0 SYLVAN VALLEY NEWS THE RESGNOFTHETO What the Triumph of Socialism Would Brin?^. HO'^^ IT DIFFEES PEOM DEKOCEAOY *rhor<‘ C'nii r?«» \o 3’t'ri3!:;ne!«t AJliiiiici* Tlioiii—i'rlin’i- I»lt“K :r's;T '3tosi>oiisi!>]e L'or tlie Out'ir«»Tvtli «>r SJx-iaJ isiii—Got- eriinifiit -^icaiiss l’'orpe. Tiu‘ Socialists of this routitry i’.re iin- tloiilitodly illssatisiu'd with jn'osent lioiiiic aiul I'Oiitical coudilioas, and so are th.o l>c!uocrats. lUit thi'iv is no ooniiuoii lii'ouud ln'tweeu Socialism aud l)cUR>cracy, a;id heui‘»* lhc‘i\“ !><'■ no Iiornia.K'ut alliani-o betWvV'u Soi-iallsts and I k'luorrats. Socialism is a ivii- ;4'ious \iriacii>l<‘ or, if you p’l'asc. an ir- roli.i^iv^ns jjrinciplc, while l>cino< r:icy is ];arciy i>olilical, Ix'causo ii is fonndc'd upoii till' system osiuMishod for civil i;ovoviiii'.ent in this cop.im-y nr th»‘ time oi dll' American Uevolnti*)ii. a sysiOiU whicii rcpro'oates all compacts l>etWv*en rcIi,L;ioii and the slate. ScH'ialisiu. temp(‘roil i>y < "ririslianity as llia.t sysieni of ndi^ion was lanulu i;y its F-iirid('r and his a;M>stles, is i ’s.vi the idfis ,>r aiui charily, wl'.iie civil ',over;.:;i:'nt, our own as weli as ev ‘ry other, pre-ent or past, is founded on oruani;:ed physitvil !'oV<\. Si!;:;alists can orua:iir.c only i;i associations. Iv.M-ausf jxmc.* ;iud v' ai'iiy anti i^ood will inij-ly tho I’u’i ;;nd I'rtM- assent of indivi<;;:al <‘on.'' ienci' to the j>rincip’(>s ;;n(i a; ls ui i':u' xx'-iei.v. wliere;is I h'mocn;is may and C'> or.-;'a;ili',e iii ci.il udv.-niinenl'i, in \\l:.>s.> acis not t'ach in.iivi.lna.l coa- j'ciei’.'"', i>ur tlio v.iH of i!'-.- niajorii.v, i.y :ni'ans of physica' force a])- ]d!- ! I>y li'.cans of cuiu’ls. aru!i(*s and ju;\ les. < iri‘isi had neither an :inny nor a I’.avy. IT'S (‘ai'Iy fi)ilov/ers refnsetl to )»ec )i,ie soldiers, 'i'uri'e years asflc;- ' Iirisl. (\'lsus ap])e;il(‘d to the t'hr: .iLins to abandon their (.-reed be- c:;'.i"e tli<‘ t'iU’ct of tha.t cr<'c 1 was to dv'pi':'. th(' state of :irnc“i iefcnd.'rs ii:a:ust harharians. I’ranklin ;ip]>.‘aled to (juahiTs of PtMinsy'v;t;.: i durin_;' tli:‘ J‘t volution to a'.'andon tiic'.i' <if noa"<‘si>'t:ir.cc <mi .1u‘ same Krouii;:. Wi! ii <'hri-i!aa s<)<-ialis:c-'inpvo- nii- d v.'ith the shr.e a;i.l ;.cri«pt>d j ’i; ,:i forcc as a v^'-'crn- .t ;hi‘ <lark a;^'s w i\' ll.‘ i;;in;eili- :iti- i\* ,uli. 'i'he doctrine of nonresist- :in- ‘ Avas us('d to kcej) th,> i',‘opIe in v;!'-fila;:;' to an inij'ions -wal l>i'0 tlii’siy ;nilii :ry arisio-ra<-y. \Vi.h^;:- I. s i-; s i'rom Iiistory in «!;■ ’ mind', our A’.nericaa an'-c '.;<,r' .-(< '>y l!ic ]io'i';ic;jl in^i i: ntioU'; v.h; ' ■ ' +ah- I;sh. d to es-.-a;>,' ti'.t* fat and I>y disa'sociat in . . .'.d St;'-:'. liiM-ai:si‘ tJic ! ■ . L-o.-itrary ,'s l;-;o',vn ■;e;ts. They (“’•tain }iov\-(‘rs .. d so -'alism re- ' to (M.-'jrt.‘ss. for reported in favor of the pnssa.Qfe of tJie iiorrell hill to proliibit tlie practice of “shanijhaiin.!?” in the T’^nited States, and it is to l>e boi>ed that the bill will pass both houses at this s'cssion. Shanc:- haiin.'^ lH)or dnini<.en and druix^ed sail ors is almost as mean as shelterin.:? rob bers by means of a protective tariff, for while shan,"h:uln« robs a few tlic tariff ]>1 tinders the whole people. Solid For PorW. ''I'he Rei>ublioans in congress are di vided on everj* jtroposition tlfat looks toward reform, but they ai*e nil united on the “pork bill” and “for the old flas and an apjiropriatlon.” GRAFT AND USURPATION. S^rlooJi Ciiara-e In Connection Witli fl»(» IstJimus Iiin«*. In the d<‘bate on th.e rate* bill May 1.) the <-l>:ir<re of craft and usurpation was made airainst t*lu> president in connec- ti<'.n with a monopoly for a pip<‘ line on the isthmus of rana.ma, Avhioh had h(>en ,:irranted to the Tnion Oil com pany. Senator ?dor;;an had securel an amendment to the rate bill inakin;}: pipe lines on the istlnnus common car riers. Mr. Hopkins n'.oved to reconsid'^r the motion l)y which the amendm(“nt was ado])tcd. Sjjeakin" to 1h(‘ moiion. Senator Mor- ixriu said the conces.-'i ii> by th“ presi- dt‘;it for a }>!}>>• lini* in the canal zont' had an oily, not to say a I'lshy, smell anil Vk'as :i jjecnliarly pronounced case of uraft. He declared other pii>e lines had bet'n th.e same j)rivile;^es .urninteil to the T*nion <-om])any. and it Avas “a sh.H'r, cold usurpation of pow- 'Tlsis is a very sei'ious ciiarsrc and one \>'h'i’h if v.’('ll si'npoi’tcd slwjuld result ia the imncacln’a-nt of tht'’ jiresident. It Avas ba;i ciun’.uh to say <>/ hitn that in hi? i}t‘;jrotiations with Tilhnan and ]Vii!'‘Y h.e ent-'rcl uj):)n tht'ui AA’iih a dde!uma. ai'raiiired alTairs witli a sub- tcrfmre. Avithdrew AA'itii a niental roser- A’atlon and j)revarica(ed \a'1',(mi cauirht. I!ut it is still worsi- to '-harire rtiat he is a ?jrraft<‘r and usuri>er in lea,^U(‘ with Cram well and the oil trust. If this Inst charire is as wr^ll sustained as the c’larire of bjnl fjiitli h.as boon it is hitrh time to rid the ('xeeutive ofiice of it,s present occupant. People I’l the Toils. The railroads and the trusts still haA-e a stranirle hold <ai the American peo ple in s]>il'.* of i''e I >os“ninj; I'ffect of the San 1>, eej^i-o •arthonake on pret ty near • cls''. ])r;ae; -a-s ;n ,u'o' to produea de- to the Avh! -:* r!n'= j)U.;iMed. • in.'i.i"t-e, tin , . “to lay I ’.ul collect a p-.Av. ,'n]ilyi;u' for.-,'. They .li'ave it the jioAver "to providie for tl’.e eo: ,:i (K'fensr-,” f.>r /:i ' ;/';:ii'h:nent < ■ lerfi itin^- ih.e cola, tii,* powe>- to . "id ptniish pii’rie; 's. ’o d.e.dar*-* <j,T;int ii'tters of :.!..riiue and ’ ' .'-d. to raise and sujsio/r arnnes. ■ vr,,\ ide and mainta.ia a navy, to <-a!l otr the ndliiia, lo srnn.-e-;- insnrr'^c- t:o:>> j.ad I’epel invasion^. ■ do not !ind aay sncIi |- »av •!•;- as ;h ennnn'r- ateii ;:i the X(‘av ’I'es ain.';'!. The war p’j'.er is nor of diviiie ori'-d;!. b’.u it is (h ‘ j>o\.-''i- t’iat lies hae!; of eve’-y civil ^orernM^“’it t]i(‘ uhin;a I'atio re:rnm. S. thc'refore <-!n:a>, snpin.irt (heir i;-'’.ir!eal tlieor;*'-! by ai'pealini;' to ('l.r . I ia, aiiy. AD politi'al r-o\vt“r on ear'iJi cvn l>e suii;'o!'.ed by sr.eh an Demoerr.t;c inst iri;:ioas are iL'u by ap])e;:ls to tae rixi,>ayers ant! ilie odaer m.'ai'o'i's uf 'ia* elec tor ,;e, a.Mil a naijoi-ity of T:;- electors is ^^ndiclent to rr.! ■, '.vlK.rever the mi nor: ;y na'.y think :i‘)Ot;l it. Mt'U may lie < iirir-iian seciaiist;- tia>y nsay be- io;a: voiuiiiary as.^ochiiions for jv- liu'; r;<, ('’naritable a.ad edncati>.;i:'.l p'tr- ]>os('s and i ;;iy nt the sa::. - time be 1 leii'oci-als. I’uT no man ca.: '• • ('hris- ti:Mi 1 ►c:roer:!t or Social'"-’ iU*mocrat. baeje,-' Christ's kinadom i-; not of llii'^ •-(,rld. a.nd d.ainoci-aLey i-; e.itii’el.A" ;i huaian in-^titntion. bavin:, its root and ;a-:nel ;a the n:;;:;rd rir'lds of ir.an and not in tin' di\;ae ri-.-’its of kln..s or ari.vk'od.v els*. M:a'.i>on s.aid in his h;st inessaue to <-on'.’r'-:->s. "Or.r system is an (‘'lual intei'dici a.'jcainst <.>ncioach^r.ents and compa.cts betv>-eeu roi - ion ; the shiua” Socirdlsia. b.-in;^ mriv-Iy die economic sale ('i A'oitint.‘try t iirai^i.’.n . r.aanira- tioiis, is cU'ar’y ineln.d('d in this inter- dicl. ■; lait form of socialisn’: AAdneh is nc/t rin-istian is i>nrc anar-hy and is still furt,!;<r ren’oved frotn dtaaocra- cy. is ochlocracy, the rtde of tin* iin >;■ ":ai’’".ed m->b. A de'a-jcracy naiy consLaenii.v own and (liberate its pub- jie tiiilitiefS- instei’id ;)f .licensi;!;.:' cort)ora- tions to do so. but i)c])h)'c!\u» y can nei- t’>er OAvn no;- operate aj’.vtainq'. t i?oar IJisii Willi<‘ Say. l>on. s ;>ose some ban.dits ean.ain ma. Would you ]i.ay a ransom Lu .u<'i her l)ack‘.' I'aiha-r .\fter the.v had her for :i we- k tliey would j): y liH* to take' her back. Wasliinuton po.a. Shnt3!e:>:st5i j’.'jv nu<J ‘‘Protc-**! i»5n.” e ho.:se committee on merchant ! ee .(lid lisheric - 1 aa.^nimorisiy “] was ;i los(*r ill a twenty yc'ar liat- tle v/itli citionic pile.- and nuiliu'uidit sor s, nntil i tricMl iUi(d<!(‘n’s Arnica Salve; wliich tnrned tlie tide, by cur- iii 4'lioth. till not a trace reiuains,” writt's ^\. -M. r.riirc, of Fariuvilie, \':i lk‘>t for old ul('('is, cuts, burns and wound-, ilai,' at Z. Xicliol^, (h‘iiy,'” ist. Siiu.-o the ajoiiidiineiit of Con- ^i’o^.s. iiio jioid' down trodd.'^ii I'ann;'!-is b’tsy hi liaiids, IV'-ni- ir.i!;-tlieni oil spriii.ir (‘hick'Oi, dnd h(jt footini^ it to tiio local btinl: with wads oi’ t lX' loni^' 3Io<I<‘st <'hnrns ortoiicarrv the nio>t ronvi( tioii. Wlten M.ixini. t!ic iainous ‘^iin in- vruti)]', j>lact(d Ids uUM belbrt'a com. mittce ot'.iiid<;('s. he stall'd its carry- iiiii' ix-»wer to be imu-h l-clow what lu; Icii sure the uiiu would aecouiplish. ■j'he resiih of the trial w;is th.end'ore a o-re:it siir;»rise, instead of a di^an- poiiitiiuMit. It is 1 lie same with th(' nianufaet i .ersof( iianihei’laiu’s L'oiic, cholera ami tliarrhoea remedy. Tin y do not publicly bsai^t of ;dl tiiis rem- (Mty V ill ticcomi)Hsli, Itut prefer to let iiie usi'rs make the s'.aiements. '.Vhat lliev do cl.iim, is that it will jtositive- i.V eiue diarrhoea, dysentery, i)ains in tiu'sloniatdi and bowels tind has n(,'ver been knovvn to fail. Fors'il'' by Z. W. I-Ticliols, IJicvard and O. L, fa‘\vin Calvert. "Ee Beautifisl Sapphire Country The Lake Region of the South ELEVJ^TIOM FROAI 2.250 TO 5,000 FEET J (Jor^eous mount;iin scenery, thrci^ inaenili(.*«3nt lakes, countless beautiful waterfalls. ])urc and bracinjr aii-. Trout lishino- in streams and lake, boating-, bathine-. hoi-seback rid in;;-, thdvinir mountain climbine- and all indoor amusements. FIVE CHJiRMinG HOTELS TOXJilVMy INAl, Lake Toxaway I. H. A IKES, Maii;ij,'er T/f£ FRJtNI^LIN, Brevard A. LAMHOKN, M;iiia,ui.‘r FJHRFIULD Lake Fairfield (ill WIIjUAMS. M;nia;5;fr /^Y-V. Lake Sapphire MKS. P. CKIsP, Mdiui'^er THE LODGE, Summit of M’i. Toxatvay M KS. I’A'I'TON OKMaiiiiifer hottds are mod(>i-n. and are n()ted fot- ])erfect service. Ad dress eillier hotel foi- i-aics. For destadplive booklet a.nd e-eneral information address JNO. C. BURROLVES, Pres., The Tojcatvay Hotel Company, Lake Toxaivay, N. C. YES I GRAPE TOBACCO is just a littio sweeter than any of the so-called sun-cured plugs made to imitate GR.APE, and they are all imitations- . WHY ?; because that rich, sweet flavor is peculiar to the genuine Leaf, and we have been buying and manufacturing it for over lifty years. ' ' * . ■ j ■ I. I ■ ' ■ IT IS MADE BY A FIRM THAT KNOWS HOW R. A. Patterson Tobacco Co., Riichmond, Va» The Southern Railway Co, Operating the Transylvania Railroad. In effect June IQ, 1906. (Kastent Stap.dtii-d Time) STATIONS I‘. M. l'..M. ,\. d. ,\ ..\l. I'.M. I*. M. 4 i:. . s Oi'. Lv . . Asheville . . Ai- I(t 00 1 :id I.') .) In i)(i Ar. . .. Hendorsonvil’c . . . , Lv !) 0.') <1 . > !.■) d 40 1 00 (i.‘, Lv.... ... HcjiclersonviUe ... .... \r ,s d.‘, () ::o .) Id I'l .">( 1 I 1 1 Id . Va ie - 44, ') O'.t 4 .)7 i; 1 Ki !) ■1\ 1 lor.-e .'■•^hoe ........ i 1 4o! t; o' t I'l .')7' 1 2d !) > < :irnio:i 1 •»“ ; (i OL’ 4 41) 7 o:^ 1 2!^ '.) 1'! < >v.-a i i ~ .) .‘jS 4 41 7 07i i .“.4 !’. !;!.nly;-e 1 ~ .) .")4 4 7 i:;i 1 4! ;i 4f. ! 'earose 1 .».)j .) 4-' 4 I’d 7 “* i 1 .',0. !( .'..V .... 1 >a,vidT>(>n 1 liver.... 1 !4l ■) 41 4 2d 7 1 :.4, '.1 l‘i;-”-;ih 1 ~ 11' .» -t ir, 7 :;o' l: (h» 10 d.'i.Xi-.... Brevard ~ 0.‘>! .) 4 Id 1 4L’| '2 !d io 1^ S< ■! iea d .-ydi ”) Id ;; 7 ■I'ii lo il.') < 'iiei-i-vli(,dd (•> 441 .) i:{ ;t .')(» 7 •' • > ■' 10 :>d ( 'ai vert <; lo .) (I'.t ,s 4.') 7 ■) 4 ' L’ .■><’ !(• d- 1 lospian j Ii •) 0.') ;; 40 ,s 1-1 2 .')(!, !o .■).■; <^>Ue})ee I (i 4 .)•> ;; •).> s 2.'.’ 11 -\r.... l-aive To.\i-LW;!V ...Lv! d dr.! ■I do uo 'i'lie follou-inL;-trains will XoT stop at stations desie-nuted: A'o. ('alvci't. -No. 4, l>!antyre. ('alvert. <jncbL-c. \(>. .■) —('a 1 vert aial Hl:intyre. Xo. <■>—('h('i-ry iield. ( a’ver-l. i’ai-lor car daily between ^Vsiievil].* and Lalce To.vau-av. Erevcrd to Lake Toxaway cTid Retnrn Wednesdays, ?5c. l-’dVtH-tive \V('(lnesday. .Inne fltl;. and I'verv \V(‘dn(‘sday tiiert'arter up to ami inchidin*: September i'.ttli. tiel;e‘s v.i ! bt> sold from lirevard to L.aicc 'J’oxaway and return at i-ate i.»f 7.‘)c I'.>i- the round trip tickets limited to date oi' ie only. Weeic I'hid 'J'icki-'ts Ilrevard to A^l'.eville a.nd return.O'.. Tii-kads sold Satni'days and Sunday moioiin;j-s. o()od to return -Mondays. l'’or tickets aiut full ifit’ormation ft])})ly tv> J. H. WOOD. Dist. 1‘a^s. -\.-'t, Asheville. X. ( E. W. CARTER, A°’t. Special Excursion Rates* National lMucatiaii;il Coavfiitioii .Uilv ;i-l3. S ui Fr;iiu i'Ct> aiiii Lo>(.’alji'ornia. ./'.iiic' tilth t'» ./idy dth iticlU'.ivc. Fin.il limit SejiC. lr>. iSOti, jirior to mi«l:jight of -Ahii-h ]iu>.':i-irjrfi-s mast reach original starling })oint. Kor un tlier iinonaation anply r.) tlie cfi. der-j’triiod. Kate from Ashcvilio," >rr.5<) for roinitl trip. Sr.nnnfr Sclioo] of the ^oath. .Ume t;t to .Inly iiT, tt;0:i, lv'K)xvillo, 'loan. 'ri< ki,‘i.s wiii bc^oiii .liiiie ir, 18.11), -i:;. ;:o. .lulyr, II. I.'). 19iii-,. witli filial limit l.'i days in adilltion to date'of sal('. One fir.st ciass fai-t* jiltis -J.'i coiit.-- for roiuid trip Uat'j from Ashevllie >l.-jr). National (iraiid l,(;d‘-rf of fnitci !{rotlH'r.< of Krieiitlsliip and Sisters of the- Mvsterious, l.e.x- in-jrton. Ky., Jnly 3(i-An,LT. I'.Msii. 'l ickets will bi‘ soM .Inly2;>-:!i and An.^-. 1. final limit Amr. ri, lOOr., Uat(M)no fare iilu>;-j5 cont,^. K.ite from A'^liuvill'' IVabo iy Collogc Suimncr School for Teachcr-, FEELING LIVER-ISH This Morning? TAKE A Gentle Laxative And Appetizer ,sp. |llJfWW,ilIligi«li*-W^m killths coycH AND CUf^E THE LOI^ICS WITH ; Vandrrl.iit t'luversity i:jt)i:<>al Institute, .Inne ilii-'U”iist to. Nashville, ieiin. Tickets ui] 1 l,e j sol<! .Inne l'», ;1. v2. IS, 111. :,() .lidy 2, ii. 1(1, I \vit!i tiuiil limit 1.5 days from date of sal^-. Kate oiu‘ liist class laie pltis cent.s. Kate from I .4.she\ iiie "iO .'i). I'niversity Summir School, .lunc ■X-'i';'. l!)ut:. Athens. Ga. Tickets sold .Iluie 2^1 x’t ‘-io.‘iti. ;io, .Inlv2, 0, 10. I!t0t>. with linal limit 15 days from date of sale. Kate <»ne Hrst class fare plus i*.'i cents. Kate from Aslicville S(>.!'.>. 'I'ho follo\vin<j rates are arran.u-cd on the cer- , tilicate )>Uui: i South Carolina Ketail Hardware Assoc iation, > ■ Coluiuliia. S. .haie n’-ll. r.Ki6. { State Ikiard o;' Mi'dical Kvaminors ami | Me'dcal Society, .M;iy •j::-,luiie 1, 1 «'(j, t:iiarlotte, I N l'’or further iin'ormation ns to rates, schedules, i‘ti‘. . apt>ly to tl'c ii!idersi"ued. K. H. i.it.VHAM, .1. H. V.OOD. Ticket At,ent. District I’ass. Agent ^O'^SUiVIPTIOi^ a OUGHS and ^><OLDS Price 3 50c SiSl.OO 1 Frcs Tri-ii. ^ '3 Surest and Q,uiciiec.c Cure for uii (j 1 THROAT and liUl'TG THOUE- J ^ Xi-'E.S, or jSIOI'Tlil jT BACIC. ^ Promptly obtained, or FEE RETURNED. 20 YEARS’ EXPCRiCNCE. UurCHAfJCEii ARE THE LOWEST. SeiiJ model, j.hoto or skutcli f,»r expert searoli and I'roe ivporc on puti-nlahility. INrRINCEMENT suitr! conducted bel'oro all courts. Patents obtained tlirou(?h U8. ADVER* TiSCDancl SOLD, free. TRADE-MARKS, PEN SIONS aJld COP-/RICHTS quickly obtuinod. Opposite U. S. Patent Office, WASHINCTON, D. C. i 50 YEARS" EXPERIENCE Trade ?i/Iarks Designs Copyrights &c. Anyone .'’ondliic: .iFUcteh nnd desorii>tion may qnlrkly .•iscurl.-iin onr ot>inion free wiu liior :-.n invontioTi is proliably paKnitJible. C'i>ni:inKiii m- ti'insstrictiyroiitldential. HANCBOOK on P.-iIciita sent, free. Oldest au^ency fur securni*; pat<-nts. I'.itoiitg talieii ttimuirh Munn & receive sjifcidl notice, vt-ifhout ch.-irtre, in the Sciesitlfic Jfmerlcaii. A handsomely illnstr.itpd 'veekly. T.nrjrt'st rir- '•iilation of aiiy .‘•ficntitie ji>urnal. 'Terfiis, f :. a "ear; four months, ^1. SoldbyaM ncwsi'Joalcr'j. MUNN&Go.3='=™=''“»-New York Braucli Oilice. f.25 K St.. Wasluujiton, Ii. C. We promptly obtain U. S. aiul Foreijrn ' Send model, sketch or photo of invf-iitit.n for f ' frcerei'ort oa patentabilitv. Frr free boek, ^ Hov/ to SscureTS SB Iii D ^ Patent.-^and i SlALItAHKo to <► r iiJ A f;iv()i-iti‘ ex[)i-(^ssi()ii of '’(Kii Ifiek'ory.'' is indiealive of the indo!iiita))K‘will of ihr Wnn-ior- ]‘ivsKient. iic led tl'.e (‘ointiH'ti ;>e()|)lc "lii their .■'Ceond hii.’' ;^o■ain.■^•o tlic ri'loney S’ovvc-r—at.d 'A'OllI Hon. Ilios, E. Walson I-'ditoi- of Watson's -Mae-a/.iee. loi'iiier ( iir.u'i'ossp.ian fi-oni (ieoi-- e-ia (L'atliep of I’m-ai i-’ive ;'<e- livoi-y of -Mail); lVo]do‘s l’;;rty < andidate top \ iei> 1 ^Tsid(.‘nt in and foi" I’lvsi'ient in i'.XM; aiul authof oi ‘‘'I'lp,' Stoi'v ‘.m I't-anee. •• ••X;t))()!eon. •• ••i.ife and Tnik's cd' Tlu.uiias .letler- soii. ’'iiotliany." and otiier I'ool'Cs. is at work upon hi? latest history— “Tiia Life gfiil Times of 'I his will ])e ])ni)lishod si'ria.llv iu V\ iitson's Ma^a/dm- )iei;-it:- niiio-with the duly nninbcr and runninor a year at least, lee a coi)y: •'; l..'iO a year. Tom \^^atsor*’s Magazsns 121 Vv est -i2iul iftreet, Xl'w York C ity. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy Cures Colds, Croup and W'liuoping Cough.

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