Our Chiinty—Its Progress and Prosperity the First M IXEli, ^lauager. BREVAHl), TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY, N. C., FRIDAY* [vania Lodge No. 143, ponvontion ev ery Tiu’sdny niuiit in Tvlct- ■ iiai.. Vis it in <4 I ,> ('ordi:! Hv in- [ Ittcnd. T. W. WHITMlfIt; C. C. j [ard Telephone Exchange. iiouKs: 7 a. ra. to 10 ]). ni. I—8 to 10 a. rc.. 4 to 0 p. m. Office—MeMinn Block. pfesslon^^ Cards. ^ F DUCXVyOR.TK, " .Y-AT-LAW. Land Titles a Specialty. stiga a- >^1'ickelsiinei' Buiulin^’-. From Our Reg'ular C;orrespondent. In the t'loctioii Ih'IcI here on the (juestion of 'Aiietlier Ashe ville should boi’row slO.700 to b(> LACKARY &. BR.m:S£ 'ORNEYS-AT-LAW es in McMinn Block, Orevard, fi. C. ;ASH GALLOWAY. LAWYERS. [>raetice in all the courts. Iis 9 and 10, McMinn lllock. D. L. ENGLISH LAWYER us 11 and 12 McMinn Block. BUKVAIID, X. C. ^ "“T ' - Miscellaneous. lENTIST. (Bailey Bloci.) ON VILLE, N. C. onth of XoveiiilxM- juhI only I will niako a first teeth (best rubber) to fit C)r no pay. Al! work rediieeil in piojjortion ith Extractelr’,Without P^in. e ^tkelivolhi \Vs New IJotel—Modern Ai3-| jitinents—Open all tlie year Ironas-e of the travelinjr piil)li las summer tourists is solicitet ’curt House, Drevartl, N.C used for th(i eret tory for g'ai’bag pas.sed by a sn; substantial maj< for the coni|)u law, which wa;- UKiiii issue of t ■ education law i it\’ in every Ashe\ illo No. 1’ etna isui’e A !)ollo(i ! . ;ation 11/ th(> The uafoi- rather serious for the ne<jfro driver until it was found that tlie child's injuries would not prove fatal. A lariie crowd of jan^ry citizens, botli white and I blaci\, suri’ounded tlie driver and prevented his esca])e and i: I looked like troul)le was in store for the nei^ro, but some of the* cooler heads summoned the police and n>att»‘rs quit^d down. At a recent meetini? of the So ciety loi- Pi-evention of Crueltj/ to Aniuials it was decided t»> se- A Ccrr detectiv(i whose business will be to look u]) cases of crueltv to ■n liM'i / [T-P-A-N-S Tabiiles Doctors lincl j^oocl pres^^'i'iption For mauki’1‘1 l-nacket is onouLrli lor usini l bottle (Ofi co'ituiiis u aui'p.y of vounj? innles nncl of younj? cattlH. ruling tools, a good ^other tiling” too nu- lion. ill a slide v ' • i-ed at the Balfour qi • • illy T. R. liice and i \ > e, eti] ployes, w’('r(‘ii • .! ;umb(‘r of other njeii ' > .1 worU- in the quarry at the tiuie of tiu‘ accid('nt narrowl. vith their lives. Tht - : men were drilling ^ : •. i, )ui warning a big [jorti • i' ::<• » rk cliff began to slide i were swept to the g. tance of about :20 f(*e ' m a rib broken and is tl ■■ hurt internally, McK escapied with no boi, but is said to be bad and battered. The little 4-year-old E. Bell of Haw Ci’oek was i to the city last week to m.i operation performer'' in the child had three ng. ; putated. The child' s iia*.i badly mangled whii. ri with a feed cutter in 1 i’-. barn, and it was found to amputate the tin< . youngster withstood t' < tion manfully and is n n be getting along nicely. Tiie big cor Crete j work of the hotel bein^ Ion the .site of the old hotel on Noi-th Main s now completed and f(jr ready funds to proii.-,jit> t pietion of the building, w\ been temporarily suspen 'the heirs of the Smith I t is said that a stock com w’ill be formed to have the b ing finished and operate same The Asheville coal famine ^ practically over and coal is no’ becoming plentiful. For a tiin matters had a serious aspect an coal was hard to get at any orici The people kicked to the loc^ dealers but they said they wa helples^, that the mine operatq were unable to ship for lad, c irs. This the Southern rai, denies, an^ claims that it scheme of the miners tc to the highest bidder cover up their misdoj the blame on_ the claiming ca; ICditor Sylvan Some one ers never ki< never work.” fI’ue in the mo;j in all. A mul- also a great v;o: kicks against cure the services of a private ■ I .tiie greatest iroocl est number,” should be paid animals and prosecute the guilty : [,atiie.s. ; one wiio kicks al T. .J. Hayes, the new trav(iling ; b,> detrimental freight agent of the Southern the majoi-ity of iiiis til 1 in till* ciiiil tiS’ I listt*rit?ci to sumed liis duties. | heeded. But ])el Three new carriers and two'who enters his (.'Xti'a cl(!rks have been enga^red any pr()})osition by the Asheville post otlice so as ; correct. Xo doubt there" to better facilitate the handling Lsuggestions and protests, oi tile usual holiti'ay mads. Post-1 tests and suggestions, master Rollins reports that the I the next few’ weeics in cish recei]>ts of his office for last • the best thing to be dont^ month show an increase of ,.i!n{)rovement of our {)ubi -0 per c(Mit over that of Novem- j ways. That we need ber, 1IJ05. jand better roads is ;i fo Pati’ohnan S])rouse. of Ashe ^ sup[)ose no one wiij vill(''s efficient polic(i force went tiow to get them is tj^ on I'ecord last week wiien he arrested a real live old white, venerable, long-eared, spindle slusnked, loitering, sheep-headed i ickass on Pack Square for k> if- Does it not ap[)f jority of the peopk nia that if we shoul in order to make ments {it once, it w ng. This is iha first time that j ^li‘^iisan ny of the four footed variety c.f Inecessary W(i Asheville’s Pack Sciuare loafers have been ensnared into the lueshes of the law. L,. K. D. H iw’s Tliis? We offer One Hundred Dolhtr’^ lleward lor any case of Catarrh i l.at cannot be cuied by Hall’s ('alarrli Cure. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, (). We, the undersigned, liave known K. J. Cheney’ for 1 he last IT. years, tiid belive him perfectly iionornble n all business transactions, and I tuineially able to carry out any obli- mitiouH nuule by his firm. Waldini;, Kinnan & Marvin, AVliolesale Drup:j?ists, Toledo, O. Sail’s Catarrh Cure is taki'U inter- ii;i‘ly, actiujj directly upon the blood I mucous surfaces of the system. Tcstinu)nlals sent free. I’rice, 7oc i besides having to paj and ihe interest oi would also have to pa] tax to keep tin? roadj or continue to work t] I ing to the [)resent uni method. A bond is^ to .me. is impracticaj i\ better way Assl'Mnbly should c] of Highway Com place a competei head of 4ii(i movj roads tlK’ougl should be thei partment tc^ca of ed iu,-atioi[i f and advise and' ties as they bee All the convicts of two years or come a part of rce M.nd be p ties that. Loads- irnij rate coal an . ^5? ful in Asheville. Viola Browj daughter of Brownell of tj run over by a Patton aveni; fracture of ported to b time of the

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