Our County—Its Progress and Prosperity the First Duty of a Local Paper. •I. J. AIlXKi;. Miina-i-cr. BREVARD, TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY. N. C., FRIDAY. DKCEMliER 15. 1905. VOL.’^X-NO. Transylvania Lodge No. 143, Knights of Pythias Ileirular convention ev ery Tuesday ni*rht in Ma sonic Half. V is it. in t: Knights are cordially in vited to attend. HILARY B. BF.UKOT, C. C. Brevard Telephone Exchange. hours: Daily—7 a. in. to 10 p. ni. Sunday—S to 10 a. ni., 4 to (> p. m. Central Office—McMinn lilock. Professional Cards. W. A. GASH, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Rooms 7 & 8, McMinn BId'g, Brevard, N. C. W. B. DUCKWORTH, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Investigation cf Land Titles a Specialty. Uooms 1 and 2, Pickelsitner Buildinfr* Looking Forward. Railroad Extensions and New Con struction Projected. Pnnishlns: a I’rond :ilaine Jud^e. Ill the early days of Augusta, Me., wlieu the people rodo about the country on horseback, a certain aristocratic judge, riding Into town one day on his smart horse, was overtaken by a ueigh- bor, a poorly dressr(‘})v h equaled as a mmf-y maker. With our many d' si^us and lo-.v pric* s you can reolnco every old wood feu'c in your citv. Write KtoTiee. No c-q.'itsl required. .Seud your app 1- cation end reference promptly. THE STEWART IRON WORKS COMPANY. Dept. No. 1. Cincinnsti, O., U. S. A. # £f . § i I' C. V. ., i., w EPIC{KE-DEfiTISTRY-Pr.flRiff: ACY r Modem Laboratories b charge of tpecialisis. j Quiz System. Superior Clinics. I Bedside teaching in our own HospitaL For detailed information, write THE PROCTOR. the hauling of heavy trains over I in Arkansas is considered a seri the Spartanburg and Asheville | ous offence, while licking the railroad is a dangerous under-j Governor is accounted a minor taking, and this is the only direct; breach of the statutes, route from the Cumberland coal tields to the factories of the Pied mont section. With this outline of the reasons that will make such a road a paying investment \ve feel inclined to make a few^ pre dictions: 1—In less than a yesr work will be in progress for the exten sion of the Transylvania railroad to some point on the Southern main line looking to a direct route to Atlanta. 2.—A direct route to Asheville, shortening the distance by some thing like ten miles, will be built before the extension southward is completed. 3.—A road will be built from Asheville into Yancey county, tapping the road now under con struction from Johnson Cit3% thus reducing the distance from Bristol, Va., to Atlanta by many In Praise of ('liainb(M'liiin\s Couijb Keiii<*h Remedy. It Is etiective, and prompt relief follows its use. Gratelui parents everywhere do not hesitate to testify to its merits for the heiietit of others. It is a certain cure for croup and will prevent the attack if Siven at tlie first appearance of the disease. It is especially adapted to children, as it is pleasant to take and contains nothing hijurious. Mr. E. A. Huniplireys, a well known resi dent and clerk in the store of Mr. E. Loek, of Alice, Cape Colony, South Africa, says: “I have used Cham- Sho Didn't l*ut It Out. Ar old lady of his Hock once called up m Dr. (.Jill with a grievance. The doctor’s neckl»auds were too long for Ler ideas of ministerial humility, and afici a long harangue on the sin of pride intimated that she had brought a p;.'- scissors with her and would be pleased ii nei J. nr tor would permit her to cut them down to her notions of propriety. The do(*tor not only listened patient ly, but handed over the offending white bands to be operated upon. When she luid cut them to her sati.^- factiou and returned the bibs it was the doctor’s turn. “Now,” said he, “you must do me a good turn also.” “Yes, that I will, doctor. AVhat can it beV” “Well, you have something al)out you which is a deal too long and which causes me no end of trouble, and I should like to see it shorter.” “Indeed, dear sir, I will not hesitate. WTiat is it? Here are the sc!ssoi*s; use them as you please.” “Come, then.” said the sturdy divine, “good sister, put out your tongue.”— Loudon Mail. sam(‘. As to Hon. J. M. (-}ud,u;(‘r. he lias made us a good congrc'ss- nian, and we have stuck clost' t<- him for tlie last four yc'ars ; l)ut not Ix'lieving in a man holding an office of one kind over four years, or two terms, w(‘ th('refor<' shall n.'^e oai- inflm'nco in tli(‘ n(‘xt convention for th(‘ Hon. W. T. Cravrford ot Waynesville. After Mr. Gndger tliinks over tlu' matti'r fully and rememl)(*rs th(‘ ])romis(' 1k> made we ar(' satisfii‘d lie Avill st(‘]> out of tlie race and endorst* Mr. Crawi(n-d. Wo all rem(']nh(‘r how Mr. C'ravv'- ford was t7'('att‘d by the rej)til)licans of this district, and w(' must show them that we do not a])]n’OV(' of sucli treatment ])v .s(»nding Hon. W. T. Crawford hack to congrt'ss. Resp('ctfully, T. W. Whitmire. P^antifying methods that injure the .skin aii-J V.v .'J.t'i