Sylvan Yalley News Our County—Its Progress and Prosperity the First Duty of a Local Paper. J. MIXER, Mana^-er. BREVARD, TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY. N. C., FRIDAY, MAY 18,190G. VOL. XI-NO. 20 i-/Transylvania Lodge No. 143, Knights of Pythias Board of Trade Endorsed. Keirular convention ev ery Tuesday nif^ht in Ma sonic Hall. Visitinjj Kni p. m. Central Office—McMinn Hlock. Professional Cards. W. B. DUCKWORTH. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Investigation of Land Titles a Specialty. Kooms 1 and 2. I ’ickeLsiiner Bui Id in tr. ZACHARY &. BREESE ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Offices in McMinn Block, Brevard. N. C. WELCH CALLOWAY. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. {’racticos in all the courts Uooms U and lO, McMinn lilock. D. L. ENGLISH LAWYER llooms 11 and 12 McMinn lilock. BliEVAMD, X. C. Miscellaneous. The JEthelwold Brevard’s New Hotel—Modei-n Ap- ])ointments—Open all the year The patrona;.’-G of the travelinjr jniblic as well as summer tourists is solicited. 0|)p. Court House. Brevard, N.C. JM-P-A-X-S Tabulos I)o' for usual nccasums. I'he lainiiy bottle (00 contains a sui’I'ly "■or a year.’ All dMiggists sell thein. Say, John, Where did you get. that up-t>o-dat*e Hat>? Jim Aiken }uis jnst r(‘C<‘iYi*d a ni(‘(' line of Ladles’ and CenUemen’s Hats, find liis ]>ri(‘Os can’t l)i> lieat in town. To hPfter .Tfivorti'p tliP South’s LpHtling Rii»iii««s juat a few s<-holar'hipb are jfft'.-fti ill fach section at loss tlian eosl. DON'T PKI.AV. Wi{ri K TODAY 3A-AI1 BUSINESS COLLEGE Macoa,(ia HOLLISTER’S Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Ba>7 Mediolne for Busy People. Brlng:8 Oolden Health and Benewed Vigor. and Blooil. _ - _ , and Backache. It's Rocky Moiiutaiii Tea in tab- l<>t form, 3.5 cents a box. Genuine made by HoLt-iSTER Dnro Company, Madison, Wis. J^ditor Sylvan Valley News: I read with ploa.snro tlio urtiflo written hj A. M. V. in last wo('k’s Sylvan Valley N(>ws, and liopo that many others wore imi)ressod with the sonnd common s(^ and hiisi- n(‘ss aciirnen shown hy the writer thereof. The time is now ht're wht'n Brevard needs to he syste matically adv(*rtised and for the l>nsiness interests of the town to he well organized. No town can enjoy the fnll meas ure of her ^)iisiness ])ros})erity with ont an organization to put forward the best int(*rests of the town as con cerns hotli tho.s(> who live therein and those who are looking for a suitable location to go into business of some kind. It is us neces.sary for a town to b(^ orpinized alon^x business lines as it is to have a municipal organization; it is as beneficial to a town to have its or- ganiztnl business government as for it to have its organized municiinil government. In the past it was not necessary for cities or towns to liav(‘ but the crudest form of organ izations to enact and enforci* tliose rul(*s and regulations (call(Hl ordi nan('es) found n(‘c(\«sary for the protection of life and i>ro])erty within its boundaries, hut the growth of the i)oi)ulations and th(‘ ever increasing improvements havt' made such organizations necessary and no town could be managed without a wtdl organized and smooth running town government. And it is also trui' that the growth of busin(‘ss, the incn'asing struggle for wealtli. the d('sir(* to accumu- lat«‘ pro])erty has mtidi' it nec(\'r name it may go under, is the organization 'that is nc('ded to formulate, p(‘rfect land "jjut into o]»eration such ])lans and methods as will result in in creased business that will facilitate tlu^ business tlu'n doing, and to s(»e that no oi)portunity is allowt'd to pass that would result in good to th(‘ town. A well organized and hard work ing body of men, who have; the Ix'st interests of tlu? town at heart, who ar(‘ working without any reward otlu'r than the growth and b(*tt(‘r- ment of their home town, cun do more' Avork and improve and build up a town quicker than can any oth(‘r method known to man. If we look at our neighboring towns we will s(‘c what a great ad- vantag(' their res])(‘ctive Boards of Trade have b(‘cn to them; how through tli(* judicious advertising of the advantages offered both from the stand])oints of business, health and i)leasure hundreds and thou sands of investors have come in and become citizens, and not only do thesc‘ organizations bring in outsiders, but one of the chii’fest dutit^s is to look after the welfare of tlie liomefolk, as by securing legislation rt'ducing freight rates, I)revc‘nting monopolies of tli(‘ tele phone systems, street car lin<‘s and many other scdiemes that are being daily put forward by the trusts that encroach upon and are bur densome to the p(^o])le. And then it is parallel to many other cases in which Bi’evard lias there was a fair field and no favors, then we stood as fair a chance as any town, but now that the other towns have their Boards of Trade •»\'hich ar(' on the alert to take ad vantage’; of every i>ossible busin(»ss op])ortunity and to push it forward, it is essential that we do likewise, so that we will have a body of men whose business it will be to advo cate n(‘cded changes or reforms, to advertise' our many advantages, to call the attention of the investors to our ncMvls and to tlie many ojien- ings for making money liero and to insure the fntnre growth and pros perity of Brevard, and I want to be the second man to become a mem ber of th(^ new Board of Trade. Wkllwisher. Crawford For Congress. The following appeared in Sun day's Asheville Citizen over the signatnre of John P. Kerr. Mr. Kerr will be remembered as a former editor of the Citizen, and what lie has to say on matters and candidates congressional will meet with a hearty response from his old friends in this county: Tlie congressional tight must furnish tlie battle that will keep our i>arty lines distinct ly drawn and create the entLusi asm that will insure full votes in all the counties of the west. Our mountain peoi>le love a struggle and they will not enthuse over a man who is not a tight(?r. Tn the days of Clingman and Vance they learned to love the cut and come contests on the stump in joint campaigns, and no man can arouse our people who is either ifraid or incapable of holding his own against all comers on the hustings. J. C. Pritchard iios- ieessed the courage and the abil ity to do this, and to this fact. I believe is attributable the origin of the hold he has always had up on his party in this section of the state. I do not believe tlie ablest statesman in the democratic par ty in the nation to day could car ry and hold the tenth district un less he could successfully meet Editorial Briefs. Prom the number of new re publican papers w'hich arespring- ing up in various parts of the state we surmise that either the “ins” or the “outs” are expecting to make things lively during the coming campaign. One of these the Wilkes Patriot will probably remain patriotic until after elec tion. Another, the Blue Kridge Eagle, is published at Cherry Lane, N. C. * ^ * From the rush that democrats of Henderson county are making to break into the rei)ublican camp it would seem that a democratic paper that has the confidence of all is needed to hold them in line. The political changes in Transyl vania county are all the other way. * * ^ One of the worst features of our political system is the ]>ay- ment of editors with petty ofhces as a reward for their campaign The anthracite coal mines have just had their spring opening. One way to gain lots of relatives is to die rich and leave no will. There is a suspicion that the presidential beeis saying honeyed things to “Uncle Joe.” Evidently the Russian revolu* tionist still relies more on the bomb than on the douma. The New York Sun calls Speak er Cannon the “youngest man in Washington.” But, my, ain’t he wise to be so young? If it can be discovered that Mayor Schmitz sometime kissed somebody, he is a sure gov^erner of California at the next election. The .^1,000 Chicago license has taken effect in a highly gratify ing manner on several hundied saloons that were sorely in need of a quick death. “Our navy” says Congressman Weeks, ‘‘is our advertising medi um in the Orient.” Nearly all the other iiowers use theirs for a inlluence. This is an evil which I should be remedied, if an edi tor has the confidence of his readers and can wield an influ ence in building up his tow'n or his party, he should be paid for his services until the salary of l)Ostmaster or revenue doodler would have no temptations. Al most anybody can fill an office and draw his salary, but very few can edit a newspaper accept- ceptably. * We note that ()ur merchants are setting the example of doing their trading away from home. They seem very anxious that a newspaper should warn its read ers against the mail order houses, such as Montgomery Ward & Co., and yet when they want a job of printing they get our prices and then get some city job office to do their work for a few’ cents less. Why don’t they get the other fellow's ])rices llrst A genuine lock of Charles Dick ens’ hair sold for s40 and every time Mr. Kockafeller thinks of it he realizes that one way of add ing to his income is forever clos ed to him. Have you weakness of any kind— stomach, back, or any organs of tlte body? Don’t dope yourself with ordinary medicine, flollister s Rocky Mountain Tea is tlie supieine cura tive power. cents. Tea or Tab lets.—Z. W. Xichols. got to keep up with the times and tlUutfiOA I, ** in. I XI. w iSOLOEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE pvith the nearby towns. Wlien dust shaking. important that we nominate the best campaigner from among the gentlemen seeking congressional honors tliis year. And I am per suaded that no man at all familiar with the candidates has any doubts about W. T. Crawford be ing that man. I would by no means underestimate either Mr. Crawford’s ability as a statesman or his character as a man, but I am convinced that to his unusual pow’er as a campaigner is trace able his strong hold upon the rank and file of the democratic party in these mountains. And in congress Mr. Crawford was recognized as one of the best posted, one of the readiest deba ters and one of the hardest light ers in the ranks of his jiarty. And the nomination of W. T. Crawford for congress this year w’ill mean the strengthening of the Democratic local ticket in ev ery one of the counties compos ing this district. Instead of di minishing democratic votes, his candidacy will mean increasing democratic votes. Instead of waning interest, his candidacy will mean greatly increased en thusiasm in every section of the district. l)<‘alness ('ainiot be by local applications, as they cannot reach tlie diseased portion of the e:ir. Tliere is only one way to cure neyf-, and that is by coiistitutional remedies. is caused by an inflamed condition of tlie mucous liningof the Kust.-jchian Tube. When this tube is inthinied you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hear ing, and when it is entirely closed deafness is the result, and unless the itiHaiiimation can be taken out atid this tube restored to its nornjal con dition, hearing will be destroyed are and submit them to us? We will any opponent that might be pit- duplicate prices of any city work, j f,,j-ever; nine eases out of ten ted against him in the campaigns, cost of delivery added. We are j caused by catarrh, which is nothing Iheieloie 1 think it is extremely to buy our stock in car but an inflamed condition of the load lots, but we have no rents to|»'«t^‘ais surfaces. We will give one pay and can live on a smaller per j hundred dollars for any of deaf- cent than they can. Business men who expect home trade should be the last to send away from home for their pi-inting. The income of the News has been cut down more than jsjO per month by the lease of the Tran sylvania railroad and Toxaway hotels, and if the merchants send away for their printing it will not be so very long until this paper will be forced to susoend. ness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall’s Catarih Curo. Send for circulars free. F. J. CiiKXKv it Co., Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, Toc. Take Hull’s Family Pills for con- sti[)ation. All that is left for Gorky to do is to give this country up as a bad job and ])roceed to do a little The fire-drill of the children in one of Atlanta’s graded schools last Friday prevented a panic and marched every child from the burning building in safety. There are other lessons than those in the books taught in a competent and well regulated graded school. The halls were filled with smoke and the roar of the flames were very distinct when the little ones marched out, to the music of a drum tap. If there is any rate bill amend ment that has not been indorsed at the WHiite House, trot it out for it is one on us. In changing premiers from. Witte to Goremykin, the Czar ap pears to have sw^aj)i)ed a lion for a pup. John Mitchell continues to sus tain his reputation as a labor leader who know’s how not to make mistakes. Mr. Taft is .satisfied that after every man with an idiosyncrasy has been mentioned for the office of President, the country will come to it’s senses and turn to something more substantial. l>oaths fi’oiii Api>eu«licits decrease in the same ratio that the use ot'Dr. King's New Life Pills in creases. They save you from dangc-r and bring quick and painless release from constipation and the ills grow ing out of it. Strength and vigor always follow their Guaran teed Z. W. Nichols druggist. 25c. Try them.