(> SYLVAN VALl.KY NEWS liial’s Bgh\ Son! You j^el. the tineot. Staple iirid Fancy Groceries, Dry Goodt: nnd Notions, Shoes anci Hats, a! M Hiken’s. A nljv linj i)f C'lotliing- in all th fjUlotil J-.lyico just aid th; Price it- Ooi;i8 Early and Avoid the Hiisii! REGlJLflTiON OF RATES Legislation the Railroads Pro pose to Enact. ! until the courts tiociuod tlint 5t ^v:ls too I low or conliscatory of tlio i)roi>t>rty of I tlu‘ raiiroails. 1 That is tho plan that prooahly botli I Prosidont lioosovolt and tho Dt'U’.ocnats I will abide by, and i>:)ssil)ly tin* I>euio- ! orats and tho KooM<.*v<'it lU^public-an.^ i w’ill have a lOiijoriiy i;i llio sonato. 50 YEARS* EXPERIENCE Trade Marks Designs ' Copyrights &c. ^nrono a sketoti nnd description n:ay I’afents soMt * auoiioy for sornniiK patents. I’atonts taken tliroutrh ^t.uini & (\>. receive svi'cial diitke, without clinrt:e. in the A f;atirt«(>n)r>!y i.UistratPil vroi>I;lr. T.nrtrest oir- ■■iila^ion of aiiy si’ientitlo .ionrnal. 'I'ernis, |';{ a -oar: four i;;ont h3, fi!. Ssdiil by all newsdealers. Ml'NN 00.36I3,OEd,,ay. Y(Jf|( DruiX'h K-U'.w. iiC.j I'’ b’t.. Washinuton, 1>. C. I plS| 'U.SB W' u ;;. low fuio ‘!iir :.ae^. 'Oi.ciu es, .i.i i fall iuioniKi- Im;. r'li' •<) Zim, W. " SAy-ilDERS, 1. i a^<. Atrt. n-m. AuI. !‘a><. Dept i'I.AN i A. ’-A. TH Z /V V- =■ ■■ OPEF?A-£;3 X. r ^arr .'"“'1111:111 Sleepers, CafeCnrs ^ti, iii, cjrto) eitici ccir^i ^loo* 'ili 1 cLtlC: ^*in2C.a / :.3 O A U I- P* C ! ! J — S IN f-.\^ anJ iihiuiiaii T^niterks A ,M O T i- Z f2i •v.Si ar-c! isortiiwest (liu cr.l j-:jri:-s 5LEF??a’G CAR: LtN2 KlisV»^^i, SOUTI"i!:;ASr AIiiD iCANSAS CITY De^crjpt-vo literalare, tfckets ar- rc-iii^cd r.'.i . lirout:;!! rcicrvatioiiii 11’a.de upon ''.i .ion to aV. T. £(#,«'tc::: i:?.S, Gs.\ l Aar. Pass. EJzpt. c r? V. ■/. "ASM. Ac-.'., ATL&r:T,H. (Ea "1“ ‘"'2' '■ ■ 5^ ^7* r? 'T-' «"iT i-i' ilu r"'. ;:.TLAr^TA. CA. HCLLiSTZR'S iiGcky Tea f^u03sts A Bu33'- Lledioine for Busy Peopl*. EringB Groilon Heaiili and Kenowed Vigor. A spf’ciflc ic-r Constipnticn, Indiprestion, Live and Kidney Tr.jiibles. Pimples. Eezenin, Impure ^iiuod, f!.ad Prtath, ShiKS-’fcli Bowels, Headache and Backaeha. It’s Rocky Mountaiu Tea in tab- ,l(^t lorin, C? cents a b('r. Genuine made by ilou,!STEit Dnca Company, Madison, Wis. 'C0LD£?3 KUGGSTS FOS SALLOW PEOPLE CONTEOL OF T2ANSP0ETATI017 Senator KlIvinM Ilopei* to Convert I’resitlent iioosevclt to ^lu^'nutett' Proposition—Demoorntii* Plan Will Pro]>»I*Zy lie IiiUorNeti by tiic A'iic<* 01 all rale disputes. ]>ass('HK('r aivl i’rtM:xl\t. to ;i court of interstate c^nii- mcice to be composed of nine Judf'es. one for ea-h judici.-il circuit of the railed State's, or for such disputes to 1)1' referred to the cirt*uit ct)urt jutiKos wiihotU the i!U:5 mad(' and the «-oiiclusions that St'iir.tor Elkins and the railroad maj?- m’.tes have arrived at. I'irst, ••'ihe j)res- iii.'iit is as emphatic as ev<‘r” for re.^u- l.'.tiu'j: railroad rates i>y j;ivin,ii more p^iwer t() the interstati' comnu'rce com- ir.ission. lait ”1 hot-e to convert (he pi‘‘sii’.i'Tit to my view.” ‘‘My view.” v.-Iiiw of l!ie railroad magnates, is that, as there r.n'.si: b(> “sonio sort of a bill passe'd.” nil the intrijjcue and craft of the <‘or- p'.r.aiou magnates :’.nd their attorneys are to be U'^ed to concoct a bill that, while jiioli'iiiliiig to legislate ag-.iiist ur.reasonable rates. Avill really s\ion. they w-iulJ p!’o';:!'. !.v be* pan- ff i’avoritIsin. wiiat a T> >!>r sliov.' of seitU'liU'Ut (.-f a r:lU‘ liUes- ti -a ila re wouUl be fi»r a shipjier in .-.ucli ;i c'lurt. 'i he s!iii)Mi>r. whether farmer or busi- I’es-j man. v.’ho fell that a railroad v.ms cli^rgliig him ail uure:;sipn;;iiie i’ate. lir;->t h:r<’(' to ;;i>i>l.v to iric inter- s;;ru' commerce commission to have ’!i:> rate dtchired uare:is!»na’.>k'. That take time, and v/lu'n the evi- tl >ace on botli sides had !)ei‘n he.',i‘!l ;ind il;c rate decide'! :is ;:nrcasona!)!e. tiu-ii liie .-Iii;;p; r v,oui>l h.ive to begin an ac- lu.a in Hiis court <‘'>m]iosed of .•'.II ihe niiio Judges of tiie I'iiiU'd StaH'S cir- coui’ls siiiing in banco. How long w ailii it take to g<-r a majority of ihnt to assemble !o liear ihe cas»'V It iu;i;t i>e years. Tlu'n the inle;".’.;inable t’.iay tli:'.t th-e railroad atloi-nv-y»:—ihe abicst that moiu'y c;iii hire—could pKO- .\vn\ yet SoiKitor Kikius an:l the rail- ro:id magnates hope “to convert” the l-’i'esident to bucli a ]»roi>osiUon. is well to noil.! ili il the l>iinocratle <-'.uaiors are noi. hu-ludeil in this e.x- •raonlinary p'lr.n f.'sr fooling the people. Tl'.is is a ilepv.l)lican i*lan. ;is Seiia.lor KIkiiis distinctly iui’ca’ins u--;. and sl’ov.'s jdiiinly ihe coi;arir/'rsliij) be tween Ihe Kepubllcan l;-ad<'rs and tlie raih’oads. i’resiueiiL l!ot);u'velt's pliiii iit the last session of congres.s v%'as sini- ihir to the I)enu)cratic plan, which was known as the Davey bill, and there is no evidence that he or the Democrais Lave changed their minds. 'I'he Davey bill, in short, provided that tho interstate commerce co’iimis- siidi be given i>ower to ii.\ a rate in jihicc of one decided to be unreasoii- ablo and iho rate to remain in force Where Lis:lit l.s \ee*le»l. If that larg(*st searchlight in the world had been installed at V\'ashington Instead of Tike’s peak it might do bet- I ter service by being turne l on the Ke- I publie:in grafters who liave possession j of government departn-:ents th.au on i tlio niaj<‘Stlc scenery of the Rockies. NEGROES TOTJIEFOJIE TOWN IMPROVEMENT WORK AMONG SOUTHERN COLORED FOLK. Pliins of n Vlrprinia Orsrsiiiizntio:! to SIjske lliinterMvillo ijihI Uarltonr.s- ville >Ior^ Desirable Toiviin to I.ive In—To Wipe Out .^loNquito ilnniil.s. To those familiar with the g('m*r;illy very insanitary and ugly n.iture of thi' negro (luartersf In the averagt* soiithcru town it Avill ai)peal as not the least W(»nderful of the achieveim'uts of the American Civic a.'^sociation that the colored people are lu'ing orgaiiiAed into lr>(*al im])rovement societies. From Norfolk <*ounty, Va., is report ed the Huntersville and liarboursville Civic and Improvement leagui'. iroui the constitution of which tiie.;e extracts are made: “Artii-le 2. — Sinc(‘ men and v.-om- en. and more? (.‘specially cliiidreu. are gri'atly inlluenced by (heir sur roundings anil siiicc' a love of order auersons owning or ri'iiting in our midst to do iheir utmost to see that all trash, such as v.aisti' ])apt*r, sticks, ptoiies, tin cans and so fonli. is gaih- ered up on their j)r(Mnlses; that vines and llowers, :is far as ])ossible. shall be plantt'd to hi(h‘ unsightly slu'ds and fences; (ii.at llowers shall be i>lanted in front j';irtls and ilowt'rs and vegetables in back yards; that all chililren shaii l)e eiicoara.ge'l to engagt' in such ]danting and raising of llowers and vegetables, as by so doing they are taught at once to a.ppreciate tlu* b(>amy »»f nalr.re and cif utiiity. ac.juire ha’oiis of thrift aud are kept off ilie strc't'ts and out of mis chief. “We furtlu'r propose, in tlu* int('rest tif public health, to assist the authori- tit-s to k('ej) clean and neat tla? streets ami alleys and to hrcak up Iho bn't'd- ii':g places of mosqiiiioes and llic's, which hav(' Ijeeii siiown to be such ac tive' agents in the spread of disease*; also t ) place re'ceptaclcs for waste j»a- per at the street coriicrs and to en- cour.age the gener.il hal»it of picking up such trash and jdacing it thert'in and in general to do all in our j»ow('r to make! Iluntersvill** and Harbours- villi* D'.ore' attractive and reaeiy to take their place as a part of the city of Nor- ft >ik.” w I w ? ■..I v) ’•■-J 'S II William J. Bryan IN FOSEIGN LANDS If you want to read Mi*» Bryants letters of foreign travel now is the time to subscribe for The Commoner, William J. i^i-yan, editor of The Comiuuner, sailed from San I*’i‘ane*isce) September 27, for a year’s vi'Sit abroaeJ. In the e;ourf;e of liis traveds, Mr. Uryan will visit the followin}^ nameel countries: HAWAn, CHINA, AUSTRALIA, New ZEALAND, SPAIN, FRANCE, DENMARK, BRITISH ISLES, PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, PALESTINE, GRj^i-Cxi, ITALY, GERMANY, SWEDEN, HOLLAND. Jiryan will write; leltt'fs JAPAN, INDIA, EGYPT TURKEY, SWITZERLAND, NORWAY, RUSSIA, From each of the ce)untries named. Mr dese*ribing his obstn-vatiems anel elealing ))articularly with tr.e politi(;al life of the e*ountries visited. These lettc’s w'ill be ])ublished in The Commonei’. and those.* wlu) de'sire to re*ad civery e»ne of these letters :she>uld lo.-'e; no time in sub scribing foi‘ Mr. Ilryan's p.aper. 7 l'(* ('ommoner is issued wee'skly and tlie siibsejription jiriex; is ii^I.oo a, Near. I!y spocial :n'rangements witli the; publislier. we are «*t:a,bleil to ( IVi r i'or a short time; only, Tlie ('ornmoner and .Sylvan Valley News one yeai% both for SI .•!(>. to new snbserribers. 'Pliose who are a.lre;idy su])‘^crib(*rs to tlie; Nenvs may have the ('oninioiicr one; year fe>r (»() ccrits. -\eldi-ess al 1 orelers to SYLVAN VALLEY NI-’V-.*S, iJrevard, N. < Only Dependable Goods Can Safety Be Bold On Credit. Wo Seli Direct From Sur Viforkshops Vo The Firesi Jo CT i'fcopJoilJS Cv^r'f .'•« v' ! On Eissy Credit Payr.iaatcs&r i-or CeisJi. y- ovtT tlie Wr.rlil. Cr.?cn“. -Irom iiisnt frcni;^lT.O<> I'Ully Kii£ira,ntet''! Furniture. Our Fumltnro Tl-ey can be pur - factories chased lor casa tu^y“' ^ an eaorniouj variety of e!e- j"jt "is Taikins; Machines. gant puaranteed furniture, o,.iy dei-endable for l matter where they iivs, iin'l tise our jcoods vliile jKivlni. for them. Our patro.is tavu j all middlemen's protiis. Write today for fuil Information and Free descriptive price lists. Address ^ THE ENGLEWOOD CO., Consolldsted PsctorlGS, Depu 72b CHICAGO, SL.Li3 Wachovia Loan Sp Trust Co. ASHEVILLE (N. C. i BRANCH. OiPiTAL $600,000: AESETS S4J18.4SI y T. S. Glim. & Vice-Pres. W. B. WILLIAMSON, Casliicr. A reliable iiu'elie-ine aiul euie that shouhl nlwiiys 1)(* kept in the house* t'eir iiMMieaeiiate use is i !;:iiiiherlaiii’s | (’e)ugh I'.e'iiK' iy. It will prevent tiioj atlaci if ”‘r\'eii as soon as liu^ cfiihl j l»e*C()iiies hoarse, eir even :‘iu*r tiie;| V Kur.*y coii^ii :ip|»eais. 'riie'ro is 110 | 'laiiger ill liiviiu- ii te> chihlre*n lor it j •()iiiaiii.s U(> opiimi or oihe-i- iiariiit’iil ; dnig. I I'Hr sale l'i* dir-place'il is sh.,'wn in tlu* b^I- lov.ir.g artie-le in tlie Municipr.l .iourna! ami Ihigin(*e*r: The i;;'.rk c;>;nniis'^;-.;i- ei.-; of lia.rrislm.rg, I*a.. are taking ac- ti.iU against tiie unsightly eieciilc light and oilii'r ]!ol«'s that ar;.* in the' rivt*r fr'.dit i):irks. lieceutly tv»'enty of (he ugly i)ok-s that frhigcd one park were cut iie'<\vn. lhe‘ wires havhig bee*n re;- iiiuve.l by the* e-onrpany ov.'!iIiig the-n. This i;-; only a beginning, hovre^ v'r. :i-id lil poles of tlie samt' soit vvill fall, in ihe pl;i'-(*s of these v.'ill b.^ erecteel or- nareenlal iion poh's with arms. New gaslight poles will also be t'revled i and ai’O of the sauie* maLerial. Tlu'se | v.'ill bi* plae-ed ale)ug the banks anel close to the Avalks. The electric light coiiip:iny is assisting in the work, aud bofoi'o long tlie substitution will be completeel. Ifyonare troubled with indigestion, coii.sti[iation, sour stomach e>r any (liier pain, IJeiHister’s i!e)e*ky :\Ioui t- iiii Tea will make you well and ke«^j> you well, oj cents, Tea or Tablets. —Z. Vr. Nichols. GEEHE %mmi aid tbost eEPAniiEriis. .\cts as Cuardian, ]’L\'et;utoi-, A'Iministrator. Trustee, etc. V/iii ha ye>ur will writien by the best lawyers in the state wiihout ciiarge. 4 Psr Ossit Paiii in Savings Ocpsrlmiiiit ena on GsriislGeis j Glias. E. Orr, i X^ivei'V&I^eed. ft; •5^ g sfnrf. EREYAKD, N. C, i/. ) -V Up to d;ite Vehicles. c:oe>d i-iding- and driving llovses. Att(;ntive and careful Drivers. \Ve)rk for summer yisitejfs and the traveling jniL'iic soliciteei. Orders by IMieine, Telegraph or Mail promptly atteneieei to. Tvvi> principal Main street stables. Busses meet all trail.s. We vrojiivtly obtain U. S. and Foreign I [CSLL^e gouge aofip cyrfB tus ' Send moJel, sketch or photo of invention for r ^ freercport cu patertabiiity. For free beck, r ‘ Howto Secure write ^ Fj/7 a B VjITH ^GNS’JiilPTIO.N CUGHS and ^GLDS ‘I and Ciuickest Cure ^ THROAT and LXJI'fG TROx^ —or MONEY BAGS.