Sylvan Valley News Our County—Its Progress and Prosperity the First Duty of a Local Paper. BREVAKD, TRAIS^SYLVANIA COUNTY, N. C., FRIDAY. .lIJNE S. lOOO. VOL. XI-NO. 2:5 , Transylvania Lodge No. 143, Knights of Pythias Keirular convention cv- ci‘V Tuostl:iv nijibt in Mfl- siHiir Hall'. Vis it ill}; arc t'oi'ilii^l^v in- vitedto attend. T. W. WKITMIBE C. C. Brevard Telephone Exchange. iiorus; r)aily—7 a. ni. to 10 ]). ni. Sunday S to li> a. ni.. 4 to <> p- ni. Central CMlii-e—Mf Minn lilook. Professional Cards. Crawford for Congress. Farmers’ and Business Men’s Choice. What, Leading Transylvania Democrats Think of Him Advice which Should Be Heeded. Hdiior Sylvan Valley News: [Mr. Crawford is one of us. Please allow us the use of yonr nomination means success, columns to talk with our friends : T. W. Whitmire W. H. Duckworth in the county about the Coligros-1 J* W. McMmn Call for County and Township Conyentions, W. B. DUCKWORTH, ATTORNEY AT-LAW. Investigation of Land Titles a Specialty, lloouis 1 and 1’iokel^iniei’ I>nildin;r sional race, which now’seems to I*'^ ,. R. R. Deaver be the absorbing question. Ours W. M. Henry O. L. Erwin J. C. Deaver J. L. Bell J. A. Galloway T. T. Patton ZACHARY &. BREESE ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Olfices in McMinn Block. Brevard, N. C. WELCH GALLOWAY, ATTORNEY-AT LAW. I’raetioes in all tin- t-ourts lloonis'.tand U*. McMinn r.lo«‘k. D. L. ENGLISH LAWYER llooins 11 ar.d V.I McMinn I’.lock. i;iii:vAi:n. n. c. T. T. Loftis I is a rural population—country j. a.McGuire i precincts, if you })lease—and as j Marshal Kilpatrick Wire all the other country pre-| * * i cincts in this Congressional Dis-j The prinuiries held in ] >un- jtrict, we are for W. T. Crawford [ combe county last week demon- i first, last and all the time for .strate beyond a doiibt the W('ak- I Congress. Having no populous ness of Hon. J. M. (Judger as a ! center and not having an oppor-; candidate in ('(Uigi’ess. The fact “Itunityto confer freely witii one that h(‘ on’f^' cai-ried his Ijome janothei-. and not being familiar , county by a nuijority of ll’o tells I with the tricks and subterfuges how weak he really is. Witii tlie U)f politics, we are liable to have j prestige which ofticial i)atronage ! our views misre})resented andour ^ivcs. in his home county, with _ I choice—the choice of th(; county the whisky interests behind him 1—defeated in the })rimariL!S and and tin* infiiuMico (jf a big daily At a meeting of tlie County Democratic Executive Committoe iield in JJrevard on May ,)th, li*00, the following resolutions were unanimously adopted: “That the democratic voters of the county are requested to meet at the polling ])laces in their respective precincts on Satur day, June ]()ih, 1U0(), ut i’ o'clock ]). m. for tlie purposes of electing delegates to attend the county convention to be held in the town of His I Brevard on Saturday, June l’;;5d, lOOO. at 1 o'cloc!-: p. m., and to transact such other business as is provided for in the democratic plan of organization. “That the aforf^saJd county convention is horc’Dv called to ux^et in the court house in tlie Tov^ ti of 15i-evard on Saturday, Juik' l*ord at 1 o rlock p. m. for the pui‘))ose of nominating the candi dates f()r county a that wanted, and want now. is an ivin- members of tl*e tiouse are sup- est ('xpression in this county and I posed to att(,>nd tl:e sessionr^ and we believe with such an »'xpres- sion the verdict will be very nearly a unanimous vote ior V/. T. Crawfoi’d. ■■ Monday, (>)mmis>ioner\ day. we talK’ed with diMuocrats froiji I in the conveiition, unless we are paper in his support, lui should Iactiv(‘, vigilant and cautious. To have carric'd IJuncoml^e comity j ‘*^Ls('(,‘tions of the countv. ■desire IM r. Crawford's nomina- by at k'ast a two-third vote in i lavored ^\. L Craw- do the business ( 1’ legis’i;:!ion. will [)robably stri'i:*- some ri'pre- sentativ(.‘s as revoiutionary. Tiio ]>erson v.-ho i-emarkod tliat this is the age : f gi'uft v/ motto is ‘•(I:;t the mom-y'' i> wron:,i;rt'S is: •*( ieJ the stock. ‘ Tlh' mi.Jii'/y will ct^UiC later. Miscellaneous. The JEthelwold Hrevard's Nc'.v Ihvt'd .Mod;-r:i A’,»- ]'.-<)intnienl> < ii'cn all the year TVic patroiiati'’ (•! tlif tr;'.vt’lini:' pv.ldic | a> well a.-^ ^unin'icr i." "oliciU'tl. | con\eiit !on. ('oui'l 1 llrcvard. I tion is a vain and useless desire* order lo have impressed other j congre.^s, but it is not, I unless we go in person to the cminties in the di.strict with his Imust ' [)i lmaries on the KUh, vote for ability as a votiMietter. The' of-i])i'imaries and help T'> , iiiim and see that delegates are licial result of t he 1 Uiiicombe pri-^^1^‘l^^^ates lo th- mM) tluM-aiiroad otnoals wno county convention. ‘-Ktei-nal (‘ompani('s, admitted in aiefresi;- ing manner that la* was out after the dust. ap[)ointed who will attend thi' mari('s is as follows: county convention and i)rop('rly Cudticr i'e]jresent our wishes. I^et (‘very democrat turn out on Saturday. ■ the null, and attend the township i vigilanct' is the ])riee of liberty." Crawford Leads in Rutlierford. <>!>!>• JM-P-A-X-S TabuU's J)()etors liiid A g()(xl prescript i< For iiiaiikiii Tlie fact that :iiiv otlu'r camli- rhe .'-i riit pai 'iil t -s i laniiiy bntil' ■ ■ • for a ycur. -Ml !:>. 1-1 ; ur'.'at c(;r})orate iutei-est.-'and ije-j c()r,ld ^-et .‘ID ix.'r c-('nt ot <-onu; an apologist lor re})ublican > ^Vsheville's \'ote is an um*x[)ected I peculation and siiorte()miiigs; we indication of weakness on the want a man who will be true 1<>! part of tIk* i)rt*sent incumbent. us and fair and just to all inti'r-j 'There is no (iue.>t ion but ('raw- esls. eorporatc'and otlu.'rwise: wc'' j'ofd’s friends are highly (dated want a man whose j)olitical integ-: with the ri'snlt of Iiuncomljo's I'ity is uiKi uestioned. whosi' mor-| pi'jTi.e fact that he car- a! and social virtu(\s are withoiit : st'viTal (a the country pix*- repi’oaeii: Vv'O want a m:in v.’ho>e |jy iiandsome niM.joritif'.s ^ election, if iioiuinated. is sure i dcmoDstrates Mr. CrawJ'ord's Vv^here did you that and certain-one who can w’in j strength among the common }>eo- votf.'s. one who can maintain the ; pjo. principl(.‘.-> of demoeraey against 1 The News is only intercjsted in all oppi.'uents. ! this congressional nomination in democrats, a time like this de- ^-v'ttiisU’ the strcnigest man for a State of (Hiio, ('ity « t'Toledo, I Lucas ('ouiity. j l-'r.-iuk .!. ( lieney make.': oal!; that he is s(>ni. 'r partner (d' thi^ lirm of !•. •f. (.,'lu‘ti(‘V iV ('().. (loin^ l)u.'mu oi (ine lluii'iitd Dollars lor each and every ca-e o ti'.o South’s Bdsiiiess ju-t :i f.‘\v 'chHI .\V. \Vi;i TK Ton.W SA-ALA.EUS!HESSC0LLE6KM3Cflii,lia UNIVERSITY G0LLE8E OF MEDICINE, MEDICIHE-DEIlTISTRY-PHflRMACY r Modern Laboratories in charge of specialists, J Quiz System. Superior Clinics. |_ Bedside teaching in our own Hospital. For detailed information, write THE PROCTOR. ; maiids: ‘ ■•Men wiidni the lust of ollice does jiot ' kill: Men whom tlie sjioils of oftice can j not huy: : MiM) who have opinions and n will: ' Men who iiavc? honor: men who will i not lie.” We have such a man in W. T. I Crawford. In him the elements of greatness and success are evenly distributed. In the past thegifted Vance and the lamented .las. L. Robinson of Macon were tall men, sun-crowned, who lived above thefog in ])ublic duty and in [)rivate thinking, men who were (,‘ver true to their people and who in turn v.'ere loved and their memories revered by the people they represented so faithfully and so long. In our judgment : no man since the days of Vance ! and Robinson has ever stood I closer to the people among whom I he lived than W. T. Crawford. c:andidate. We are anxious to see this district in tlie democratic column with a majority of iu)t less than 1.000. and we believe that Crawford’s nomination wo'd })ut it there. We are for the nominee of the congi’essional con vention whoever he may be but that convention should be an honest ex})ression of the majori ty of democrats in the district. To this end \ve urge every demo crat in this county to attend the township primaries and see that each candidate gets the propor tion of representation that is due him. In this lino the Waynesville Courier last Aveek contained the in with a ro(juest to i)ublis'ii-—it speaks for itself: '.vs: If there is a man in Transylva nia county in v>’iiom the e()Uiiii>>r, ])('ople havi; unl)ound(.Hl (•■».!*> di'iice. and in whom tin' eorii'ira- tions can llnd no fault, tha: maii is tiie Hon. CJ. ^V. Wilson. Xom-^ inate him for representative* and ■ the inter<}sts of the strong v.'ilP be promoted and that of the '.ve:ilL ^ [)rotected. Vo;::;:. ^ A democratic convention of the o^th Senatorial District is (*alled to meet in Sylva, X. C., on iii‘‘ 7th day of .July next for the pur pose of nominating’ a caiulidat«? to represent said district in the next General Assembly of North Carolina and to transact such other business as may come be fore the convention. The chair man of the executive committee of the counties comprising s:iid district will please take notice .St>nd for testimi'uials t‘re.>.—!■'. .1. C'nKN K’i wV ( '<)., Toledo, (). Sold I>y *a!l dru«i”is(s, T-lc. Tak(> ilali's I'am- iiy Pills for consti}>ation. When il comes to gtMiuit.e mui-lc-]-aking. t h<* Iruorsta^* I'oi:'; - mere*'‘.’oin mis>ion can maki! Iom mau'a/.ine 'ounch look h!c(.' a ch.e;'[) lot of parlor gossips. M’he way new lumber mills jir