4 SYLVAN VALLEY NEWS «MH| DRUG QUALITY There are Drugs and Drugs and Drugs. Whose label is on your bottle? If it’s iny label then I vouch for the drug quality Let me furnish your DRUGS Z. W. NICHOLS, Druggist Agency Alunnally's Candy Phone 5. Sylvan Valley News Subscription in advance, One Dollar a Year. PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY J. J. MIKEK. - Kditor and Prorrietor. OSIE M. MINKK. BookkooiKT and Collector. FORMS CLOSK rag?l^. 8, G and S—Tuesday noon. Pages 2, 4, 5 and r—Thursday iu)on. Frida 1/ Mvriiiyig, JuhjiiO, liWO. Editorial Briefs. Old people are predictinfr an- other war because the corn bhide.s are growing in shape of bayonets. They say the same growth was a feature of the corn cro[) in 18()l. Have you noticed this peculiarity of your corn crop this year? * * Readers of the News will be sorry to learn that our weekly letter from Asheville is to be dis continued after this week. The writer of these letters, L. K. Du vall. has accepted a position with the Citizen company which re quires all his time. We know that our readers will join us in best wishes for his succes. and a welcome to these columns at all times. * * * The News editor is making a business trip this week to liich- mond, and Norfolk, Va. The se lection of stock for certain lines of printing makes a personal visit neccessary, and if there should be shortcomings in this issue of the News lie trusts they will be excused on the ground of his ab* ^ice. The outing may brighten h ideas of the world at large and Jiiuke the paper better in future. * « * W. J. Bryan will return to the United States August 30, and such another reception as will be tendered liim has never been' known in this or any other coun- i try—and this reception is not to titled nobility; not to a represen tative official of any government; simply to an American citizen. How different all this to the re turn of certain other “safe and sane’' citizens who donated trust funds to the republican campaign in order to save the country from '‘Bryanism.” The people have long since learned that he was defeated in his two races for the presidency, not by votes but by boodle, and it seems that even his political enemies are now ready to do him justice. * A convention to nominate a can didate for solicitor of the 15th Judicial district of North Caro lina, composed of the counties of Buncombe, Madison and Transyl vania. was held in Asheville last Saturday. Prom what we can learn it was something of an imi tation of the recent republican state convention at Greensboro. It required four hours to decide 6n a candidate to oppose Solicitor Brown in a district which is nor- mallv republican by a safe ma jority, and where the present in cumbent is supposedly stronger than two years ago. To the or dinary individual it would seem that a nomination by the demo crats is an empty honor. Guy V. Roberts of Madison was the nominee of the convention, and while other candidates hav’^e their friends in this county we believe that Mr. Roberts will poll the full party vote. Buncombe had two candidates, but we learn that both withdrew in the interests of harmony and that no hard feel- injrs were engendered that will o o tend to weaken the chances of success for Mr. Roberts. * * We notice a tendency on the part of humanity in general and the American people in particular to endorse and advocate the most radical of political policies. Even the repulican party has largely abandoned its “stand pat’' policy and is upholding Roosevelt in his efforts to enforce the demands of the democratic platform. In truth, the people are becoming imbued with the doctrines of so- cilism, whether they know it or not, and there is no telling what tbe future platforms of either party may contain. The public ownership of public utilities, the election of all i^ublic otttcials. (senators, revenue officers and postmasters not excepted), the issue of all moneys of the United States by congress instead of the banks, and many other advanced ideas are taking root in the minds of the common people and will have to be taken into account in future platforms of all parties. No party w’hich fails to recognize the demands of the working class can hope to win in 1908. Buck Forest Items. Rilitor Sylvan Valley News: Mr. Roberts, the ImnlK^rniun at Cedar ^Mountain, is getting along fine with his work ami will soon he ready to move his saw mill to another yard of loj's. He lias given several men of onr section employ ment at his saw mill and is paying some of them a handsome price. It is said that T. J. and W. L. Thomas, of onr hnrg, are the cham pions of the saw mill—W. L. runs the eiit-off saw and T. J. is their af'german. Quite a large crowd gathered at Laurel creek Sunday evening to hear Rev. T, C. Holtzclaw ])reach but were disiii^pointed. Hoi)o Bro. Green will not fail to come the •ttli Sunday afternoon at 3 o’clock. V. ;m. Corn of Cedar Mountain was visiting at the home of the Messrs. Thomas of this village Sun day last. Mrs. F. L. D. Thomas of tliis vi cinity is almost as p:ay as a 16-year- old girl. She drives a large num ber of geese and ducks to the pas ture every morning and has over 100 chickens to keep her conqmny. Baby Girl, Chamb«‘rlaii*8 Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Iteiiiedy. This is a perfectly reliable ined- cine for bowel complaints, and one that has never been known to fail even in the most severe and danger ous cases. For sale by Z. W. Nichols Brevard and O. L. Erwin Calvert. J. F. HAYS, President. R. R. DEHYER, Vice President. THOS. H. SHIPMAN, Cashier. Brevard Banking Co. Capital Stock $25,000 Stockholcrs^ Liabilities 25,000 Surplus and undivided profits Total liabilities of Bank to Depositors 7,500 $57,500 DIRECTORS J. F. Hays R. R. Dcaver W. A. Gash O. L. Erwiii H. B. Brunot W. S. Ashworth E. B. Alsop John C. Deaver Thos. H. Shipman School Funds Apportioned. The amounts apportioned by the County Board of E(hn;ntion to the different districts in the county are as follow'?: Boyd—Xo. 1, No. 2, ?110; No. 3, $320. Brevard—No. 1, §500; X«. 2, :?2()0; No. 3. $J00, Cathey’s ('reek—No. 1, $tOO; No. 2, ^130. Dunns Rock—No. 1, $1(50; No. 2, ?100; No. 3, $100. Eastatoe—No. 1, ^100; No. 2, $130; No. 3, 1^100; No. 4, $100; No. r>, jflio. • Gloucester—No. 1, $120; No. 2, $100; No. 3, $90, No. 4, $110. Hogback—No. 1, $240; No. 2, $130; No. 3, ^120; No. 4, $120; No. '), $100. Little River—No. 1, $100; Xo. 2, $100; No. 3, $120; Xo. 4, §120; Xo. 5, $00. Colored—No. 1. $100; Xo. 2, $200. T. C. Hendkkson, County Superintendent. Brevard Institute Notes. Ciirpenters are at work at ])resent putting in office fixtures. About two thousand jneces of ad vertising matter were maiknl to va rious parts of the state this week. Miss Hattie Raines has accepted a position at Leaksville. Slie may b<‘ sub j set, however, to a change of heart. The Woman's Board has purchas ed the Cliff Allison ])roi)erty just across the road from tho school house for Principal's residence. This is what the Cincinnatti En quirer says of our first lecturer: “Dr. Briggs made a profoimd suc cess, and ranks with Wendling, Conwell, Nours(> and such men w’lio are fixtures on tho ])latform,” Thousands annually bear witness to the efficiency of Early Kisers. These pleasant, reliable little pills have long borne a reputation second to none as a laxative and cathartic. They are as staple as bread in mil lions of homes. Pleasant but effect ive. Will prompth’relieve constipa tion without griping. Sold by Bre vard Druij Co. Notice of Summons* A. H Owens, Adm’rof Jolin Owene, tiec’d, TS. J. A. Owens et al. Notice of Summons for Non-Resld«nts. J. D. Owen>!. JensJe C. Owene, J. L. Bfee^love and wife Nancy L. Breertlove, Jaiper Ow- Malinna Brackins and hUHtMiml Elbert Krackius, Kspert Rains, John Owens;, Dock Owens: The above named defendants will fakf TrunsyJvania County to ►ell the lands of John Owens, deceased, for partition aiiroiif; ihu heirs, and the above named defendants will take notice that they are reguiPed to appear at the office of the Clerk of tlie Sup«;rior Court of TranKylvanla County on the 27th day of Aujrust IJ'Oll, and answer or demur to the (•omplaint in »aid action, or the plaintiD'will apply to the said court for the relief iletnauded in taid comjtiuiMt. This July 17th, T T. LOFTIS. ♦ Clerk Superior Court. A.IKEN SMITH (Successors to Aiken & English) Fresh Meats Ice, Groceries Goods delivered promptly* Fresh Groceries at lowest cash prices* Country Produce boug:ht and sold* When in town give us a call* ^ Q)ncrete building* Phone 62 Brevard, N. C. : ART PARLORS Art and Souvenir Goods. Stamped and Finished Articles in Silk and Linen. Novelties and Fancy Goods. SAVE MONEY q^HlS is the time for pleasure driving. Your enjoyment will be elianced greatly if you are in the right kind of a vehicle. You will not >38 satisiied with Cheap John work. Come down and inspect our guaranteed Kock Hills, Andersons and Tyson k Jones, Closest prices ever made. BLY BROS., Hendersonville, N. C. R. W. NOtlTOlV Woodwork of Every Description. Wagon Repairs, etc. Leave orders •At T. L. Snelson's Shop Havincr lost ray position with the Transylvania railroad by its sale U- the Soiithern, I have decided to remain with home people and help build ur» Brevard. . Have been ofTered a permanent job wfth tPie Southern railway at Spencer but prefer to remain in this mountain climate and amony people whom I know IT there i.