Our County—Its Progress and Prosperity the First Duty of a Local Paper, •f- J. .Manauof. BREVARD, TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY, N. C., FRIDAY. JUNE 1900. VOL. XI-NO. 25 Transylvania Lodge No. 143, Knights of Pythias Ke a. ni.. 4 to t) p. in. ^-’eutrai OHiee—MeMinn Jiloek. Professional Cards. W. B. DUCKWORTH, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Investigation of Land Titles a Specialty. Uooms ] and 2. I’iekelsimer i>uildin> 4-'> 4-“) Hewitt 2-5 Jackson. C'rawford .1;") 'Z-h (Indirt'r 2 1 lewitt ('rawford. (Jnd I -1-10 Miscellaneous. The JEthelwold ]irevard’s Xew Hotel—Modern Aj)- pointmentt?—Open all tlie year Thi* ])atrona!ie of tiie traveling public as woll Slimmer tourists ir. s^<.)licitfd. Opp. C'ourt Ifouse. Hrevard. X.('. K-I-P-A-X-S Tal>ules Doctors iind A good ])rescriptioii For iiuuikiiKl The .'-cont pafkct is eiiouirh lor usual oi-ra'^ioiis. The fumiiy bottle (tiO ctut.'; I'Oiitaiiis a ."Wiiply 5or a year.' All druggists thuni. State Senator. Say, John, Where did you get> that up-t#o-dat»e Hat#? Treasurer- W. H. Duckworth. County Suayeyor—A. L. flardin. For Coi’oner—Di*. W. .1. Wallirj was nominated by acclamation. For County Commissioners the vote was as follows: .1. C. Beaver T.‘? \V. M. Henry 72 ].. \V. Hrooks <)2 (J. W. Wilson .’IS W. L. Aiken :{() W. S. Ashworth 2S Ij II. Allison was endoi'sed by acclamation. The following were chosen as delegates and alternates to tlie county convention which meets at the court house tomorrow, June I’o: Alternates. F. F. B. ./etikins I-:. W. Hlythe T. .1. lias just rec‘eiv»Hl a nice line of Ladles’ and Gent^lemen’s Hats, and Ills prices f-an't!»' Ix'at in town. Bij Baiam To hf'tter afivertise th<* South’s LeadiiiK BusinesH Collej;**, just a ff“\v scholarships are offered iu each .seetioti at less than eost. l>ON'T DKI.AY. WHITE TOn.\.Y. SA-AU. BUSINESS COLLEGE, Macon, lia UNiVERSiTY COLLEBE OF MEDICINE, WtDICIIIE-8EHTISTBt-PH>BIII»CY f Modem Laboratories In charge of specisdists. y Qui* System. Superior Clinics. \ Bedside teaching in our own HospitaL For detailed information, write THE PROCTOR. Tlu' vot(‘ for h^t'uator so far r(*- ])orted \vill ;j:ive W. E. Bre('se, jr., Transylvania's c}ii\(lidut(‘, th<‘ nom ination. Tlu‘ followini^ votes an‘ s('c*nr(‘; Transylvania county—Breese 12. Huywood—Brtn>s(‘. 2<>; Leatlior- wood. r. In .lack.^^on county only tlin'c in'ccincts havi' rei)orte(l. Dillsboro ^iv(*s Brei'si' 20 vot<*s; Li'atlu'r- \voo(T. 3. Caslii(‘TS—Broc'sc*. : Leatlu'rwood, 1. (^iialla—Br<‘(*.s(>, 2:5 ; Tj(‘atlu‘rwoo(l. *>. Brevard Township Primary. I Purstffirnt to call tlic votei's of j iirevard township met at the j court house at '2 o'clock last Sat- j urday and were called to order {by townshi}) chairman \V. E. lireese, jr. In view of the fact that Mr. IJreese was a candidate arid the convention would be called on to act on his nomination, he was, on motion, excused and. Welch Calloway was elected as teni])Oi“ary cliairman. j For Corpoj-ation Commissioner i the following vote was taken: Fi’anklin McXeal (>2 .lacob A. r.ono- 12 For Congress the pi’imary voted as follows: W. T. Crawford (S<; ,r. M. Cudjrer, jr 2:i For Solicitor 15th judicial dis trict: (Juy V. lloberts .]. Fraziei’ (Jlenn (>:] For senator W. E. Breese, jr., was the only candidate ]iut in nomination and was nominated by acclamation. For Representative there was but one name presented and T. H. Galloway received the nomi nation by acclamation. For county officers those now serving were given the unani mous endorsement of the conven tion for a second term as follow’s: Clerk Superior Court—T. T. Loftis, SheritT—C. C. Kilpatrick. Dele<:ates. T. \V. Whitmire W. P. Whitmii-e ,1. K. Zachary .1. A. (Jalloway T. 'r. Patton L. Jf. .Sci-ne. Take Hall's Fam iiy Pills for constipation. No one knows just what the Russian Douma wants, but a guess that it wants everything that the Czar does not want it to have will generally hit. Count Boni's income wil be re- equall}" radical man were nomi nated by the democrats is not known. Bryan's poi)ularity with the masses is relied upon to save tVie situation. Although a radical— or so regarded in 1^91), when he was denounced as an anai-chist and a firebrand—Bryan is nryan of 1>>90—but the “conservative j of 1900 see him through to the salary he receives as llejjister of Deeds—M.W. Galloway, once arch enemy of consevatism‘ voters’ new si)ectacles. President Roosevelt is resjwn- sible for the growing popularity of radical opinions and candi dates. When he entered the White House he quietly and un officially severed his connections with the re})ublican p:irty. its leaders and its platform. His administration has been an effort to carry out the principles which were declared in the democratic platform of 1890—with the one e.vception of free silver. The main feature of the demo cratic platforms of 1896 and 1900 was opposition to trusts and vested monopoly. If Roosevelt had been elected on that platform he could not have given the coun try a more consistent anti-trust administration. In the matter of tariff revision Roosevelt is with the Democrats. a deputy. .‘<1,800 a year. The fashions in waistcoats andcravats will not change so often for him. It is estimated that a penny changes hands 1 Ilf).000 times in its life, all except those that fall into Russell Sage's hands. The Very l?est Kt‘nuMly. Mr. M. F. Burroughs, an old and well-known resident of Blntt’ton, Ind.’ says: “1 regard Chamberlain’s C'olic, Cholera and Diarrhoea IJeme- dy as tlie very best remedy for bow el trouble. I make this stptemenrt. after having u.sed the remedy in my family for several years. I am nev-^ er without it.” For sale by Z. W. Xichols lirevard, and O. L. Erwin Calvert. Don’t be fooled and made to be lieve that rheumatism can be cured with local appliances. Hollister’s Rocky Mountain Tea is the only pos itive cure for rheumatism. 35 cents Tea or Tablets.—Z. W. Xiehols.