Our County—Its Progress and Prosperity the First Duty of a Local Paper. J. J. MIXEIa, Mannu’cr. BREVARD, TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY. N. C., FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 24 1905, VOL. I-NO. 47 Transylvania Lodge No. 143, Knights of Pythias Ilciiular convention ev ery Tuesday niyrht in Ma son ic Hall. V i s i t i n Knifjhts are cordially in vited to attend. HILARY B. BRUNOT. C. C. Brevard Telephone Exchange. hours; Daily—7 a. m. to 10 p. m. Sunday—S to 10 a. m.. 4 to r> p. m. Centi‘ai Otiice—McMinn J>lock. Professioi\ol Cords. W. A. GASH, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Rooms 7 & 8, McMinn BId’g, Brevard, N. C. W. B. DUCKWORTH, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Investigation of Land Titles a Specialty. Kooras 1 and 2. Pickelsimor Build in; ZACHARY &. BREESE ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Offices in McMinn Block. Brevaril, K. C. WELCH GALLOWAY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Practices in all the courts Jvooms 9 and 10, McMinn Ulock. Looking Southward! ^ 'Railroad Outlet to the South May not Be as Far Off as Some Have Supposed. The Rebuilding of the **Swamp Rabbit** to Marietta and on to Riverview Seems Jilmost .Assured. D. L. ENGLISH LAWYER J’ooms 11 and 12 McMinn Jllock, BRKVAI’vD, N. C. A rcceiit issue of the Green ville Daily News contains the fol lowing^ {irticle which will interest everybody in this county. Riv erview is 7 miles nearer Brevard than Marietta, the terminus of the old railroad, and as will be seen, a continuation of the road acioss Blue Kidjy^e is contem- plat mountains, is dispos(‘d to r(‘fz:ard the i)laii for re- Rid^e, and their lirst aim in ibuildinj^ the lines as a first rate vvuilding the road is to ^^et their i business inv<‘stment. He would timber to market. But the fac- expn^ss himself at this tini(', MLinlclpal Ownership. WhaL the Recent* Elections Show as Public Opinion. country which is manifesting'it self in the form of Socialistic remedies for political and eco nomic ev’^ils. The great corpora- the Trend of lai gely respimsible for 'the radicalism that is rampant everywhere. The real leaders in this move ment are not the I^ryans and the Hearsts and the Dunnes and (From the New York World.) When Judge Dunne was elect ed Mayor of Chicago last A|)ril | u,e .Toiinsons and the Sc.hmitzos oil the issue of municipal Social ; but the Rockerfellei-s, tlie Ar- tnours, the Morgans, the Svv ifis. but this is und(‘rstood from a relia- bl(‘ source to b(‘ his views. It is pointed out also, that b(‘foro anything dc'finite toward beginning work can be ex])ect('d, Captain How- (‘11 must ]n'('pare and submit a re- tei pi ise evei y encouragement, ])ossibiliti(‘s of sucli a lin<‘ as a jKiying investm('nt. and tories in ths south are using coal and the necessity of a road to the coal tields of Tenn(.'"'ublic as well as summer toin-ists i.-< solicited. Opp. Court House, Brevard, X.C. R-I-P-A-X-S Tabulos Doctors find A good prescription For mankind The ."i-oent packet is onouRh for usual occasions. The lumiiy bottle ((iO oeiits) contains a supply fora year.' All druKSists.sell them. bi'ttcr advprtit^e the .South’s T.eHcliii^ But^liioss OoHejfo, just a few scholarshipa arc jffe -I* i 111 cacii section .'it Ip.-js thnii t'osi. DON'T DKLAV. WKITK TODAY GMLA, BUSINESS COLLESE,MacOfl,lia ■SQQQTELEGRAPHERS and when the time comes, our financial aid should not be want ing. There is no telling what a boom a road to the south would give Brevard. Here is what the until he has had time to do this in {•onnoction Avitli what Mr. Bowio will hav(‘ to say, no inoveniont is to be (‘xpt'cted in the d(‘velo])ni('nt of News says: | the lu-oiM'rty. * ^ ♦ I Tho rebuilding of the ‘*8wnni]) After visiting tho rtmte of the i Rabbit” is loolo'd u])(m as on(M)f propos(‘d railway from this city to | the most importai^t ent('ri)rises in Riv('rvi(‘v,’, to be kno\\-n as tlic | (*onn(>ction with the futun* growth Gnvnville & Knoxville, Ca])tain G. | and developnumt of this city. To D. Howell and J. R. Bowit*, of })hil- ■ Riverview it w'ould mean a great adelpliia, who spent the gn^ater ‘ d(‘al, but tliat is (mly a f('ature in part of last wo('k bore, liavo re-1 tho projiM*t. Tlu' line must evt'ntu- turned to the Quaker C'ity. Cai)tain ! ally extend across the mountains to Howt‘ll is a w(‘ll known contractor [ Tenness<‘e. That will give' Gre»‘n- and promotor whiL' his associate is j ville a railway to th(‘ west and a ca])italist interested in the d(‘V(‘l-j make it a junctional point for tlu* o])m(>nt of th(‘ new railway, which main lino of the Stmthern and a road C(mmvting th(‘ central west with the Atlantic coast. its proj('c*tors intend shall ultimate ly taj) lhi‘ rich coal fit'ldsand grain- Editorial Briefs. ! the United States until this trial I I for defrauding the government I came up and got into the news- It has finally been decided by ; papers. And yet he is called on the Panama Canal Com mission to; evidence in the case and ArPFTkPri Annually, to fill the new positions cre ated by »*ailroad and telegi-apli compa- fiies. We want young men and ladie?; of good habits, to hearnTelegraphy and Railroad Jiccounting. We furni'^h 75 per cent, of the Operators and Station Agents in America. Our six schools are the largest exclusive Teletrrai>h schof)ls in the V\"orld. Es tablished 20 years and endorsed by all leading railway otticials. \Vc pxcf’utt* a f'JCO to every student to tirr.isli him oi lu-r a position nayinu from ?40 to « east of the Rocky Moun- . ins, or from f7.5 to $100 per month in States ^‘e«iof tl'c Rockies, immefiiatcly on >;raduation. Students can entt'rat any lime—no vacations. For full particulars re^ranliriK ?»ny of our .schools Avritc dir.'f't to nur executive oniceat Cincinnati, O. Catalogue free. THE MORSE SCHOOL OF TELEGRAPHY. Cincinnati, OhioJ Atlanta, Ga. TexftTcana, Tex. Buffalo, N. Y. LaCrosse, Wis. San Francisco, Cal. dig a tide-water canal without locks. The width is to be lo(J feet at the bottom. It is intend ed to leave no possibility’- for amendment, and to do the work in the interests of posterity. The decision was reached by vote ifter canvassing every i trust"^ tion of the surveyors, and now why not begin digging? The Sylvan Valley News is of fering some very tempting prop ositions in reading matter with the hope of increasing its circula tion. The magazine offer adver tised on 8th page is extraordina ry for a country paper to make. The Southern Agriculturist is free to new subscribers, and there are other propositions in our columns that should secure us a large list, but so far only one new name has been added to oui’ list. The lirst of December all these offers will be withdi-awn— what are our people waiting for? [f they expect us to give them the News they will wait a long time. tld has gone to Greensboro this week for that purpose. It is hnited that the whisky trust is instiga ting this suit to drive Williams out of business just because he is running an independent dis tillery—doesn’t belong to the It doesn’t matter what the motive may he it is evident that the suit will cost the govern ment a great deal more than it can get out of Nick Williams. Shriff Kilpatrick says he never knew that there was such a thing as the Nick Williams distillery in It seems that this year the cot ton farmers of the south have, for the tirst time learned their power to control prices. By holding their crop they have al ready raised the price of cotton from to 11 cts. and they now seem determined to have 15 cts per pound before they turn it loose. It would be strange in deed if the common people did not learn some lessons in com bining from the many trusts that have been bleeding them. A farmer’s trust could break the millionaires in short order if the plebian population would stick together as closely as do the wealthy corporations—and it seems as if they were trynng it. ism, who would have believed that seven months later William K. Hearst could couje within ^>.500 votes of being elected May or of New York on the same is sue? But it is not merely in New York and Chicago that the spirit of radicalism is rampant. Tom L. .Johnson is re elected Ma yor of Cleveland by an in creased majority. Johnson’s platform called for three-cent fares and a state law permitting Cleveland to own and operate street lailways. Brand Whitlock, the portege of “Golden Rule” .lones, the for mer Socialistic Mayor of Toledo, caj-ried all but two of the wards in the city and was elected Mayor by a majority of nearly G,000 over the conservative candidate. Schmitz, the labor Mayor of San Francisco, was re-elected in spite of the fusion of the Demo cratic and Republican organiza tions against him. John B. Moi’gan. a Boston law yer-agitator. was elected District Attorney of Sutfolk county, al though both organizations and all the newspa[)ers were against him. The overthrow of Boss Cox in Cincinnatli was the result largely of public indignation over the re lations between thepublic-service corporations and the Cox ma chine. Weaver’s victory in Pjiladel- phia would not have been jjossi ble without suj)port from the same radical elements that voted for Hearst in New York and elect ed Dunne in Chicago. Two of the most active o])po- nents in the Senate of President Roosevelt's sclieme of govern ment rate-making are badly dis credited by the election. Fora ker was whipped in Ohio and Gorman was beaten in Maryland. Mayor Dunncj of Chicago says the result here “is a wonderful proof of the widespread senti ment that municipal ownershi[) of public utilities must soon be adopted. ” Gov. Hoch of Kansas, at a din ner to Senator Warner of Mis souri Wednesday night, lifted his voice in solemn warning to j the sens*- the whole country: smell and conipletoly derange ihe the Ryans, the Yerkes(\s, the xMc- Cui’dys, tlie McCalls, tlie Hyd»^s, the Perkinses and tli<» Harri- mans, with their Murphys, Mc- Carrens. Coxes, Durhams and Penroses. Ten years ago Pingju^e was de nounced a? an Anarchist Today Pingree's progranime woultl ije regarded as mild and fnnst tive. Where is the thug - jjng to end? Quay is dead. May ; action of the people of Philadel.>hia and Pennsylvania be the ^icath to Quayism. Boss Mur})hy would j jst aix»;jt as soon have seen th^* --d.-vir’ elected District Attorney of Nt^w York as tierome. Election disclosures in N.-w York indi_ate tiiat Tam;iiany iti addition to not being good was not even careful. Germany is said to practically make tlu^ taritf laws [<;!• every country in Europe except Fi ance. She ha.s been so busy m:iking trouble for France in tlie .^ist thirty years that she poh iblhas not gotten around to taritf legis lation yet. Consular appointees must now kn*>w' at lea.st tw’o langiiuges and have a good head for l)usiness. Ihis is a .sad decline from the good old days when one language l)ersisrtently used would i,jt, a man almost any sort of an old dip lomatic job. Many children inherit coiistitut/ons weak and feeble, others due to child hood troubles. Molli.ster's Rocky Mountain Tea will positively cure cliildreii and make thei i strong. cents, Tea or Tablets. —Z. W. Nichols. In the light of the latest elec tion returns Mr Herrick probab ly thinh.s that somebody in Ohio discriminated against him. Til seven states of the Union, one [;arty or the other is busily engaged in explaining that its de teat was due entirely to local causes. lieware of Oieitinonts for Catarrh that contain mercurv, as “I want to say to you, not as an alarmist but as a slight contribu tor to the American awakening, that unless wetind some eirectual remedy for the control of the great trusts and corporations in the interests of all the people, a tidal wave of socialism will sweep over the countiy one of these days that will do incalcuable damage.” Gov. Hoch is not exaggerating the facts. They are so plain that wfiole .system when entering it through the mucous surfaces. 8iich aticies should never be used except on piv.scriptions from re})utab!e physicians, as the damage they do is t(*n Ibid to the good you can po.ssi- bly deriv.^ from them. Hall’s Catarrh ('ure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co, Toledo, O., contains no mercury and is taken internally, actingdirect- ly upon the blood and mucous sur faces of the .system. In buying Hall’s Catarrh Cure be sure you get the gen uine. It is taken internally, and no human being of ordinary in- P.J. cheuey •y iV Co. Testimonials free Sold by all Druggists. Price 7.3c. per bottle. telligence should mistake their meaning. A great wave of dis content is sweeping over the Take Hall’s Family Pills for con stipation.