Our Counfij—Its Progress and Prosperity the First Diitij of a Loccd Paper. 0. I. -I. AlLXKl!, -Mtuin.uvi-. RREVAIJI), TllANSYLVANIA COUNTY. N. C„ FJtlDAY. 3!AIi('ll IdO;;. rransylvania Lodge No. !43, Rnigiits of Pythias UcLi’.ihu" cotivolition ov- ory Tuesday ni'^ht in Ma- llall. Visitin^r s art' foinl ia 11V i n- sonic K' ni.u'lil viti'd to alti'nd. T. W. WHITMIRE G. C.'JJ Items Of interest Irom lit SwjMUiaiKKi is (*x])(‘ct»Ml. Hiijxi- iu‘('T D.ni K('(‘V('t of train Xo. 11, ;ilso iKKily hart at tlu‘ tiiin' (tf tin' \vrt‘<*l:, l>as left tin* ln)si>il;il aiul was tak(‘ii to Iiis lioiiu' in ^'^alishiirv. It is stag'd that lu' Avill shortly he a]>l(' to assume liis diitics. inoiith ill IDO.*). Th(‘ T( al ('stat<‘ pi;n‘]<(‘t is v(‘vv hi’isl: tliis yc'nr aTid a icri'at <l(>al ol‘ l.'ai-inc? ■. is bcintc {ransacf( d. Brevard Telephone Exchange. i!on;s; T>aily—7 n. ni. to I'* P- SuiiUay- ^ to ;0 a. in.. 4 to ]>• hi. rontfa’l oniri—MoMinn Blofk. Professional Cards. W. B. DUCKWORTH, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Investigation of Land Titles a Specialty. ?Ioonir^ 1 and *J. 1’ii-kclsiiner ]iuildiii<:-. ZACHARY &. BR.EESE ATTORN EYS-AT-LAW Offices in McMinn Blocl(, Brevard, N. C. WELCH GALLOV/AY, ATTORNEY-AT LAW. i‘rai-ticfs in all tlu‘courts r.ooms and U». McMinn [’.lock. A Weekly Report for Readers of the News. ■ . , ^ - ,! Ri'inil'.licaii t>i<‘counter sci’tuuhli' is | I'.<‘l'i'cscHtaii\c .l< 'U'ction and vot(' a sixcial .sclu)ol i ' ' , . . . , ' iIh> i )(>in<uT h i.> m 14 1 1 • If a char'.re airinnst District Attorni'v ' ax. The 1 nnds to h('deprived from : inlrodncfMl a bill liy onr rc^nla!- coi'i-<‘s])ondcnt. Pc'iitions hav(‘ Ixmmi r('c(>ived hy th(‘ Board of County ('onnnission- crs from the school districts of North Fork and Barnardsvillc, in tlu' townslii]) of Biir Ivy, this coun ty. askin<^ ])(“rmission to hold an <'! ‘ t the spt’cial taxation ar(' to h(‘ (h‘- vot('d to the im]>rovomcnt of th<‘ schools in tlu'ir district. Sjx'cial ('h'ctions art' to he held in flv»' j other school districts in this county I tliis month to vote on th<' (juestion i of a spe(‘ial tax. anil from prc'st^nt 1 indications tlie (lUt'stion Avill he I sf'ttled and carrit'd i7i every dis trict. Tli(' Iliivwood White Snliiliur Sprin.iTs Hotel, ni'ar Waynesville, has h('('n leased hy two well ktiown l^oht. Ledford, a whit(' hoy, nn't j hot('l m('n oi‘this city, .las. L. and with a se rious accident Wt'diu'sda vi 1). M. Ah'xanch'r. afteriv.xiU bv falling’: into an ex<-a ! oi" Ald(*7-in(‘n thc'y decided the all- a hsoririii.ic (|VLestion tha1 oui’ most efilcii'nt chief of ])olic(' iK'cd not wear a uniform unless h(‘ so desires. L. II. 1). j I ^\t th(' last nn'etini: of the' hoard I vation In'imr made i’or tlu' ni'w t(“l- ('phon(“ huildiii;:: on Walnut stre('t. Youni; Ledtord fell a distance oj t('n or t\v('lv(‘ f('('t and stuck on his hack a^rainst a t('U inch stake' that had heen driven into th<' uround. It was at first thouixht that his hack was hrok(‘n hut it lat*'r devehtped that such was not tlu* cast*. Th<‘ lat( st di-vi'lopment in tlu' AN OBJECT LESSON. to [folton, hy the already indicted Blackhurii, to tin' elTi'ct that th(‘ said Holton, had willfully, know- in,!,dy and inti'utionally charirt'd u]> ai<!.(i(>a day hotel hill wlu*n tin* hill in (jiK'siion was in reality only S'i.tid a da V. This makes most in- iiiil Amend tlie 'I'ariri As an uliject Ic.-soii 1i> liu* voters, lolin Sharp Vv'ili'.aiiis, ider ia (•.'•iiLnu'.-s, lias to aiiH Ud 111;' tarllT law iliat would ri‘<ln<-(' tlK'dmic's on a!i arlieh's when'vcr in tln‘ a;r.ir"e:^aU‘ liiey amount to more than ](ii» i»er <-(>ni ol’ that li;rure. II(* was ask('d his motive iu doiii;; so and if he had any i-cal idea that th(' i>ill could jta.ss. “Thi‘ i»i-t‘<;id(‘nl of th(> l'nit('d St.itt*:;, as I und('rstand it," h;' said, ••put.-; his D. L. ENGLISH LAWYER ilooms 11 and 1- McMiup. Hlock. r.r.KA'Aiin, x. Miscellaneous. The JEthelwold Th(' historic old Buck hotel will so(m he no nior<'. A foi’ci' of wotk mt'n ar(' now enirairi'd in tearin^^ dov.n this out' tinu' ];opular hos- t(^lry. A n»'W and modern hot»'l will !)(' (‘T('ctt'd on it's ,'^itt' and will h(' run as a strictly iirst class com mercial house'. Tli(' nev\’ huildiu”’ will he thr('(‘ stori«'s hiirh, eon- structi'd of hrick, and will h(> erjui])- »'d with evi'ry eonvenii'nci' to a( - , eoniadate till' travelinsj: ])ul;lic. A r.revard's New Hotel-Modern Ap-j nt'W commercial housi' in Asla'ville pointrnents Open all the year. 'will h(> irladly welcomed hy the 'I'iie patronage of the travelin<r iniblie ' rravi'liiiLT men of this section and as well as summer toui'isis is solicited, j t»‘restin”’ n'adini:: for tlu' Repuhi- ! advocacy of profeciionisia upm ihc* can ••outs" for th<' abovt' mention-; diat It i.-; riulii and i)ro;t;-r liiat „ T . 1 there should 1m' a du!\- on imjioried .‘d overcharp' is alh-i'd to Im ve , suliicient to make up the dif- Ih'i'u mad('by Holton when turnini,^ , f,.,-(Mic(‘ lieiwcen the s. ale of f;);-ei.:n in his list ol'«'X]H'nsi‘S for his stav I i:il»^)r and a ri,i;ht Amerii-an v.au-i' in \slu“vilh' i ^'''>i''‘ird. As thi-; is the last ditch. 1 I thou',iht I would s<'<> by Ihe in1r.*dui ti<.!i 1 h(‘ much tiilked ol W il^'^ Black | .j ],j|] j,, ^jj.^ conuri'ss whctlu'r or not cas(‘ Vv iis dis])osed < tf at this t('rmof| it was a pri'ten.'C or a rt'al conviction Fi‘d(>ral e<mrt, Mr. Black was ! th«' iiart of those who use it as an ehariri'd with irrei^ularities in ^ . I It ^.trllCes me that the labor eo t ol eratin.uc his distiln'iy on \ .tlle\ ^ jk) .-t’ tieh' will or can <'ver e\c('ed its numb»'r oi barrels ol whi.'^kv wer«'| c>utire e(»st. I don't boli('V(* that any taken bv tin' rc'veniK' ollict'rs from \ <*n<' will d(>ny that proposilioii. I liavi* ()pp. Court House. Brevard. N.C. tlie ])eo])](‘ of tli(' city. IM-P-A-X-S Tiibuk‘>s Doctors find A good i»res(‘ri[)tioii For luiuikiiid 1 the Black distilh'ry at tin' tinu' of I tlu' raid and wi'rt' later sold at ]mb- lic auction to tin* hiirhest bidder. I'Pin' distilh'ry for thi' ]'ast two ! months lias been closi'd, iit'udim:' ; thi' decision of the eoui't as to the lalleiTt’d truilt of tlu* di'fendtnit. F. M. Stevi'us who was reci'utly | ;\iv. Black was r('])r('sented by at- i aequitt*'d of tlu' charp* of murder j torneys W. P. Brown, Col. Lusk : of oiK* ( ah'h L('i' has rc'cv'ivi'd S('v- l;iu(l Thos. S. Rollinirs. Att<'r two !('ral anonymous communications in i hours deliln'ration tin' jury return- i which h('has bet'u advis('d to h'ave I 0(1 a vt'rdict of not .iruilty. Tin' I Asheville. Onc'of tlu' l»'tt('rs was j nov,’ which most int('rests ' worded in ratln'r forcible lan-uaire . ;\Xr. Black is "who will pay for tin' audealh'dhima liaranda murdt'rer. ; c(mfis('at('d and sold under ! th(' diri'ction of colh'ctor Harkins?" ! i Mr. Black talks of institutin;^ pro- tlu'reforc* introduced a bill t;« reduce I the tariff duty wlu'rt'vi'r it is ov('r luii j per c(‘iit to pin p(>r ecMit, thus U'aviajr a ; taxation <'ondition under v.hich un- . doubiedly iiMt (iuly the whoh'<liiu‘r<'iice t ii i n (’liina Into -i ji'reat m;Mt l.,.lw,.on mi.l r..r,.i^-ii -pj,,, , laiior has bi'(*n m;nl(' i;p by a tax upon : till' eonsuiiK'r. but where tin' <'iitire la bor cost lias b(>t'ii taxed to tiu* i‘on- sumer." Mr. Williams s(*cms to think that a Ii('publican who is sii-.c(‘r(' in his ad vocacy of the tariff U]>on the idea that it rc'ally does l>en<>iit labor and that the justilieation for its oxistf'iiee is the beiH'tit to lal>or must bo satisiii'd with a tax wliich Includes tlie entire labor cost of artieh's imitorted untaxc'd. r i,e-.( out packi't is ciionj:}! tor usnr.l ncrji'-ions. i Mr. Stt'Vens a])]lart'Utly tak('S tlu'S(' •-n a vi’ur. Aiuiruk^'istsstlithfia. ' h'tters seriously and has stated tluit h.e Vxill be on his iruard. The Mother of Trnsts. Su{^ar ha.> always l>een the jrrcat obstacle to revisint; the tariff, and, as , IT riwi head of the sufr:ir trust said the vnMU^ .0 tut (1 umoinv or .J poi ^ ^ tariff is the mother of tru.^ts, the firsv i tiini of th(> brick ftmndation undt'r i ^^1> ; triip-t to receive nttc'ntioii should be j ('('edintrs a.Lcainst (’olh'ctor Hai^kins ! for tlu' recovt'rv of damairos, but HEAVEN REVEALED. i;v K1:-NMAMIN FISIkK BAliRKl l. ■-‘-5 IT- For a 1-4x7 inches. 1-arjre'1 ypo; Fiiu-e'.otli. the anin'x of the Swannanoa Hot('l, that ])art of the huildiiii; is bi'iiii^ unu.-^i'd, du(' to tln' uncertainty as to furtln'r erumblini; t)f tlu' founda tion walls. Althoutrh ('i^ht days have ela])sed since' tht' walls be^an I to erumhlc', nothinir has h('«'n done* j further than to ro])(* olT tin* stret't j adjoining tlu* annt'x. and await for iiniited period this book is offered al | d('v»'lopments to s«*(* wlu'th(*r tlu* j dama:i('s are irrepairablt* or not. I Fun('ral s**rviees over the n'lnains !of Mrs. Lilli(* Pfal^lin, wif(* of H. i A. Pfafiiin, the W('ll known <lru,i^- ji;ist Ik'VO, wt're eonduet(*d from tlu* late honu' 44 North French Broad Avenue \Yt'dnesday morninij:. Rev. F. M. Campbell jiastor of the* First trade rates, 58 cents, with ti cL-nts posta;:e for mailing. CONTESTS, flu'orif,'in of Anprels.—The Kssential Natiin'o ‘l.-aven.—Cliiinioter iii' th** Atifiols.—T^.■stiIn()ny lf Soripturf.—Tho Sure Way to Heaven.—I’rao- •ioal Tendency of this Di'^closure.—?:nvironinent n Heaven, an<l Wliat Determines U—Societies i l>i-oshytoriail eliurell otfieiatin". „ Heaven.-A Heaven far the Non-Christian j Pfaftllin's former y„rld.—Are Karthly Kelationslniis Continued in has bei'ii tak(‘ii. R. ]\L R;tms('y, of tin* Ashc'ville Dray ('o., who was burni'd about th(' hands and face si*v(*rtil days airo by having liis elothi-s eatc'h on tin* whih* workim<;- around a ^aso liiK' (“ni;in(* at his wood yard on Dc*- pot str(*(*t, is reported to Ix* ])ainful- ly but not seriously liuriK'd and is abh* to be up and about. A eoniViination of bi<; stick and piteli fork’ ouL'^ht to be rather Ibi inidablo in :i tii^bt. iN)i (*i<j:iiej’s in China fear that the l>()x<'rs will <^ive way to tho Sliiiri^er.s any tiiomcnt. r'roin the ••nif)st reliable re- ports,” it app(*ars that there will, and tlier(; will not be :i coal si rilce ^[r. ^i’aft wants an army bi.o enoti^^li to liarinf>nize with a bulKy S('(*r('tary of War, but wa can't afford such luxttries. Diirin*^ his s(*rvicf*.s as pilot for tli(* r.ailroad rate b'iil, SetmtDr ’’i’illman will probj^bly snbstitiUi- the cow-catclier foflht* piiclifo; Ic. One X(!W York ]uip<‘r r<*rc‘rs t<' ATr. .lerotne as a “stick' of <|\ita- mite.'* W(,* mov(3 to amend, by striking out t'lK* words “of dyi’:i mite.” In Savanna!). ^Ia., several pi'o- ple died recently aftei- ])artal'.iiej: (<f ))orlv. In Cou£rr('ss it has Ix't'u known to brin^ on eiilarufii.ent of tile lu'art. l>ritain encourai^es l*''ranc<‘ ti> tii.;iit if neccessary. l)or,leh -.s Fiance recognizes tliat it is ,i irood d(*al (*asier to do t he eneoiir'i- injj: than it is to do the tiii-iit iii<:. No m:itter how tlu\y may differ with rt'^'ard to oth<'i’qtiest ion. in iheOi'jent, tlit* ])ower.■^ art* pr.-f- tieally a utiit now in wishi!!<_'• th;it (’hina may not wake up too much. Captain llob.son declart'.-^ th,at Japan shall not be ])erniitted to 'V nation. M''h(‘ will kiss liitii if he don't waleli out. Heaven;-—Meeting and Kecognition oj Friends II ttif Hereafter.—Personal Appearance of the \iigi ls.—Hejuvenescnce andGrowtli in Heaven. _Houses and Home.s in Heaven.—Garments in ^leaven.—Children in Heaven.—Sex and Mar- for a lollf^ time and tlu; end was not h(mi(* was in Indianapolis Ind., hut for a nnniher of years have resided lu'iv. The d(*ceased liad lu'cn ill iai^e in Heaven.—Work in Heaven —The Tliree Heavens and How Kelated.—Kternal Progress .n Heaven.—Consociation of Angels with .Men. Address: THE NUNG LICET PRESS 42 West Coulter Street PHILADELPHIA, - PA. unexpected. Tho county reet)rds show that within the past twidve months tif- ! ty-fivt; suits for daniaj^i'S liavo been I instituted aj>:ainst the Soutliorn i Railway. Si'vcral of tli(*se ca(*ss !are to he tri(*dat this month’s t('rm of Superior C'onrt. tlu* suirar trust. Of course it is to tin* advantage of the siisxar trust to buy raw suff.ar in tin* clu'apest market and pay no ihity on it and tlu'ti ;ift('r retln- inp: it to sell it to the Atnerican con sumer at the hisr!iest i)r»ssibl(> price, hut iust low enough for ft)reijrn re lined su2:ar not to b(> imported and conipetp with the trust pro;luct. Tin* protection on retlne<l suirar allows the trust to charcre nearly djiible Avhat it is worth, and this is shown by the fact that refined sujxar in Knir’and sells for One of th(' lar,!u:t*st tiii(*s im])osed | but little more than half what it sells for in the T'nited States, 'rhu.^^ th<* tariff allows the trusts to tax us a sreat «leal more than tlie tariff tax we j)ay on raw su^ar to the ffovernment, and the Kepnbliean eonirress ui)hoIds this plundering by refu.sinp: to revise the tariff. (m a prisoner in the policc'court for i some time occurrt'd sevt'ral days au;o when Arthui' Hamlin was tim'd 812.-) and costs for carryinij: a ])istol and r(*sistin,i^ an officer. The ar rest was madt' in tin* “Rt*d Liirlit” district on Mountain str(*et, and is reported to hav(* heen a most lively tuss(‘l for th(' officvrs to land tho ,'jentl(*man and his gun in tlu* lock-up. G('o. Fowh'r, an employ('i^ at th(‘ Hans Rees Tannery, had his hand crushed in th(; machinery while at j j his work. An amimtation was nec- (*ssary. Tlie oin>ration was ]x'r- form(*d at the Biltmoro Hospital, and it was found n('cessary to am- putat(* the <>ntire hand as it v.as crushed up as far as tho wrist. Last month there were two hun- A})parpntly the only tie that binds the President and Mr. Till man is the railroad tie. It is stat('d at the Baltimore Hos- dred and forty deeds of conv(*yanc(> pital that the amputation of Enj?i- neer Rouschc's leg w’ill not he nec essary, and his ultimate I’c'covcry from injuries received in the w’reck filed at the office of tlic^ rej^ister of deeds of this county. This is an in- cn*as(* of niort^ than one liundred real estate d(?als for the .same Torture l?y Savnjies, “Sp('-akiiijr of the torture to which some of the .sava«i<* tribes in the I’liil- ippines subject their capttves, n*- niitids me of tl^e intense* snfferin^r 1 endured for three inonths Ironj in- fhniunation of tlie kidneys,” says \V. M. Sherman, ofCushi''*; Mi*., Xoth- inj; helped me until 1 tried Klectrie Bitters, three bottles (»f which com pletely cured me.*’ Cuies liver com plaint, dyspep.sia, blood disordeis and Mahih*a, and restoras the weak and nervous to robu.st health, (rtiar- anteed by Z. W. Nichols druLij^ist. Price 50c. In tlie spriii”: time you rt'iiovate \oiir house. ^\ hy not yonr blood? ilollister’s Rocky Mountain j'ea drives out imjiurities, cl(>ans(‘s and enriclies the bU)od a»ul purifies the (‘iitire system., o.'x*.—Z. W. Xic!n.]< The sacreil cow nearly 4.000 vejirs okl, found in the ancient ruins of E<jry])t, may b<^ ])ric<*h*<s 111 valve, but all the same, healthy .lersey not over lotir years old. wotikl look much bet ter to a hungry man. W(' trust th:it Itepresentative .1. Warren Keifer. will pause enouirh in his (‘tforts to reduce the representatio7i from t!;e Southern states oii account of their alleged tre:Ument of the nt*^ro, to read tlie very excitino- news that was sent over the wires from Sprin^tield, (Jhio. $1(M) Howard .$100. Th(* readers of thi.' paper will be* pleased to learn that tliere is at lea-t one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh ( ure is the only jmsitive cure now knov. ti to the medical fraternity. Catarrli l)ein<>- a constitutional di.sease, i(‘- (piires a constitutional treatment. Hall’s Cattarrli Cure is taken inter nally, acting directly upon the blood and mueons surtaees of the system, thereby destroyiny; the foundation of the disease, and ‘.Mvin*; tlie j)atient strength by building up the constitu tion and assisting nature in doing work. The proprietors have much faith in its (urative pow that they offer One Hundred Dol for any case that it tails to cure, lor list of testiaa.'nials. Ad< F. J. CiiEXKV & (\i., Toledo, ( Sohl by druggists, T.jc. Take Hairs Fa mi!;.- Pills fd stii)ation.

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