SYLVAN VALLEY NEWS Senatorial Convention. A democratic convention of the 38th Senatorial District is called to meet in Sylva, N. C., on the 7th day of July next for the pur pose of nominating a candidate to represent said district in the i^ext General Assembly of North Carolina and to transact such other business as may come be fore the convention. The chair- uian of the executive committee of the counties comprising said district will please take notice n.nd call primaries and send dele gates to said conv('iition. T. C. iiuvsox. Chm’n o.'-^th Senatoritd Dist. June (), IDOG. All Aiai'iiiiii^ Situation frefjuently results from neglect oJ c*logi>;etl bowels and torpid liver, until constipation l»econios chronic*. This condition is unknown to those wht> use Dr. King's New T.ile Fills, the host and }jfentlest rcjjulators of Stom ach nnd Bowels. (Uininteed by Z. W. Nichols (irui>r u. c. I‘. M. Notice of Summons. stati- of North (’amlina—County of ■I'raiisylvania ,!no. 11. (’a't«‘('l, .Ino. < >. IJrartley ami D. A. Froston, tra'iiiin uiiiler the !’.nn iiaiiU' o Casteel, Bradley a Cotnnaiiy, vs. •los. Kosenthol ami ,T. s. Silversteiii. Simiinoiis. The lU'fendant in the above oniiileil a<‘t;on Jos. lloseiithol will take notice that an aetinn entitled as al>ove has been institnted in the Sn- jHTior Court <>f 1 rausylvatiia eounty. North Carolina, said action h'eini; lor tht- recovery of c“''rtain per>oual {iio;icrt>'. or for tiie valut.* Inereof, and for danianes for its deterioration and detention. And let the said defendant further take noti. e that he is required to appear at a tetni of the Superior «'o\irt lor I'ransylv:iuia countv, Norih Carolina, to be held on iln‘first MoU(iay before the iir>t Monday iTi September, I‘.tu6, a'nii answer or demur to the comiilaint, which will be «lepo'ited in the olli-e of the ’’lerk of the Supeiior Court of said county, within the first tiirec days of said term, an.. liMii. T.I.oK'ns, Cb rk Superior Court for Transylvania C<> . N. c. 1). 1,. Kni.i.I'U, .Mfy for I’rHs. Ijuii'it Entry No. 2473. .1, B. N'-al. jr., eiitcr' and claims (I(T acres of land in Jlouback Township, 'TransylvauiH founty, oil the water-^ of 'To.\a\v;iy rivcr. He- ■ziniiinK on the 'outhea't corner of state grant No. •J'.i'.t and runs with the line of to the line of tlicii w ith the liiiccf ruiiuiim v.irioii> ; Durses for coinpli'iiii ut, so as to incluile all va cant land iu said boumiarv. Knter<-d April i::. ;900. -M. W. (FALLOW AY, Kntry 'l aker. Entry No. 2474. p. iV .1. Stanley enter and claim‘>1) acres of land in <’atlu‘\< < i.-vk 'Townsliip. 'Tian-ylva- nia county, lyin;,^ on the head ^vaters of I'attcr- s-oiis i-reek, ioiniu-' laiuK of Croft and oiliei'. Kc'Jiinnin^ on a mai>li'. Croft's <C' r'or conipleni'nt. Kuti-red Ajail L’;;, i'.fOi:. .M. M. <.AI.LU\VAY, Kntry Taker. Entry No. 2475. W. L, Conley enteis ami elainivi i;-.* ai ros of iand in F'as’atoe 'I o .\ n^hip. on <;ia:istry in Vohiiue I’f) of the Anicrl- cnii i’.erks{iir(‘ Keconl a Berkshire boar known as {'ureton ’(IOC)."), far rowed Nov. (■», sire, (lovenior r,(>e JHCi'.il; dam Stall Titts Beauty ;’,:5d Thi* animal named above is recordeKi.N(;E!i, Sec’y. (’iin be tsoen at mv residence. It ^E.E. LEWIS. Asheville Letter The twelfth annual convention of the Commercial Law League of America will meet here in this city on July 30, August 1 [and 2, and will have a iixiuiber of i^roininent speakers on tlieir list, including Govt‘rnor Glwnn of this state, (Gov ernor Blanchard of Louisiana and Hon. John Temple Graves of (Geor- gia. Judge Jeter C. Pricluml of this city and John G. Gray of Seat- tl(^ will discuss tht‘ ])ankruptcy laws and tin* of w’c'lcomt^ to the convtMition will l)e made by Mayor Alf Barnard of Asheville. On tlu‘ lirst night of the convention tlu're will b(‘ a r(‘ception and dance irivt‘n at the Battery Park liotel, aud this Avill b(^ largely atte'nd<‘d by in(‘mbers of the league and Ashe- vill(‘ ])eo])l(\ The visitors will en joy a drive ovi'r the Biltmort> (\s- tat(‘ during their stay and the an imal bauqm*t will bt' given tht‘ last night of the conventi«m. A sidi‘ tri]) will b(‘ made into the Transyl vania section by a number of the visitors to take in the sights of that beautiful coimtry and a short stay will b(‘ mad(‘ at Toxaway Inn. Th(* Ash(‘villc Tt‘le]>hone and T«'l- egrti])li ('ompjiny have for the past nuuith bi'en actively engaged in in- sttilling the und('rground system for th(' local ti'lei)hon(‘ ('xchangi', but hav(‘ bei‘ii nu>(‘ting with troublt' froTU time to tiint' by unknown ]>ar- ties tiimpt'ring with tlie svin's and ])n)]H'i'ty of th(‘ company. In one instanc(' the culprits cut all of th(' wiri's on Atkin striM't. com])let('ly eri])])ling tlu‘ phone service in that si'ction of the city. An ('ITort has be«>n made to ascertain who is do ing tills dastardly woi'k, ])iit with out avail, so the comptiny has sc(‘n lit to otV(‘i- a r(‘ward of st'veral hun- dr(‘d dollars in tlu‘ ho])cs of captur ing the 7ui.scrcants. (-In'at ])r('parations art' lu'ing made in antici]5ation of tlu‘ Firt*- ni(>n's tournaTiicTit that will be ]u*ld iK'ri' July 10. 11 and I'i. Between two ;ind thr('(‘ thousand visitors art' ex])ei‘tt'd tt) 1h‘ in tlu' city at tlit‘ timt‘ ;tnd tlu' business houst's will all ht' dt'corated in hont)r t)f tht' visitors anti they will l)e shown a good ti7ne by all. Mr. Li]H‘ of Biltmoi't' wbt) was sht»t last wt'ck by his son (as statt'tl in this ctn’i’esijondi'nct') bt'ing mis taken for a burglar is rt'])ortt,‘tl tt) be ini])rt)V-ing ra])idly. This city has b»'t'n visiti'tl by a number t)f nt'rvy sneak thit'vt's ih‘- ciMitly. and a numbt'r t>f ht)uses liavt' l.'et>n I’eixirtt'tl tt) have bci'u I'nti'rt'tl. It is t'vitlt'nt that tlu‘ Avork is bt'ing tlt)nt‘ l)v t)nt‘ jx'rson or a wt‘11 tirgani/,('(! gang. All t)f tlu‘ thefts rt'])ortt'd havt> IxM'n pt'r- ]»t'tratctl in a likt* mannt'r. Tht' htiusi's are t'uteretl at tht' tlt'ad ht)ur t)f tlie night, entranct' b»‘ing nsually t'lTccied tlivtiugha bastMiit'nt tir rt'ar kitciU'U vrintlow. Tht> rtililier j>rowls tht^ wluile lu)use I'egartllt'ss t)f ])t‘tj- ]»le wilt) ar(' ash'e]) in tlu‘ rt)oms. in adtlititin tt> st'vt'ral i‘obbt‘rit's which luivt' bet'n siicct'ssful ;i num ber oi attt‘m])ts liavt' bt>t‘n nuitlt* tt) t'nrt'r ht)ust‘s anti tht> thit>f hatlbt't'u st'aj't*d away. On oiiv occasion iii till' rt'sidenct' t>f ]\lr Sht'han on South .Main strt‘*‘t tlu‘ man vais tlis- covt*rt‘tl by tht' tiwner t)f tht' hc)ust' but as it was vt'ry thirk lit' was at lirst mistaken for a i>t)artli'r anti was allov.'t'tl tt) gain tlu' stairway a?id makt' his esca])t' beft)rt' any thing coultl bt' tlont'. ZSIr. Sht'han in convt'rstition Avith yt)ur corrt'- s])oiult'nt stated tluit tht' man was a light mulatto t>f int'dium builtl anti tluit lit' luitl gont' t>ut into tht' hall to awaken a young man btjard- or for some ]>ur])t)st‘ anti lU'arly walkt'tl ovt'r the' nt'grt) in tht' hall, wbt) v.'as in tht' act t)f going thro’ a trunk at tht' timi'. Tht' resitlt'nce of tht' Misses ^McDowt'll's was also (‘ntt'rt'tl the stimt' night of tht' tit- ti']U’)it'tl rt.)bbt'ry t>f tht^ Sht'han houst' but the man was scart'tl away bt'ft)re ht' managt'd to gt't anything t)f value. Pt)lict* tirt^ work ing ({uit^tly tju tlit^ C“ise but u]) to the ])rest'nt writing have b(H*n un able to get track of the robber or robbers. Chief o Police Barnard in speaking of the matter said that in liis opinion the man was either a very desperate character or was a stranger or very ignorant negro Avho was not aware of the gravity of his crime as held in this state not know'ing that the punivshment w'as hanging for the offense of bur glary. The mystery of the origin of the fire at the Burnette & Lassater carriage repository w’hich com pletely destroyetl the building and its entire contents still remain a mystery. The tire wiien lirst dis- eovert'd had bursted through the roof and stM'int'd to be burning in tw’t) ]>arts of the building at the same tini(‘. The fire proved a very stubborn one and only for the excellent work done by the tire de partment woultl have (*aught th(‘ Swannanoa Hott'l and Holmes liv- t'ry stabh's w-hieh adjoin that of Burnt'tte & Las.sater. Mr. Rector, ])roprietor of the Sw*annanoa Hott'l tt'ndert'd the meml)ei's of tlie firt' department a bantpiet last Satur day night at the hotel in honor of their eflicient work. At the graduating c'xereist^s of the Normal anti Collegiate Institutt' the affair was ft'atured by a vt'ry })l('asing l>y Lieut-Govc'rnor F. D. Winston. The graduate's this year numbt'rt'tl young ladit's. During tht' driving gale last w’tu'k which visited this city a slight snow flurry was notict'able and th(' wind attaint'll a vt'locity of 3(> miles an ht)ur. A numbt'r t)f trt'es wt're u]>rt)ott'd, .small tmt buildings blown t)vi'r and windows smasht'd, etc. It was tht' otltlest Junt' weatht'r st'en in this st'ction ft>r yt'ars. At a 7tit't'ting of tht' Buncombe dt'mocratic county conv(‘ntit)n wt't'k it was dt'cidt'd that the dt'ltv gatt's wt)uld vt)tt‘ as a unit aftt'r the first ])allt)t. This is t>ut' t)f tht' mt)st impt)rtant mt)Vt's tt)uching tht' (•t>ngi’t'ssional ra(*t^ and mt'ans that Mr. Gutlgt'r will get all t)f Bunct)mbi''s (Ui vt)tt's (>ti tht' st'cond ballt^t. A rt'ct'ut t)i-tlt'r t)f tht' Bt)ai‘tl t)f Altlt'rmt'ii is tt) tht; t'fft'ct tluit all ])rt)pt>rty t)wnt'rs wht) liavt' iin- ])rovetl ])rt)])erty on strt'ets witliin tht' city limits must havt^ tht'ir htiust's connectt'd with tht' city st'Wt'rage at onct'. Tht' ordei* was issut'tl aftt'r an invt'stigatit)n by a ct)mmittt't' t»f the btiartl wbt) ftjuntl that a numbt'v t)[‘ lit)ust's wt'rt' not co7int'ctt'il Avith till' city seweragt' although tht' sti-t'i't 7iiains liatl bt't'u laitl ft)r somt' timi'. Jamt's II, Bt'wlt'y, a st'wing ma- cliint' agt'nt froin>7i. S. ('., ca7Ht' to toW7i o7it‘ tlay last wet'k gt)t tlru7ik and tot)k a carriagt'I'itlt'with sevt'ral (ini'stio7iable chtiracte7's. I71 tht' 7norning ht' awoke tt) fintl lu7u- st'lf 7uinus thirty tlollars in cash, a goltl watch aiitl a cht'ck for four hu7idretl tlollai’S. Ht> 7"e]>oi'tetl the mattt'r to tlu' ])olict' and they went out 071 a still hu7it for tin* lost ar ticles with the 7-t'sult that Alice \Va7‘d alias Ha/.t'l Johnso7i is in jail chai-gt'tl with tlu^ robbt'i-y. It si't'7iis that Alice 07- Iia/t'l trit'd lit'r ha77tl at fo7‘g('i’y by t'7ulo7-si7ig tht' cht'ck anti ]>rt'st'ntetl it at tht' Bat- ti'ry I’ark btink in hopi's of getti77g it casht'tl but wountl U]> i7i the lt)ck- u]) as the ri'sult t>f lu'r rash act. Tht' wonui7i is bt'i7ig lit'ld undt'7- ;i S‘?00 bontl for ht'aring at tht' 7it'Xt tt'r7ii t)f criminal court tt) .sit lu'7-t' in August. As ]-e])t)]‘tt'd in tliis corr('s])ontl- t'7i(*t' Mi>s Jost'i)hint' Ht)t)tl, foi’int'r- ly t)f this city who 7narrit'tl a 7iian in Nt'W' Iberia. La., aftt'r a short acfiua.intance of only st'vt'ral w't't'ks and tht'n disa])p('art'tl and has nt'vt'r bt't'U lu'a7*tl frt)iii sinct', st'ems tt.) bt' ct)ming into the limt> light in It^c-al cii’clt'S. The latest dt'vt'lt)p7uent 7Ti tin* case has btn'ii bi'ought al)t)ut by the Chief t)f Police of tins (*ity Siltis Barnai’d. Ht^ sent a picture of tlie nott'd bigamist, Lord Doug las alias J. C. Cavt'ndish to the pa- 7-('uts of the young lady anti they have identified the ]>icturt' as that t)f tht' 7nan Cavendish w’ho married their daughtt'i'. If the two cliarac^ ti'rs ])rovt' to bt' t)7ie and Hit' same man ]Mlss Hootl has marrit'd t,)7ie t)f tlu' 7nost noted scoundi't'ls in tliis country. L. R. D. Matting ! Matting! We have just receiyeti 100 rolls China Matting that we will sell while It msts at 224c per yard by the roll (40 yards.) It is regular .‘iOc matting, and it will pay you to come early, as it will soon go at this price. We also have •Japanese IMatting' at 25c and 30c per yard. Go-Carts. •Just received our spring’ stock, which we bought 10 per cent, belovv’ the market price, anti the benefit of which we give to tha purciiaser. Write us for catalogue and jjrices. A large aad select line of Parlor Suits at low figures. Also Ii-on Beds, Springs, Mattresses. Kitchen Cabinets, in fat;t a full stock of everything in the house furnishing line. We invite you to call and inspect our stock when iu the city. You will saye money by doing so. McCorkle-Donald Company 35 N. Main St. Asheville, N. C. Ladies’ Idea Shoes and Gentlemen’s Skreemer Shoes They are the leaders-^^none better. Dry Goods and Notions Hats from ()0c to ^5 Stetsons. P^resh Groceries, Lamps and Tinware. Fresh home-^i^round Meal, Cotton Seed Meal and Hulls always on hand. Try our fresh Flour and Coffee and Good Value Tobacco. Kye, Corn and Hay. JENKINS m> BRO. 10 0 0 DISCOUNT On Pittsburg Perfect Fence For 10 Days. Fence That Cemetery Now. Potato Bug Sprayer 50c. Barbed Wire $3.25* Hand Garden Cultivator $3.75. Oats 70c. C. M. DOYLE, The Produce Man. THE NEW FURNITURE STORE I Jiow Jiavo a, very complete line of Iron and Oak ])eds, and Mattresses. Cots and Cot Fad.'^, TiMiiiks, Go-carts, llaiinnocks, Sliade.s and Curtain ]*()les. Come in and ^et our })rices l)efore you buy. ARTHUR KILPATRICK Ij Main Street Phone 89 BREVARD^ N. C. Glias. E. Orr, I eed I STAJ5LES. BREVARD, N. C. Up to tlate Veliicle.'^. C;ot)d rltling anti dfivhig Horses. Attentive anti eareful DriviM't?. ^ ^V^)l•k ft)r suuimer yisitoi-s and the traveling public solicited. Oi-dei-s by Phone. Telegi-aph oi* ?vlail ])romptly attended to. Two principal Main street stables. Busses meet all trains. krl Count) Convention Tomorrow.