Our County—Its Progress and Prosperity the First Duty of a Local Paper. BREVARD, TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY, N. C., FRIDAY. JUNE 1.190(i. VOL. XI-NO. 22 Transylvania Lodge No. 143, , Knights of Pythias Retrulai’ convention ev ery Tuesday niyht in Ma- ^ rit»nic jlall. \’I s i t i n Kniylits are et>riliaUv in vited to attend. T. W. WHITMIRE C. C. Brevard Telephone Exchange. Daily—7 a. ni. to p. ni. Sunday—s to 10 a. ni.. 4 to <> ]>. in. C’entral ()trK*e—McMimi Ulook. Professional Cards. Progress, Prosperity, Development. What Shall We Do to Obtain This Trio of Goodly Desideratums? Observations of a Casual Observer Lookins Over Some of Our Sister Counties. Gall for County and Township Conventions, Kditor Sylvan Valley Xcw:^; 1 is a city of churchcs, schools and Jtwus luy to visit in jeollefjrci's that to inake it desir- the counties of (laston and Meek-j able *1, splendid citizenship, lenbur^ a lew days a*?o and to j All the suburbs are building u}> observe with what wonderful | rapidly, and leadinj,^ to this city strides thesecounties were ])ress- i ri-om every direction you will find jin^ their wa^’ to the front rank of |a s3\stem of well graded public W. B. DUCKWORTH, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Investigation o1 Land Titles a Specially. Uooms 1 and 2. I’iekelsinioi* Buildinjr. i , ' ^ i ' ! these that ^o to make up this I roads, inacadaniized. and in s[)len eat state. condition summer and win- Lookin^ o\ er the tield one ter, and the peo[)le say that noth- \\ould naturally ask himself thisjing has been moi'e conducive to (juestion: \\ hv so mncli more in- j Charlotte’s growth than this sys- dustrial development in th(‘se ' tem of jmblic roads, counties than in our own? Is it i rn i thoolimaloy Isitnat.n aliidvan. <i'lston. a,. 'adjoiuui"county to Mecklenburg-. ZACHARY &. BREESE ATTORN EYS-AT-LAW Offices in McMinn Block, Brevard, N. C. WELCH GALLOWAY, ATTORNEY-AT LAW. Pi'actiees in all tlie eoiii-ts , ivootns !* atid 10. McMinn lilock. At a meeting of the County Democratic Executive Committee held in Brevard on May r>th, 1000, the following resolutions were unanimously adopted; “That tlie demoaratic voters of the county are refjnested to meet at the i)ollin<^ places in their respective precincts on Satur- jday, June Kith, at - o'clock' p. m. for the purposes of electing dele<^ates to attend the county convention to be held in th(,‘ town of Brevard on Saturday. June lOOO, at 1 o'clock p. m., and to transact such otlier business as is provided for in the democi atic plan of organization. “That tlie aforesaid county convention is lioreby called to iijeet in Ihe court house in the Town of lirevard on Saturuny, .huio i!ord, IDOC), at 1 o'clock p. m. for tlie purjiose of nominating tiie c ludi- dates for county offices and foi’ electing delegates to the S ate. Congressional. .Judicial and S(M.iatf)rial Conventions and to transact such other business as })rovided for by the democratic |)lan of organization. \V. P. WHITMIRE, County Chairmai). W. E. BKEESE, JR.. Secretai-y.' D. L. ENGLISH LAWYER Iloonis 11 and 12 MeMinn Hlock. lilirA'AlU), X. Miscellai^eous. The JEthelwold Hi'cvard*:^ Xew Hotel—Modern Ap- ])f)intinents ()]».-n all the year The ]>atvun:iue the traveliti;;- puMie a?J well as suniniei* tom-ists i.-^ solieited. Oj)i). Court House. Hrevard. X.C’. JM-P.A-X-S Tal.ulos Doctors lind A good prosci'ipt ion Eor inaiikiiid The r>-c(,‘nt packi't N ciiouirii lor usual <k The I'amiiy iiiO ci-nt'') coDlaiu.''>U!>i'ly for ii year.' All (lrug:4i^ts ^c‘ll thfiii. tages: Is it soil? If not. whence come these industries':^ I looked for natural advantages existing in these counties over those found liere in Transylvania, but found them not. Thei’e are some water courses but they run slow, but you will find that wherevei’ there is a ri{)ple over rocks and bouldei's in the Catawba th(' hand of tin' capitalist has been and the i)Oople feel conlldent that busy building dams and reser-! ... • * ii i . ^ ” i no better investment could iiave voirs for the storai^e of pow»>i‘i, . ' : i)een made than tne results and is now distributing it all ovt'r j improving the roads of the i county. There is onti feature about whicii I wish to sjieak. and that is the; fact that the county town of Dallas, wliich is yet small, had Son! li- towns, neighborhoods and adjoin- '. in^,'• counties, and the hum of: spindlos and llie deep bass whis- i ties, breaking with the dawn of I moi’iiing, sp(\-ik in thunder tones 1 of the powers that be in these j sullen streams. And wiiilci thinlcingof this feature I thouirht pfopo»il!on made b^ the lot II,e n,llhi-. tuinbUajr. spa,l^til'vay ‘..,f , I ling v.-aterfalls up liere in Tran- jsylvtuiiaso full of em'i’gy, draw- iinir their very ])owei- down from hh(‘ clouds as it wero. but I lis- ; tened in vain for the sound of j any tiling tliat man has done 3’(.*t. who have not been afraid t(> takeiand d(ivelopment of your county some risks and are determined 1 rests with the people of tiiis to make the most of their advan-{ county, and that every other tages and U) strike wliile the iron county is doing all it can foi‘ its \s hot. voting bonds if it was nee- own and not for our improve- essary in order to obtain certain mcnt. They are otfering thorr ends—all these seem to be the best, they are getting enterprises drive wheels that are forcing on- that mean ready money to lal>oi-- ward the engine of progress. i ers and positions to the compf?- Now a word about our own ‘ii'e thereby k'<‘eping county and town. If we see that their own population at iiomo and we can secure the building of. ours to tlnMii, for v.’o anotiier railroad through our have notliing to oiler, county or help in any way lo ^he ru’. talk your bring it by way of Brevard, wt* town and county, It.'t the worll should ])i’otit by the mistake of know wiiat we have to (dfer. We Dallas, and offer the best slept long enough, drowsi- , have. If the projected line from enwra])ping-us—sliake it which will follow thebuildir.g and | ^should contom- off and try to do bettor. ! plate the crossing of tht.‘ Blue Ridge to Waynosville, Knoxville jand other W(\stei n points, we Luca.s ('ouatv. [ should S(.‘t to Vv'oi'k to si'e that I'rank .1. ( licney uiakes oatli tiuit Transylvania reaps the benetits ho is scMiior partner of tlie firm of F. of this road, and not allow Hen «T. Ciieney I'c Co.. doiii;^ l»usiiu“.<s in derson countv to take it awav tl>e city ot Toledo, cnuiity and >-tate in area about the size of Trans\'l- vania. In CJaston county there are twelve towns of considerable size scrattered over the county, and this county seeing what good I'oads have done foi‘ their iioighbor county, have voted SoOO.OOO 4 per cent oO year bonds for gadingand macadamizing tho roads connecting all th(*se towns. ltespe(*tfully. (r. State of ( )hio, ( ity of Toledo, | ., ompanyat the tinu*; I'com without .some cll'oi’t on aud Iluit said fu’iti will pa' ils niaii, line was biiildinjr fn.iii I ,,,e Charlotte lo Atlanta, to comf* hy | If men of (;i])ital come inU' our way (jf Dallas if ci'rtain induce ments. v.’hivh wer(.‘ reasonable, should be lu.'ld out V)y the town. These ])ro])ositions were rej('cted county seeking for invest im-nt don't lelev<,'ry man hoist tlio !lag- pole of ])rices of propeiiy out of i looked at climatic conditions !^ I siglit and mai^e it iin pos.-.ible loj- . 1 ... :iiultl,o townl||„. |„. ^vaiits. as our own to enervate and em'r-;^ .....v,*. ....... "'i Put your propoj-fy at wliat is-i(*a .. , , 1 imi)ortance, iias sprung ui) witli- ^ize the woi'King people. i,. ' . ^ , . ' in tlie last lew vears and now has looked tor a soil more generous, . . 1 ^ ; a ])0])ulati0n of < ,000 and IS grow- tlian our own to su])})ly the wants ;. ' ' ” iing last. The county has three railroads aud they have been po tent factors in developing the re- , . , , , sources of the county. The more })alatable to. Say Where did you get/ that up-t>o-dat.e Hat»? A A of lias just r('(‘(‘iA’('d a nice ]iu(‘ Ladles* and Gent/Iemen’s Hats, and his ])rices can't he heat in town. To hotter advprtiso MiP .Soutli’s L,ohi11iis; ju:^t a fow schnlar.-ihip.s are -ffert'it ill section at tluin cost. ' liCt.VT DKl.AV. WIilTK TODaV. of the j)eo{)le. but the corn cribs stood silent, the bins were not larger, the gardens gave not forth things ^ ^ the taste or moi'e phmtiful to s.'it- . . , 1 tliA nr isfy, the vine3’ards were not more thrifty than our own iiof the fruits more delicious. Aftei- viewing all these things one is driven to the conclusion that there is something in tlie people down in these counties akin to growth, power, energy, UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF MEDICINE, mniniME-DEIITISTRY-PH«BWACT f Modern Laboratories lo charge of specialists. J Quiz System. Superior Clinics. (. Bedside teaching in our own HospitaL For detailed information, write THE PROCTOR. development, that is not found in our own people, and it is mete that we should examine into the nuitter and see wherein we are lacking and apply the remedy at once. Two balls of like size and velocity set in motion should ])ro- duce like effects, all else being ecpial. So of two counties. The city of Charlotte is becom ing one of the trade centers and one of the inland commercial cities of the south. Beautifully I laid out with wide streets, exten sive lawns covered with gigantic elms and oaks, make it a city of ' oaks that are very attractive. It has 41’ cotton mills, ard the population has increasfnl since IrtUC from 17.000 to o-I.COO. Tiie taxable values have increas ed from S3,000,000 to about 000,000. More than a dozen new school buildings have been erected in the county’ in the last two years at a cost of over .sl0,000, and the the town of Gastonia has a line graded school building costing sO.OOO and an attendance of over 400 pupils. Everywhere the peo ple speak of the great advantages of the graded schools, and say that nothing has added more ma terially to the growth and devel opment of the towns and localities than have these institutions. The people do not seem to be afraid of the tax question, for the wonder- tliesum of One Hundred J)o!Iaiv for each and every ease of ('atarrii thar, e:mnot l)o cured hy the U'O of IlallVs t'atarrh (’m\‘. (’iii:xi;\ . Sworn to hofore me and suhseritjCMl in my prestMice, this cth day of D« eemlter, A. D. ISSC. A. \V. (iLK.'.sO.N, ^ X<'t;iry pubh'!"*. Hall's rat.irrh Cm-e is taken inter- 11.1 liy, and acts din'ctly on the iil(.)t'(l and mucous sui’f.ices of the sy.'-t<-m, S(Mid for testimonials fret>.—1'. .1. C’iiK.m;v v'c Co., Tole<l(), (). Sold Ky all dru^^ists, 7.>e. Take ji'all’s j-'aui- i!y i*iils for constip.ition. sonable and let it remain th(‘i-(‘. and, if nec(*ssar*'. cut your price a little for the good of the eo\n- munitv, if by doing so you can secure the location of some man or set of men who will bealiolp to our county. Men v.-iio ar** Sympathy go('s natui-;;lly to tlie looking for a }'lac<^ to invest do X. ’S. W(jrld wliicli ha.s (.‘Xi'eeted mt want to, and th('V v;ill not, ' I’residmit Roosevelt for anoi'ier pay prices where the advance is I term and is dissatis^l(,*d with him already 2^ per cent over actual | before his present term ex[)ires. values. If you have town iirop-1 This is the day Pre.sident Cas- erty and want to sell it, cut it np it.ro gets back to his old job be- into lots, put it on the niarket. i offer inducements to good people I to buy and build, for the building of one good house on vacant i)ro[)- erty will enhance the value of your other vacant lots more than 25 per cent. Let us join hands on the question of railroads, pub lic roads, good schools, churches, public buildings and everything calculated to build up the town and county. Do not tight enterprises .of any kind, but do all you can to quiet the unsatisfied element in your community on all questions of en- ful advancement of taxable val-1 terprise and development about ues make the rate of taxation low. j which they do not feel fully satis- Railroads, splendid public roads, j fied. You might as well come to j tiuranteed ’oy Z. W. Nicholsdrug-gist. good graded schools and a people j the conclusion that the growth I and §1. Iiuul bottle tree money. I’'<»llo\ving TIi«‘ S'lsjy;. When our soldiers went to Culja ard the Phihpines, lieaitii was the most important eon>i<leiation. Willis T. Morgan, retired Conmiissary Ser- l?ent U. S. A., of llurai llnute 1, Concord, N. H., say.<: ‘‘I was i! years in C’uba and two years in the I’hili- piiies, and being suhjct to colds I took Dr. King’s New l)is(,‘overy for Consumption, which kept me in per fect health. And nowin Xew Hamp shire we find ii the best mediciiie in the world lor cou^lis, colds, hroa- chial troubles and ail lung diseases.’^

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