Slytisli. Roli.'ible. Sinii'le. Tlp-to- date, Kconomical and Absolutely Perfecl-Fitliujr I’aper l*atte»tiB. MS CALL BAZAR* All Seams Allowed and Perforations show the Bastina and Sewing Lines. Only to and 15 cert* each—non* Aik for them Si.ld in nearly eveiy city and toM-n, or by mai'l from THE McCALL CO.. 113-115-117 West 31st St, NEW YORK. kmmmmmrmmmmmmmmi >^00QTELEGRAPHERS \NEEDED Annually, to till the new positions cre ated by railroad and teletrraph con^i)a- nies. We want youny men and ladies of <r<^)od habits, to Learn 'Telegraphy and Railroad Accounting. We furnish 7") ])er cent, of the Operators and Station Agents in America. Our six schools are the Inryest exclusive Telejrraph schools in the World. p"s- tablished 20 years and endorsed by all leading j-ailway otticials. We oxcoiite a bon<1 to evory stndciit to fiirnisli liiTn oi lu-r a position xmyimr irrim ^40 to «rtO por inniith In States (“ust of tlie Rocky Mouii- tiiins, or from f7!i lo <l<*0 per Tnontli in Stafes of tl'c Rockies, inim<'f1intcly on graduation. Stiiflc'its can enter at any time—no vacations. For full particulars retrnnliUp :>ny of our schools write* fiircct to our exe< utive oHicc at Cincinnati, O. t.'ataloirue free. THE MORSE SCHOOL OF TELEGRAPHY. c/ESARS mm. Tiie Most Noted Soyth Caro lina Moynfain Attraction Is Greatly Neglected. What a Trolley Line to this R.escrt> Would do for Greenville. Cincinnati. Ohio. Atlanta, Ga. Texarcaua. Tex. HiiHalo, X. Y. La('rf)sse. Wis. Sail Fruucisco, Cal. Last week wa.s spent by the \vi’it('r in upper South Ciirohna, and conversations with all sorts of i)eo))lu has convinced us that the time is ripe for securin«r a line of ti-ansportatioii for this no ted mountain resort. South Car olina has other mountain attrac tions—tiie Pinnacle. Table Rock and several falls- but they ai'e all contiguous to Ciesar's Head and are easily reached fi'oni there by daily walks and drives. None of them are so well known and none have hotels for theaccoin- modation of visitors. There has never been but one obstacle to [U'evtnit Ciesar's Head from be ing- the most [>opular and best patronized resort in the A})pa lachian chain, and that is th? question of transport.ation. lire vard, its nearest railroad station, is 17 miles distant over a rou<rlj C mountain road. Ca'sai’’sHead hotel and ^rounds is the pro])crty of Furman Uni versity of Greenville, and that noted educational institution is a creature of the Baptist church of the state. As wo look at the proposition it would be an ea.S}^ matter for the uni versity to raise the necessary funds to build a trolley road to Caesar's Head by an a])peal to the Baptists. Tiiere are also other interests that would be conserved by the road that would certainly j^ive assist ance. And then there ai'e other inter ests on this side of the mountains ihat wo believe would bring the I'oad on to Brevard. Such ;i road would op?n a wealth of chestnut wood to the Brevard Tannin plant which at ]u*esent has no value because of the distance and bad roads to market. We have unlimited water pow’ers that are running to waste, and the most reliable help to be found any- wiiere. Cotton mills and furni ture factories would soon be feeders for such a road, and the future growth and development of tliis county w’ould am[)ly i-e- pay Brevard for joining and making it a through line. We believe that such a road, in addition to developing the Uni versity’s property at Caesar’s Head, would be a paying invest ment from the starting of tlie first car. Thousands of South Carolinians who have never seen their mountain attractions would come to see, and would remain to enjoy the ozone of our climate and the crystal springs of pure, sparkling water. A 500 room hotel at Caesar’s Head could be kept tilled every summer with people who now spend their out ings at other places because their own mountain resorts are inac cessible. The supplies for any addition to the native population would come almost entirely from (^r(?en ville. and its merchants would bo proportionately bene- fitted. I I In making these suggestions , the Sylvan Valley N<nvs has no interests to serve. It has no ; hope of reward and is not work ling in t!ie interest of anyone man ) or set of men. It believes in the ! development of this mountain I section for the health and happi ness of all. and we should be pleased if the peo})le of South Carolina would see it as we do land make a heroic effort to link I the cotton fields with the water j powers and health resorts of our j mountains. We believe that Greenville is now ready for a move in this direction and we should like to point a mode of op erations and then meet her at Caesar's Head. * -X: Mr. .1. J. Miner, editor and ])ro- [)rietor of the Sylvan Valley News, published at Brevard, N. C., stpent a day or two in Green ville this week. ]\fr. Miner paid the Mountaineer otfice a pleasant call. He has been in the news- piiper business many years and has done much towards thede- velo]Hn('nt of his section of the slate. Mr. Miner is enthusias tically advocating the building of a trolley line, connecting Brevard with Greenville. His people are thoroughly aroused on the sub ject and ar<* anxious to do their part towards its erection. Mr. Miner says that the })eople of his county Vx'ould be glad to come to Greenville 'foi- a great deal of their trading, if the journey were not so difiicult. They are look ing for a southern terminus for a first class trolley line and have centered on Greenville as the lilace. Such a line would be a great benefit to the up|)er section of Greenville county and would open up a good trade with a large' section of North Carolina, bord ering on this [)art of the state. Will the line be built':'—Greenville Mountaineer. The Best News Breyard Has Heard in Man^ a 0 Dor Fufyre Growth a Fixed Fact. Yoiit'n’s Companion as a Chaistmas Gift. (’an you think of a gilt more cer tain to l>e acceptible than a year's subscription to The Youth's ('ompan- ioii? i.s there niiy one, youii" or old, who, having once had the paper in liis hands and looked throu;;li it, did not wish to pos.«e.ss it lor Jii.s very own? It is a gif't which, far troin losing its IVeshness as Christmas re cedes into the past, .i?rou\s nioro de lightful, more necessary to one s en joyment week by week. The boy lik(*s it, for it reflects in its pages every boyish taste and ev ery fine boyish aspiration. The fath er likes it, not only for its fiction but for its fund f>f information of tlie practical sort. The jjirl likes it for the stories, anecdotes, sketches and editorial articles printed iu each num ber especially for her. The mother likes if for its stories of domestic h'fe and family allection, for its chil dren’s paj^eand for its medical article. On receipt of !?1.7o, the yearly sub scription price, the publishers send to the new subscriber all the remain ing issues of The Youth’s Companion for 1005 and the “Minutenien” Cal endar for 1900. lithographed in twelve colors and gold. Full illustrated Announcement of the new volume for lOCG will be sent with sample copies of the paper to any address free. The Yoi'tii’s Companion', 144 Berkley Street, Boston, Mass. It is sometimes good business to g(‘t in debt, and we believe the debt of si’."),000 made by Brevard is a good investment. Our chil dren will not have to carry w;itei‘ as th('ir parcMits have done, tlu\v will have the use of better side- wjilU's and streets than their ])a- rents have iiad, their })ropei'ty will be vastly more valuable than it now is and it is onlj^iust that they shall help to pay for their advantages. The consummation of the bond sale last week opens a new chaj)- ter in our history. The water- v.’orks and sewerage will be pur chased and extended, sidewalks will be built on many streets, new streets will be opened, in dustry will take tiie place of idle- noss. everybody who will w’ork can find (Mnplt)yment at good wage's, and visitors who come to see us iK'xt su in mer will find us at work, progressive ;ind ha})py. And there is little doubt but the inertia which the s[)endingof this sum will give, will attract oth- (*r capital to make investments here, so that building operations and im})rovements will not Cf.*ase when our m(.n<\v is exliausted. There is no place for an investor l)k(‘ a live, grov. ing tovrn, and Vve predict that L-ofoi'o wea;'edor.e v,’itii contempJatpd betterments our valuations will havt» ijici easoil more than eni.-r.gii to covt r tl:e bond issue. In the handling of this money our town officers iiave a great ! •■- sponsibility, utmI they v.ill ner-d the moral suppoj-t of all good cit izens. Let us nnike every dollar of this money add adollar's worth of better conditions. L:m us (>iiin itiate graft in every foj in juhl spend only foi* the good of all. Let us be public spirited enougji to add to, rather than t:i,ke fro-n. this money wlii.'-h hn,s bteen \ oted for the good of all. Let us show, in the handling of these finances, tluit a democratic mayor a’.id board of aldermen can be true to the greatest of democratic tradi tions “The greatest good to the greatest number." TIi8 Siniard Lot Sold! Aiiother Stride m the March of Progress for Our Town. The Hicks Almanac for 1906* The Kev. Irl U. Hicks Almannc will not Ix; publislied for 10-'!0, but liis monthly .Journal, Woiii) and Works, has b< en changed into a ho-ge and costly Magazine, and it ^ot since the purchase of tlio „ ill oontain his and woati.er site lot the ^Ktlielvvold hotel liiis i joi<‘i,'iiyts and other asri’iinouiioul SO important a real estate deal ;features complet*'. The Xovember occured in the business section number, now ready, cont iins the of town, as the purchase last week forecasts from January to .Tunc, lOUG. of the lot on Broad street next tO' Ihe .January numl>er, ready ;):cem- the News office. Located nearly ^ -^th, will coj'.taln th(‘ foret'a-^ts ()pposite the new hotel and occu-Deml)er, 190(>. The pied only with an old dilapidated thi-> splee.did Mag.izi paint shop, it has been an eye-sore to citizens and vistitors alilce for The owner L. G. One Dollar a Year, will have it. ^uie IS See it and you The November and contahiirig the .imny years. The .iw.ier L. (i. . m-v. Irl li. Hi. l.- for,'casth lor the Siiiiiu'd lived on his fartii out of | i)H>ro compleie Ui.m town and tool: nf> interest in this 'ever, can he had In sending ar once property only to kee[) it ]'ented|25 cents to Woi:n .\\n Woiixs PL fi- for enough to pay taxes. i niswixc Comi*any, 2-Jni J.ocust .street, The purcha.sers were J. \y. ! M<). ^ McMinn, Welch Gallowav, H. B. j It is a little astonishing that t he Brunot, Thos. H, Shipman, W. H. , Enterprise Banl: of Pittsburg has Duckworth, T. S. Boswell. T. B. not followed tl.t^ exam})le of the j Crary, .1. P. Hays, R. R. Deaver'life insurance managers and pre- and T. W. Whitmire, and wo'sented tlie claim that they stole learn that they contemplate the jSt300,000 and gave il to tlie poU- erection of a o-stoi*y brick build- j ticians “to save trie country from ing—the first floor for business i Bryan." houses, the second to be a public j HeAvar<‘ of ^^iTtnTcnts hall and the third floor for a Ma- jf,,r (^itarrh that con.tain mercury, as sonic hall and hall for other se-j mercuy will surely destroy the sens,^ cret societies. {of smell an<l completely derange the As our town has no hall with j systetn when entering it stage and scenery for lectures' surfaces. Such ... , .1 ■ • T I atick's should never be us(>d excei t or entertainments, this is a need ' ... . n I on prescriptions Irom re])utab!e w’hich will be greatly a])preciated i , , . ^ , phvsicians, as the damaue thev do by our people. We have already ^ felt the need of a place othei than |,|y (Voin them. ifaU'sCatarrh the court house for public meet- ^ ('Jre, manufactured by F. J. C'heney ings, and as the town grows this i (’o, Toledo, ()., contains no mercury want is sure to become more man-! and is tak(*n internally, actingdirect- ifest. The move is a good one | ly upon the blood .snd mucous sur- and w’e most heartily wish the i <^^^he system. In buyingHaiPs projectors a most abundant sue-! t'atarrh Cure be sure you <* et the gen- nine. It is taken internally, and made in Toletlo, Ohio by F. J. ('heney Co. Testimonials free Sold by all Druggists. Price 7.'>j. per bottle. Take Hall’s Family Pills for con- •stipation. No doubt the Presidents next book will be “The Winning of the South. ”

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