Our County—Its Progress and Prosperity the First Duty of a Local Paper. •I. .1. ,\I I N Kl!, Maiia.uvr. RREVAKl), TRAXSYI,VANIA COUNTY, N. C., FiJIDAY. AI'KII> lOOii. VOL. XI- NO. U Transylvania Lodge No. 143, lu'Li'ului' oonvi'iition ov- v-’i ' ofv 'ru<*s(l;iy tiif^ht in Ma- sonit- ! \' i s i I iji ^ ‘ art'fortluiliv in vited to lUtrnd. T. W. WHITMIRE C. C-iJ Bevisw Of Objections Bryogli! G[it by Tliose Who Oppose It. Is Brevard a ProgrsEslve Town? Brevard Telephone Excliaiige. iU'X'i.’s; Daily- 7 a. in. to U* !'• ni. SuH(‘.!*v to ’.0 :i. tii.. 4 to '* I'. 1'^' « )l;irr Nii-Miiiti lilofk. Professional Cards. ^ m m % ^ ^ ^'A ^ ^ xfc m tik ^ m m m ^ m tE m ^ ^ ^ W. B. DUCKWOR.TH, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Invcstigatior. cf Land Titles a Specialty UoofUti I and H. ric!:cl>i(n(‘r liuiitlin; ZACHARY & BREESE ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Offices !n McBSinn Black. Erevard. N. C. WELCH GALLOWAY, ATTORNEY-AT LAW. 1’iMctii‘t's in all tlu* i*oni'ts liooins !• and 10. McMinn r.l«M‘k. D. L. ENGLISH LAWYER lloonir^ 11 and 12 Mi'.Minn r.lot-l:, iini:\ A!:D. x. Mlscel!c!\eoi!s. "The JEthelwold Hi’cvncd’.'^ Now IToicl-Modo'n A))- pointin''nts ()prn :ill tlit'yar Tlu' pai!’ona<jc of tlu* li-avelinijr ]>nl)lic as well as sinnnu'i-tourists i.s soJiritfd. ()()[). ('ourf rifcvard. N.<’. JM-1"-A-X-S Tabuic.s J)o('toi‘s HikI ‘jL()(xl pri'.-^cripi it'll Foi- itiankintl The .‘i-i't-nt piii kct i'' I'lioiv.'li for n^r.nl ■ .■ The uuiiiiy Ixittl*' (>.<) cint- ;; Mi[ J'l: fora year. All 't-ll thcii’. Jury List. At a ]n('fViTi*r oi‘ tli(‘ Board of County (’oiininssiotioT.s hold <lay. Marcli rjtli. IIh.'C). tin* followiiiir ])(’irsons drawn to sorv»' as jtirors at tlio lU'xt ti'rin of tl)(' Su perior <'onrt of Trausylvauia comi ty. Avliirli v.ill conv('iic(‘ Moii<lay. A])ril .ludp* \\'. K. A]i<>u ]»r(*- I'l'.isT Vv-i;i:ic. .] M Xeeley \a I) Davenport W X (iill* .1 L fli-avley • I K()l>t Wliilinii'e W if (?ro-^au T L 1’ieklesiniei- W I. Aiki-n .1 Thoinas D M Me('all M M Drvant I' (' X<*ill n K Whitniir.- 11 .M Miller Paul Woodlin .) II IJi.^jjot) \. Drab' .1 C Holden .1 .) Patton (’ M Kil)»atvii-v; Jas])er X .Mc-( ali W .i Kay .< H IJt'ed. .!r (' Lyday .1 Jj(Jarren ,lnoC liajiWfll A A t'as.-iell M W Ciarvt-n .i M ('asc .Fames K Wliitmife Mark iia:_'’\vell ^V <> llraek<,‘n U ,I \^'iIson i’Mwin I^ooi- .Fohn 15 Allison, sr .1 W M-iMinn .) C (Jallowav .! M Zachai-y IVeston Allison L 10 JN)uell fl J’ Kil])ati-i>'k M [) (;ha])nia?i SKCOXI) WKKK (’ M (rallaniore A li Wliitinir'- K T Hcnniri'r ,) O lleid S F Allison i-M I’owull Elijah Ale.xandcr C L Morris W K < )sl)orn<- (’ K Orr \V H 1-Tenkle Whit .1 Xi<‘liolson K M Wliitiniri' W Wilson f) KLyday T (' (jrarit W L 5lnll Tilden Ret>s«' . Waverly LMoi risK I' Kcnnemore {* 10 Mcilnirc Jj Snolson • folin <’ Deaver .1 (iasttju Xeili i^’’ro(.‘ sc-'iooLs loach our (.•Viildroii to think’^:nid tiiiiikinir is t lie !3«‘- crot of t'VGfy suc(*o>j> iu lilc. It was a yaiikoo school loacher. l)i'ouirht u{) under tlit'd('Vf‘k)pin,‘j^ iiilliioiiccs of it fj't'C school .systoiii. w ho to iho so\ilh its ])ros- I‘rity. Ho saw 111o possibi 1 ity <> 1’ doini!;' by niachiiK'ry wiial liail <il- ways bo(Mi done h»y liaiul---SL*pe rating the cotton liut Irotii it> st-ed—so he invented the cotton irjii ;-,nd donated liis inv(>nti<ui to the betterment of soul hern peo |)le. How any one who knows the liistory of this o[)isod(' can oppose free ^echools is beyond our k'en. •k :k V People who comphiin of hi^di taxation in l>revard should bear in mind ihat in Entrkind t(‘ii cents oil every dolUir s worth oi p'l o (hu'e raised, even on rented hin<l. ;,M)cs to the su}>port of the churcii of ICn^kind. We were tahiini^' last week to ;i citizen of Pc'tinsylvania al:ont. ou! [)roposed special tax. and lie inad(‘thisremark: “Yon avt'onlv [iroposinj^ a lax of mills: wh\ in iny state I am paying* 1-' >ch;)ol lax on a hi^yli valuation cl property." And yet he was stron^Hy in favor of the sch.ool tax. Why is it that all northej-n ])eo- i plo favor free schools while well t(,-do southern people oppos*' themy Every one who oi>i>ose.v education luis sonic scllisl, motive for doini.r so. Those- who iiavo the ^Teatest ^:ood of all at heart will favor free school.s as ni(*ans of breakiiii^ away the btii riers wdiich divide the rich fiom the poor. The poorest child in ’he coimty may be the mental f^qual of the richest, and it is only ri"lit it sViould have* an eipail o})- portunity. The writcu' remembers dis- tinctly that wiien in his teens he attended a graded school 1 miles from his home. He left the vi cinity of a common free school, passed another school iiouse on hib w'uy and ]\aid his tuition at a :zraded school in order to *^et in struction in branches not taught in the common schools. This is one (;f the str(Ui^^est ar,i;-um*‘nts for a fjraded school - pupils d(> not have to leave home and tak(' their money away in order to pre pai'C themselves to (Miter college. ^ ^ The argument has b(}en ad vanced that if those who ar(' able to pay tuition would send their children to pay schools and al low the school money to go to the poor, tViero would be plenty to run an S months school without any extra tax. Those who ad vance this argument have never been to school or they would know that the number of scholars in any one grade is immtiterial. A teacher can care for 50 in a :clas.s just as easy a.^ f<jr ton. ''r.ikimg out the wealthy studiMits will U(jt iM'lieve the teacher a pai‘ tide as there are just as many grades among the poor as atnong th(i wealtliy, and just as manv tc'achcrs would bt; re<|uircd to projxuiy instruct them. How th(‘ term can tx} lengthened with out mor(‘ mon('y to pay teachers is only visible to those who op pose taxation. The Industrial school has beiui c.itcil as good (Miough. '^rrm*; but its succ(?ss is due. not to then uni bi'r of scholars, but to tin; num her of grades with compelent tiNicl'ors in (>ac'h grade, and a thorough disciplinariai. and (hIu- cator at its head. Would oin meagi-e school fund })ermit the employment of any such talenir It is for the purpose of enaldini: !is to hirt^ compet‘*nl teache'rs that we need th(* special lax. 'riie writer luis takem Ids stand on this (juestion on purely demo cratic grounds “the gr(*atest ;j:ooiI to the gi’oatest numbei'." lie hasn’t a child to benetit b.v iiie tax. and yet is willing to ],'ay for till' l>eneliL of others. !v. i*ry argument so far brought for ward against it is a imiss of ver i)iage to hidi! a st'llish reason f(U ppo.siii^- it. and is not argiimei .■-imply objection. \A'e believe it will c-si-ry at the election be cause even those who now’ object ill acknowledg<* that we need a ot tt.*r school building, and a u’raded school would be a g(.)od t hiiii.r. The question of b<?ttei‘ free >chool facilities is agitating not only the i)Cople of Hrevard. but -ver the entire State and thi-ongh- out the South. In Buncombe county siiecitil eler*tions hav(‘been .leld in many districts, and ar. .'ailed to be held lat«.*r in otht?rs, !tid only in one instance has i' failed to carry in favor of the special tax. P. M. Uurlison. writing from HigT\'yto the Asheville Cili/.en I few' days since, has this to sa\ “Th<‘ p(‘tition was siyrn(‘d hy <‘very nan if was ])res(>ntc‘d to (‘xcc]); three men, two of wlioni are the larirest ]>roperty liolder.'-^ of tlii- ■ <‘<-tior,, and I uii^ht say tlu* est moni\v loviu-s. 1 am ii:lad to say that the ]«*o]i]i‘ of old Bi.i; Ivy •;i.ii:ne(l this ])i'tition and if allowed to vot<‘ on it w'ill vot(' lik(‘ tlu'V si;;ned. "We art' fully convinc(‘d that th(‘ country nc'cds hett{M .-^clioois. lonirer terjiis. and what is mort' im])ortant. hett(‘r t‘quippi‘d reach('rs. It sei'ius that in tin* ])ast f(^v years almost liiiy “kid'’ could <^(‘t a c«'rtilicate, and (‘V('ry “kid" of them was somebody’s ])i‘t and evi'ry ])ct had to liavt* a scluxd, and tln' result is the .schools hav(' run dow'n and in many instanc(‘s the childn'U of Buncomhi' county liavc been clieat('d out of tli('ir ri<rhts. So I wish to say here that tlu‘])co])le of Big Ivy. and ('s])(H-ially tlu' citizens of till' Xorth Fork of Ivv, iir(* tired (>f such wo]-k and will vote in a body for almost anytliinj'that will Ioniser tt'rnis and l;(*tter selmols, r('- ^ardli'ss of tlu‘ ext7-a money in- vol v«‘d." This spirit now beginning to manifest itself, will be the liH'ans of placing the south in it.> prop<'r location in tiu.‘governnn^'ut of t his nation. Popular education has be('ti too long delayed. Follr>wiu,- i.s t lie ])oiiudarv of th(> ])roposed special districr : l>e,i;innin”- a) the luoulli of (iie Wiiieli enter,S th<. I’.'c.ncli l5roa<l rivn' on the we.-t side ;it ilir unucr en<l (.i Uic .J. C. Cooper farm a.ia; ri,,is d(,wn and with ^^aid riv(>r to thi> r.,r:if- h-- tween .1. W. MilU and W. i\. < isl.orm-. tlu‘ii w ith t h(.M !* 1 i TK! ti) t!!(‘ f 111! >I i<* rc»;i t' leadin;: from i Jr.-vjtrd t.) I I.Mjdei-^on- villr. tl,(Mi will) tj),.;,- line to i)!(> ha.-k- linc, tlii‘t' due north to t!ie Transvlv.-i- ihtL railroad, tfien ;i ."'iraiuht Jin<‘to uhcr<- th(‘ [»uldie road leaiiin«:- fron; lirevai'fi to Ashrvilit* (•i‘o>s»--; tlx* liisf eri'ek north of W. tl. AliiHon's resi dence. tiien a wi“.st (*onrsi‘ a ."trai "hi lint'to the top ot the mt)unlain a’ ihi- .junction of tht‘ riili-u whieli dividt-> the \\ iite^r.s ot l>anil).s ere<‘k from th"' waters of Bridiie e-.vk. then aloii-' ;intj with the ridM(> which divides the water.- ol Land>s creek frotn the watei-s oj lirid-t* creek and Kitios eri-ck to th.' .iiitietion of the i-iilMv -A-hic!! di\ i,;,..- !ht‘ watt'rs o| Daviilson river fi-(»in tlu- u-at-rs of [Cin-s cre.-l;. th.-n a sonlh- ■ve^t course aliuiu' the to)> of ..-a.i.I rid^i* tt> the Juiiftit)!! of t!i<‘ i-it].--,. livide.s thf wat.M-s of iht' < athey s ci-t>(‘ic. then an t a.^l cour-c aloii-- sai.i rit.'ire to th<- t..|; <.C thf i 1 ickoryniii mountain, then a south- '•a."t course altuio- the ridi:-,; that lii- . idfs the wati-i-s of thf (>ast fork t,. athfvs crffk from thf waiers <>t !’.rushy crfck and Xiclit)l,x,,)s t-rrfk 'o Mif i-,.ad l.-adinjr from lii-rxar.i tc K’uy kf tid a.Hs, ‘ilu*n a straiLrh: li.')(> to thf puhlif road at, thf top <.f liock.\ liill Ufar(i!ady Urarieli church, ■hen a straitiht line^ to the count\ ii'Mue. then a strai-ht lint‘ 1<, H,f 1,,.;^! of tilt'creek ' hat finpties into the i-ivt i It thi‘ uppfr t‘nd of tlu*.I. ('. ('doj,,.; farm, du'n down and with .•.aid rre. l- I the nfoiniiiui:'. Saitl petition was oraiited and -.'li- •Ifftion ()i-(ie,vd to he he!d on 'I’nf^. iay._ thf iMth <!ay of A-pril. Phk; ,,f-i>trar W. M. Kftirv. vv. il. (.'roMan and I,. U. 's,-inin-.-. Xtitwitilst inding t!u‘ st-.p-tli!. “xposures .)f (he* insurac(,* invo • igation:>. it is lar Irom (•(■'rt ii; Miat the 2s. ^ . legislature will a I' iord tli(‘ remedy of elective leo- islation. A persistant lobby i.> working tigainst legislative re 'orm. Ciieck.s say.s a lashif)!! jouri. il “are to b<' more jiopular for ladies suits than »‘ver Ix.'foi-t'.“ They will certainly not Ix* an\ more po()ul ir will] the liusbaml.- and fathers who have to si^n ' hem. That American on the Isle of ’*ines who wants the L'nite States to take possession, should liave spoken when lin.- adtninis tiation was more rei*.vless in its dis[)osiLion togi’ab. J he tirst iti.surano inspoctoi* if Virginia is named fiutton. p .vill be to the iuter<'st of tiie com panies doing bushiess in that state to put him as (juit-kly as possible into a hole. “.Some weeks a^'odurin'^ tiie seven* winter weather botli ujy wile aiuJ MiyselCcontracted severe cold- which speedily developed into Die worst kind ol‘la grii>pe with all its miser able symptoms,” says J. S. E^^lestou of .Mai)le Landiiit.'-, low’a. ‘-Knees and joints nchin", muscJes sore, head stopped up, eyes and nose rminin<;»', with alternate .spells of cliills and fever. be^an using ('hamher- lain s (’oimh Jlemedy, aiding the same with a doul)le dose ot* Cham- heilaln’s Stomach and Liver Tablets and by its liheral use soon coTiipItite- ly knocked out the grip.” For sale by Z. W. Xichols li-vvard, and O. L. lOrwin (Jalvert. H’ you don’t see the Ivind of W(*alh(>r you want, wait for it. All Mr Rogers notch'd for re freshing his memory w;is a littltj “more time.” The l'’a.ther‘.s club at Alchi.-on, Kansa.s has <ii.sban(hid. Soiue- body had to look after the child ren. Steve l'.,li>:iiis' (dlort to hxjk as thoiigli he wouM not k'now a I'ail way ii h(‘ .saw one, do(,'s not can / con vict ion. Kerosene has advanced hail ciMit a, galh):i, Tliis may be to the gi-(iwing (h*mand for iuoro light on the trusts. .Just whiMi S(*natoi- Peveridgo thought his statehood c;-r iroing to niak'(> the trip rv.iccf..- iully, the fuse l)Lw out if speak'(.*r (,’annon kills tlie statehood hill, he can’t expt-M-l to have any (Ji^alahoma tov»us tjf post-ol'lic(.‘S named aft(-r him. The cotton acreage in tIieSo;it?i could b<^ j‘ai)iilly rt,'duc(^d and iield tlown to a safe minimum if ;he whole work w’as left to th^j negro. '^i''ho report of the court-mai tiu: on the collision of the i)altleships, lias l)(,*(‘n delayed .•-o long thai Ine “whitln'wasli’’ must b*‘ ]jeallng »n' In spots. Arnilionai res don’t liiiigii as luuch as other jx.'opit*, but it is probably just becaust^ laiight-'’r s so cheap that the ];oorest peo- »le can afford il. Tin.* movement to raise the President’s salary failt'd. but it .jecomes mofi'aiid tnoi'eapparent : hat theri^ is to be no l:ic!\ oi a[jp}i- ints for the [dace. The idea prevails that travel iroailens a man, but since the A’ithdrawal of passes Congress- lien are of the conviction that il ilso niak’es a imni shorter. KIi<‘iiiMafi(' !*aiiis lfeli<*ve<I* I'he quick relief from rheumatic •.linsatrorded by ('liamberlain’s l^tda iJalm has surprise<l and delijjhted thousantls of sutlerers. It ni;d<es rest Old sleep possible. A ^reat many -lave been permanently cured of rheumatism t>y the u.st* of thi.s lini- • n(‘nt. For sale by Z. \V. Xifhols lireviird. • id (). L. Frwin C'alver;. Judge Parker s;iys tiie iiepub- lican party is rotten to the core. I'hat is {)robal)ly what he Ihotight )f the l)«*moeratic parly just af- !er the last Presidential election. H’ we get pure food law’s it is .lot unlikely that we siiall have tc •idtivate pure food appetites or tastes. Some of us have never known the savor or flavor of the real thing. How's This We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of (’atarrh that • aimot be cured t>y ll.ill’s Catarrh <"ure. I-'. J. (''heney ('o. Toledo, O- We, the undersigned, have known F. J. ('heney for the last fifteen years, and believe him ])erfectly honorable in all bnsijiess tra!isaction« and financially able to carry out any obligations m.ade by his firm. Walding, Kinnnn Marving, Wholi'sale Dru"^n-ts, Toledo, (). Hall’s ('atarrh (’ure i.s taken in ternally, acting directly upon the l)lood mucous surfaces of the sy.stem. Testimonals sent free. Price 7">c per botMe. .“Sold by all Prugirists. Take Hall’s Family Fill' fur constipation

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