Sylvan Our County—Its Progress and Prosperity the First Duty of a Local Paper. J- . m. Sunday—to 10 a. m.. 4 to B p. ni. C’euti-al OHice—McMinn lilock. CALIFORNIA NEWS. Transylvania People Who Are Citizens of San Francisco All Safe. Professional Cards. W. B. DUCKWORTH, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Investigation of Land Titles a Specialty. Mooms 1 and 2, l’ickelt;lniei' Biiildinjr. ZACHARY &. BREESE ATTORN EYS-AT-LAW Offices in McMinn Bloci<, Brevard, N. C. WELCH GALLOWAY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Practices in all the courts lioonis 9 and 10. McMinn Block. D. L, ENGLISH LAWYER I looms 11 and 12 McMinn Block. BMKVABr), X. C. Miscellaneous. Letter From Gordon Williams Will Be Read With Great Interest by Subscribers in this Section. Iter, but I humbly hope tliat I 1 may forget it all and that I may never see or even hear of such a —1 don’t know what to call it— curse, maybe. May God bless you all and de liver you from trials we have and are goiny. ) Broad Valley Notes. San FI{A^XISCo, April 23. Kditor Sylvan Valley News: I know that you will excuse everything in this writing for your esteemed paper, dates and &11, for I actually don’t know the dates, and I ask you kindly to mail a copy to my relatives and friends. We are having to cook in the streets and are not allowed to have lights at night. Our house was only slightly injured. Something in old mother earth got stirred up on the morning of the l^th at 5:1") and just about F.ditor Sylvan Valley News: shook the life out of San P’’ran-j A. J. Beck made a business cisco. Houses by the hundreds, j trip to Asheville last week, both great and small, well or i ^y. M. Lyday has had his tlimsily built, were simply picked i painted in a stylish up and thrown down as il they manner. It looks elegant even were straws, and almost imme- distance. Walter fioltzclaw diately the city was on tire which ' ])aini raged for nearly .sixty hours, brush, burning almost all the remaining buildings. The greater and most costly ]>ob Clayton wears an unusual- I ly broad smile and whistles a . . new tune these days. A i)orma- of is wiped off \^oarder arrjved at his house face of the earth. The i j^st week sup[')ly was entirely cut off by the i earlhciuake and the only re>ort; r>fOvard”s New Hotel—Modern Ap-, poinlments—Oi)en all the year j The patronajre of the travelino- ])ul)lic i «4il as summer tourists i.. solicited. ; i)pp. Court House. Brevard, N.C. It’s a boy. Emmmett Lyday. wiio is at- tending the liusiness College of was dvnamite, which was used i , , ^ , , . T : Asheville was at home a day or by the ton, and is still being used : , , T 1, I two last week, to throw the standing walls. ! Chronic grumblers are in abundance these days. Every thing has "one wrong and is iM-P-A-X-S Taljiilo.'^ Doctors iind A goot‘ Ladles* and Gentlemen’s Hats, jtTid lii.*^ ])ricos can't l)o beat in to’.vri. ■ / * To H’ttpr advertise tlip South’s I^eadiii}; rusln«8» CoHei;**, just ji fi-w .-;fiiolarsliip.i are in eai-li s<-etion at U»s« than rosl. POST PEl.AV. WHITI-: TOn.W, SA-Ali. BUSINESS COLLEGE, Macmi, lia No use for me to try to describe anything; the more competent j these days, have reporteil to the papers. | has gone wrong Now to our relatives and i si'" J'et “'ey do fi-iends. .\s tiir as I know all are : l’»t ‘’'’'o'''- "’‘‘>'6 Welland uinn.iui-cd--soine of ?'> I'ight. Suppose tliey lU'obablv hungry but reliei time in this year in try- theway' George Allman is with ^'"S benefit themselves and nte. I litive seen Charlie Cox; he | others and note the result, is all right. (Hd Merrell and | ,T. B. and O. W. Clayton, of our wife the same: so is Ewart Mer-1 section, who have been very suc- rell, wife and baby. 1 got only ^ cessful teachers in our county, a glimpse of Billy Merrell; he; are planning to enter Wake For- seemed to be intact. Ralph, | est College this fall. They are wife and two babies are tine. I promising and energetic young am here yet but almost worn out. John Cox, wife and child I have men and we look for them to reach the top round of the ladder not heard from, neither Charlie j in the near future. Orrand family, but hope for the | Williams of Hen- besst foi them, as thin’ ^ i dersonville is visiting her father, heaviest of the shock was in and , p^^^osG, for a near San Francisco. Almost any and all the people left, both rich and poor, are glad to fall in line to the relief sta- The frost and freeze of last week played havoc with peaches tions and draw our one loaf of j and apples in our section. We bread, si.\- potatoes and a few 0">y e.vpect a light crop this HOLLISTER'S Bocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Bqb7 Medicine for Busy Peopl*. Brings Oolden Health and Renewed Vigor. A specific for Constipation, lurtipestion. Lire d Kldnpy Troubles, Pimples. Eczemfi, Impure Blood, Bad Breath, ShiprK'sh Bowels. Headacho ‘find Backache. It's Rocky Mountain Tea in lab- 'Pt form, 85 cents a box. Genuine made by HoliisteR Dnro Company, Madison, Wis. gOLDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE other things in proportion. 1 have no idea that an accurate estimate of the lost lives or prop erly can ever be had, but all in all it will probably surpass any thing in the annals of history as to property. I wish 1 was competent to give a full description as 1 saw, felt and yet see it. It would be in teresting reading to my folks | and friends, but 1 am to badly worn out. and yet it would be sickening to them if I could de scribe so that they could see with their mind’s eye as I saw it. year. We want to inform Jack Ste phens that Boilston is not the only section that has men of in ventive talent. One of our near neighbors is working on a ditch ing machine (?) which is to oper ate from a sliding bench. Sallie. I>eat!»s from Appeiidieits decrease hi the same ratio tliat the use of Dr. kiuK's New Lite Pills in creases. They save you from danger and bring quick and painless release from conetipation and the ills jjrow- ing out of it. Strength and vigor This must suffice for the pres-;-ihvays follow their use. riuaran- teed Z. W. Nichols druggist. 25c. Try them. AN INVALID CHAIR. The Story as Told by One who was in the Secret. ent, and perhaps I may in the future write again of the disas- EJitor Sylvan Valiev Xe\v,<: As Bill Ar]) iisc'd to Avrit(‘, “I was just .rnmiiiatin^^ how snsco])tibl(‘ the liumun mind is of varit'd iin- ]n‘(‘ssions emanating from tlio sanu* ohj('(*t.” In thi^ rocont r(‘vival at Catheys CrtM'k chnrch linndr(>ds .saw U(*org(> Wilson, n ]iop(‘l(*ss and almost hol])less invalid, ^v}l()so chair Avas l)orni* in and out of tlio clinrc-h by liis friends. {Somo .‘■;aAV tli(' scene without emoti(m ; so?ne wer(‘ moved onongli to (>jaculat(^ within “Tliank (-lod, it isn't Isome with .sorrow for tlii' snffcring, while but two saw in him an op])ortnnity to do something to alleviate i>ain. Those two w(^r(' so c*aptivat('d with the idea of li(‘li)fnlness that on tlu'ir retnrn liome to the village* in wliicli so many of like* passion less humanity. Days w«*r(' s])ont on this mis.'iion, miles w('r(‘ ]ilac(‘d in ri*e(‘ding distanc(‘, and as many lov ing and t‘lo(iU('nt a])])(*als wt'n'inadi' as th(*r(‘ were dimes and (piart(“rs in tlu'ir imi-si'. And so this f('atur(‘ of the missi(m (‘nd(>d as most wonu*n's mission work (‘nds—in sneet'ss. T1k‘ oi-dt'v for an invalid's chair was mad(‘ with tlu* liopi' tliat only a f(‘W sliH'])less niirhts would inti'rveiK' the bright day of ]m‘S(‘n- tation wlu'n tlu^y would stand b(‘- fore the sur])rised and ov(‘r,it)ytHl recipient and s(‘0 witli their own (‘y('s the joy tlu'ir ('t^’orts had ]>ro- duced in tlie hetirt of a suif('ri*r, the only ho])e of r(‘v**ard. Oh. my ! th(‘r(*'s a delay in transit, a traci'r is s,‘nt ont and six intoh'rahh* weeks art' ])‘d thi'ougli ht'fore the ar rival of th(‘])recious fr(‘ight. Th(‘n there are the express charges to m(K't through the same' ordeal of canvassing. What is to lu* is and the charg(‘s are ])aid, tin* frit'ght is deliven'd, and tomorrow is s('t a])art as the lia])])v day wlii'n giver and reci(‘ver will im'ct face to face. ‘‘Mr. Livtowman, .send horse' and buggy tomorrow lha. m. for coun try drive," went ov('r the ])hon(\ •*Xo horse safe for a woman to drive,'' answ('n'd the liveryman. The long cherished day dawiiing, the day a])])ointed for th<‘ consum mation of so much ('fl’ort. and threat^med with dt'leat I Some times tears an* not inap])ropriat(' and it would 1k‘ unwomanly to sup press them, for with her then' is j no such woi’d as dkfk.vt. Her r(>- j sonrcefulness is am])lo for any | emergency—a ni'ighhor is a])p('aled | to with a modifietl plea for conv<'y- ance on ('rrand of mercy, hut ho is found to he sorry that his team is enii)loj'ed on the streets and unable to helj). Weeping because of d('- feat? No ; weeping because* in de fiance of defeat, and now api>arent- ly to make misery mon'! mis(‘rahle. it is rumored that owing To the great delay in delivering th<' goods the washerwoman got into the facts and spread them abroad until the intended recipient will not be surjirised but will be eagerly ex pecting their arrival. The most beautiful feature of the anti(*ipat('d scene is spoiled. Is there' anything j said about abandoning the ])rojectV At 12 :30 p. m. the giver and the gift, in spito of further disai>point- ments, moved out of town with now the single idea of making some one happy. Sure enough tlieir visit was not un<'xpect<‘d. But what the event lacked in the nov elty of was fully com]K'n- siited in the novel xn*ocedtire of imtting th(‘ chair togetlu^r. After the* floor was cushiemed with sacks, ])i('ce was ])laced to ])i(‘ce and when the blows of a sinoothing iron fell U])(m a folded ])0( ket handkt'rchief they w<>re forced together, and soon, guided by fe'minine hands alone—foi* the whole thing was too sacre'd for masculine' touch—an in valid’s chair stoe>d ale)ng.siele the* (del plain he)ttom('d one'. He' was the>n re'(]ueste'd to (piit tlie e)ld and occu])y the ne'w. Afte'r much (‘xer- tion he got from the^ one te> the- othe*r. That he' was ha])])y no ont' demhteHl. Tliat Misse's Be'lle and Be'ssie Duckworth we're'mem* ha])j)y ne> eme likt'wise* doubteel, and hejth ]>artie's c*e)uld have*.'^aid : “It isjne>re hle'sseel te> give than to re'ce*ive.’' This is the story of (4eo. Wilson's invalid e-hair. X. W. Glade Greek items. Kelitor Sylvan Valley Xew.-^: Ed Hollingsworth was in our burg last Sunday. Miss Hessie Cairnes spent last Sunday with Miss Olivia Allison. D. D. McNeely spent last Sun day afternoon on Glade creek'. M. H. Fowler si)ent last Sun day at the home of li. F. Frady. Mr. Blythe irom Blantyre was in our section last Thursday on business. D. C. Sims spent last Sunday with his daughter, Mrs. Bascom Allison. Mitch Sherrell and wife spent last Sunday with Mrs. F. H. Al lison. Pai^a'.s Ba]}y. l)<‘afiiess C'aniiot b<‘ C'ured by local a[)plieatie)ns, as they e-annot ?-ea«-h the diseaseel pe)i tion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deaf- ne.s.s, anel that is l>y con.stitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inHanied condition of tJie mucous lining of the Eustachian Tul>e. When tills tube is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hear ing, and when it is entiiviy clo.sed deafness is the result, anel unless the intiainmation can be taken e>ut and this tu‘je re'stored to its normal con- ditie)n, hearing will be destre*yed forever; nine ca.^es out of ten an* caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an intlameel condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give one hunelieil dollars for any case of deaf ness (cau.seei by catarrh) that cannot Ije cureei by Hall’s ('atarih Cure. .Send for circulars free. F. J. it Co., Toledo, O. Solil by druggists, T.X*. Take Hall’s Family Pills for con stipation. Money makes the mare go and the automobile makes the money go. The man who proposes te> stand between the public and the rail roads is destined to be caught in a collision. It's l>aiig<‘ro»s to N<*gl<‘ct a Cold Howof'ren dt> we hear it remarke^d: •‘It’s only a cold.” and a few days later learn that the man is e)ii his back with pneumonia. This is of such a common e)ccurrence that a cold, however slight, should ne>t be disregarded, ('‘hainberlain’s (’ough Remedy counteracts any tenelency of a cold to result in i;neunie)nia, and has gained its great popularity and extensive? sale by its prennpt cures of this nie)st common ailment. It al ways cures and is pleasant to take. For sale by Z. W. Nicholo. ]>revard aud O. L. Erwiu, Calvert.