Our Countij—Its Progress and Prosperity the First Duty of a Local Paper, •T- J. MlNKli. M;inu'-vr BREVARD, TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY, N. C., FRIDAY. JULY 13.1906. VOL. XI—NO. ransylvania Lodge No. 143, Knights of Pythias UeiTulai’ convention ev ery Tuesday ni}ilit in Ma sonic Half. Visitin': Knii:hts are cordially in- NYE AT THE I'llONE, vited to attend. T. W. WHITMIRE C. C. HE EXPRESSES AN OPINION BORNE OUT BY STUBBORN FACTS. Brevard Telephone Exchange. iiorKs; Daily—7 a. ni. to U> p. ni. iMuuiiiy S to ](► a. m.. 4 to <> ]>. m. Ceulriil Office—McMiiin llltick. Professional Cards. W. B. DUCKWOR.TH, ATTORNEY-AT LAW. Investigation of Land Titles a Specialty. Rooms 1 and 2, I’ickclsiiner liuildin<:. ZACHARY &. BR.EESE ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW OHices in McMinn Block, Brevard, N. C. WELCH GALLOWAY, ATTORNEY-AT LAW. Practices in all tlu* courts Kooius and U>. McMinn lilock. can>ar, for on(\ that in tryinsj: to evorytltin^ tliat Avas told ni(^ I liav(* two or tlin'c tiiiu's “over- h(‘t'’ myself. Pi‘ilia])s it mii^lit intere.st 1h(‘ i true* .s])ortsnian if I were to tell yoti TT T^- I,- T7- rr + i Ilow I kill(Hl luv Ih’st trout ]u‘ro. I He Goes Fishmtr For Trout In the fruit ful Streams of North Carolina—H© Re-j^'*^''* IfCautitnl 10(1, llic ll \\tlS tl totes the Story of How He Killed His | l?ift Iroin a i>:ri^at inanitfaetlirer of First Fish, i tlu'st' artistic implements. My line D. L. ENGLISH LAWYER llooins 11 and 12 McMinn lilock. intKVAllI). X. Miscellai^eous. The JEthelwold I5revard's Xew Hotel — M(tdcrn A])- |)ointnients—0])en all the year The ])at!-ona^’-e of the travolin>r ])ul)1i<‘ as well as suaiinei* toui'ists is solicited. Opp. Court Hotise. Hi-evard. X.(’. IM-P-A-X-S Tuluilos Doctors liiul A ^'ood |u‘es(*ri})t ion Foi* iiuinkind The packet is I'liou^'h lor iivual uccn'.^’OTis. Ttie laiiiiiy W'ttlt* (tiO cent^) I'oiitaius ii Jora year.' All dni«Kist> sell tliein. OldPPt in th<« State. Bnsl- ueHK, Shorthand. Type wri ting;. I’e II m u II s li 11), and Knjrlish courM?s. isoo jTriaiiiites in jiKSitii'ns. Hulf or more of your rail road fare iiaid. IMeiity of jrood liiiard at ftJ.SOtoSH.M jK-r week. No vacations!. Knter any time. .S).ecial coiirsie by uiaU if you ask for it. In‘-The Land of the Sky.” ^ ^ ^y Sear the SuppUlreCouutiy. Principal. ASH£V1LL£, N. & HOLLISTER’S Rocky fi/iountain Tea Nuggets A Busy Medicine for Busy People. Brings Golden Health end Rsnewed Vigor. A pncciflc for Constipation. Inclipostion. T>lvi?i and KiJney TrouMes, riniple.**. Eczerm, Impure Bloofl, Bad Breath, Sliiirsr.'sh Bowels, Headachf' and Backache. It’s Rocky Mountain Tea in tali- let form, S.'i cents a hoi. Genuine made by HoLi.iSTEB Dnra Company, Madison, Wis. bOLOEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE 'U(€/f Fon I Bii EarjaiJ To better advertii«e the South’s Leudiiig; BuiiJne-S!* Colle>;«, just a few sscliolarships are Dffei-ed in eaeh section at less than «ost. PONT DELAY. WRITE TODAY. SA-EA. business college, Macon, lia ((’oi>yriu'ht. 1s95, hy Eti.u'ar W. Nye.] }<A1M>H1KK. N. C'., ]\IlDl<rM.MKl{. 1MI5, T1k‘ star of eini)ir(‘ is movinir in this din'ction at ])res<*nt, and the nntrod(l('n \yild(‘rness eehot's the tele]>hont' “H(‘llo !" and as tlu'.s(* I'choes run to^'t'tlu'r they (‘X]>r(‘ss my opinion «*f the average' tt‘l('- phoTU'. Short distanec' t(‘lephon(‘S work he1tt*r for me than city tel(‘- i l»hones, how(‘ver. 1 .^enc'rally .uret I tlu‘ central ofTici* all riirht, and j ‘‘ct'ntral" plaet's me in connection jlh(‘ hoih'r works, I say: “Xo ; do i nt)t i;ivt‘ nil' the hoiler Avoi'ks. I want you to ^iv(' m(* tlu‘ Astor Hons('.’* And while I am readin.ir th(‘ rules and thinirs they claim that I was ])resent(‘d \yith tlu‘ Astor Hous(‘, and tlien it was returm-d unclaimed to tin* owner. I n('V(*r !j:(»t a iiK'ssairi* of niy own over a t<'l«*|)hone to its destination, and the only m('ssa,<ri‘ I t'Vt'r Lcot strai.t'ht from any on(‘ elst‘ was a r(*(|U(‘st to ])ull my fr(»nt t(‘('th out of tlu‘ instrunu'nt and irive it hack to tlu‘ com])any. Yes: a s’^'i'et voic(‘d i.rirl (*ld enough to have' h(‘en my father .said that tome in a larirc' city ov(‘r tlu* wires onc(‘ in tht‘ i>ur- l»le ])ast. I am fishinir lu“re for trout and restorintr tir(*d naturi' hy wadinu; in tlu' ici‘ cv)ld str(‘ams hy day and makinir arran,LT('ments hy ni.irlit for kind neiirhhors h<“r(‘ to nu‘et nu* aloni; tlu* str(‘ams with trout on th(' followini; dav. Sinci* I came Ihmh* all tht* youth and middh' aired hav(‘ had mad»‘ for (“ach a canvas hair to ])ut trout in. FornuM'ly a little willow strinjJT(‘r was run throuiih tlu* !;ills. But Mrs. Jacobs, our landlady. notict*d that some* of our trout had ht*en strany:. and as I cai‘ri(*d a crt'el—I think it is—she ocension(‘d sonu* :tdv(*rs(* criticism hy callin<r atti'u tion to this. Tlu* ‘■strin”'er" is now ahnost discarded in the r(*;;ion of tlu* Sa])- ]>hir(*. My ])hysician advis(*d !iu* to conu* here, and fearini; that I miLdit ov(*rtax my.self lu* caTnt* alonic, a7td when h(* thinks I have* doiu* enough lu* takes mt* away to a s])riT\<r hy tlu* mountain hroek, where* the wild thynu* hlows or tlu* mint or sonu*thinLT that has nu'dical ])ro])- (*rti(“S in it. and out <*f a lari^e car boy of liuid (*xtract of som<' kind Tnark(*d “Poison" iind *“For Me<lical Pur])s Only" In* mak»*s a sort of in fusion or tiH*aturat(* that shows what ra])id strides th(> })raetice of iiK'dicint* is making;. Trout h(*r(* an* V(*ry pli'ntifnl in- d(*(*d. Ev(*n tlu' ht*ar, tlu* wolf. tlu‘ ])anther and tlu* .'••er]u*nt .scoot around th(* unlands y(*t. and I M'as told that salt ]>lac<*d in a retired sj)ot would hrin^ tlu^ hear in gr(*at <iuantitii*s, as tlii'y wore very fond of salt. Mayh'* this is not true. A n(*i<rh- hor wluj had heen sellinur me v\iiat ejr<rs I usc*d on th(^ farm for two I yc*ars told me that my hens ni'oded UNIVERSiTY COLLEGE OF MEDICINE, ^vTrgInia?’ medicihe-dewtistry-phabmacy r Modem Laboratories in charge of specialists. J Quiz System. Superior Clinics. I Bedside teaching in our own HospitaL For detailed information, write THE PROCTOR. is a perf(*ct dream, and I borrowed a sw('t*t litth* nick(“l n^el of a younii: lady lu'n* whose kiiuliK'ss I shall m*v(*r forget while n*ason contin ues to usur]) her throm*. I have* a volunu* of Hies, some* of tlu*m with yellow ho.soms and hlut* f(*et, while oth(*rs have* a mor«* hec tic com])li*xi(^n, with mt>th patclu.*s on theni. SomtJ ai'e (•allt*d eoach- m(*n. I ust*d at lirst a f!y that I made myself according to a reciix* ‘of Mr. Sc*th Green's. If I could I havt' thouijrht of it in tinu* and handed in my design im*vious to the cr<*ation, some of my fri(*nds think it would have he(*n ado])ted. It is a cross lK*tW(*(*n tlu* snake te(*d('r, or dragon fly. and tlu* in fant hu'//nrd. But it frightens a dumh aninuii .so to to l<x)k at it, and it makes such a i>lunk in cast ing it, and I took (m<* that I bought at our stoi-(* at lujnu*. Attaching this to .<ix feet of strangidat(*d “l(*ader,’’ and that again to tlu* line. I l()ok(*d carefidly to my i(*(*l and rod. ])ut on a ]>air of wading Inuits, and tlu* tirst day got mired. That (‘Veiling wc* nlay<*d six hand <‘Uchr(‘. On the following day I cast my fly a few times, but got no n'sults until I ]Uitona tall acrobatic worm. Long befort* (*vening I got a rist*. Trout lu*rc I'ist* r(*adily to tlu* worm I was so sur])ris(*d at the attack of tlu* trout that I almost forgot to ])lay him. but coolness soon conu*s to tlu' tru(* sportsman. Noticing that the stre<im did not irivi* niucli room for ])laying the sp(*ckled beauty, as he is calh'd, I threw him into tlu* to]) of a d(*ad tree*. r(*solved to dash out his brains, or, failing in that, to sell 7uy lif(* as d(*arly as ])ossibh*. It did not kill him at onci*, but whih* d(*bating wh(*tlu*r I should climb tlu* trc(* with my hunting knife*and dispatch him or not a lucky thought came to me. for fortunat(*ly at such a time I am almost sure* to havt> my ! wits about nu*. and it 0c‘cum*d to ! nu* tliat I would ri'inain at tlu*. foot I t)f tlu* tr('(* until he di(*d frtnn ex- j ])osun*. I I'cali/e that in giving the above d(*scri])tion tlu*re is litth* of int«*r(*st to tlu* coarse* youth who simjily fee*ds a trout what lu> likes be*st to e*at and tht*n je*rks him out and se*lls him to tlu* true* s])ortsman, but by any e,>ne who has for ye'ars talke*d and tlumght of nothing but an gling and ni('antime* lived on salt niackt*rel and canned salmon I know that i*ve*ry line will be rt*ad with inte're'st. This is a most lH*aiitifid country, and se) full of game and lish, having lu*en ])ri*served for over live years, that it will soon bt^ full of iie*oph*. Many ])rt*cious stones are found lu*r(‘ and rich minerals of (*very de*- scription. A large basin lx'twe.*i*n the mountains will ho Hooded and an artificial lake thus made. A railroad is almost complett'd to Br<*vard, a morning's ride from I iSajiphire, and very soon this wild land delightful solitude will also j lulve the clioo clioo cars scaring the within (*asy distanct*. One can hardly say (*nough or be fairh’ in telligible in trying to givei tlu^se* mountains their flue, and to be* ex travagant v.'ould be* ini])ossibl(*. The rieh'; e*vi*n by cai’riage, or voiture*, is not at all dillictdt, and the (juarte*rs lu*r(* are alre'aely very comfortable'. The all pe*rvading bloomer and le*atlu‘r h*gging are alr<*ady lun’e', and the* nu*rry, nu)ck- ing laugh awakes tlu* slumbe*ring (*choes whe*re* tinier and solitueh* for e*enturie*s have* liad it all the*ir own wav. I che*(*rfully s])e*ak e)f this beau tiful rc'gion in nnstinte*d te*rms e>f ])rai.so he*cause* it is neit fe>r sal«*. It has nc^t yet e*ven a fancy liote*! throwing out indue-e*ments to the* lu*e*tic but we*althy wanelerer wlu> has spe*nt all his he*alth ge'tting we'althy and whe» is now s])onding all his we*alth getting lu*althv. Who Wiil Be Postmaster.? There have been per.sistent ru mors for several iiiortths ])a.sl that E. A. Aiken was a candidate lor the postinastership of Greenville, S. C.. and it was also rumored liiat he was “dead sure” of tlie apoint- inent. Tlie followini,^ fie>in the (ireeii vilJe* News seems to set that rumor at rest, but at tiie same time seems to inje?ct a new ele- me»it into tlie postolhce question in Bre*vai’(l. “(lus'’ has been a very en(*rg-etic and efticient reve nue ofiicer. and is uiidoubtly en titled to pi-omotion, yet the g'ov- jerniiKint seldom rt*moves a man j from e>ne (iepartment in order to jgive him a better job in some ■other. However there is no tell- Tlu^ ruby is ferand lu^re ; also golel ! radical pie counter and silve*r. The e‘e*le*bi*ated eeu’un-j hrin;^ forth- Tlii.s i.s Vv hat dum disct)v(*ries are* all about lu*re. } News says: The* beryl and the* ame*tliyst are*. i ('a]>t .In’m (4. ('u])e'rs was aske'd too, own(*d in ])e*rc(*ptible quanti-a Xe*ws re*])e)rter if he had lu*ard tie'S. The razen'back he)g may be* se*e“U roaming through the v.’oexls lu*re and tlu-re*. stre)])i)ing himse*lf «>n a shag bark hickeiry anel ])utting a featlu*r (‘dge* e>n his back.se> thjit lie* can cut his way through life. The* ]u*o])le*ai*e* ])l(*asant an<’; oblig ing. Th(*y talk fre*e*ly to erne* and give* all tlu* infe)rmatie)n in tlicir pe)we‘r. Alemg the* road one* ste.])s | ^'Titire'iv aiffe*re nt elire'ction. that I a rmne)r to the* e'lfect th:it a cjiango jin the* po-tmasters]ii]) of tlu* city I was ce)nte*:i>j)late*d in favor of liaid !i:ig De*])uty E. A. Aike*n. (':i]>tain i( 'a])e“rs said lu* hael lu*ard tlu* rumor |e)uly since* liis re-turn te> the city, but that the re* was -‘abseilure-ly no toundatieir. for such a ])e*rfe'ctly ab surd sugtrcstion." “In fae-t," ]u* saiel, “Aiken's ambition must b-c in te) ge*t a elrink oi wate*r at one* <jf the* countl(*.ss springs an<l ask tlie distane*t\ Every one is kind and ge'ts the* ce»e)le*st wate*r pe)ssible, te-lls you the* distane*e* to the* ]»lae'e- you want te> n*ach and alwaysthre»ws in some* original t'stiniate*s He* liate^s to ge*t me)note)iU)Us, and so he' give*s ye^u som(*thing ne*w anel startling e*ve*ry time* re-gareling distances. He* is like* the man whe) corre's]»ond- e*d with Pre.side'iit Je*ffe'rson feir a time*, but broke* ofl’ the* e‘()rrt*sp<in dence* be'cau.st* Je*ffi*r.son was su<-h a d tl monotemous .sne*lle*r. is. it he* rt a.ily wants te) be* a ])ost- master, and his frii'nds must me*an Brevarel, North (’arolina instead C)f Ctrei*TiviII.‘. South <’ar<j]iiia. Pe>st maste*r Ys.nuL', e>f B)-e*vard. N. died a fe*w v.'ve*ks airo, anel iiis ]>'^aee h!!s not be*' 1! lllle*el as yet anel Aiken probably iv e-ligible* for tJu* ]>ost- niaste.*i‘shi]s e)ve*r th(*re*. for 1'.'* was born anel r<‘are*el within ti ste>ners tiire>w’ of Bre-,ard. X. ('. It has i b(>(*n his home' and rt'side-ncc during jail e)f his stre*nue)ris life, unless, indeed, lu* lias ve*ry re*e*e*ntly moved iris family ove*r on tliis siele* e>f tlu* line*. It is pe)ssible*,’’ lu' ce)ntiT)ue'id, "tliat I might e'nde>]*se' Aike'n for ]H)Stniastev acre)ss me)untains, over in North C.arolina. wlu*re' lu* e-anu* from, hut "!■::.* gree*n grass in rhe*pei- litical ])astur<* in Seinth <.'are)liTia is i>rt and e>ur honu* raised !k)Vs are* e ^.title'el to whate*ver gra/.- t]u*re* is in it." Tiio e{Uv-s:lop. :iris».*s—w'ilh (K;s :n the' race whe) will be postmast er ill Brevard. Bre*vard anel tlu> ui)])e*r Fn*nch Bre)ad valle*y are tlu* coming licLis fe>r the* farnie'r. The railroael will re'ach Bre'vard in Se'ptembe*r, and the vast lie*lds e>f corn anel graiii are* waiting for it, holding tlu-iv breath, as it w(*re*. Fe)rnu‘j-iy alljiliinand tlu'.se cre>ps have* be‘e*n tote'd <»ve '- indilfer(*iit roads to AsheviVic. :;(! mile*s away. A goe.)d way te) visit this e-or.ntry is to start fi’e)m As]u*ville* by eiili- gence* anel reae*h mv he)use‘ for dir;-! — m*r at 12 o'e-leM-k', whe*re a goud I ('atarrli C aiuiot he* < nre*d meal is served at s«) per p.late : , arpHcatas they c.-tn- horses fe*el on home' u:re,)wn h;jvat|'’ ‘' ' ■ * s^'at oi tlu> disease. SI pe*r])late. Tlu n Brevard can b,-I eonstit utie)ual niade^ by i*v(*ning. wlu*re‘ a good j*'* cuie it you hot(*l, .surroundt*d bj* night bloom- | take' .a.eiiial reuiedie*s. Hall’s ing de)gs. may be' founel. Br(*vard ' * t^ai i ii ( ii: e' ir? tak(*n inte'itiall.N atitl has a livt'ly ])aiier calle'd Tlu* Hust ler and offe*rs a first class ])oint for j sonu' one te> start a gooel re*ligious jquack medicine. It w:*.s pici.sciibed wee*kly alse). Corn whisky 7i.ay be ' one ot tlie be>t pli\.siciaijs in this obtaine*d bv going out of tetwn to- ^'>’i”try lo; \ eai> anel i-, a legulai pre- j aois elirectly on the hleuid and mucous H.sll’s ('atarrli (’ure is not. ward Sa])])hire a few rexis and turn- .scrii>tion. It is ce)ui))e)sed e)f the Fierce old bear From his lair Evervwhere! corn soake*d in brine, and that I would finel this a good thing, as it wotdd have a tendency to keej) tlieni out of the garden. It did i kee]) them out t)f the> garden, but! not out e:)f a future state. J Four beautiful waterfalls, each We farmers believe too readily 1 over 100 feet high, are within a what is told us. We are. not con- j coinfortabable walk from the Sap- s(*rvative enough, e.specially when ; phire Board of Trade building, and \ve go to town. Politically, too, I j one that is over 200 feet high is ing to the le*ft. Whistle tlnve I times, and a inan with a dissqu’.tcel iblood pu:-itie*rs. acting (liiectly Vv’ill come and show you thv* jlhepe*i(ect I combinatie)n of the two ingredients I is what produe-es such wondertui re- ; suits in curing Catanh. Send for testimonals fr.*e. F. J. i*in:.vi:Y A Co., Proi)s. Toledo, O. Sold by Druggist, price T^e. Take Hall's Faniilv Pills for constipation. a ir way. C'orn whisky is the curst* of tliis cotmtry. On the lu*llward road w(‘ find : First—The* juice* of th(^ corn. Se'cond—The raz/or. Third—A thickse*t grave in tlu* valley or a tomb be*neath the' shaei- ows of the gallows and a. rt*dhot future by the tire*side eif the gifte*d but unprincipk*d advt'r.sarv of soids. Bill Nye. Chiiinbcrlan’s C'lioloraand l>iarrh<»ea IJenuMly. This is a perfectly reliable med- It has caused more laughs and dried i cine for bowel coinplaitifs, and one more tears, wiped away diseases and that has never been known to fail driven away more fears than any even in the most severe and danger- other medicine in the world. Hollis- ous cases. ter’s Kocky Mountain Tea.—35 cents, For sale by Z. W. Nichols Bi'evarcl tea or tablets. Z. W. Nichols. and O. L. Erwin Calvert.

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