SYLVAN VALLEY NEWS Protest From a Lady. Editor Sylvan Valley News: I wish to call your attention to the unspeakable, impassible con dition of North Caldwell street as far as Whitmire street and from thence to the Brevard Industrial School. The planks are placed at intervals, and one alternates from springing planks, the ends of which throw up slush and mud, into the mud itself. Probably more persons travel those streets •than any other in town and their condition is a standing reflection on the town management and particularly those who represent us in that vicinity. I am not a resident of that sec tion but a frequent visitor and speak feelingly. If you, Mr. Ed itor had undertaken the journey there last Sunday and could have seen' the forty or tifty school girls joggling along on the planks and picking out the least muddy spots m "the intervals, you w’ould be Aspired to use all your influence I to repair the evil and confer one more benefit on suffering women of whom I am unfortunately one. Prospective Wedding. Engagement Announced of Miss Mary Morel to Mr. Geaard Van Schaick of Chicago. Tlio following olii)piiig from tlio Savannah, Ga., Xows, of recent date will bo of interest to many of onr readers, to whom both ]>arties are well known. Miss Morol has been a frequent visitor in Brevard for several years, and has spent the greater portion of tlie last two winters here with lier mother. Mr. Van Sc'haick lias many friends in this section, having at first been a forestry stnd('nt in Pisgali For(‘St, and nntil recently a resident of Brevard, lie having bnilt and oecnpied “Squirrel Inn.” This is one instance where we can congra til late both parties and they have the best wishes of the News and their many friends : “Annonnc(nnent has been made by Mrs. Calhoiin T. Morel of tlie engagement of her daughter, Mary Pendleton, to Mr. (,4('rard Van Sehaiek of Chicago. No date has yet been se-t for the wedding. “The announcement lias been tlie source of niuc-h pleasant inter est, especially among the young circle of [Miss Morel's intimate friends. Although slit* was (‘x- pected to be one of the debutantes of last season or the jiresent one, she has sj:)ent much of her time away from Savannah recently, and has never inadt' her formal appear ance in society. She is, however, identifuMl witli the buds of this s('a- son as on(" of an attractive little circle of friends that have grown up together, and while interest in her engagement is keen, it will be much regrett(Hl that she will not make her home in Savannah after her niarriagt>.” Derivation of Fad. The clorivatioii of the word “fad” i3 possibly traceable in the Welsh lan guage. By the law of mutation of ini tial consonants peculiar to that tongue the root Avords ffedd and inedd are convertible terms. Their essential meaning Is possession; transitive or in- ' transitive, possession of sonisi* i the act of being nos:: by sonij While it is absurd for mem bers of the House of Representa tives to introduce 12,000 bills in a single session, it is only fair to remember that under existing rules, “introducing bills” is about the only privilege left to the av erage representative. May I.<ive 100 Years. The chances for living a full cen tury are excellent in the case of Mrs. Jennie Duncan, of Haynesville, 3Ie., now 70 years old. She writes; “Electric BUters cured me of chronic dyspepsia of 20 years standing and made me feel as well and strong as a young girl,” Electric Bitters ci^e stomach and liver diseases, bloWl disorders, general debility and bodily weakness. Sold on a guarantee at Z. W. Nichols’ drug store. Price only 50c. I the railroads are to give no rebates and no passes, they will be entitled to the thanks of the people who have sacrificed their self respect for such in the past, and who now will reform because they are nr)t in a ])osition to do an V thing else. Half the AVorld Wonders how the other half lives. Those who use Bucklen’s Arnica Salve nev. er wonder if it will cure cuts, wounds, burns, sores and all skin eruptions; they know it will. Mrs. Grant Shy, 1130 E. Reynolds St., Springfield 111., says: “J regard it one of the absolute necessities of housekeeping.” Guar anteed by Z. W. Nichols, drug gist. 25c, Change of Ownership. Notice is her('hy given that I have this day sofd one-half inter<'st of the paid-up capital of my general merchandise to A. M. Verdery, jr., and the firm will lnu’eafter bo known as Whitmire & Verdery. Said firm will be liable for all debts owing for merchandise by the un- der.signed. T. W WHITMIRE. All persons indebted to T. W. Whitmir(> are requested to come in at once and settle same. d29tH Sale to Make Assets. North Carolina—Transylvania County. In the Superior Court—Bciore the Clerk. G«f). W. Wilson, administrator oi \\. A. Wilson, deceased, vs, Martha J. Wilson. Monroe Wilson, P. I!. Wil son, Robert Wils'ou and others. Notice. Tlie rtofendants above named will take notice that a<» actioii entitled as above has been com menced in the Superior Court of Transylvania County for the sale of land of W. A. Wilson, de-eased to make assets to pay debts and costs (if administration. That the said land is situated in Transvlviiuia county and claimed bv the de fendant'". And the defendants will further take notice that they are re(juirt*d to apiK-ar at the office of T T. Loftis, Cit ik of the Superior Court of Tian«-ylvania <’ounty. on or Ix'fore the .5th day of February, 190(5, and answer or demur to the petition of the plaintili therein liled, and let the said <U'fendauts further taee notice that if tliey fail to answer or demur to the said petition within the time herein >pecilied, that the plain tiff will apt'iy to the court for the relief de manded in hi's petition. This tl\e :Jt;th day of December, 1005 T T. LOFTfS, d2Ut4 Clerk of the Superior Court. Notice of Execution Sale. North Carolina—Transylvania Coantv. In the Superior Court. G. W. Wilson, et al, vs. W. S. Lankford, et al. By virtue of an execution direeted from the Suwrior Court of Traiisvlvania county b) tL unner.'igned, in the above entitled qj on Monday. February 5tl^ Monday in Februaj court h’on Notice. All persons holding Notes, Mort gages or open accounts against M. D. Cooper, deceased, will present the same to T. W. Whitmire, ^y agent, for payment. Also, all sons indebted to M, T). Cooper, d? ceased, will make immediate jmy- ment to sjiid T. W. Whitmire, agent. MARTHA E. COOPER, d29t3 widow of M. D. Cooper. Entry No. 2461. C. Grimshawe enters and claims 100 acres of land, more or loss, in Hogback Township, on a tributary of the Whitewater river, beginning at a stake corner of grant 252 and runs N. 40 deg. E. wltn line ot 252 05 p»)Ies to the line of grant ^>00; thence with line of OOO to grant 1J)20; thence S. with said 1920 to its corner; thence E. to grant 252; thence to the beginning. Entered Sept. 15, 1905. This Nov. 27, 190.-). M. W. (FALLOWAY. Entry Taker. Entry No. 2464. J* E. Hay.s enters and claims 200 acres of land in Dunns Hock and Eastatoe Townships, on the Kellev' mountain, adjoining lands of himself, J. Mel). Cantrell and others. Begin ning on white oak, J. C’. Whit mire’s corner, and runs various courses for complement, so as to in clude vacant land in said boundary. Entered Nov. 29, 11K)5. This Ih c. G, 1905. M. W. Gatj.o’.v.vv, Entry Taker. I, M. W. Gallo\yay, KntryTakcrforTrans’ nia ';oujitv, ccrtify that the foregoing ar copiesof entries made, as will appear h\ ence to the entry book in mv f-flice. M. W! G VLl.OWA ., Kntrv 'J a' Santo Domingo is going to have the time of its life. Four different revolutionary move ments are impending there. Commissioner's S North Carolina—Transylvania In the Superior Court—Before t. Notice of Land Sale. M. Aliee lirckner et vs. I.oui'a A, Fowler e By virtue of the power ve siffned commi.s.'.ioner, anpointt the Superior Coujrtof fraTKsyiv" s{>ei ia! pioct-etlini^ entitled^^ for the purpose of selling eert lon;,nnij to the e.state of Ocran which lands and estate the fendants are tenants in com loway, commissioner as afores- sale to the higliest bidder for ea. house door, in the Town (>f Bre Monday, February 5th. ll)»(i. at 1- It being the tirst Monday in Febru.v following described real' estate, situa and being in the eoiuUy of I ransylv. 1 itt!e Kiver township, and on the wa Litt e rivt-r, adjoininj' the lands of \V. (.. and other«, more particularlv described as ?ol- iow^: Be.uinniiii'at t'vo dogwoods and runs c;>^t 80 pules to a hickory; then north ->4 deg east 5-: jxiles to a sourwood at the head of a spring; then north SO poles lo a lynn tree; then north tjj d^g west to a stake in the old Laurel Hill road ; then with said road to a stake in the Little River turnpike ro;id; then sduth 00 deg west 12 poles- a stake on the bank of the road ; then n^ deg west 4 poles lo a black oak on a ri.^ west 54 poles to a stake on the q'ld Kiii south 140 poles to the begini?,ng, iL acres, more or le'^s, excepting .i i Ocran Orr and wife to Wiliam T.' north or lower end of said tract. Also a small tract of land on the wa^, Lanrej Creek, adjoining the lands of said ■ S. C Klkins and others, and bounded as foll< Beginning at a black oak in Predmore':^ and runs north 61 deg west 2fi poles to a staf the old King line; then south with theol<lf line 11 poles to a white oak, Predmoic’J Orr sold corner: then with their old linr. beginning. Containing three rods and tj three jKjIes. ’ WELCH G.\LLOWAY. Commit This Dec. ^.Jnd, 1!)l5. Notice of Purchase at Tax Sai Notice is hereby given that at a saJ for taxes made a!, the court house do>* Town ol Brevard, on the 3d day of ApiW byj. c. King, Sheriil'of Transylvania S one tract of land containing lo acres, in Br Township, on Fairchild'.s branch, adjoini^ lands of G. W. Vanderbilt and oth«^rs. lisi^ taxation in the name of Selina Kemp^ year 1!»04, was sold to the undersigner >um of and unless redemption isi or before the ;Jd day of Apiil, 1<305,( chaser will apply to the said sheriil tor ! the said land. Dated this December 19th. 1!)0'> C. A. SCHf^ (122t3 Per W. A. Ga Notice of Purchase at Notice is hereby given that a] for taxes made at the court he Town of Brevard, on the 3d dj by.I. C. King, Sheriff of Ti ot*^‘ tract of land contaj Towiiship, on Nor to, the lands of Va taxation in tb, the year IS the su; on.

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