-I- AlI.NEl!, Maiiii-cr. Our Coiintij—Its Progress and Prosperitij the First Duty of a Local Paper. RREYARI), TKANSYI,VANIA COUNTY. N. C., I’KIDAY. MAY II, 190(i. VOL. XI-NO. ransylvania Lodge No. 143, KnigiitsofP^tiiias 1 u'uular convi'nlion vv- ory Tiiesilay nii;ht in M a- ri(»ni(“ Hall. \isitin<r Kni'>hts art'(M)fitiallv iii- ' ited lo aiteml. T. W. WHITMIRE C. C. Brevard Telephone Exchange. iK)ru’s; Daily—7 a. in. to lu p. in. Sunday S to ilt a. in.. 1 to <> ]>. ni. ^ cntra 1 ()nicr Mi-Minn lilock. Professionfll Cards. W. B. DUCKWORTH, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Investigation of Land Titles a Specialty, lioouis I and 2. 1‘ii-l^dr^inHM- 1 inil'Vinf.’'. ZACHARY &. BREESE ATTORN EYS-AT-LAW Offices in McMi.tn Block. Brevard, N. C. WELCH GALLOWAY, ATTORNEY-AT LAW. Practices in all tln' courts Kooins It and lo. McMinn iriock. D. L. ENGLISH LAWYER Kuonis 11 and I’J McMinn iridck. ]5in:v.\ui). X. (’. Not d('a(l. l)ut llov>* d<» you to }iav<‘ a rt'al liv<‘ town wlu'n tlu' v('vy iiu'ii who art' ('X- l)(‘ct('(l to j::oiTi<:: don’t show intdvst oiiouirli to liav(‘ a Tn<‘('tinu :' Tlic Iv. ol' P's ha v«' 'whirh nia7r h(‘ srihmitt('d ioT thoiv (h'cision. rtli. IfoiiK* Indust7-y—Tliis com nntt<‘(‘ .shall hav(‘ in charirt' tht' duty of fosti'vin”: honu‘ indnstvi(>s hy iiidiicinu: the ]h'o])Ii' of oui’ town iniT and th‘.*y tell nu' tlu'v ■ and vicinity to sustain lionu'inanii- hav(' iH'al liv('ly tinu's, hut th.<‘ Brc factnrc's and hoini' nicrchants. vard Board of 'Urad.' can t t'vcn jrct ; Sth. Insurance—This (H)inniitt(‘c u]» a s])cllinir ht'(>. I Avould lil-vt' very niuch to h(>- co7U(' a nicniht'T of a ri'al liv(‘ or- u'ani/ation that nn^ant business. Editorial Briefs. I shall post its('lf uT>on tlu' rates of ' insuranc(‘('ifeclivt'in this (‘on.iuiu- I nity and this t('rritory. and shall do ■all in its ]>o\vi‘r to obtain tlu* most tvJila'Aeous. The JEthelwold ]>r('vai-d's N(‘W Tlotc! Mod-rn A?)- ])(,>lnlnn’nL.-' < tpi'n all thi* year ’J’Ik' ))atrona;^'e of llic ti':iVflii;<j' juihlic as well as siuninei'tourif'‘is i.->olif it<;d. (.)|)]). Court lloiisf. Ilrcvard. N.('. land ri Jill t h (‘re would like to susj;-' (dticient st'rvici' at th(' chea])est I ucest that th(* memlx'vs u’<'t to,u*'ther ])raetical ratt's lor Brt'vard and its iand ri'oruani/.t‘. Set* t'vt'ry husint'ss teri’itory. inan in town tliat is not already a ; '.tth. Xt'V.* l’jnter])rist‘ses and Maii- ; n’.emh(‘r and in a litile whih' your ; ufacturt's—This committc(‘ shall I m(‘m]tt']-shii» will Ik* on tlK‘ I’i.irht co-o/uM-ate with the coniTiiitttH* on ; sid(‘ of the hundred mark. ’ Puhlicity and Advertisin<r, and shall 1 What do yoXT think of havin.sr a do all in its -|)ower to ('ncoura”:(‘ few committi'cs a."' Jolhtws; hi-jthost' sc'ekin^ t() makt* invt'Stments i Tianct'. Ti’ans])ortation Rat<“. Lnter- h(M‘<\ ■ tainments and ( onvt'ntions. Puh-^ lotli. F.ducatiou—This commit- ilicity and Advi'rtisimr. Lc'^islation. ; tee shall ac(}uire infoi'mation as to ; Arbitration. Ilonu' Industry. Insur- the nit'thod. ('Xti'ut and cost of edu- ance. New h:ntt‘ri)ris('s and Manu- cation in this community and its facturt's, Kducatit.n. IJealth and j teri'itory : shall t‘xei-t itsrlf to raise ('limatt'. j tli(‘sta7idai‘d and efificit'ncy oi‘ tin' 1st. Financi'<'onnnitt('e—Tht'du-: {'ducation of tlu' yt)uth a7id shall tit'S of this ct)mmittet' w>»uld ht'to ! co-o])t'rate with tin* jtublic oihct'rs : autlit all accounts aixa.inst tht'bt)ar(i. lotikimr to this t'lid. jctdh'ct all tlut's and turn t»vi‘r tt)| 11th. ll.'ulth and ('limatt'—This ! the trt'asurt'r. makt' an t'xaTnina-^'ommittoe shall t)btain anti ]>ro- jtitintd tht* ht)t>l\S ol .>.,aid ol1ic{*7'<‘i 1 j <‘liitlit' virtucs I>1 thisclima n'and ; least tinct'a year, anti re];ort rt» tin*; health rt'eorti. aiitl shall ct)-o])era{e : cxf'cntivt' comn'.ittt't' at tht' t'nd t;f ivv’ith thi' ."oTmirittet' t>ii PubliciTy I t'vt'rv fi.scal \'i'ar and at sueh othi'rianil ^\<lvertisinu; .so as tt> iinluft' a times as the saitl ext'cutivt' et>m-! fnll a])pri'ciatit>n atnon.LC stranui'rs. 1 oidy t)fft'r tht' ft)rt'LCt)i?i’-r sU,U',!.C'‘s- tit)Us on ctnnmitit't's tt> sht)w Vvhat c!)nct‘rtt'd actit)n. mittt'i' may ri'tiuirt*. ■Jml. Transpt>rtation Kates—The ^ committet' on trans]>t»rtation r.att's i wt' could dt> bv JM-P-A-N-S Tal.uh*.^ Dtx-ioi',-^ liiid A u'ood jtrescrijilion Loi- nuinkiiul I'he I **t cimnv:ii H>r U'Tia i < ;; >n • ri,e ia:riiiv bottli- (HD r. iit'i r-.)titaiii-a ' U|)!.; f.,ru y-ar.' Al! >i'll them. shall tibtain all tlu' useful informa tion I'ela tin”’tt) rates t)f railrt.atl.- anti ket']) it.self ftdly advist'tl with rt'ft'rt'nce tt) tht* trans])t)rtatit>n in- tt'rt'sts of tht' town and its tt'rri- tt)vy. and sliall malce si)t'cial rt‘- ])i»rts tt> tlu' t'Xt'cutivt' ctniimitTt't'. wht nt'Vt'r it eonsidt'rs tht' sauie necessary. :>7-tl. Entertainmetirs autl ('*-n- veutitin.s—"J'his connnittt'c shall eii- (h'avt)” to st'curt' Say % Where did you get» that iip-t#o-dat.e Hat#? Jim has just reccivet.1 a nici' lir.i' of Ladles’ and Gentlemen’s Hats, :ind his ]»riet'S can't bt' heat in town. 1/ FOR 1 Bii Esresiii To ji'lvprtisf' tlio Soufli’s !» S','iu>l!ir<hii>s are in f.K'li scctiov. nr th:ui ciist. |)ON T 1>KI AV. WHITK TonAV. HOLLISTER'S Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Busy Medioino for Baey People. Brings Golden Health aad Renewed Vigor. A sneciflc for Con.stipation, Iinl)p9=tion. IJvo Kidnev Troubles, Pimples. Kczpin^i. Impure Mhiod Bail Breath. Sturrfr'sh HowpU. f ni Backache. Ifs Rocky Mountain Tea m talj T ^ <>nrm S5 cents a box. Getuiine n)fttie by riisTE* Dni'o Company, Madison, Wis. feOLDEN KL'GGETS FOR SALLOIV PEOPLE thi' mi't‘tin.!.:s c)f j t'onvt'ntit)ns, rt'unions anti t)tlu'r I like bodii's at Hrt'vartl. It shall jaist) b(' its duty tt» ]u*t)vide t'utt'r- j tainnu'nts ft>r such ]>Tiblic visitors j to Brcs’ard as will hi* bt'iielicial tt) jtlu'town. It shall likt'wist' be its j fluty, to^etlu'r v.-ith the ollict'rs of I the bt>artl. tt) extentl tht' ht).s]»ital- i ity t»f till' town to visitt>rs, c.-.]k‘- : cially tlujst' set'kin,':^ tt) maki> invest- j nu'nts. j 4th. Public-ity and Atlvt'rtisir;<r— j Tlds cojnmittt't' siiall st't' to Die I ])ropt'r atlvtn*tisin!jr t>f all fa.cts anti I inft>rmatit)n rehitivi' tt) Brt'vard I and its surroundin.ij^ ct)U7itry calcu- l.itetl to intluce imniiixration, estab lishment t)f nt'w industries and ini- ■provt'ments of all kintls. ath. L{‘^islatit>n—This commit- tt‘(* shall i'ndeavt)r to ket']) postt'd u];on lt'!j:islatit)n favt)rablt‘ or nnfa- jvt»rablt' tt) Bi't'vartl and vicinity; i shall t'nct)ura,uo that which is ht'l])- I ful anti conit'st that which is hurt ful ; shall co-o])ei-ati' v^ itli all otlier (H)mmitte{'s in assistin.Lr to frame and have t'uactt'd any nec('ssary or hel])fnl le.'nslation. anti shall co- opt'ratt* with the Bt)artl of Alder- nu'n of Bri'vard and with tlic' au thorities of Transylvania county in all lt‘i,nslatlvt' mattc'rs that are ht*l])ful, or in op])osition to those tluit are hurtful. (■)th. Arhitrutitm—This comniit- t(H* shall hear anti dt'termint' any mannt'r of contrc)V('r.sy hetwet'n memht'rs of tlie Board t>f Trade and betwi't'n memht'rs and any individ ual, firm or corporation Avhicli may he parties to .«aid controver.sj- and If soitH'ont' wanrt'd to eoim' tt) Bvt-- v;i!'tl to live, who wttidtl they ap;»lv tt) 11»r inft)rmatittny Naturally tlie Bt)ard t)f Tratlt'if wt' h.utl t>n.e. If somt t»r.t'Avantt'tl lo locatt' a furni- ttu’c factory, a eottt»n Jfiill, oi’\va7it- ed tt» t'niiiiii't' init) the ])ossil»lt' water ])oVx'er aiIjaee7U tt) Brevartl. who wt>ultl tht'v a])]tly to loi* tht' 7iecessary i7iforn'iatio7i? Tt> tht' Boartl of Tratit' if wt' hatl t)7ie. Wt'll. 770W. v\'e havt' a lnke\var7n afVair tliat .^ot's hy thi' 7iamt.' ol tlie “Brt‘va7*tl Boartl of I’l’atle." a7!tl th.t'rt' is uo reast>ni77 the wo7-ld why Wt' sht)uld7i't wakt' u]) anti takt' nt)- tict', ,LT<'t a 7novt' on ourselvt's a7id hav(' a 7\'al live, up-to-datt' mem- IX'Tslli]). Will) v.'ill bt' tht' st'cond 7ua7i tt) ap])ly for 7nt‘7nb('r.shipy I v.'ould likt' to ht' tht' first my.st'lf. A. M. V. l><‘a{'n<‘ss (‘anuot 1»«* C'lircMl by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseasiul portion ol’ the ear. There is only one way to cure dea(- tiess, and that is by con.stltutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inlianjed condition of tht' iruicoiis lining of till' J*]nst.H hian Tnl)e. When this tube is inHanied you have a rumblin;;' sound or imperfect hear ing', and when It is entirt'ly closed tleafness is the result, and unless the intlammation can be takt'u out and this tube restored to its normal lon- ditit)U, ht'arinj^ will be destroyed forever; nine case.s out of ten are causeil by catarrh, which is nothing but an inllaiiied condition ot* the mucous surfaces. ^\> will Rive one hundred dollars for any case of deaf- ne.'^s (causeiJ by catarrh) that caiiiiot be cured by Hail’s (’atarth Cure. Send for circulars free. F. J. Cul:m:v & Co., Toledt), O. Sold by druffjji.sts, 75c. Take Hall’s Family Pills for con stipation. This is a memorable week for the Suez canal. Our lamous dry dock Dewey is passing thiouf^h it. ;ho|)t> has bt'eii silat it't etl. fn,- a ! lull torrent ol 'af)Use i.s already juiidtM- way. Unt, in spite of i liL- Tlio con-rt'ssional cmvtMit ion Itliat M r. Toms is for iho M'oni', ,r. 1 1 I •''tdl able to be up and take lu.'ur- loi liie JtMilii (listnct lias biHMi f ii v -n m- 1, 1 p , . |islini(‘iit.—Hendersonville 1 imes. CiUMfor.lum. .,0, .t s,H..Ms tiuu' Uoubll.ss Iho Tim.s knows clemoeralK- no«-s|.ai),.i-.s inuy b.‘ „-l„.roof il .spo;il>-s. .Mi-. (‘Xeustul lor o|»t'111 n<’■ their ct»l 11 ms I *•. <■ • ^ lo inatle.-.s |,ol,l„.al. Tl.o .Xc-'.vs | ims <l,.voi,,,l ils for li.-ny i,,,y s,.„alo,'. The iw.sh- iiiooii.s It) the luaTerial i)f(j<''i‘(*ss ! i 4^1 1 i , ^ I I'ot.s 111 tli(‘r('pnbi!(‘,in (;aiiH)s iiiav HiHl pn,sp,.nty of Tnu.sylvanin 11„,|mu a h, .■oa.ily, b»i bL'la.vin- that 1 iirs,.! |,i, of baso.'as Iho abiihv !;-lval ob.j..,-ts cai. only bo oblaiii ||„ „o,insli;a.Mif' sooia.., so 0(i and rotairiod by -ood ^'ov.-ni | <levoloj„.d, inetil, it iHM'ds no exciist' for | ^ * usin^ its inliuenco in behalf ofS Are t i.tM'O to be any candidates coiuiiniod d('i!iO(*r;;t ic control t;l i for ofHct; in this county this y'ar? Uiis county and state. It will | If so the News wonltl not I'lisc doul)tle.ss b(‘ discovered before !a small amount f)[ c:\!ni liirii th(.> end of this eainiiai.irn that \V(>| boodle. Only lo ])ut,iis:i V,. ir ■still liave poliiica! principles antn c;tndi(lacv un^i! lln^ tioinina’ prelt'rences v.-hich we hope to tie-j (•oMventions an' liidd. Oi.l' s:^ fond more by sliowin,<^ tht; wis-'aiul both partu's are in\iie;I to iloni (>[ GUI p(>.sitio!i Ijiaii i>y dt?- j u.st* our c'oluinns. faniin.ij: tliose who diifer with us. ' * * v * * 1 "riie coal stril'(! anioii!^'- tlv.' a;i- W e* woulti liKi' Jo call to 1 iit; ^ t jiracite miners, wlii.-li has :i minds t)f our r.*ad(‘rs a little i;it : thrt'ateni!'^ lor tiiree ::io!;;;_s. ot politi(.-al history whicb soniejiiu.., been amicably :>.-t!ie;i ,!,.<! may lia\'(‘ ioi\:4'oiten. Tiie lir.st i tluMiiiii'irs will to v'.tjrl: :ie\t en!o(,‘ratic candiciatt'' lor (’on-jMondav nndt'rao vea r.s co!it This will l)e i^oml i.''Wti iz’i’ess to cv(;r carry this countv was llt)n. T. ('i-awford in ID'.'O. who buy c.o: lit' rt'ceived votes to .")75 for ! futjl. }doody. iiis oppoiK'tit. 1 ol ior their dlet‘‘(1 .ioli!i (/o:)i<e ibirty ii;'!e.s and tlit'ii ?;ot>-n ci. 1 lit'i'e is a cli[ip!n;r from tlie News of Nov. I'i. IdOO: Titis ctxiuly was tliortxioiily n*- tlt't'nit'il in till* electi:>n last wt'ek. l’j\’i‘r_\' ('h'ctivi' oflict'r is now a democrat and the couiity i^ave ('rawl'ord for conirrt'ss a majon:;. j;,aps ii p>t lired. ot 10. In I'^'.l!) it !za\t' l*t'ar>i'U.' rt^'publican, a majority of ;i*i. a;ni :n 1''!)'^ the sanie canditiale I'e ct'i\ etl -I.. Ill Is(t(‘) nearly evt'iA’ oftict' in rill' county was lilieu ij\ a r(*])ublican. Wondi'r if the Xtnv.s lias hatl any inliut'nctj in brinii-iiii,'-about this ehaiir^^e. Tilt? ('za r miii'iri yet points fr^ -ni Speaktu'('anr.on. on the ai^so'.iic’i contrtd of [)arrM;it'i!tary ass i.)iies. Tiiat Circaict) (}-rind .Turv iii- In IIHIO tiie \-()te in this distfict y : 1' ill Kvidt'ntly, Iowa has no’ ii its eyi's .St) lii’mly on Secrei Sl'.aw that there is dan;^»'r it ;.rrow cross eyed. from pjHMidicif.-; tlecrease in tht* sae.ie ratio tint use of Dr. l\in<j's JN't'w Lilt; rli;- m*- creast's. They save vt;u I'rw:;: ,.’a' .''*1’ for (.’rawlord was I’l’ijs | .mtl brinu-ipiick and painle.^s release votes thun CJudirer received i„ j‘‘'Dm constipatit)n and tlu'ills -row- ill the sauKi ctninlit-s, and j 1-]^ I mort' than (rudyer rect'ix'ed ■ in JSI04. In JUOl the (‘ori>tit:itial I amendment disfranchised -l-KJO | nt'£xi-oes in this district, and in! uperiluous the .same year Mailison county with 1,000 re[)ublicau majority, was taken out. This h.'ft tli(' tlis ill”- out of it. Strenj^'th aed v;,.^')r always follou' lh<‘ir use. teed Z. \V. ^S'ichols dni^'^ist. ” ;C. fry them. Some one makes tht.; wholly iiiouncec.i hi ' I Carneirii'v. ill pro'.'itle San Fi’an- cisco's new librarie.s. Tiic' ]t)<xic trict nominally detno'-r;tti - i)}’ at • i t)f the situation madi; atiy other . , ..non 1 w' > • , assu !ti prion i m p'ossible. least o,0C0. and ytjl (luoyer s nia | jority in lOOl’ was only and ' less than l.OCO in These tiinures are history and sliould be renienibei’ed at the primarie.s. -V There is no tiuestion tliat Craw*- ford is the most popular candi date v*’ho has ever been before How often th) v. t* l:e;ir it remarked: •‘It’s only a ct>M,” and a few days latt'r learn tliat the man is on his bjick with pneumonia. This is of such ;i common oc- uri’erice that a cold, liowevt'r slii^ht, should nt.'t Ijg disregarded, (’hamberhiin’s - . , . , IJemcdy counteracts any tentleney the people ol this coiintv. :ind we i ^ ^ I ot a cold to rei?ult m piu'umonia, and say this in no spirit of dispar-; -ivat popuiaritv and aj^einent to tiny other (,‘andidate. | (extensive sale by its pi\)m{<t euros of We believe in absolute iaif ])!:i.y, {this most common ailnu'nt. It ;d and shall support the nominee of j ways cures and is pleasant t.» tu! the democratic conviintion no! Foi-sale by Z. W. >«’ichols. llrovai-tl matter who he may be. beli(;ving i and O. L. Krwin. (';dvt‘rt. that democratic success is the j Col. John Temple Graves now paramount issua and that a cmi- i paper of his own in Atlanta, vention of democrats is wiser show v/liat a patriot can than any individual. The ."‘>v 1 f j-p,» fbond- ernment of Transylvania county i .^g.^ pencil, is a fair samrde of what demo- ^ could nt)t brini.;- as mui'h happiness to Mrs. Wilkie, ol‘('aroline Wi'^. as did IwicG in one etlitorial the 2')C box ot !^uci<len’s Vmica salve CharlolteObservei'expressed the , , , , - _ hope that tlie demoerat.s ,,ould j not indulge in unseemly abuse [\vhuh had tonun^d of C. R Toms for his action I Createst anlisep- in followins? the dictates of his i tic healer of rile>, Wounds and Sores convictions. The Observer’s ; 2oc at Z. W. Xichol’s drug store. cratic su:cess means.

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