SYLVAN VALLEY NEWS (XMUaKf^d€L^ We have the right Paper to on. Stylish stationary for society correspondence. Informal stationai’y for friendship letters. Stronjr Bonds and Linens for business use. We have stationary suitable for every need. Styles, wei<fhts and prices that will please you. BREVARD DRUG Co. LOCAL PARAGRAPHS. ^liss Alice Tonor and ln‘r nt'plunv, littl(‘ John, canic in from ('aliforniu ;Sanday. Mrs. (^. A. Car(lw«*li of Savannah, (!a., is stopping at the lion.e of T. I). Ivatiland. W«' wolconio tlu' Brevard Lii'ht an.l Po\v(‘v Co. t<» oiir (*olmnns this \voc‘k as a new adv(‘rtis(‘r. Our Toaders Avant to lo(.»k it nj). ?»[iss 01iv<' Wallis wlio has Ixvn visitini; her mother at Ashevilh' tor two wc'eks n'tnrned to Brevard on Wednesday of this wcM'k. Mr. I'^tes, of the Southern Stock ot\d Farminii (\). lias moveil to Bre vard and is occupying the Scrugg’s cottage, on Oakhiwn avenue. Miss Gertrudt' Loftis wlio has hocn witli Whitmi7’(‘ Vc^rdery for mciny moTitiis has accepted a posi tion i:i J<‘nkins Bro's store. and Mrs. Adanis and (hmghter Margie, who have been at Dr. Wal lis’ din’ing the recent ilhie:^s and death of their son, Harold, left for their home in Newark, N. .T., Tues day morning. The News office is in receipt of some souveriirs of the gr(“at San Francisco disaster of April 1^, ItX lJ, ;>ent by K. K. Williams, of that city, who visited the burni>d district and i»i(:ked ui> the real articles w’iiich had ti'.U'e thiough the tire, 'fhey :;rc on exhibition at Z. W. Xichols’ (h-ng -Store. Henric'tta. little daughter e.f ('. M. Siniard, liad th(>' to ■^et her arm broken in two ;'li>e(‘s. »i]iov(' and below the elbow. (>n Sun- ilar. Tlu' eliild was <*atin‘.r bread and fi'eding th.' dog which jumj)ed aii::ii".st lier knockinix lie]’ d<.)wn be- •'Twi'en the two liouses and T(M‘ribly brai.'ing and IjUM'rarim: hev arin re(jniv(*<i the skill t-f two ]thysieians as the r(^sult. It .<et‘ms ;is if rhe Board .;f Ald»‘r- are I'athev slow i7i getting at rh(‘ laying of rb.t' brick sidewalks. With mon(w iii the bank to l)ny bi'icks and ]>ay for tin* work ir does seeiri as if w(> should mak(* sorni' (*f- lort to ,g«'t th(‘ sidi'walks done in time for somt* I'f tlu* >nmmer vis- itoi’s to so(,‘ how w(> are impr«>ving o‘ar town, and tlu'v can then iulvt'i’- tise ns iii tinu' for next summer. Afti'r n'ading this issue . f the Itew^ x-nd ii t»j your fi-ii-nd in tht‘ dishnuH', or bott('r yet, call at tlie oilice and send it to your f7‘ii.*n<l or relative for six months or a year„ i'cn- vou can exi)eet just such a ]>a- jv.'i-asthis for fifty-two wet*ks du ring th(‘ V(‘ar. Tln-ow iii yora' mit(' lowiird ])laeing (Uir town and coun ty Vs’hert' th(‘y b.eloivjc ui en the -mai>. This ]M]x>r will do it> ]>art; you do yours. lA‘t ('V(*ryo7ie ke; p hustlii'.g to im prove the ai)pea ranee, of their stri*ets and lots. Kec'i) all kinds of rubi'ish off tin* streets and sidt‘- W’aik^. a?id se(* that your hous(>s. f(mces, ctc , are nt>atly ])ai!it(‘d. Tiiert' i.- nothing that helps the* look' of a tov.n and indue»‘> new- e.omers to s;-ttl(‘ in it mor»' tlian jieatly ]);iint('d housi's an;l fein'es, neat and tidy streets and si'lewalks iUid fi'uit and shade triM's or^ your lots. Let us s(‘e what you will do ior th(' b-'nefit (.)f oar progr!'ssive V ■■ -e citv. John MeMinn is out after a slight indis])osition. Rev. Mr. (’lu‘d«'st<‘r went to Ashe ville for a short visit last wt^ek. Miss Flor(‘nce Ottolengui of ('harleston is visiting her sister, Mrs T. B. Allison. Huger Hawkins, who went to Charleston last week, is back at his place in the Brevard bank. ■\Ve wt're glad to se(‘ A. K, Orr in our town last Tuesday and are sor ry that his business kec])s him away from Br<‘vard so much of the time. Why don't the farmers of Tran- .sylvania get busy and liave a Farm ers Institutt* and get in touch witli their brotht'r farnn^rs from other parts of till* Stat(‘. Mr. and Mrs. li. 1*. Kilpatrick of Hendersonville, who have been vis iting their son, Arthur Kilpatrick of Brevard, returned to their home Wedne.-day morning. Oeo. B. Looper, of Mica, S, C., whose son was killed in the wreck at liroad river trestle about two months ago, lias been in failing health since on account of tl»e (h^ath of his son. Mrs. (7. M. (Tof(n-th and Mrs. A. X. ror])ening of Lenoir, and Miss Marv W. (-iregory of (-rreensboi’o |ar»' visiting Rev. and Mrs. R. G. iTuttlt'. I Mrs. Kannit* ('obb of ()r»'gon who is vi-'itir.^- her ]>ar(*nts J. (41a/e- I ner and wit\* at Ro.sman was a j wt‘lc(nni‘ calh*r at tlu' News office : SaturdiiV last. She was vt'ry much ^im]'re('sed with the imjn’ovt'mi'nts I of our town in tlu* t(*n yi'ars of her sojou7‘n in tlu* “’woolly W(*st." As is always tlu* case*, Bn'vard was w»*ll n*])n*senti*d at the Firt*- mi'n's Tourna7nt‘nt in Asheville last i \\ t“t'k and as sevi'ral membi*rs of tlu* I Bi’evard Fiiv 1 )(*])artmt*nf were l)r(‘si*nt, including Hiit'f Bn*(*se, we j ho]!e that valualdi* inforination was jobtaini'd in regard to the scientific I fighting of firt*. i Wt* v,'ert* b(*gining to ft*ar that ; !Mj’. (iibson b.<id decid(*d not to come I to Br«*vard this y»*ar, as it was long !]tasthis u.-'ual timi* for coming and : his many fi-i(*nds W(*r(' very glad to j see hiin in town on Tui'sday. Mr. I (4ibson has been a r(*gular visitor to B]‘(“vard for many y»'ars and wi* rt*- gard liim as one i)f us and an.* al ways i^lad to welcome him back to oui‘ miilst. e I’.ear that two of our young m**n are going to oi>en a first class Cafe in* H<mders<mvilh*, nanu*ly >b*ssers Hunu* Harris and B(*verly Traiitliani. AVt* ]>redict for these young men gr<‘at sm-eess, aiul they will deserve it. Both art* industri- our, honest and eapabh*, and hav(* had (*x])t‘7-ii‘nc(* ('nough to run a cafe that will b<* attrac-tive to the ])(‘o])le of our sisti*r town. Teachers’ Association. J»o>vel in CliildrtMi. During the summer inonths chil- di-enare subject to disorders of the bowels which should receive caieful attention as sooti as tliefirst unnatur al looo.-ieness of the bowels appears. The best medicine in for bowel complaint is Chamberlain’s colic, cholera and ditirrhoea remedy as it l*rom})tly controls any inmatural looseness of the bo wels, wiiether it be in a child or an adult. Fo!‘ ^ale by Z. W. Xichola, Ih-eyard and O. L, Erwin, Calvert.^ Because of some conflicting ap- pointnoents, the next meeting of the Transylvania Teachers’ Association will be postponed until August 2H. A program for the occasion will be arranged and published later. We hope to have with us at our next meeting a representative of the Woman’s Association for the Better ment of Publ’c School Houses in North Carolina. We shall expect every public school teacher in Transylvania to be present, and be prepared to take part in thcjgeneral discussion of the subjects. T. C. HKxnEitsoN, County Superintendent. Business Locals. Mitchell & Cox. Corn at Jenkin's Bro. Turnip seeds at T. D. England’s. Pickles in bulk at Jenkin's & Bro. Money to loan—See ’W. H. Faulk ner. ji:}to* G(‘t your fresh groc(‘ri(\s at Aiken & Smith’s. Honi(‘ raised bacon for salt*.—W’. H. Faulkner. Nic(‘, fresh white lime for sale at W. E. Bisho])’s. A car load of earthenware! churns etc at Jenkins & Bro. Fi»r Sale—W'ater hyacinth plants 10c each—News Ofllce. tf Wanted—Several young men to l('ai-n tin* holler mak(‘rs trade. Fancy artieh‘s for tin' W. H. M. S. on sale at Mrs. J. Norton's Millin- (*ry stor»*. For Rent—fi-room cottage nmvly KaLsomin(*d and rc'novated. A])])ly to T. B. Crai’v. Whitmirt' & Vt'rdt'ry have just had two bari'ells corn mad(' into country ground meal. Try it. The “iMayflower’’ shoe advertised by (>. r.. Erwin in tnis issue has the same sterling (qualities of its historic naniesake which carried our fore fathers. * Books to rent—Latest novels of the day—.just the things to whih' away tlu* rainy days, ;it ]\Irs. J. Norton’s Millinery Stor(‘. hav(‘ got to cl(‘an u]) all s])ring inid sunnnt'r goods for oui‘ fall lin(*. now is the timi* for bar- gins at Whitmire & Verdery's. Linen for waists .‘iOc and Trx* ]>er yard, stamjH'd embroidery hats, al so a liiie of yarns and thr(‘ads for fancy work at Mi-s. J. Norton’s. A W(*alth of suggestions foi* tlu* new('st Sunnner gowns is tt) b(* t\)U7id in the August Dr‘li7i(*ator, which is inti‘r(*sting, not only from tlu* staml])oint of its fashicm, but for its r(*ading as well. Why botb«*r with that tronbh*- som(‘ rang(‘ of yoursV (4et a W’’ilson that will make cooking a ])leasant duty instc'ad of a hardshi]). Best stove on tlu‘ market. 200 ]>age cook book thrown in.—W". E. Bisho]). Lost—A small browm h^atlu*r hand-bag and a pair of silv(*r-fram- t*d s])('ctacl('s. Lost (*ither on Main stri'et or betwei'u Brt'vard and Da vidson Riv(‘r. Finder will b(‘ i‘i*- warded on returning to Miss Hattie D(‘av(*r, at John Deav(*r's storii, or to R. L. (ilash, s McMfnn Build ing, Brevard. Want(*d—By Chicago whol(*sale and mail ordin* housi*, assistant managi*r (nuin or woman) for this county and adjoining territory. Salary ^*iO and (*x])('ns(*s ])aid we(*k- ly, expi*nse nnmey advanc('d. W^'ork ])leasant, position ])ei-maiu'nt. No investnu*nt nv (*x])eri(*nc(‘ r(*(iuired, sparr time valuable. W’ritt* at once for full particulars and inclosi‘ self- addr(‘ss(*d envelojie. Address, (tOII- eral Manng(*r, KU E. Lake St. Chi- c-ago. tnl(j The sincerest tribute that can be paid to superiority is imitation. The many imitations of DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve that are now before the public ])rove it the best. Ask for De- Witt’s. (iood for burns, scalds, chafed skin, eczema, tetter, cuts, bruises, boils and piles. Highly re commended and reliable. Sold by Brev’ard Drug Co. CHURNS. We have just received some very fine stone churns in tliree, four and five gallon sizes. Also some milk crocks in one and two gallons. The j)rice is only 10c per gallon. \ Mitchell 6c Cox The Grocers MORGAN & MORRIS Meat Markets Ice Fruits Vegetables Orders by phone filled and delivered promptly^ Miller Block Brevard, N. C. Phone 30 ©, F. r>TJE:TTE: PLUMBING Steam Fittinp^ Sewer Building, Etc. Stoves, Hardware, Etc. Phone 55. Brevard, N. C. IT’S ENOUGH TO TURN THE GIRLS^ HEADS when a follow wall:.' nn^t. dri'sscil in an Iiiternntionnl suit. Xo clothes look so well. lUiiic S') sln;)cly a:iil i),r!LCt.-rritm;;'. livery Intcrnaiional garment bears tl'.e iinmistakaMe stanr,) nf ime cnsioni tailoring all over it. We ari; the only represeiualives in tuwn of ilie justly celebrated :xwc30ooocoococccccoooorxx?3ocooc<xx«-jooooowc«icwi NTE'Rd^^lONAl OF NEW YOr?K TAiLORII^G CO. C.5ICAGO SAN FRANCISCO ^:3CKr«>B«»oooccc who pct the in men's clothes and are absolute leaders in their line-. We take y 'ur measuri- ; ii'l they make ti’.e ijarments to your order, with a pruar.-iniee -if lit ai'.>l ciU'iaotinn in every particular. Come in and see the samples, wiiether you wi-'U iii <.u\ler or not. Ilemember it's to your prollt to buy clothiiio- here, whether i*eadv-to-\voaf or made to measure. Spring and Summer Sack Suits here in varietv of cloth patterns, l-’dpecially beautiful selections of the new grays in harti atul soft finish worsteds. Iii.ii' values because we do a big business at smai prolits for the <*ash. We are strictly one price. Every man, every woman or child’s dollar has the same value here. It makes no difference whal von buv- a suit of clothing, a hat, a ])air of shoes, a di-ess pattern, a ru‘'," a sack of Hour or what not. a dollai* has the sjtme value here at ^« W. p. WEILT’S

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