Sylvan Valley News ■T- J. MINEU. .Manay-ur. Our County—Its Progress and Prosperity the First Duty of a Local Paper. BREVARD, TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY. N. C., FRIDAY. JUNE 1900. VOL. XI-NO. 26 ^Transylvania Lodse No. 143, , Knights of Pythias Rejxiilar convention ev ery Tuesday nifilit Ma sonic Tlalf. Visitinjr Knijjlits arc in vited to attend. T. W. WHITMIRE C. C. Brevard Telephone Exchange. Houus; Daily—7 a. ra. to 10 V- ra- iSunuay—^ to 10 a. ni.. 4 to (i p. m. Central OlTice—MoMinn HIock. Professional Cards. W. B. DUCKWORTH. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. investigation of Land Titles a Specialty. Rooms 1 and 2,1’ickelsiiner Buildinfr- ZACHARY Sl BREESE ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Offices in McMinn Block, Brevard, N. C. WELCH CALLOWAY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Pi-actices in all tlie courts Rooms 0 and 10, McMinn T'Jlock. D. L. ENGLISH LAWYER Rooms 11 and 12 ^IcMinn 131ock, BREVARD. X. C. COUNTY CONVENTION. Democrats of Transylvania County Put Their Ticitet in the Field. Miscellaneous. The Mthelwold Brevard's New Hotel—Modern Ap pointments—0])en all the >ear The pati’onaLre of the tra%'elinir public a^ well as summer tourists is solicited, Opp. Court House, Brevard, X.C. IM-P-A-X-S Tabulos Doctors liiid A good prescription For inaiikiiul The 5-cent pa< ket is enor.Kh lor uf^ual o<‘fa'iions. The fiuniiy bottle (tJO rents) eontaiiis a supp.y lor a year. All drujrgists sell them. Pursuant to notice the demo cratic county convention assem bled at the court house in Bre vard last Saturday, June 23. and was called to order by County Chairman \V. P. Whitmire. On motion W. \Y. Zachary was chosen permanent chairman and J. L. Bell secretary, with A. M. Verdery as assistant secretary. A resolution (which appears below) was introduced by J, L. Bell and unanimously passed. A roll call showed all precincts represented and no contests. For Corporation Commissioner the vote stood as follows: McNeal. Boyd 1 Bi’evard 0.7 Codar Mountain 1 Catheys reek 4 Dunns Rock 2 East Fork •> Eastatoe 1 (iloucester 0.0 Hogback Little River 1 Lon< 0.0 i.;j 0 () (1.0 0.(» 0.0 0.0 1 0.0 0.0 \V. s. Ashworth Shu ford 1.00 I W. B. Henderson 1.40 Brooks. Deaver and Henry were declared the nominess of the convention. The following committee, one from each i3recinct, was appoint ed to select deleg-ates to the Con gressional, Senatorial, Judicial and State Conventions: Boyd—E. B. Clayton. lirevard—T. S. Wood. Catheys Creek—J. M. Zachary. Cedar Mountain—\Vm. McCrary. Dunns ilock—S. M. Trance. I'ast Fork- r_.eon (iillesj)ie. Eastatoe—W. E. Calloway. (Jloucester—.1. H. House. Hofji-back—.1. A. McGuire. Little River—L. M. Hart. The committee reported the following- delegations: TO STATE C(^XVEXT10X. K. L. (iash .r. R. Zachai'y Welch Calloway T. E. B. .Justice Thos. H. Shipman i\ II. .Iordan TO .TUIMCIAL C'OXVENTIOX. 22.7 2.i{ For Congress the strength of each candidate as shown in the primaries was; Crawford. Cudjrcr. Boyd 7 Bi-evard <‘►..‘{1 l.tU) (.'edar Mountain .2 ..S (Jatheys ('reek U 1 Dunns liock 2 0.0 East Fork 1.80 1.20 Eastatoe 1 O.O filoucester 7r> .25 Hojrback 2.SU ,11 Little River *>0 .4(> l!t.25 For Solicitor: Roberts. ... .SO .. :5.7:{ .. .so ... 2.5S Say, John, Where did you get* that up-t»o-dat«e Hat«? Jim Aiken 3kis jnst roooiv(‘d a nice lino of Ladles’ and GenLlem^n’s Hats, jjnd liis ])ri(‘('s can't lu' l)cat in town. r?(*yd [irevard ('edai- Mountain ('atheys ('reek . . Dunns Rock 1 East Fork I.-')!* Eastatoe 0.0 (Jloucester 0.0 Hojrback <> I^ittle liiver O,") i:5..V) iJlenn. .20 4.27 .20 1.42 1 1.41 1 1 0.0 .1)5 11.45 EarjaiD To hetter advertise the South’s L.eHdliig BunliieBH Conejje, just a few .scholar.ships are offered in eaeli section at less than cost. I>ON’T Dt:i,AV. WHITE TOI).A.y GA-ALA. BUSINESS COLLEGE Jacon,lia UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF MEDICINE,":?R”G*;i?.r- MtPICIIIE-DEMTISTIfY-PHIimilACr f Modem Laboratories in charge of ipecialists. J Qviiz System. Superior Clinics. I Bedside teaching in our own HospitaL For detailed information, write THE PROCTOR. r\)r Senator W. E. Breese, jr., received the vote of every dele gate in the convention. On the basis of 12 delegates to each of the above conventions the county vote will be as follows: (,'on<;i'essional — Crawi'ord, H.24: (Judfrer, 2.7»). Judicial—Roberts, t).5(>: Glenn, 5,50. Senatorial—Breese, 12. State (4 delegates) -McNeill. Lono. .:}7. In the selection of county ofil- cers the following nominations were made, Boyd township not voting: Rei)resentatlve—T. H. (ialloway, 17.80; G. W. Wilson. 4.20. C'lerk Suj)erior Court—T. T. Lof- tis, 24. Reoister of Deeds—M. W. Gallo way, 24. Treasurer—W. H. Duckworth. 24. Coroner—W. J. Wallis, 21.7.5: A. E. Lyday, 2.25. Surveyor—A. L. Hardin. 20: Wike,4. For County Commissioners there were 8 uames presented with the following result: L. W. Brooks 20.18 ,L C. Deaver.. 17.89 W. M. Henry 15.i>2 G. W. Wilson 5.29 W. L. Aiken 4.47 .T. M. Zachai’y T. H. .Iordan T. S. Wood T. W. Whitmire W. W. Zachary K. L. (iash .1. M. Kllj>atrick Welch (r alio way F. L. DeVane T. M. Mitchell Fieldin^>- Paxton Frank Haves TO COXGKESSIOXAI. ('oXVEXTIOX. T. s. Wood .1. A. Mc(iuire W. L. Aiken L. M. Hart Leon (Tilles|)ie R. R. Deaver E. M, 'Whitinii'e J. C. Deaver W. E. Galloway W. M. Bird .7. li. Zachary T. E. B. .1 ustice W. H. Duckworth T. W. Whitmire W. M. Henry T. H. .Jordan TO SEXATOKIAL CON’VEXTlOX. T. W. Whitmire Gus Ijcach W. W. Zachary T. B. Reid CJharley (Ji-avley F. L. DeVane .1. W. McMinn B. R. Deaver .1. C. Whitrai)*e .loe (rarren W. E. (ialloway T. E. B. .lustiue Jj. F. Lyday Dr. A. E. Lyday A. L. Hardin J. L. Bell The following preamble and resolution, introduced by J, L. Bell, was unanimously passed by the convention: Whereas, it is n'portod throu'^h tlio invss of this district that cer tain countii's have ])assed resolu tions that “after the first ballot th(‘ delegate‘s to tli(‘ Judicial and (’on- gressional conventions shall vote as a unit when the luajority directs it.” And, whereas, such action is contrary to the democratic ]>lan of organization ado])tod ])y the entire state. Tli('refore ho it Resolved, by the democratic ])ar- ty of Transylvania county, in con vention ass(‘mbled, that wc believe such action is in jilain disregard of party laAv ; subversive of the will of the ])eople as expressed in the pri maries ; unfair and unjust to the smaller counties; destructivo to party harmony ; conducive to ])arty strife, dissension and division. And we believe such action should bo deprecated an<l oi)pos('d by all dem ocrats individually and when in convention assembled. The following resolution was adopted without a dissenting vote; Resolved, that we, the democrats of Transylvania county, in our county convention assembled, do most heartily approve of and en dorse the able stand taken by our United States Senator, Hon. F, M. Simmons, on all the great ques tions that have been before the Senate of thf’; United States, believ ing that his course has Ix^en for the promation of the best interests of our state and for our nation also, and respectfully ask our State Sen ator and our Representative in the next General Assembly of North Carolina to aid in re-electini^ him I to the lionoral)le position for an- i other six years. j The following were selected as j County Executive Committee for I the ensuing two years: T. W. Whitmii-e, chairman. Brevard. I Boyd—T. R. Duncan. I Ih'cvard—W. W. Zachary. I Catheys Creek—.1. M. Zachary. Cedar Mountain—,T. ('. Ray. Dunns Rock—Wm, Maxwell. East Fork—G. W. Hayes. Eastatoe- W. E. Galloway. Hoijback—.1, A. Mc(iuire. Gloucester—J. H. Plouse. Little River—W. S. Ashworth. After the business of the con vention was finished several rousing speeches were made. That of W. E. Breese for senate: T. H. Galloway, candidate for Representative; Guy V. Roberts and J. Frazier Glenn, candidates for Solicitor, were inspiring and should have been heard by every democrat iii the county. The meeting was harmonious and enthusiastic, and the outlook for democratic success in this county by increased majorities is brighter than ever. W. VV. Zachary, Ch'n. J. L, TiELL. The rate bill special is still on the conference sideti'ack, blowing off steam. The statehood bill is a law. and Uncle ,Toe Cannon has eiTected a partial saving of his face. Russell Sage's cousin died in w'ant. Russell Sage himself will die in want—of more money. Don’t be fooled .md made to be lieve that rheumatism can be cure<l with local appliances. Hollister’s Rocky Mountain Tea is the only pos itive cure tor rlioumatism. 35 cents Tea or Tablets.—Z. W. Nichols. Deadly Serpent liites are as comnion in India as are stom ach anil liver disorders w’ith us. For the later however there is a sure rem edy, Electric Bitters the great restor ative medicine of which S. A. Krown of Bennetsville, S. C., says; “They restorcHl my wife to perfect health after years of sutfering with dyspep sia and a chronically torpid liver. Electrict Bitters cure chills and fever, malaria, biliousness, lam<‘ back, kid ney troubles and bladder disorders. Sold oil guarantee hy Z. W. Nichols druggist. Price 50c. A. AI. Verdeuy, s Secy's. Tax Levy for 1906. At the June! meeting of the Board of County Commi.ssif)ners of Transylvania cotmty the follovv’ing tax(‘S were l(‘vied on each one hun dred dollars’ worth of pro])erty and on each ])oll for the pnr])oses s])eci- lied below, for the year 1900, viz ; Poll. ProD'tv. State tax $ .00 h .12 Pension ta.\ 12 .(•4 School tax 1..50 . ]S ('ontingeno tax 00 .15 Poor tax :is .(i4!i Bridge tax (K) .04 Railroad tax S5 ,2 s*- Special tax 15 .05 Total The Republicans insist that the Canal commision shall do all its trading at the “company store.” If the president can legislate by writing letters, why not buy a fast typewriter and discharge Congress. It is becoming more evident every day that in Secretary Shaw's case‘ the “Executive gag’* never was on straight. Every part of the hog is now utilized, the packing houses used to pack all but the squeal, and now the}- are certairly putting up the squeal. Tlie Very I»est IJeniedy. Mr. -M. F. Burroughs, an old and w’ell-known resident of Rhitftoii, Ind.’says: “I regard ( hamberlnin’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Reme dy as the very best remedy for bow el trouble. I make this stPtement after having used the reme<ly in my fatnily for several years. I am nev er without it.” For sale by Z. W. Nichols Breva"d. and O. L. Erwin C’alvei-t. It is believed that the beef The followin.LT spc'cial tax w.-js levied for school pnr])os*\s in a s])e- j cial school tax district in Bri'vard j Tow’n.slii]), viz. : On ''ach one jir.n-; dred dollars’ worth of pro-i.t,‘rty. j satisfied 30c, and on each ])oll 90(*. M. W. Galloway, Clerk to Bcxird. Teachers Examination. : w^ith tlie Meat Inspection bill if i Congress would mei’ely strike out I the enacting clause. j The Scientists have decided i that the San Francisc-o earth.- I shall hold a [)ublic teacners iq,ja,ke was due to ru])tures in the examination in the public school! ... ^ ■ i- 1 ^ 4-1 T.1 -J T I earths crust. Ihis relieves house at Brevard <m Friday and Saturday June 29 and 30. All w^ho intend taking the examina- crust. Thomas W. Lawson of a lot of suspicion. It misfht be a srood idea for the tion this year are requested to meet promptly at 9 a. m. the tirst, day. T. C. Hexdekson. j Woman’s Christain lemperance County Superintendent, j Union to tak« notice of the peeu- Stateorohio,CU7;irTole,i:S, I i Lucas County. P'’ j out by some of our country con- Frank J. Chejiey makes oatli that j temporaries. he is senior partner of the tirin of F. I 77! T 1 • I • l'ollt>\vinf*' I he J-lniT. J. Cheney *.V: Co., domg business in; . , . 1**1 When our soldiers went to Cub.i the city ot Toledo, county and state: , w. * and the Phihiunes, health wa^ the aforesaid, and that said firm \vill pav, _ 1 1 ,1 ... most important consideration. \\ ilhs the sum of One Hundred Dollars lor ^ * I *u * 1T. Morgan, retired Connnissary .ser- each and every ease ot Catarrh that I ^ , cannot be cured by the use of Hail’s ; Rural Route 1, Catarrh Cure. Fkaxk J. Chexev. j Concord. X. H., says: “I was 2 years Sworn to before me and subsorihed j in ('’uba and two years in the I’liill- in my presence, this Gth day of De pines, and beiny: subjct to coKls 1 cetiiber A. . jtook Dr. KiiiKV -\ew Hiscovery for (Seal) Notary Public, j Consumption, which kept me iuper- Ilali’s Catarrh Cure is taken inter- t*e<*t health. And nowin New Hamp- nally, and acts direi.tly on the I»Io(kI | shire we find it the best medicine la and mucous surfaces of the system. ^.^,rld tor coughs, colds, bron- ^nd lor testimonials frw.-F. J. ] , CiiENEV & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by, * , r, x- i i ^ all druggists, 75c. Take Hall’s Fam- ^wranteed oy Z. . Nichols druggist. ily Pills for constipation. I Price 50c and Trial bottle Ire-.

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