Our County—Its Progress and Prosperity the First Duty of a Local Paper. • J. MINKI!, :Mnn;i,uvr. BREVARD, TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY, N. C., FRIDAY. JANUARY 1ft. l!)0(i. VOL. XI-NO. ansylvania Lodge No. 143, Knigiits of Pythias Reiiular convention ev- ^ cr*y Tuesday nij;ht in Ma- t^onic Hair. Visitin^r n ' Kui<?hts are eordially in vited to attend. HILARY B. BRUKOT.C. C. Brevard Telephone Exchange. HorKs; Daily—7 a, in. to 10 p. ni. Sunday—to 10 a. m., 4 to ]). m. Central Ottioe—McMinn IJlock. Professional Cards. W. B. DUCKWORTH, ATTORN EY-AT-LAW. Investigation of Land Titles a Specialty. Uooius 1 and l!, I’ickelsimer Buildlnjr. ZACHARY &. BREESE ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Offices in McMinn Block, Brevard, N. C. WELCH GALLOWAY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. I’factlces in all the courts rv(*oms 0 and 10, McMinn lilock D. L. ENGLISH LAWYER ivooms II and 12 McMinn lilock. BREVAKi:). X. C. Miscellaneous. The JEthelwold Drovard's New TIotcl—Modern Ap- ])ointments—Ojien all the year. The ])atrona^^e of Uie travelinyr public as well as summer tourists i.-s solicited. Opp. Court House, Brevard, N.C. R-I-P-A-X-S Tabiiles Doctors find A good prescription For mankind The ‘-cent packet is ononi;h for usxial occasions, rhe'famiiv bottle ((’.0 oe.its) contain.^ a "Upp.y 'or A year.' All driisgii^t!- sell them. / FOR I u^e^utcA To bPtter advertise the Sontli’s Leading; Business Collejre, just a few scholarships are ■ilf.T-- i ill ea(ih seotii^n at less than cost. 1.0\T DEI-AV. WRITE TODAY. SA-ALA. BUSIHESS COLLEaE, lacoa, lia AGENTS WANTEO TO SELL r’tcTi'art’s An oxcoT)t;(;iiui cp- , por'iunity * is o.iorvd S') ■ [ i'nYfl! li'-■ ^^KrTiTtni'^rnTltTTrt^^ stjents to reprotoiit m -Hi t; , in all pirls tif the pourtry soliciting orders: lor I:on vhUn !S chc;i'i)'r tiiiiii wrtod juid v/:il’..-..sil;;.U'.nr-. lii.- \Vc! h;;vosonae- D 'ricy inaiC'. r. ^ pr’-'. s' yo;: c:;i: 1 iHii \. rile c;:d yc/vii’ ayp i- - COViPANY, i'.S.A. .luir< •! .-.Ct) T'VoU' 'ROM W Cincir? tub S 5 i- tCILLTHE COUGH AND CURE the LUFtiCS “'™ Dr, King’s Niw Diinsverf CONSUMPTION OUGKS and OLDS leoMw— Surest ai Price 50c &$ 1.00 Free Trial. id Quickest Cure for all THBOA^ and LUNG TUOUB- LSS, orfelONEY BACK. RAILROAD ACTIVITY. Contemiilated Lines Pointing Towards Brevard and Lake Toxaway. From Seneca, Maryville and Johnson Ci!y Rumors of Extension Are In Circulation. Obstructing French Broad. {Fi-oin (Jreenville Daily News.) “Keporls continue to circulate ibout the proposed building by the Southern railway of a branch line tliat will run from Lake Tox- away to Walhalla and from there connect by using ten miles of the Blue Kidge road with the South ern's main lineal Seneca. The Blue Kidge is leased by the Southern and ]iractically owned by Southern interests. Surveys of the line are said to have indi cated a grade of only one per cent., and as the distance is only some twenty-six miles, the work could be complete in a short time. “The advantages to the South ern are obvious. Vast amounts of money have been spent in making Lake Toxaway and the Sapphire country among the most beautiful and famous re sorts in the entire country. But it is inconvenient of access. The traveler, as things stand, must go to Spartanburg Junction, thence to Hendersonville, and then up the Transylvania road through Brevard to Toxaway. With the completion of a branch from Walhalla to Toxaway, trav- «*lers could reach the Sapphire country by a direct route from the main line rather than by the present circuitous route, ••But probably the greatest advantage to Greenville and tho entire Piedmont section would be ilie adding of another route to the Knoxville coal region. A road from Maryville, in the rich coal region below Knoxville, to Dillsboro, is rapidly nearing com pletion and with the line extend ing from Dillsboro to Toxaway by connecting with the projected branch from Walhalla to Toxa away, almost a straight lint to t!ie main line of the Southern at Seneca would be the result, and in this way the coal region would be tajiped by a new and practi cally direct line.” (From Asheville Ciazette-Xews.) Thomas S. Artliur, a promi nent citizen of Mitchell county, was in Asheville today and di vulged some interesting informa tion relative to the operations of the South & Western railroad and the Southern railway in Mitchell, Yancey and other ad jacent counties. Mr. Arthur says that Mitchell county is on a veritable railroad boom and that the people of his county are en joying a season of prosperity such as was never known before. He says that the South & West ern's force of hands between Spruce Pine and Marion is mak ing good headway, and that it is expected th^' objective point will «e reached \^ithin a period of two years. “FromSpi je Pine to Marion,” said Mr. im V, ‘*is about o5 miles and some idea of the gi gantic task of constructing a road in that section may be had when it is stated tiiat with tiie completion of the line, thirteen tunnels will have been built jind the road stand forth as an engineering triumph.” Mr. Ar- ; thur siys that the Southei'n rail way is also actively engaged in making surveys in Yancey and Mud.ell. “The Southern,*’ said he, “is building a road from Johnson City. Tenn., toward Marion, a distance of 75 to 'JO miles, and has a force of 500 men at work. This force is now woi'king near Huntsdale in Yancey county. I The Southern, I understand, has purchtised the Buck Lumbei- j company's logging tramway, run j ning from Huntsdale U}) Cane {River a distance of 10 miles, and ^ that the Southern is now com- I pleting th«3 survey up Cane river ; to Burnsvilh*. The Southern has two corps of engineers in that vicinity. One of the corps is sur veying from Burnsville to Ashe ville and the other from Burns ville to Spruce Pine.” 'X i't As w’e see it, the building of these contemplated extensions all point to betterments for Brevard. jThe survey nowin pi'ogress be tween Asheville and Burnsville points dir-ectly to the connection of our road with Asheville, and its extension southward as a freight line. With the one per cent grade mentioned by the j Greenville News would make this !an ideal freight route, and one [that is badly needed by the ! Southern to relieve its other I lines. Should the road from Maryville, Tenn,, be built to Lake Toxaway it might mean an important manufacturing town at liosman. Ever^nhing in sight points to the rapid development of this mountain section, and if our people are wise they will en courage, in every possible way, the establishment of every manu facturing enterprise that seeks admission to this territory. W'e have w^orldsof timber to work up, water power to develop, and with improved railroad facilities novv* contempl-ated it should be an easy matter to attract c-apital. Laws of North Carolina Rela ting to the Pcssage of Fish. A JamaicaII I.«ady Speaks Highly of Chamberlain’s Cou;^h Remedy. Mrs. Michael Hart, wife of the superintendent of Cart Service at Ki»)gstou, Jamaica, West India Isl ands, says that sho has for some years used Charubeiiain’s ('ougli Remedy for coughs, croup and whooping cough and has found it very beneficial. She has implicit oonfidence in it and would not be without a^t^Ule of it in her house. For sale by Z^W. Nichols, Brevard and O. L. Erwin C^Jvert. In the Revisal of North Caro lina laws in lilOr), after adjourn ment of our last legislature, the following werc‘ left on our stat ute books and are n()w in force. It will be noted that these enact ments arc ample to protect Tran sylvania county in the enjoyment of its natural tish su]>ply if they are projierly enforced. “From the state line to Brevard” covers all obstructions that are now pre venting the passage of lish, and we hope that those in authority will see that these huvs a^’e obey ed. It is now nearing thi time when tish migrate up stream in search of spawning ground, and the enforcement of these laws are important to every citizen of this county: Hcction t?4f>L\—No ]>orson sliall ])laco or allow to I'oiiiain any (lam for mill or factory ]mr])os(\s in tn ‘ * * * * Fn'nch Broad Riv('r from tli(‘ state lim^ to Brevard, unless the owner theri'of shall c(mstrucf then'on at his ownex])ens(' a sluict way for the fr(‘0 passag(' of tish, of a width not l(>ss than thrtM‘ f('(*t nor more than t(»n f('('t: Provided, such .'^luice-way shall construct(Ml. ac- cordini!; to plans and spj'cifications to 1k> furnislK'd hy the Board of A^ricnltun', and shall not injim' ■he w*ater pov.'t*r of sr.<h own<>r : Provided further, in ord('r to as- Ci'rtain wlu‘ther sluice-ways will or will not injure tlu' water power afor(‘said the own('r of such dam may select tv.-o disint('rested ])er- scmsand th(‘ Board of Agricultut(‘ two oth(n-s Avho may seh^ct the* fifth person to aid in th(‘ j'.rlntration and settlem(‘nt of such eoTiiplaint. The above omits the list of streams affected by this section, other than the French Broad, and the proviso's which have no reference to the French Broad Kiver. Hoc. 2-10o.—The slnice-ways ro- f(‘rr<Hl to in the proceeding S(‘(*tion shall h(> so (*;)nstru(*ted and ])laciHl u])07i such dams hy th(' owner there of within sixty days after notice has heen given hy th(' Board of Atr- ricnlture, under a penalty of !^tOO ])or day for each day tlun-eafti'r tlir.t such dam shall remain witliont such .sluice-way, and sluill ht' ke])t 0])cn ])y him during tiie months of February, March. April. May, June. October and Noveniher. and at all otlK'r times when thcn^ is sul‘f}«-ient water to sirj^ply hotli the water ])ower and the sluici‘-way, a fine of $50 jier day for each day ^;tid slnic('- vcay shall ]>e allowed to r(‘:^iain closed, and any person who shall fish with net, tra]), hook ;md line, or who sliall take in any ^vay wluit- soever any lish within two hr.ndred feet of said sluice-way shall be siih- ject to a fine of one dollar for each tish so taken, or a fine of ^.‘»0 for each offense, or imprisonment for thirty days. Sec. ‘3464.—No other ohstru<*tion to the passage of fish .shall exist or h(^ hnilt between the designated points in the streams mentioned in the two preceding sections unless an opening of not less than twent r- five feet, and not more than stn*en- ty-five feet, embracing the main channel of stiid streams, shall h(> made by the ow'ner of such obstruc tions within t\venty days ;ift<>r no tice from the Board of A.!?rieultnre to make such ox>eninj^ undc'r penttl- ty of $^50 -jier day for t'acli day suc^ obstruction shall ri'inain unopent Said notice shall he served by t" {Slierijf of the Cotinty, and his turn shjill be priina facie evide of notice in any suit foi’ such alty. Nicaragua has its' ^ regularly according t but Panama will have tent with ‘administm lieavels” in the canal de£ Editorial Briefs. The Georgia campaign for gover nor has opened in earnest. Clark Howell and Hokci Smith met at ('olundjus in joint debateon Wednes day and it just depends upon wliicli paper you reail as to who was the victor. AVarm times are coming in Georgia. ♦ * The Greenville Daily News au noumes that Mr. Geo, W. Brunson, .Jr., has been chosen as its editor. Mr. }’>runaon is a South (,’arolinian, but in recent years has been engaged in newspaper W'ork in North Caro lina. Eis work lias been spoken oi in very liigh terms. Mr. Douglas Jenkins. wJio h.is be<^n noting edito> for several months, becomes new^ and tfdegragph editor. Mr. McDavid florton is to have charge of the city news department. “Is love a drean'’: ' asks a pb!’ adel[)hia poete.s' ' »meti / o‘, then again its a i i\ ■ . With more than ' C j pocket and the Chn^; j paid, old Virginia must i I Yes the Serate wants t-; ue j ufT • 'e big tent and see ^n in the unparelliled 1 I "^anama circus. oi. ■ i - .. 1 i • but ai-tif ! . towa; -i • ' river jus^ i '> vSome vs i-t get up one '> attention th mentioned in ‘uncej^'s cantanker- ' up tne Hudson, are rusl-c-j '-aters cf ^ i.’ (■ is going ic 1 esi -la‘ =; and call , V iir . i-> are not C (iistitution of the United Stai “If you don't want to poor, don't think you're pool you won't be," says Mary Elleu Lease. It would be line if Mary could induce the grocer to thinl: tnat way too. Dlsi)atches report a coa , of tarifUc on the Panama . ^ although it is not stated it is due to a crust of di ■ srrival of that coiusigi . . ladies’ lingerie a'ld liv. ^ tea sets recently shipped frc: New York. Com. Garlield says he “never had the sliglilest di' ty ill getting informatio corp.orations.'’ We si that he hud to liandcu beef trust raai^'n;i?es a: tiiem into confessing were maKing a ])i-oiit cent. i>eafae.s.s ('annot I by local applications, ar reach the diseased port There is only one way ' ness and that is b' remedi»s. Dea fn^s inflamed condi' lining of theT^ this tube is bling ness ]

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