SYLVAN VALLEY NEWS 7 "Ki BREVARD INSTITUTE (Formerly The Brevard IndustriiR School.) fIVE STATES AND TWEKTy COUNTIES OF N. C. RQ>BESENTED LAST YEAR. A Normal Trainiflg School aiui Business College. ^cellent Musical Advantages. Faculty of Eight Well Trained and Experienced Teachers. Equipment Up-to-date and Expenses the Lowest. fall term opens sept. 5, ’06. t’or cataloiTue address E. E. BISHOP, Prin. THE BREVARD LYCEUM STAR COURSE. Auspices Brevard Institute. REV. R. G. TUTTLE and PROF. E. E. BISHOP. Managers. ^ This course will eonsist of a series of live lectures and entei’tainnients, I'li.morous and instructive, to be j^iven duritii^ the coinin>; Fall and Wintiir. Attractions in the Course. TrEO. W. BlllfJS (Lecturer)—Suhjeet,-“The American Girl.*’ i’KOF. (’HAS. LANE ,(llumorjst)—Suhjeet’, “T.assons Not Learnetl in l>ooks.” rilK ORPHEAN MUSKWL (’LI^i; >{Male Qii.irtette)—Vocal and Horn Quartettes, ("halk Talks anil 1 nipt'rsonation. ^’HE -MAliSHALLS—(iivin;^ a refined and entertaining program of (’onie- dy, Tragedy and Music. rHE DeAM.MOND (’ONOERT ('<>.—Robert DeArmond, Bass wSoloist; Ora Averit DeArmond, Cellist and Accompanist; Edna Winona C’reutz, Sopran(* Soloist; Marv T^. Povvelson, Humorouti and Dramatic Readings. Broad Valley Institute. For Young Men and Young Women. In the Valley of the French Uroad -Five Miles Northeast ot IJrevard. Literary Normal Music i use of instrument free ;. Elocution Library Literary Societies 'Board, $5 to $7, Tuition $I to $2.50. Fall Term Begins Jiug. 6, 1906. Spring Term Closes Jlpril 7, 1907. J. W. BRKiCiS, Principal. - - PENROSE. N. C. ItTe North Carolina Stat>e Normal and Industrial College COURSES Literary Classical Scientilic Pedagogical Commercial Domestic Science Ma nual Training Music Three ('ourses leadin<:’ to d(,‘irre<*s. Si)tM‘ial courses foi- ^'•i-aduates of other •oUeiies. Well equip])ed Training' School foi* 'i'eachei’s. iJoai'd. laundry, tiiit'on. and ft-es foi- use of text hooks. ^170 a year. For free-tuition -tud.iiits. sl20. Fifteenth annual session iH'u'ins Septc-niher 20. l!t(Hi. To secure hoard in the dormitories. :ill free-tuition applications should he made hefort* ,iuly lo. ('orrrsponiieiici* invited from thosa desii-iui;-competent teachers and -^ItiUOiri’iiphers. !-’or <-atalo;:ue and <>ther itiformation, addi-i'ss CHAS. D. MclVER, President*, GREENSBORO. N. C. University of North Carolina 1789-1906 Head of the State’s Educational System. Collegiate Law DEPJiRTMENTS Engineering Medicine Graduate Pharmacy Library i*oiitains 4.‘>.U00 volumes. New water woi-ks. electric liohts. cen- al heatin*^-system. New dormitories, j^ymnasium. .NL C. A. Inuldin;^-. 682 Students 74 in Faculty The Fall Tei-m beyin» Sej)t. id, Address, FRANCIS P. VENABLE, President, Chapel Hill, M. C. Matting ! Matting! We have just received 1(»0 rolls China Matting tliat we will sell while it lasts at 22^c j)er yard by the roll (40 yards.) ft is regular .’Ulc matting, and it ’mU pay you to corne early, as it will soon go at this price. We also have Iaj>ariese Matting at l2"»c and .‘50c ]>er yard. Go-Carts. ,(ust received our sprin<r stoclv, which we. bought 10 per cent, below the market price, and the benetit of which we give to ths purchaser. Write us for c atalogue and pj-ices. A large aid select line of Parlor Suits at low figures. Also Iron lieds. Springs, Mattresses. Kitchen Cabinets, in fact a full stock of everything in the house furnishing line. We invite you to call and inspect our stock when in the city. You will saye money by doing so. McCorkle-Donald Company .35 N. Main St. Asheville, N. C. Town and County Items. Miss Edith Kilpatrick is reported very ill at her home on Broad street. P. E. Seajjle of New York City, is spending a few days at Lynhurst farm. T. ]3. Crary has secured the con tract lor layinj; the sidewalks and will begin them at once. L(*roy Ball is in town on business and ro])orts that his son Roy is im proving steadily from his rec*ent illness. Mrs. John Du(;kworth, who lias been very ill at her residence on Soutli Caldwell .street lor some time, is improving. Mesdam('s Frank L. DoVano and C^ias. E. Orr returned Friday last from a v(*ry i)leasant trip to rela tives in Stiitesville. Frank E. B. Jenkins rotm’ned Sat urday from a visit to Asliovillo Avhoro he greatly enjoyed the Fire men’s Tcmrnament. R. L. Gash E.sq. made a short vis it to Tryon last Saturday and ro- l)orts that town and Saluda to be full of summer visitors. The many friends of Wm. May and family will be glad to lt‘arn that they intend to return to Bre vard to spend the winter. The high water caused by the re cent heavy rains washe<l out the race at King’s mill Monday and grinding and work at the machine shop is sus pended for a few days. Instead of the r(\gular servi(*e Sunday t‘vt‘ning in the Methodist church the Juvenile Missionary So ciety will ]n-es(’!nt a program. The publics is cordially invited. Mrs. A. M. Verderv, who has been visiting in Charleston and tiie Isle of Palms, returned Monday evening accompanied by her sister-in-law and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Kinard. W. T. Bo.sse, of the News force, was called to Spartanbui g last week on account of the death of his brotlier-in-law, M. Heldmann, which Occurred in that city last Friday. W. E. Bishop is having the finish ing touches put on the rooms over his new hardware store preparatory to moving his fiimily in on Monday, having rc'nted his cottage near the depot to Mr. Fulibright, the tele graph operator. Tb(‘ following visitors art‘ sto])- l)ing at the J. J. Slii])man cottage: Misst's Hart. Brown, F. J. Colt and .McCoy; ISlrs. Shaw and son; M('.^srs. AV. J. Black, A. (L Wil liams and wifi‘. Prof. Harding atid wif(‘; Tom Sharpie and wife. F. E. P>. Jenkiiis. W. M. Henry and T. JI. Shipman have iDeen elected and snorn in by the mayor to suc ceed Wm. P. Weilt. J. W. McMinn and A. K. Orr. The three new alder men are all public spirited business men and things will now soon begin to move on again. We ar(‘ glad to see tlie govei'n- mt‘nt experts here who are to maki‘ a soil map of this county. This will be of grt'at l)cnetit to th(‘ farm ers, as on(‘ can then know th(‘ clK'niical C()ndition of his .soil and know wliat kind of fertiliztn* to put 071 it to makt‘ it produc(‘ abundantly. Rt‘v. P. (tt. Elsom will begin next Sunday niglit in tlu' Baptist church a special seri(‘s of s('rmons on the “Ten commanduK'nts and Who Breaks Tlu^m. ’’ He will prt'ach th(‘ first next Sunday night at >> rlT) on “Who is your (7od?” All invited to hear thes(‘ sc'rmons 'which will b(‘ plain, fearh'ss, practical, up-to- dat(‘ application of tlu‘ Ti'ii Com mandments to the peoph^ of to-day. A. L. Hardin, our capable (“ounty survt'yor, is in from th(‘ survey of the proposed railway from Rosman to S(‘n(>ca and reports that the route has bet'n surveyed as far as^ valley which is at the foot of the mountain, and that a very good grade was secured. There sliould be no trouble now in getting this extension made and we hoi>e that the Southern will soon commence * work on it. 'Star Brand Shoes Are Better* This shows one of th« many pleasing styles b “Jlayflomer” A. 32.50 And 33.00 SHoe for Women As good and true as the name it wears. A modern product with old-time honor. Medium Price High Value The “Mayflower’’ Shoe for Women is designed to meet the requirements of those who want a high class shoe at a medium price. The manufacturers realizing this have put into the shoe the greatest possible values and furuish it to us at a figure that permits our selling it to }^ou at the remarkably low price of $2.50 and $3.00. We can say to you frankly there is less profit made on the ^layflower than any shoe of like quality sold to-day. We have styles enough to satisfy you no matter how particular you may be. Come in and Examine our Bi^ Stock FOR. SALE BY O. L. Ei?wixi BREVARD, N. C. meJjnaeaTscH t»ra co. balto miv Coal for Sale. The Brevard Light & Power Co. Are preparing to handle coal for domestic ]5oth steam and lump will be kept and sold at a very close price. See us before buying your win ter su])j)ly, Brevard Light and Power Company. REMOVAL. W. E. BISHOP, the old reliable PLUMBER, Is now located in liis now building, one door west of the old stand, on West Main street. People wanting work in his line should con sult him before contractintr. PHONE 15. Miss Eva Loftis is at .Tenkins «Sr Brt)'s store this weidc helping take stock. Mrs. Bt‘nj. (ireig cam(' in W(‘dn(‘S- day to s])('nd the summi'r with Mrs. J. W. M'*.Minn. Rev. P. O. Elsom will begin a se ri(‘s of mo('tings at Island Ford school hous(> next Sunday after noon at 1 p. m. Preaching cdl n(‘xt w(H‘k. Town and c-ounty pc'ople ar(‘ invited to attend. There is no need worrying along in discomfort because of a disordered digestion. (Jet a bottle of KODOL FOR DYSI’EPSIA, and see what it will tlo for you. l\odol not oidy di gests what you eat and gives that tired stomach a needed rest, but is a corrective of the greatest etticieucy. Kodol relieves indigestion, dyspep sia, palpitation of the heart, flatu lence, and sour stomach. Kodol will make your stomach young and healthy again. You will worry .just in the proportion tiiat your stomach worries you. Worry means the loss of ability to do your best. Worry is to be avoided at all times. Kodol will take the w’orry out of your stomach. Sold by Brevard Drug C<j. Obituary. I’ditor Svlvan Valiev IScws: William P. Fletcher was born Oct. 12, 18 H>; died July 1<^ llM)*;, He was married tirst to Miss Susan Matilda Thomas (IShO), to whom was born six children, lie was again married in 1877 to Miss Monerv Shepherd, to whom wore born five children, tour of whom have preceded him through the vale. Two brothers, one sister, live children and a companion are left to mourn their loss. T visited him this year in his sickness and heard him speak of the condbrt h*‘ derived from the fact that he could realize his Saviour’s j)resence. He was a good neighbor, especially to the poor and needy. .Many were tfie ilowers which decked his coffin and many were the sad hearts that bade him fiirewell as we laid him to rest in tlie family graveyard. The community has lost a friend, j the county a good citizen and our I church a good member, but eternity I has gained a guest. We shall sea I him here no more, but above we may I some day go and meet him. ! He sliall sleep but not forever; ! There will be a glorious dawu. ' J. H. OitEKX, his pastor.

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