SYLVAN VALLEY NEWS 3 mmm REAL ESTATE Property to Rent Rents Collected A Bargain in Real Estate* In the ^rowiiit;- 'I'own of llosinati. l'\)ur ju'res of bill pi*oj)ei*ty. all eov- oi'ocl witli iiicc ji'i'ovo. ^louiitiiin jiikI viillt'v view a l)c<nity. (lood coiiitoi* table dwollinii': i;<K»il yariifii: «i(»o(l spring-: j^ood <)iUbuildin>rs. A prettiLM* ivsidoiK'e location cannot iu' fcnind. A ival l)ai*<»'ain. C’all und sco ns for We are ^oini;" to sell it. l>e (juiek. prices. Desirable Property for Sale* 'J\mi oi- twelve acres df land. 10 minutes walk of pnl)lic s(iuare. Tbis property bas a. nici* (*ak i;rovc t)f about 2 a(*res. a nice \<>un^ oicb.iid of .T) e’hoii-e finiit tree's; tbri‘e ^ood mineral sprinus containinu: iroii. sodium and silica. A cboic»‘ ]>ia<-i‘ foi- a summer boarding- bouse, as tlie sprinirs are visiteil by tbe majoi'ity of tbe sinnmer boardei-s wbo come to lirevard during;’ tbe sumnuM-months. 'Pbis ])roperty also has some line (*op- p»‘r oi‘e, niannanist‘ and liydi'aulic lime, with veins i)artially lucateil. TtM-ms reasonable. Furnished House for Rent. !•'( >K Kl-IXT—Nice S-room house: fui-nisbed: desirable location. INSURANCE n A Good Farm For Sale* S(‘venty-five at'res of land lyini^ on tbe '^PransyIvania j’ailroad. within live minutes walk of iV'iii'ose station; 4(> acres in cultivation; .>•> acri^s in. timber A coinlortable (i room house and outbuildings; <:-ood youn<;- orcharil; a dt'sir- able farm. I’rice 'I'erms-One-balf cush. balani'e in one ami two years. If you want to SELL your property, let us advertise it. If you want to BUY, see us. It will Pay You. Galloway, Duckworth <S Co. Aethelwold Buildin^^ Brevard, N. C. Fire, Life, Casualty and Accident. WE CAN GIVE YOU A POLICY IN The Prudential Life of America, $107,000,000 Assets. The prciniiiins chargcd are less; the divi<leiHls j)aid to policy holders as much as any old line company. Take a policy while you can—thousands are anxious but are unable to pass the necessary examination. There was a flay when they could. Jict now. Casualty company [)i‘otects you against damages.of employees. It is good business to protect yourself against this if you enijiloy laborei-s. Scaffolds fall, boilers burst, hundreds ai’e injured. AVe are prepared to })rotect you. represent twelve of the very best FIRE INSURANCE COMPA NIES. They pay their License an<l their Losses. It is not good busines.'< to leave the earnings of yours to the mercy ol Ihimes. I'ire, like lightning, strikes when you least ex[)ect. WE PROTECT YOU IN with assets over $10,000,000 15,000,000 Ins. Co. of North America 15,000,000 Glens Falls 10,000,000 Hamburg-Bremen 10,000,000 Fireman's Fund 3,000,000 Niagara Fire Ins. Co 500',000 North River ** 500,000 North Carolina Home 200,000 Virginia State 200^000 Piedmont 200,000 CALL AND SEE US GALLOV/AY, SHIPMAN & CO. /Etfielwold Building. Opposite Ccuil House. Real Estate For Sale. A’^isitors or residents of ]>revai’d looking for lots on wliich to build homes, will be inlei'csted in j)i‘oi)erly which I olfei* for sale. I also have some business lots— as line as the lowii allbrds. You will conserve your own interests by consulting me bctore buying. W. W. ZACHARY. U. S. Mall and Banking llankinu- by mail lias become very ])0|)’alai‘ and com mon. .Send us youi- surplus money and let it l>e earn ing:' vou somethin^'. ^Ve s(dicit accounts of .... ONE DOLLAR AND UPWARD weTaY 4 Per Ceat. Interests Compounded ^isarteriy.jj ASSETS OVER $4,250,000 Wachovia Loan ^ Trust Co. ASHEVILLE, I. C. ■a—— im aa.-™- LEROY Contractor anti wholesale and retail dealer in Plumbers’, Steam and Hot Water Heating Supplies Also act as Mannfacturei's' Ai;-ent. IJelow 1 (juote net ])inces on Calvanized Tron Pipe f.o.b. Louisville. Uicbmond, and Ualtiinore. subject to market cbang-es \vitlK)ut notice: inch j)ipe. ])or ]('(» ft. 1 inch pi])e, 7icr 100 ft. lA •• •• '• “ J 4J1 “ U “ 7.ST “ i •• “ ]>liu*k I ron 1 Mjie much cbea])er. All othcM'<xoods in the same ]))‘0- ]»ortion. l-’or any information call over I’houe HlKi or v/rite me. No. 7 E. College St. Asheville, N. C^^i| AV03II;N\S good AVOIIK IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION DOING MUCH FOR KALAMAZOO, MICH. \ 1«] «‘riin“ii I^essjiuM on Str»“«“t ('le:iiiiciiK'—School < iiil.lrcii 'I'liiiK'nt l!o\v to ]l<‘3tiit il'y tlie To^t ii—i’ Kor IMaiit.s niid \eKetsil»lt*s. The Women’s (’ivic Improvi'ment l(‘a,:jrut* ul" Kalam.-izen, throuuli a leual (•onnnittec of the charity department, is altemptiuir to assist [toverty strick en women liurdened with shiftless hus bands to secure ]e.u:al separation, and already thret' suits are pemlinu’ in the local fourt that wen; Ix'trim by attor neys act his fur the leaunt*. A systenuitic (diort to rid the town of chattcl morti;a,t;e loan sharks )i:is al ready b('«'u institut(‘d by lb(> women of the association. Thu women :ire tak- inir the initiative in matters of ini- [irovi^'ment in all civic Hues, and they do nut hesitate to appi>ar in <-oiu-t to lestil’y us witnesses wIumi tin.? (jciMsion requires. In tlu; leauni.* nu'ndjt'i'ship is a doh'uate representation from al) the wonu'u <“luits of the town, includ- iuu' the l.adies’ Library association, 1 )au.Lihters of American Ivcvolution, Celi’y (Mty club, of colored avoum'u; Twentieth ('(‘Ut\n-y club. Methodist I’astors’ muon. St. Luke’s ^uild, \V. T. I', and Hebrew Ladies’ Benevolent iissociation. Last y<‘ar the lea.mie planneil syid .<ui-c(‘ssfully carri(*d out a «Mvic house Sendinu' a committee from the association b«'fore tin* coinicil. the women intluct'il th<‘ aldermen to allow them a suni iMjUal to the amount then lieinj^ paid for cleaninjj three blocks of the priiiciiial street of the town. The h*aj;'ue pronused in tin’u to personally superiideiul the cleaning;' of thatstri'tch of pavement at a price k‘ss tliau was th**u bein;;- paiil by tin* city, aiul, be sides, they pronnsed to keep tlie street clean. Throtiirh the efforts of ^Trs. (’rane the Colonel Wariny s.vsiem of cleaninir was adopted au<l four men were sent out with carts and brooms, <lresse*d iu W'hito suits. Mrs. Bartk'tt ('rane and associates iu tlie league work were on hand to direct four Avhite win,L;s as the advance guard against tilth and dirt. Tlie work was so thoroughly and cheaply done that the aldornieu dis posed of the rotary steel swe<‘per and ordered that all pavements be hand swept, and that tiie street cleaners be attired in white coats and iielmets. The plan has worlced fully as well un der the management of the town olii- cials as it did umler the direction of the wonieu of the leagiie, and Kalama zoo streets are a m.-irvid of cleanliness. The v.oiiu'n l\av(‘ in their work of attemptiui; to Ix'autify the town gone to the school children, knovring that to intcr(‘st them will me;ui more <vire in lavv'iis. delighi iu ilo\v(>r beds and added beauty to hom<? surrotmdings. 'riu‘ .Ituiior ('ity 1 n![)rov(>nu‘nt h'agne has oi’ganizt'd ami jiow has a mtMnber- ship of Lb'**. 'I'hrt'e sets of prizes were offt'i’cd for the U'st plants anil beds and vegetables. ’’I'lie ('onimercial chib became i^terestt'd and offered <-ash ]»rizes for the best (‘ssays on "What Our ChildnMi ('an I >o to Make Kalama zoo (’leaiit rand More Beautiful.” The wtirk along this line is progressing satisfactorily, and tin* .Junior league will reach a menibersiii]) of be fore the end of another y»‘ar. It was through tii(‘ jiersonal i‘fforts of the Avonien of the h'atnie that the city council enacted an anti-spitting ordinance. No favorites are playtnl I and men in all walks of life are Ix'ing . reported as violators of the act. The 1 latest departm«Mit of th<‘ leagiie organ- ' ized is that to d<>al with thi> poorer classt's. The charity work incliuh'S the I giving out of clothing ;mk1 provisions. I A wood yard is maintained where iihmi j willing to work are given (>nii)loyinent, j for which they are i)ai«l with t hecks on ' groceries. Money is m“V(-r given, l)ut j th;* ti«-kets m.ny be t*xchanged for I clothiug or fnrnitun*. I At a nieeiing held r(‘C(Mitly at which j the leagut? memlK'rs and the ('ommer- 1 cial club att('iided Jointly Mrs. Cr:ine l)ri*s(‘iited tigures she had gatliert'd. She found that there are L’do (.-hatti'l mortgages in force in the city upon ; which ST to 12iJ p(‘r cent is Ix^ini; i)aid I : aninialiy. The total amount ot tut‘ ■ inortgj’.ges rt‘:;<-lu*s Sir' told of one man who had borrowi'd -Slo, had paid it hack three tinu's and still owed , the iirinc-ipal. A j(»int <-omniittee has bo('n appointed from the nu'mbc;-shin of the two organizati('.ns, and legal ac- ' tion will be bt'gun against t!u‘ six com panies doing unlawful busini'ss. Xew Civic A.ssociation In The 'I'own Improvi'iuiMit association of Montclair, an organization co:np(^seil of i;00 womtMi, with th»' o1>J(>ct of im- j)roving civic affairs, has disbande<l, says the New York Sun. The associa tion liad been in existence f»)r about fifteen years. At its last meeting, how ever, it Avas the unanimous opinion of the members that still bett(*r results would be accomplished by the forma tion of a society that includes men as Avell as women. A new organization has l»een formed under the name of t!ie Montclair ('ivic association. Tweu- ty-nine w'ell known men and w’omen have been named to eJ.oct otiicers. Admiral Uojestveiisky is to be tried for lii.slife. which was about all T()o-o and the .Japanese ileet left him. A .swiss has di.scov erod that moss })roperly cooked is palatable. Well it cannot be any worse than the other breakfast foods. Mr. Roose\x*lt will write no more for the maf,Mziiies dttrin^ his term of office. Lincoln Stef- lins. Sap Stannard Baker, .Jack London and U[)ton Sinclair aro still open to en.^-a^ements. ilow to liro;ik iii» a Cold. It may be a surprise to many to learn that a severe cold can be coiii- pleieiy broken up in otie or two day’s time. To do this, however, prompt action is neces-ary. The lirst symptoms of a cold are a dry, loud cou^h, a profuse watery discharj^o I'rom the nose, and a thin, w’hite coating on t’ne tongue. \\'hcnC'ham- berhiin’s cough fiemedy is taken every hour on the api)earance of these symptoms, it coimteracts tin* etlect of tlie cold and restores the system to a a healthy comlition with in a day or two. For sale by Z W. Nichols Brevard, and O. fj 1-a-win Calvert. Since his packinhouse report. Commissioner Xeil is considered the choif “smellei’" of the admin istration. John Sharp AVilliams has nam ed the new si0.000,000 battleship proposed, the “Skeered-o'Xoth- ini;-,"and we guess that will bo about enough. It is interesting, if surprising, to tind that John U. Kockafeller behaved like an ordinary human being daring his voyage across the Atlantic. When the baby talks It is thno to giv'eHollister’s llocky Mountain Tea. It’s the greatest baby medicine known to lovinj? mothers. It makes thein eat, sleep and grow. 3o cents. Tea or Tablets.—Z. W. Nichols*

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