SYLVAN VALLEY NEWS Industrial School Notes. When Are Drugs Pure? When you get them at» my store. My IVrmkIs’ aii<l luitroiis’ ui)[)rol)a- tioii liingos on pure drugs. I strive for the one 1»y luindlir.g the other. P-u-r-e D-r-u-g-s Z. W. NICHOLS, Uruggist Phone 5. Brevard, C. Sylvan Valley News Subscription in advance, Cns Dollar a Year. PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY .T. .1. MINKK. - Kiiitor aiitl rropru-tor. <»SIK M. MINKK, Hookki'i'iKT ;ui>l <’oiU‘i t(tr. Fridtnj X<>r. Town and County Items. Mrs. A. K. On- is visit iii.ii' at IMlts- Iturj;, Pa. t ills week. Miss Alioo Wood is visiting iit vJroi'i's, S. this wot'U. Kov. !*.(!. Klsoiii a(lmiM>tro(l the llite of I’apt isiu at tlu* P.aptist cluurli last SiMulay U) 1 I i‘aiuliilat»'s. \V. A. l>ro\vii and thrc>‘ of liis eiuhlrcii were down from ('hervyfu'ld this week j>r(*i)ariii^^ the Mrs. IVase I’esiileiu'e for octnii)atit)n in the nt'ar fin ure. Mrs. ('. !’. Moore and Miss Addio (’owneil left Hrevard Tiiestlav tor Hickory, X. C., where they will visit ainoui:,' their relatives anti friends initii joineil by llev. (’. P. Moore next Wiek. Ke«'p your ears open and you will •^Don hear th»‘ ••lx.)oni” tiiat is now coaling towards Hrevard. It you fiui t ill) s<^inethinLL' to help the boom just staml out of the way and ^ive others a chance. William Ureese jr. was on our streets Wednesday wearin*;- a very exj)ansive and I'xtinisive button )u>lt‘ boquet—a full j;rovvn chrysaatheniuiii j)lant bearing hundreds of oi>en liowers. It was the cynosure of all eyes. Last week was spent by the News editor anionj^ tiie cotton lields and factories of upper South ('arolina and tSc tliit'.t^s we saw and lesst)us learn ed will probably furnish the text for many future articles in our columns. We took in the ])rint shops in every town visited, but found none that were comi>arable in cleanliess aiul }^ood order to tlie Jiome of the- Syh an Valley News. \Ve didn’t ixo south with any disi»osition to iind fault, but Jirevard can };iv<3 our [South Carolina neighbors pointers on imi>rovements in many lines. Many of our readers have jtrobably received sami)le copies of the South ern Agriculturist. These are sent iioping to secure your names as sub- scriliers. The News is sending this excellent southern farm paper to all its subscril)ers at Si.10 for the two. and to new subscribers for We want more r(*aders and are making almost n give-away rate to get them. Every family in the countj^ should take its l«»eal ]>a{>er and a good agri cultural j',»urnal, and here is a chance to get both for the ])rice of one. What are you waiting for?. The Nt'Ws force is once more re duced to its old original standing— w'ith a boy added. It used to b(> the “boss” and the devil—now it is Old Man Miner, his daughter Osie and— thedevil. Through the month of No- veujber this force will undertake to run th(‘oltice without other help, as experience has proven that Novem ber is a slack month in the printing business. ]^y Deceiiiber we hope to liav’e secured a thoi’oughly compe tent man for the job department, and shall be fully prepared to take care of all the business that comes. Don't fail to read the first page of this issiie. Our frieiul Frank Justus was in Town last week on business. Whit Hrooks and sister Miss Kate were visiting in Hrevard last week. A. li. n(*ndy of Lake Toxaway was a visitor in P>r(‘vard on last Sat urday. (’lias. E. Orr and wit*e left on Tues- (Liy for (ireenvilU‘, S. CL, to take in the fair. E. A. Aik('ii was over from (4re(‘iivill(‘ this v.'vH'k. n'turning ?\h)nday. (J('orge Southern from the f'iierry- lield section was in town on business Wednesday. John Bagwell is in Town liaving sonn' work do'ii“ on liis eottag(' in W('st Brevard. W. IL Ouckworth and ('apt. Totn Patton visited lU'udersonville last l-'riday aiul took in the fair. Miss Ijily ('alder who has been visiting .Mrs. (\ W. [{unt left for her home in ('harleston. S. ('. on Monday. Nath Tov.'ns(>nd. ('a])t. T. T. Pat- ’ ton and othi'rs went to th(' Pied- niont Fair at (4r(H‘nvill(', S. this j w('t‘k. ' I’ev. P. (i. KIsom delivered <juite 'an intesesting lectme at the court : house on Saturday night, a good ; crowd was in attendance. The members of the Uod and (inn Club have begun the erection of a large and commodious club house and stable on their preserve. liev. ('. r. Moore, of the .Methodist church, administre<i the Kite of l>ap- : tisni by immersion to four candida- i tes OM last Friday afternoon. i I An ei ror in the list (^f ]>urchasers ot'the Siniard lot occurs on ou'- first }»age. The name of W. M. Henry should be in j)lace of T. P. ('rary. Kev. M r. (J uiner of I lendersonville is conducting a series of meetings at the Presbyterion church this week lh(‘.<e meetings are in the morning and evening, and are well attended. W. S. Price returned fortn a busi- trip to .south ('arolina last week. ]N[r. Price had the misfortune of hav ing two ribs broken as a result of be ing thrown out of a buggy by a runa way horse. I If -any one in the county e.xpects to ]iay for the News with fire wood thev had bast bring it along while the weather and roads are good. We shall put in a coal stov'e as soon as bad weather comes. Mrs. F. C. Falls who haslx'en liv ing h(‘n‘ forov(‘r a year r(‘tiirned to lu'r fornn'v home at Nc'weestle, Pa., ; this W('('k. jSlrs. Falls niadt> a host of l‘ri('nds whili'hiM'(‘Vv'ho wer»‘ very sorry to S(M‘ lii'r l<‘avt‘. : J. W. Clay, who iias been one of the News t'orce since July last, left with his estimable wite last Saturday to open up a new l)usiness venture at Hickory, N. (’. Mr. (''lay has re- i cent ly purchased a new job printing outfit and will try for a j>art of the printing in that town by doing a i better class of work than the ordi- ! nary printer undertakes, lie is a good printer, a <piiet respectal>Ie citi zen and the Methodist church will miss his valuable assistance in its Sunday school work. The News has only good wishes for his abundant auccess. ’ditor Sylvan Valley Xewj!; The (‘nrollm(‘nt to Nov. i is (me hnndred and (‘h‘V('7i witli thri'e rnon^ to ent('r n«‘xt W(*t'k. Afh'v th(' holidays 'we (‘.xi)oet an incrt'asc! in onr ('nrt)llin(‘nt of abont fifty mnv stud('nts which will tax our ca])acity to its uttermost. The lu'alth and spirits of th(‘ stn- di'nts so far have been ri'inarkahly good. Th(‘T(‘ havi' heen very f(‘w eas(‘s ('V('n of “honu'-siekness,” and ])raetieally no ill lu'alth. At the Anunal ('on !\M-(‘Vie,'next we(‘k at (^ri‘('nsl)oro c.n exi'.ibit ol' thi‘ work frinn various .’,letlio:’!ist schools will 1)<‘ h«*ld and The Bre vard Industrial will have* a eri'dita- ble display of school work. S(‘V(M-al ini])ortant ini])rovt'7n(‘nfs hav(‘ IxM'n inad(‘ ovi'r the w(>rk of and arrangt'inenfs of last year. Th(‘ music d(“partinent lias added I'oTir ])ianos making fivi' in all and lias a vei’.v int(‘]‘(‘sting class of tw('nty-two ])upils. The husiiK'ss d(‘])artn\t'nt has add(‘d two nc'w ty])('writers making thriM' in all and has elass('s in shorthand ty])ewrit-1 ing and hookk(M‘])ing. TIk' s('wing d(‘])artnient, addc'd this y(>ar, giv(‘S ]»rac'tical instruction in sewing two days in tlu' wt'ek to all tlu' girls in tli(‘ “Honu*." Mr. and Mrs. Hyson, who hav(‘ Ix'en stop])ing at Dr. Hunt's lor tlu‘ past two v,-(M'ks li*ft .Monday. Galiioun Jottings. I'ditoi- Sylvan Valley News: \V. H. Nicholson is having a niei* n'sid('ne(‘ ('r»‘ct(‘d. Th(‘ farnu'i-s in our vicinity are gathering in tlu‘ir croi)s. Wm. ]\Ic('rary is in the lunihi'r bnsiui'ss and is running a steam sti wmill. Th(‘ ])astor at T..ittl(“ F?iv('r Ba])tist elun’ch, R('v. Oscar Ovr. will ]>rea<'h th(‘r<‘ tlu^ s('cond Satu7’day and Sunday. Miss Birdii' Mc( 'all who has s]K‘nt sevi'ral months in Ashevilli' with her a lint, Mrs. Sallii* Wilson, will r(‘turn home soon. Miss Nora Ashworth who is t('aehing at Litth' River and whost' school will (‘ud in a f('w wt'tdcs, an- tici])at('s 1‘ntering colh'ge soon after its clos('. Miss Charlotti* Young is ti'aching school at Big W^illow district and is well ]>leased with tlu* outlook for an interc'sting school. 'I'ln'y hav(' a fin(' .school building costing ^1,00(1 and it is w<'ll furnislu'd. p. R. Y(mng has gon(' to Macon county and is conducting a high school there nt'ar West's Mills. Hi* informs us that he has ([uite an interesting school and that lu' is dt'- light(Ml with th(‘ work. H(‘ is also unanimously idi'cti'd to tlu' ])asto- rat(‘ of a church nt'ar his .school. Miss Louis:! Ashworth has It'ft our^community for (ilomvstt^r and has opent'tl a school. This is ht'r first t‘X])t'rience in “t(\i(*hing tln' young idt'ti how to shoot." Wi‘v,-ish ht'r grt'af succt'ss. Sht' is a swt'cf. ctmst'craft‘d Christian lailv anti wt' will miss her vt'ry much in church anti Suntlav school. L. ]\[. (). In Time of l*<‘ace. In the tirst motiths of the Russia- Japan war we had a striking e.^ample of the necessity for preparation and the early advantage of tht)se wht>, so to speak, “shingletl their roofs in tlry weather.” The virtnre of ])repera- tion has made liisotry anti given to us our greatest men. The idivithials as well as the nation sfiould be pre pared for any emergency. Are you prei>aretl tt) successfully combat the first cold you take? A cold can be curetl much nioretiuickly when treat ed soon as it has been contractetl anti j before it has become settletl in the system, ('hamberlain’s Cough Rem edy is famous for its cures of colds and it should be kept at hand ready for instant use. For sale by Z. W. Xicholj, Ih*cvard aud O. L, Erwin, Calvert. n announcement I Ailcen .'v' Knglish liavo been in business in lirevartl as meat dealers for tiie past six vcais. it.v Kive served fh-evanl i)eoi)l«‘both summer and winler v. lien a meat mark<‘l lierc was little more Ihaii a ot eliaiMtv—it didn't i)ay tlirouijh the \\ iiitei. i» \ tufiiished onr pei)pk; with ict* at a co?' o i«.m o lor refri-irat<.rs -and all this because onr pl(> wanted a market all the ytsir. insU-ad of two or thri'e (luring the summer and none in winter. We take this method of tiiankiug oui- many (riends and customers for their lil>eral patronage in the ])ast. and hope, by rnridshinir the best ti‘»'>h meat on tnjs market to liierit and receive a continuam-e ol orders. We ar<* not s<‘ as to ask tor all of the trad<‘ i!i the meat line—other ])!iriies who arc st:irti!;ij in tlie business have tiieir Iriends and p.iti-ons i.iit by Iceepinu onr m-at on ic- and lu'ving it in proper .-iliape, for the laide, we iiope to h'.iii i-».* tain your most particnlai' orders. We may always bc! the clieafjesf place in town but we .'-hall always strive to have the best. Very res])i>etfu11y, AIKEN Sr ENGLISH STAMPING! The Latests Designs in STAMPING FOB SHiRT-WSIST SUITS, Gollar: and Guffs a! M. WAVE LONG liSBL LEliOY BALL Contractor and wholesale and retail dealer in Plumbers', Steam and Hot Water Heating Supplies Also ai*t as .Manufacturers' A^ent. Below 1 quote net ])riees on Ca!vani/ed Iron Pipe f.o.I). Louisville, PJchiiiontl, and Baltimore, subject to market changes without notice: 1 incli pipe, $'}.!'> per KK* ft. & •• •• 4.11 •• •• ^ •• •• •• •• - inch pipe, STJ.oT per 1(0 ft. U •• •• ;».■}:{ •• *• I4 ■* 7.S7 ]>lae’K Iron Pipe much e]iea])er. All other jrtiods in tlie same pro portion. For any informatit)n call over Phone .V.i() or write me. No. 7 E. College St. Asheville, N. C. TRANSYLVANIA RaiifQad Compjf General Offices Brevard. N. C. WINTER SCHEDULE Effectioe Monday, Oct. 9, 1905. i Miles (Eastern Standard Time) STATIONS Miles P.M. i i 0.0 ;5 :i(» 1 2.0 4 -i.*) 22.0 4 :ui *4 44 27.0 4 .')(» 2i*.;{ *4 .■);{ :io.4 -=<■4 eS ;{2 1 *■) (*;{ :u.2 r> 4(' •",■) 2(» 40.1 *,') 24 -n.}: ;{() 4.‘{ () M 4.-{ 47.!) *.■) .■)() .')0.2 (> on IS : 57 2 () 4”) i ()■').7 ;Lv Ar Lv, Ar Ar So Ry... .Asheville So Ry So Ry ... niltmore ... .So Py So Fly.Hendersonville .So Ry Hettdersonville ... . Yale " Horse Shoe rannt)n l''towah P.lantyre Penrose Davidson River ..! Pisirah Forest Brevard yelica V.,. (^'herryiield (’alvert ,. Kosman Quebec T^ Tt)xaway Ar Y.\ \\ Lv Lv — ■ .\7m. (;:i 7 ' 12 ]■ <il.7 ! 12 1'* 1 11 41.7 I 11 ]!' :i(i . 7 :u..-) lo *10 47 .!• *10 42 2!)..-, *10 ;;t 2(1. S 10 ;ui 2:5.0 + 20 22 4 itl(» P> 20.1 10 Jo i:..s it !> 1 'i 0 12.2 ;t 0 4.'- 10.(i !' 40 (■) ;» 0 22 0 0 1 !♦ CO * t Fla,g Stations. Parlor car daily between Asheville and Lake To^awa,- J. F. HAYS. General Mnnnger. ' '' S. LQsWELL, Superintendtu. 4

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