SYLVAN VALLEY NEWS (XilU(nOA€U^ B. D. C. LIVER PILLS is a purely vegetable pill, f^uaranteed not to contain ealomel, mercury, arsenic, antimony or any other mineral ])oison. Being free from all crmle irrritatinjr matter, their action is gentle, mild and natural, and without the tendency to gri])e, which pertains to othar pills. A bad taste in the mouth and a coated tongue are caused by an accumulation of waste matter in the system. Stimulate the liver and bowels with these Pills for a few days and remove these disagreeable syni])toms. An inactive state of the liver or bowels soon eU’ects the (‘omplexion, causing a muddy or yellow a]>])earance and not unfrequently it produces pimples, blotches, liver spots, etc. Few remedies are moi*e valuable in this state of the system than our ])ills. Price, 25c per bo.x: bo.xes $1. Prepared and sold by BREVARD DRUG Co. LOCAL PARAGRAPHS. When it quits r.iiiiing yon may look out for the base ball season to open. Mrs. E. E. Batson of Kcbn was visitiiiJ^ in the Kosinan s(“ction lust V. .N*k. Frank Zachary Avas in town V/.Hln('s(laT shakiiig bands with liis 3«i in\’ friends. .Miss Nina Morgan, a charming young lady of Landrum, S. (is vis- iti’jg her sister Mrs. P. (i. INIoiris :uid brother C. W. Morgan. S. Tj. Earle of Jacksonville, Fhi.^ o'.vner of the old M. J. Orr })lace, has been in Hrevard several days looking dfter his business interests here. T]i(‘ TnidsmnnuM- fasliions witli a of illustrations in color and i'l black-a7id-whiti* :iri‘ attractividy )*< "travi'd in tlu* Dt'lincator for .\xi\y. Frt‘d Ijiirkins of BirniiTiglunn. Al:;.. .^('crt'tnry and tri^usni’cr of tlit* A'Kt'rican Lnniber and Ex])ort (’o.. sv.t> a calhn* at tin.* N(*ws ollicn* this v/oi -k. C. M. Doyle, the produce man, has ir.('ved from tiie little l)ui!ather has “brok(‘.'’ A union meeting is annonnct‘d for the .')th Sunday in July at .Mt. Moriah churcli. The ])rogramm(‘ will 1h^ i)nl)lishcd 7H‘xt week. ^lany of our business men are us ing th('ir personal int<>r(>st with the post ofiice department to get anoeher daily mail train over our railroad. And tlu'v do say that the address of welconu* by Welch (-ialloway was almost without ])arallel in the annals of s])ct“c:i-7naking. His (>f fort certainly 'Drought crcnlit to himself and oui- town. The l’eoj)le’s I*>ank se(‘ks publicity through our ad columns this week. P.y reference io it- board of directors our readers wdl se(' the names of many liome people. It seeks your business and will do it right. Several accidents on the Transyl vania railroad during the }>ast week • - Clnyton’s to the Walker Mc(;aha Idelayed irattic .juite seriously, it' :t; ioo:n below Orr’s livery barii. j a.s no.'-eiiou?' injui-y to either the cri'ws or passengers have been re- jtorteil very little attention is }>aid to the wrecks. jfe invites you to c;dl aiul '(»e him in Itis new ijunrters. Messrs. Tj. B. Honst«»7i ;nid J. ?'iinn ]e!t t(^>wn v>n Wednesday j!i! ’”niTig abont 1) ;:!<> and i-('turn(Hl that afternoon froin Catlii-ys crt'i'k a . ti'ing of tront. none un- inclit's long. .•'\t lln' ti’ial of the lire ])]ugs on the e.\t(‘nsion of the wat»‘r lint* or. | V/lrrinive >.tr('et. a good streain was I Th!' 'Wn enti!'(‘ly ov<'r the flair ]>‘>le ■(.]? of the school bi;;]d..i':ri’—so rir.‘ T/Vvs^uri' ihevi* i>-; better on }L:;in .-■trc-c't. ir' ever ■ ]ier.0071 liave the?)). Don't '.vait for sonu“ oiu' ('1st' to wi’i'**. r>'at Oo ir ycni'self. and do it nov/. 'i iie date for the l’uu(*ral services of I! I'ert hamiltoii, juiblished in ti:es(“ cojumns last week for the !th .^un- ments. Kev. A-her '.Mlison v, rit(‘s liie Xew>: ‘-1 will ooiidi’.ct the funeral, the i.oi-d will ing. ilie ;Jrd Sunday in July, at 11 j, 1- ]\ W. L. Xorvrood of ('ha])el Hill. X. v.ho has r(‘iited th(‘ Thos. L. Walters eottagi*. conn'i’ of Broad and .lordtni str(‘ets. ari‘iv('d Tuesday night and is now ])(‘rnia- lu'iitly located in her new home. [ She was a Bn*vard visitor last sum mer and took a liking to our town, which has rrsnlt^-tl in hev locating I Ik're. A Y ni: ' t!l t e:l (■ eir]; «>1 ai(‘ ]>adly lU'i'dingan -‘V^-ning r.];ai!(l a ni(»rning niai: (lov/n ra-ii'oad. ( >ik‘ mail a day ' ■ y IS not sutisfaetory to 7‘ .>'ar hoiii,'])eo])h‘ or tli:‘ vi.-it- \v..ionrn la^rt* durin'j: the 1-. 1]' we cainiot have ant)th- ‘I ;• .•■t.'.l .l;-rk on tli(' t’':ti7i tiH'v give us a ])ouch sei'vicc* fro;;i ll!-nd(‘rsonvill(\ TvL.y -jtj tiiere have l)«-,-n vcrv few days v,'it]>out rain, and son>'‘ days it lias rained inc(>ssantly. W«‘ are eonvinc('d that at least (> inch.f'. oi i.iinb'll last w.‘(>k. Tla- n \ > r luis boen out iTi low places and iivatl 1“^ an <)7t^ni])i-(‘S(‘nt rt'ality. As our >tre<‘i s : 7\“ freshly graded Brt'- vard is ill a tate of total d(']n'avity. But th»‘ san vrill shini' aptin ‘-when th<‘ loii'ls V ill by” and .'-miu's v»'ill Talcc 1jj-‘ 'place <.)f tt'ars. Brevard was represented at fht‘ I’.anker’s Association at Lak(‘ 'foxa- way \\ ednes:;ay by Rev. and Mrs. P. ankers know how to i‘iitertain. Word has been received fn^m Ashe ville that Dorsey ! lamilton, the 10- year-old son of 31. L. Hamilton, was almost instantly killed by a South- ern train at a i-ock athy of all. ( iiknoun l’neii«ls. Tiiere are many people who have used ('hamberiain’s ('olic. cholera and Diarrhoea Pemedy with s])l(>n- did results, but who are unknown be- caiHe tlK'y have hesitated about giv ing a testimonial of their exi-'erience for publication, 'fhese ))eople, how- «*ver. ar(‘ none the less friends ot* this remedy. They have done much toward making it a household word by their ]>ersoji,;l recommendations lo friends and neighbors. Jt is a gooil medicine to have in the home anti is widely known for its cures of diarrhoea and all forms of bowel I rouiile. For sale by Z. W. Xiehols, Brevard and O. L. 1-^rwiu Calvert. A. V. Owens of Wolf Monntain was in town Monday on business. Married, on Jnne 15, at D. P. Kilpatrick’s, Brevard, Arthur Kil patrick, our enterprising furniture dealer, to Miss Eugenia Cox of Hen derson county. At the Bai)tist church next Sun day Rev. P. G. Elsom w'ill preach at 11 a. m. and at S p. m. Baptizing at night service ; also a solo by Mrs. P. G, Elsom. All invited. The manj^ friends of Misses Ida and Fanny JSitton will be sorry to learn of the dc'ath of their fatlier, Samuel Sitton, wdiich occurrt'd at his home near Greenville, 8. C., on Friday of last week, June 15. Dr. C. H. (Tumaer of Washington, D. (’., has been a guest of the JEthelwold during the recent wet ness. H(‘ will b<‘ rcmvmhcrod by our r(‘aders as the owner of Maiden Hair falls and any developments he may undertake on his prop('rty will be welconi(‘d by our ])(‘0])le. Kalph Henry, son of Patrick Hi'nry, who lias be(‘n living with Lawrence A.slnvortli in Dunns Rock township, died June 11th, af- t('r a lingering illm*ss of st'vc'ral months, agt'd ytnirs. Fum^ral at Boilston church the 15th, conduct ed by Rev. T. ('. Holtzclaw. Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Houston and 31r. Houstcm's mother, of (ire(‘n- vilh‘, S. C., ar(‘ visiting Mrs. H(ms- ton's r<‘latives hert' thisw(M‘k. Mr. Houstxm says that a cotton mill is the only thing lacking to give r>re- vard a p(‘rmanent and lasting jn’os- ])crity—and we agr<,*e with him. Li't’s have a c(>tton factory. There will be ])rea(>liing at JMui' Grove church Saturday June 2:5 at 8 }). 111., also at 11 a. m. Sunday June 1 by Rev. R. C. Tuttle, and dinn<*r on the ground at 1 j). m. Preaching at 3 p. m. by Rev. F. Sherril, P. J]. l*reaching 31onday ■J5 at II a. 111. by ('. F. Sherriil and (luarterly conference to follow. Come, fill thy body and forget not thy soul. This is expected and desired to be a plain old time likeli'as(' call and si'ttli'. —S. F. Put'tt*'. Xew lot of laces. handki'rchi(‘fs, buttons. ('mbroid('ri(*s, (‘tc., just ri‘C('iv(‘d at th(> Xovc-lty Stori> of 31rs. J. (.'. King. People wanting boat lides or tish- ing trips should see Puette about the gasoline boat. It is leady to run (»n short notice.—S. F. Puette. tf Yarns, v.hite linen, embroidery cotton for fancy work, laces and'in sert ings, eml.»roi(leiy belts, ladies hose aiul fancy collars at 3Irs. J. Xorton's. Fni'nitur(*, mattresses, rugs, hain- i mocks, expri'ss wagons, curtain \ ])ol('s and hxtun's. matting, also | fruits, cold drinks, etc.—Arthur! lvil]>atrick. I am going to give out sonu* ac counts to J. A. Foi’sythe for (^olh^c- tion. l^lt'asu pay him as I hav('u’t vinu' to s(H‘ you all, and olilig(‘.— T. 1). England. Ed Flack has hec'n trit'd ov<'r 100 tinu‘> and has hcu'n found guilty of being tlu' bc'st cle;inc‘r isnd pr('SS('r in the city. First door abov<‘ the post oiiice. Phone 4 !. The Young P('o])lt‘‘s Socii'ty of Cliristian Endeavor meets in Bri'- vard Pr(‘sbyterian Church Tuesday ('v»'nings. Song s('rvice 7.15 to s.00, Prayc'r meeting s.00 to vS.:>0. All ar(‘ inivted. tf r*t_ Colic. Cholera and \/113mO0ri31Il S Diarrhota Remedy. Kever fails, iiuy it uow. It may save life. Good Coffee We feel that ws can satisfy the most fastidious colTee drinkers. We carry in stock the following brands of Roasted Coffee and make it a point to always have them fresh: St. Charles, in one and three lb. cans, 55c and $1, French Opera, in one and four lb. cans, 23c and $1. In the cheaper cotTee we call your attention to AC3H0, Jind there is no better for the price, 17c for one lb. or (5 lbs. for $1. We have a still cheaper grade at 15c or 7 lbs. for $1. Mitchell 6c Cox The Grocers liie North Carolina State Normal and Industrial College Literary Classical Scientific Pedagogical COURSES Commercial Domestic Science Manual Training Music Three (’ourses leading to degrees. Special courses for gi'aduales of ollirr collex'^ed. Well equi))ped Training School foi* Teachei's. Boai-d. laundrv, tuition, and fees for use of text V)ooks, etc., •$170 a year. Por free-tuitlon students, $125. Pifteenth annual session begins September 20. 15MM1. 'fo secure l)oai-d in the dormitories, all free-tuition appli(;ations should be made before .luly 15. (N)rrespondence invited from those desiring competent teachers and stenogra])herH. For catalogue and othei’ information, address CHAS. D. McIVER, President*, GREENSBORO, N. C. S, F^XJETTE PLUMBING Steam Fitting, Sewer Building, Etc. Stoves, Hardware, Etc. Phone 55. Brevard, N. C. IT’S ENOUGH TO TURN THE GIRLS’ HEAOS when a fellow walk;? pa?t. dressed in an Intornaiional suit. X > clothcs look so well, none so sliapcly aiul ;)eru-ct.-h;‘Liiig. lvv'i.Tv 1 p.tcrnaiioual crarmcTit hears the unmi?takalik' >tair.p <)t fine custoiu tail' ring all over it. We are the only representatives in town of the justly ct-lebraicd INTERi^ATlONAL TAiLORIS^G CO. CKICAGO SAN FRANCISCO OF NEW YORK ; \vho set the fashion? in men's clothcs and are absolute leaders in their line, i We take your measure and they make tlie garments to your order, with a j jjuaraiUee of fu and •satisfaction in t.very particular. Come in and sec the 1 samples, whether you wish lo order or uol. i I Jiemeniijcr it's ro yotu* ])rolit to buy clothing liort*. whether ready-to-wear 1 or made to meas’ov. Spring and Summer Sack Suits here in varietv of : cloth patterns, pecially beautifvil ^lilcctions of the new grays in hard and j soft finish worsteds. I5ig values I'ceause we do a liig business at small j ])i-otits for the cash. \Ve are strictly one ]>rice. Kvery man. every woman or I child's d(»lla!- has the same value here. It makes no diireivnce what you buy— a suit ot clothing, a hat, a pair ol slmes. a divss ])attern, a rug. a sack of Hour or what iu>t, a dollar has the same value here at W P WPIT T’S one-price VV . ir, VVJUli-(l kD CASH STORE.