'1. AtlXKli, Manajj’cr. Our County—Its Progress and Prosperity the First Duty of a Local Paper, BREVARD, TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY. N. C., FRIDAY. JULY 20,1900. VOL. II-NO. 29 ransylvania Lodge No. 143, ^ Knights of Pythias Iveuular convention ev'- GJ’y Tuesday ni^ht in Ma- so'ni** llalT. V is? it in y Kniiihts aiv cordially in- vittHl to attend. T. W. WHITMIRE C. C. Asheville Letter I Mr. Curtis nominated Mr. Glonn, j ('harl(‘s Hond(‘rson noniinat('d ^Ir. i Rob(‘rts and Mr. Roberts t)f Flat i Cr('(‘k nominated Mr. Styles. Mr. of tlio i Transylvuniil xv,is c'alled, niad(‘ an excc‘llent speech DeGllnes the Nomination. Brevard Telephone Exchange. iioi'Ks: Daily—7 a. in. to 1(* ]>. ni. Sunday—S ti> U> a. m., 4 t«.> <> i). in. Cenical (^)Hice—McMinn iik)ck. Professional Cards. W. B. DUCKWOKTH, ATTORNEY AT-LAW. Investigaticn of Land Titles a Specialty, llooms 1 and 1. I’iokel^inicr RuikVin^. ZACHARY &. BREESE ATTORN EYS-AT-LAW Oflices in McMinn Block, Brevard, N. C. The Harris faction of th(‘ re])u])lican j ])arty in this citv set'ni to lu‘ usinir , , 1 >-1 1 • ' I »^<'h('rts and (‘loc|U(*ntlv ainx'aled to more cuss words than usual smc<‘' ^ th(‘ convention at GriM'nshore Avhen , «.<• """“"“to Mr. R<,l.ort.s. ams-Industrious-N('v.'s” aire7-ts. After much V(»tin<^ and wranirlin'r CASH loi*k. D. L. ENGLISH LAWYER Iloonis 11 and 12 McMinn iliock. IJKi:VAIlD, X. ('. Miscellaneous. The JEthelwold Brevard’s Now TTotel—Modern Aj>- pointnients ())>« n all the year The ])atrona^e of ilie ti-avelinjr i>ublic as well as summer t<)urlsts i.-? solicited. Opp. Court House. Hrevard. X.C. tion madc^ a ch'an swci'ji of thiuirs j and showed Mr Blackhorn a thint: i or two ahout political stnitairem. ! Tlu* murd(‘rers of Sidn<'y York, a j wliit(‘ man froin Madison county j who was kilh'd in th(' Rc'd Liicht dis trict in this city one nii^ht la.-st w(M‘k, are still at larm‘. TIk' city and county authorities havi* lu'<*n woi-kinir hard on th(> cas(' hut it]) to th(* pr('scnt writin.i^ hav(‘ hccn un- al)l(‘ to fasten th(‘ i^uilt on any oni*. Th(‘ murdert'd man was accom])a- ni(‘d hy another man frt^m Madison hy the nunu‘ of Shook at tin* tiim* of the killinres(*rii>tion For laaiikind The.5-cent pai ki-t is !nr usual <.I'r’ii^ioT's. The faiiiiiy fif.ttle (fni (■•■tit-i roiuains a'iipply for a year. All ani^gi>i> >i;h tliein. %%%%%«%%%%\\%\%\%%\\%\\\\\%\\\ OWePt In the State, Budl- ness, SJiorlhand.Typewrl- tinjr. I’e n in u u hh’i p, and Kiijrlisih courses. 1«00 prailuates in positlonB. Hi.lf or more of your rail road fare {>aid. Vlenty of Kodil board at per week. No vacations. Knter any time. Special course by mail if you ask for it. In “The Land of the Sky.” ^ - Kear the Suppliire Country. PrliKiral* ASHEVILLE, N. C. HOLLISTER’S Rocky Mountain Tea Nugaete A Busy Medicine for Bubv Peopla. Brings Golden Health and Kanewed Vigor, fend Backache. It's Roeky SIountain’Te.a in tn>)- form. S.") cents a box. Gpnuine made by ■Hollister Drug Company, Madison, Wis. kOLDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE • / FOB! To hotter aec1a- cular and a number of state ami w«)rld recoi’ds w(‘re smashed. Mr. and Mrs. Mosseller have :-e- turned to the city accom^ianied by their l.‘!-year-old dauuhter Pearl who r;;n away with a man by the name of {^haver and was married in S])artanbur;^. Shaver was ar- rc'sted in tliat city .shortly afti'r^thi' tiKirria.Lre and iriven a trial. Ite was i'ound i;-uilty of perjui-y. ai)- •Inction. and Tiiarryiu”: a irirl under airi'. Th(' court im])osed a si'utence oi' one yejtr in the pc*nit(‘ntiary (>r ;t Ihie of slOO on till' ])erjury chari::e and livt* yi‘ars in the ])en or a line of s-iOo on tlii^ last charjrt*. Ike Lyerly, his wife ;ind three .'imall children who were clubbed to (h ath in their home ne:u' Barl,><‘r •junction, this state, by unknown ptirties are i-elat('d to a ntnnber oi" |)co])le in this x'ction and have sev- ei'al close relatives livinir in Aslu‘- ville. ]\!i.'S Estidle, Jas. F.. and Ji\>ily. Mrs. Marlow and Mrs. Lyei’ly luivi' i^ont' to the scene of the crinu*. Th<‘ judicial deh\<^at('s from Mad ison, Transylvania and Buncombe cotinties, after a vm-y stormy con vention liere last Saturday nomi nated (4uy Y. Roberts of Madison foi' solicitor for this district. Tlu* Buncombi' county d(‘le<^ates did not vote as a unit or majority rule on the S('Cond ballot as exjiecti'd. W. W. Zachary of Brevard aros(‘ in the conventi to when the many uses of this prod uct are known to the farmers of the country. Uncle Sam being desirous of giving the public the full benefit of the opfyortunities ill store, purposes having an ex hibit at the Jamestown Exposi tion showjjig the development and uses of denaturized alcohol which is tnade from the products of the farm and garden. This exhibit will be in clrirge of com petent government othcials of the KxpiM-iiiient Stations of the De [)artnient of Agriculture. In connection with this gov ernment exhibit will be exhibit> of vai’ious kinds of internal com bnstion engines using detuitur izod alcohol for fuel. Farmei's will leaiMi at the .lamestown Ex position bow to save labor in a ihousanil different ways. T!k\v vvill be shown how iney can util ize machinery for sawing wood. clio[)ping stock feed, [lumping vvater and many other tilings And the farmer’s wife can em |)Ioy n)achinery for doing hei churning, v»ashing. operatinghei sewing machine and in many otii er ways to save labor. Special machiiHM'v is already beings ujade for utilizing this new and ciie.'ip fuel and so economical will b( this fuel alcohol that evei'y farm er can make ids own su{)i)Iy from the waste jiroducts of bis farm. Uncle San] will :il.so show the public how to use denaturized al coiiol as a fuel for heating and cooking j)urposes at home and lor lighting the houses and coun try roads. He will teach the farmers how they may save time and expense by making their fuel and lights at so small a cost that their living expenses will be ]-e duced to a minimum and their conveniences so greatly increas ed that they will tind l eal luxu/-y in living on a farm. The Jamestown Exposi ton where Uncle Sam's new show will be given free to everybody, will open its gates to the public on the historic shores of Hampton roads, nciar Norfolk, Virginia. Ai)ril lM)th. 1907. It will be an international expositif)n, given in honor of tiie three hundredth an niversary of the lirst permanent English settlement in America. You cannot induce a lower animal to (>at tieartily when notteelin}^ well. A sick (Io^j: starves hinif?elf, and j>;ets well. The stomach, once overwork- know if the resolution was to be ^“<^5 must have rest the same as your I’lTTSuuKt;, Pa., July 10. *0G. />/•. h\ .s. KiH/h'sh. ('hahour,, liqmhJi'rf,,, CotdUti (.'ouonittu, /}, fnir(l. X. (' My Dear Sir; Owing to my ab sence from town, my declination of the nomination tendered me for County Commissioner of Trjinsylvania, County has been delayed, but I sincerely hope that this delay will not cau.se the party any inconvenience. In declining this honor, 1 wish to express my tiioi’ough ap])re(;i- ationoftl-e compliment paid mi‘ by those who put my name be fore the convention, and also to express my regret that circum stances, which 1 deem of .suflici- ent weight and importance, i-tm- der it inadvisable for mo to ac cept this nomination. it is unnecessary to add that I have the success (>f the party at the (Mjming election warmly ;it heart, and anything I can do to- w’ards the accom))lishment of this niucb d(}sired object, I shall be glad to do. Vei'y truly yours, Hi LAKY B. Hhuxot. Union Meeting at m, Moriali. Alt. Aloriah ciiurch cordial!\ invites all the churclies in Tran sylvania county to send messen gers to the next union meeting which she invites to meet with h(;r the 5th Sunday in July be ginning on Fj-iday before. I 'uIDA V. 11 a. m.—.Sermon i)y Eld. T. (’. Hoi tzcia w. Dinner on tlu* ground. I:-*') p. m.—."'Uhjert; ‘*1'^ the spiritu ality ofoin* churches wliat it ou^Iit to he—it not what is the cause?’’ C)pc'u*d hy J.3I. riarnlin and J. E. Owen. satUuuav. '-'r-iO a. m.— Prayer ainl soui^ service hy .1. AI. Ho wen. 10 a. m.—Subject: “What shall wr do to r(n ive the spirit of missions in our chu^clle^?■’ <)[»eiied l)y A. Beck and ^\. H. fiarren. Adjourniupnt for (!iuu('r. 1:150 p. m.—Have we as many preaclieis in Tran-ylvania comity as t lie cause dem;i!id'—if not what is the cause? (ipctird hy T. L'. Henderson and A. O. .vliison. srNi)A\ . a. in.—Sunday school mass m<‘et- ing conductcil l.y J. M. Hamlin. The following sul'jects are suy: gested: (1. Wh it advautHy:e i>. a Sunday school to a chuich?) (‘2. Is lit(*rature a real advantage to a Sunday school?) (:'s. ('an we bet ter the Condition of our Simday school?—If so how?) Speakers to he selected hy the conductor. 11 a.m.—Preachiiti:-. The preacher will he selected by tin* church. A collection will lie taken on Sun day tor Alissionary J. Dows of China. Done by ortler ol'tiie chnrcii June l'.)0(). S. Owivv, Mod. J. M. Sl THKItN, ('. C. Secretary Taft ought not to ob ject to the solid South. He is right solid “hissef. ^Possibly Castro just wanted to demonstrate that he was strong enough enough to step back into the job without getting up a rev olution. Secretary Taft^s boom should beware of making such a burst of speed in the first quarter lest it will have no strength left for the stretch. A Itussian court rnatial is trying to find out wlio is to blame lor Kojestvensky’s surrender. There is an impression abroad that the responsibility rests with Togo. If our navy can get through the forthcoming maneuvers with out hurting itself, what foreign foe need it fear. There is a summons out in Ohio for Mr. Roclvefeller. His countrymen are doing what they can to cause John to like ]’jur(;pc. A little love, a little wcaltli, A little home for you and me: ft s all f ask except lieulth. Which couA's withliocky .Mouiila!:; Ti*a. Z. W. Xi(*hols. Though the drydock Dewey will Lever v.'in fame as an ( greyhound, it gets there all i-ight after a while, if you are patient. Tiie lone highwayman of Wa- woma, Cal.. who lield uj) live stage coaclies at one fell swoop is evidently none of your breakfast rood chaps. Attorney (ieneral Moody may yet demonstrate to the ice trusts that the law also cuts a good deal f ice. Sa\<‘<{ a (.'oitirads Li'i<‘. “WJiile letnrnin^^ from the Craral Army enc.tn.pment at Washinj?t(.;i 'itv, a comrade from Kluin, ]!!., was taken with i*hol(*ra moibus mid Wi-,' ni a critical condition,” says Mr. .1. .•], Hou^hiand, of KIdou, Iowa, ‘-i j;ave him Chamberlain’s colic, chcl- ^‘l a and diarrhoea, remedy and l»e- iieve saved is life. ] Jiave h*-cn en- imaged for te?; years in innni^rat’on work and c-'ii-.Uicted many parties to' v tlie south au(i west. I always cairy this r.smedy and ha ve n-ed it suc- •essfully (>ii many occasioM-i. Xo per- 'oti tiavelit'.o- or at liome should be without this remeth'. sale 1-y /; W. ?Nich>.;l:s Hrev.' anJO. \j I-'!-vv’:n Calvert. ■Cm followed by Buncombe. Mr. Zeh F. Curtis made the ]>oint of ordiM* that th(‘re w*as no such ri'solution feet or eyes. You don’t have to starve to rest your stomach. KO- nOL F( )R DYSPEPSIA takes up the RICHMOND VIRQSNIA D , PnCSIOFNT. i before the convention. The chair work for your stomoch, digests what ruled that the contest %vas prema- ^ yo« end and «ives it a rest. Puts it This College conforms to the Standards fixed by law for Medicr.l Education, Send for! Bulletin No. 11, which tells about it. Three free catalosrues-Spech'y Departmeat, I MEDICINE-DENTISTRY-PHARMACY ture and should come up for con sideration wlien the vote was ta ken. This was the first clash be tween the Glenn-Roberts factions. ^ ornpanj’. back in condition again. You can’t feel good with a disordered stomach. Try Kodol. Sold by Brevard Drug Any New York lawyer who has iot been i-ouiined in the Thaw c.aso mu.-it foei th;it iiis profess ional stamliiig is not ail that it .•iiighi. be. If none of t.^e various reports on stockyard conditions satislies you, go down to pacldngtowii and make one to suit yourself. C'atarrli Cannot be Cured with local apolicat ion<, as they can not reach thp seat of the disea.se. (’atarrh is a biuod or ronstitutional disease and in order to cure it you must take tnternal remedies. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally and acts diret tly o;i the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is not a quack mediciiie. It was prescribed by one ot the best })hysicians ia thi.s country for years and is a rejxular pie- .scription. It is composed of the ! best tonics know, combined with the I best blood purifiers, acting directly The i>erfect A Hard Lot of troubles to conteiuJ witli, spi ingjon the mucous surfaces from a torpid liver and blockaded j combination of the two ingre