Sylvan Yaliey News Our County—Its Progress and Prosperity the First Duty of a Local Paper, 'T- J. MIXEU, BREVARD, TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY. N. C., FRIDAY. JULY (i. 190(1. VOL. XI-NO. 27 ^ Knights of Pythias It Is Hon. W.T. Crawford! Ketrulaf convention ev ery Tuesdsiy nijrlit in Ma sonic Half. Visitin«r Kui^htt' ar(“ cordiaUv in- ' itodto attend. T. W. WHITMIRE C. C. Brevard Telephone Exchange. HOUKS: Daily—7 a. m. to 10 p ^UMnay—S to 10 a. ni <.'entral Ottice m. 4 to p. m. Mc’Minn lilock. Professional Cards. W. B. DUCKWORTH, ATTORNEY-AT LAW. Investigation of Land Titles a Specialty. llooms 1 and l!. I’ickels^inier Buildin^^ ZACHARY &. BREESE ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Offices in McMinn Block. Brevard, K. C. WELCH GALLOWAY, ATTORN EY-AT LAW. I’raetiees in all llie eoiifts llooms and 10. MeMin!i Ulock. Nominated for Congress by Acclamation. ^ fourth—We recognize Wm. J, Congress is about to iidjoiirn. Bryan ;»s the foremost livin-ex- The “Pork”’bills are coming-out |.onc„t of the V.U.1 principles of „f the com.nittees. democracy and })led«^e to him oui su])|)ort for the demf)cratic non)- ination for the presidency in 1908. 0> u o o Hi Ji *a- o Q> 0> H O c -J X o 9 O -s CL r p CL -5 D. L. ENGLISH LAWYER Jlooins 11 and 1‘J McMinn Hlock. lillKVAHl). N. Miscellai\eous. "The JEthelwold Hrevai-d'.s New Hotel-Modern A])- ])ointnients--(>pen all the year The ])atronaoe »>f the traveUnir ]nil>lic a^^ well as? summer tourists i^ solicited. Opp. Court House. Hrevai-d. X.C. It isn't necessary for the Xevvs and went to the Berkley and took to tell its readej-s that \V. T. dinner and when they returned Crwford received tlie diMiiocratic to the convention the war was nomination for Congress in the still on—Bryan had not been Tenth North Carolina district at, nominat»‘d, neither had Crawfoi-d the convention in Ashevill-'; last Satni’dav. He had already been and there were wheth(‘r he ever serious doubts would be, 15ut nominated by the people of thir-jihe Bryan resolution finally pass- teen counties and the duty of the|('d and then another Buncombe convention was only to ratify and j delegate moved that the conv(ni put on record the will of the pco | tion endorse “fiee silver." Tiiis pie. The vote in the several! preci[)itated another row and counties was so overwhelmingly ! pandcMiiomium j-eigned some i in favin- of Crawford that a call of! more. I the counti('S was omitted and hf We would like to say right here that W. J. Bi’yan has no more loyal admirers and supporters anywhere on earth than uni uem- i ocrats of Transylvania, and they were in that C(jnv'ention tf) *‘whoop” for his endorsement, but the “rag-cluiwing” methods which were indulged in had taken the wind out of our sails, reduced the pressui’e of enthusiasm, punctured our tire and when the r-esolution was finally passed it was a very weak performance compared with what it should have been. * * The f(;llowing gentlemen were nominated by tlie county dele gations as members of the con gressional executive committee: Buncombe—T. 1’. K<‘vr. Ch(‘rok«‘('—M. W. Bell. (’lay—A. H. Brown. (Trahain—A. I). Rabj'. Haywood—W. F. Lt‘o. Ht'nd(‘rson—M. L. Shi])inan. .lacks(^n—(K B. ('oward. Maron—Sam T. K(‘lly. McD()W(‘ll—W. F. Wood. Polk—W. J. (-Jaini's. Kutlu*rf()]'d—Frank Kt'vnolds. Swain—fvo]K‘ Elias. Transylvania—T. W. Whitmire. W. T. l^ee of Haywood county The voters of Penn, seem to have acquired a decided liking for the game of bumning bosses. President Roosevelt has given, up hunting big game, but he the dem- i octopi. In others words, Attorney Oeneral Moody has served notice that the immunity bath house has been closed for the season. IM-P-A-X-S Tal»iiles Doctorts IiimI A good pres<*ript ion For inankiiul was nominated by acclamation, conse(]uently no I'ecord was made. * * * Early in the convention a com- mitt(.‘€‘ on resolutions was aj)- | [)ointed, and their platform was wise and conservative—one on which every democrat in tlie dis- 11 i(‘t could have stood with united fiont and fouixht the battles of the party to a tinish. Just what Ix'came of that committee and The5-retitpa.krtis<‘iinnv'li'-ioiis. j. j.pport is UllkllOWn. It sllOUld 'I'hf faiiiiiv iM.ttlc ( contaiiis a mu-i-1.v 'I'tu' faiiiii.v for a year. All >i;ll tliein. CHrct !n Ptn.te. 'I. 'V-SilT ‘ i'.'-'i'' ui :: t ti.M? t' r.nter N<» In“TheI>aiul of the hky.” ^ j'*/’ Near the Sa;>pUirc Coui.t:-y. ; Lsnxcvin i:. n. HOLLISTER’S Rocky IViountain Tea Muggets A Bnsy Mecioino f;r Busy I’eoplo. Brings Gcldeu Healtli end F^onevjed Vipor. A sTiPciflc for Cnn>itipation. In'lii-'ostioii, T.ivp and Troubles. l’ji'.iplf>.«. Kc/eim, Iiiipiiri* Blood, Bail Breath. Slnirsr’sti Ho'v«^ls, Hi‘ailarli‘’ jnid Backache. It’s H-'i*lvV rioiiiKai’.i Ten in tali- iet form, S.i oents a borr. Cc iniine made L)V Hoi^i.isTEK DRra Compan y, ’ladison, Wis. (GOLDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE FOR I M Ear£ai!i T>> better advertise the Soutli’n LeadiiiK Colloffp, just a few sftiolar.ships oflercd ill eacli s«H*ti<tii at !ess than cost. OOS’T DKI.AV. WKITK TODAV. GA-ALA. BUSINESS COLLEGE. Macoa.lia UNIVERSITY COLLEGE! OF MEDICINE, '^V?RC^NIA?’ WEDlCIWE-DENTtSTRY-PHHRWIACY r Modern Laboratories in charge of ipecialists. J Quiz System. Superior Clinics. I Bedside teaching in our own HospitaL For detailed information, write THE PROCTOR. have been acc(*[)ted by the con vention and the committee dis charged—but it wasn't. For all record to the contrary it is still on duty. * We have attended several con gressional conventions in tliis dis trict and have noticed that the Buncombe delegation usually contains more “windy Bills’, than all the remaining counties of the distri(rt. It usually se- [ cures recognition and makes so j much noise that no other delega- I tion can be heard. Without wait- jing to transact busines in “due Iform'" a Buncombe delegate wanted to amend the platform by nominating Bryan for president in lltOS. Had he waited until the convention had disposed of the re{)ort of the platform committee his resolution would have boen endorsed with an ovation that would have told the place that Br-yan occupies in the hearts of mountain democrats, but coming- in before the platform was adopt ed it dieted opposition and for two hours the convention swel tered in an atm(jsphere of 90 in the shade and listened to the va- porings of Buncombe vs. Macon. ♦ « * The Transylvania delegation became disgusted, left the hall There were delegates in tlu' hall who came from the outlying counties to listiMi to Mr. Craw ford's s[)eech of acceptance, and many of them had to hnive on «*arly afternoon trains. So much of the convention's time had been devoted to wind that after his nomination Mr. Crawford's remarks were necessarily bri».‘f. but th(‘y were i)atriotic, tilled with enthusiasm for party suc cess and were applauded to the echo. * Following are tlie resolutons reported by the i)latform com mittee: Uesolved. by the democrats of the tenth congressional disti-ict in convention assembled. First- That we renew our al legiance to the time honored prin- ci[)les of tiie democratic party, and congratulate the democracy of this district cm the bright pi’os- pets for success before us in the ct>ming campaign. Sec(Hid—That we are opposed to all laws under which combi nations of capital can be formed, by which the great masses of the people are burdened with unjust taxation for the benefit of the fa vored few, and that we condemn the republican i)arty for the en actment of such laws, and for fostering and protecting such combinations, and ])ermitting their illegal continuance. Third—That we invite all men, who are in favor of honesty in official life, economy in the ex- [)enditures of govei-nmental rev enues and opposed to special favors to any individual or asso ciation of individuals, and the unseemly scramble of the rej)ub- lican party over the distribution of fedei’al patronage to co oper ate with us in accomplishing these much needed results. When after hours of wrangling, which will not make us a single vote nor help to unite the party in closer bonds of fraternity, the following was added: It has caused im)re laujxhs and dried more tears, wiped away diseases and driven away more lenrs than any other medicine in the world. Hollis ter’s Rocky Mountain Tea.—.‘J.") cents, tea or tablets. Z. W. Nichols. Indiania ])olitical leaders are displaying fai-e and cotnmenda- ble self-respect. They have ma- tually agreed on both sides not to buy votes in the forthcoming campaign. Boston negroes are denouncing Booker 'J\ Washington, and N. Y. Jews ai’o denouncing iioosevell. It is impossible to please all the [)eople all the time, especially when the weather is hot. A llar<l i^ot of troubles to contend with, spiing tVom a torpid liver and blockadetl bowels, unless you awaken them to their proper action with Dr. Kiiif^'s New Lite pills; the ]>leasantest and most etVective cme for constii»ation. They pi-eveiit appcMidiritis and ton# up the til.* system, li-'ic at Z. j Xielu)ls dni<4 store j Something* is wrong v>i']i the i woi-ld wiien western farmers are j begging for laborers to liarvest iheii- ciops and the cities are tilled with penniless idlers. Here is a chance for an expert e<juai- izer. l?o\v<*l ('oniplaiiit iu C'hiblrcji. l)urin»»: Hie summer months ehil- in Transylvania county who|(b'euare sul»j(‘c[ to dis^n-ders of the was chosen chairman and J. P. Kerr of Buncombe secretary. Letter From Gudger. As a ])atriotic and honorable surrender to llie will of the peo- l)le we commend the following wise words from Hon. J. M. (hidger to the Congressional con vention in Asheville last Satur day. We havt‘ some deiuoci'ats might learn lessons of wisdom i from this letter: bowels which should receive careful attention as soon as the lu'st unnatur- If at any time my ])arty should jloooseuess ol the bowels appears, desire my servici's. its ca 11 will ' The best medicine in use ibr l)owel be cheerfully ansueretl. complaint is Ciiamherlain’s colic, cholera and diarrhoea remedy as it {>romptly controls any unnatural lo.)S(‘ness of the bowels, wh<*ther it be in a child or an adult. For sale by Z. \V. XielioL', and C>. L Krwin. Calvert. ;-evard call will We HI *- on the eve of a great l)attle. The lines ai’e already foruKul and the call to arms must be heeded by all true Democrats. It will always be my pleasure to be found in the thickest of the riurhi. This disti'ict with its patriotic citizenship—tins state with all of her noble institutions—appeals to us to stand by that party that has made North C^arolina second to no state in the Union. Undei’, , • , , . the leadership of that greatest ;^ that neighboi hood, living American statesman, Wil-|better be trumps liam J. Bryan, the army of De-1 when Ted gets after 'em. mocracy has started on the ad-i , vance inarch towar U 1 h« victc.rv I ‘ wliicli awails it in The i " ""'.y people of this country have de-1 reaeh th(‘ seat of the disease, termined to dethrone that part}^ ^ blood or eonstit utional which is held together only by ! disease and in order to cure it you the bonds of graft and public ! must take tntenial remedies. Ifall’s plunder, and to restore to power | Catarrh Cure is taken internally and the party of the people which acts diredlv A personal ins[)ection of the canal work at Panama by tlie Pi’esident ou^ht to be the .signal for record breaking disturbance stands for the time-honored Dem ocratic doctrine c)f equal rights for all and exclusive ])rivileges for none—the ]>arty which has contributed so much toward making this the greatest nation of the earth. on the hlood and mucous surfaces. Hall’s ('atarrh (’ure is not a (juack medicine. It was pi escribed by one ot the best physicians in this country for years and isare’^ular pre scription. It is composed of the l>est tonics know, combined with the - ! best blood pin itiers, actinj;: directly Chaiub<‘i‘laii s <_ ollc, ( liol<M*aan<l | mucous siirfac'fes. The i)erlect Diarrhoea ItenKMly. combination of the two ingredients is what produces such wonderful re- Sen d for This is a perfectly reliable m(*d Icine for bowel conjplaints, and one I suits in curin;? Catarrh, that has never been known to tail i testimonals free, even in the most severe and danger- F. J. Ciikxky <fc Co., Prop ous cases. For sale by Z. W. Xicliols Brevard, nud O. L. Frwin Calveit. Toledo. O. Sold by Drugjjist, y rice 75c. Take I Hall's Family Pi11t> for constipation.

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