I Sylvan Valley News Our County—Its Progress and Prosperity the First Duty of a Local Paper. J- MINEI?, Mana->er. BREVAUD, TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY. N. C., FRIDAY. JULY 27.1906. VOL. XI-NO. 30 ransylvania Lodge No. 143, , Knights of Pythias Reirular convention ev ery Tuesday nijfht in Ma sonic Hall. Visitinj: Kniyhts are corclially in vited to attend. T. W. WHITMIRE C. C. Brevard Telephone Exchange. HOUKS: Daily—7 a. m. to 10 p. ra. SuHuay—S to 10 a. m., 4 to <» p. tn. Central Otlice—McMinn Block. Professional Cards. W. B. DUCKWORTH, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Investigation of Land Titles a Specialty. Rooms 1 and I2, Pickelsiiner Building. ZACHARY &. BREESE ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW OHices in McMInn Block, Brevard, N. C. CASH <ft CALLOWAY, LAWYERS. Will practice in all the courts. Booms 5) and 10, McMinn Block. % D. L. ENGLISH LAWYER Booms 11 and 12 McMinn Block, BBKVAMD. X. C. Miscella?\eous. The JEthelwold Brevard's New TTotel—Modern Ap pointments—O])on all the year The patronat^e of the travelinjr iniblic as well as .sxunmer tourists is s(»licited. Opp. Court House, Brevard, N.C. IM-P-A-X-S Tabiiles Doctors lind A good presori})tioii Foi‘ mankind The 5-c'ont packet is eiioiij;li lor usual (H'oasious. The fainiiy bottle (lio < ont^) cimtHUis a ."Ui'ply for a year. All drut;Ki^ts sell them. OWest In the State. nuBl- ness, Shorthand,Typewri ting, I’e n in a n s b i p, and English courses. IKOO graduates iu pusitlons. Half or more of your rail road fare paid. Vlenty of IKOod board at (2.50tot3.50 per week. No vacations^ Knter any time. Special course by mall If you ask font. Land Of tbe Sky.” ^jf . /y Bftpphire Country. Principal. ASHEVILLE, M. 0. In “The Land of tbe Sky. HMrtbe HOLLISTER'S Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Basj Medlolne for Basy People. Brings Oolden Health and B«nowed Vigor. A specific for Constipation, Indljrestion, IJve «nd Kidney Troubles, Pimples, Eczeinn, Impure filood. Bad Breath, Slui?i;j6h Bowels, Headach* fend Backache. It's Rocky Mountain Te<\ in tnb- Set form, 3.5 cents a box. Genuine made by Hollister Dri’q Company, Madison, Wis. bOLDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE FOR I Bi| Earpffl Tr. advertiKe the Soutli’n Fu!»lne8« Collej'e, a few seliolarsiiips are alTeiC'l ill eiifh sejtion nt less than cost. nOS’T DKI.AY. WRITK TODW C-A-AU. BUSINESS COLLEGE, Macoa,(ia UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF MEDICINE STUART McGUIRE, M. D , Pucsidfnt. TA/s CoHege conforms to the Standards fixed by law for Medicp.l Education. Send for Bulletin No. 11, which tells about it. Three tree catalogues—Specify Department, medicine - DENTISTRY - pharmacy Washington Letter. Corresi)ondence News. It is a far cry to the next dem ocratic national convention, but all the politicians are talking nothing else but the tight that is two years off and the general con sensus of opinion is that if the convention were to be held to morrow William J. Bryan would be nominated by acclamation. Well why shouldn’t he be? He is the inventor of everything that has been asked for by Theodore Roosevelt; of everything that was passed by the last session of the congress that was of any pe culiar interest to the peo])le, and why should not the inventor of a machine be acclaimed by the people as well as the man who uses it? Everything that Roose velt has advocated in his mes- s-iges to congress that has been worth siiucks to the people, is democratic doctrine. It was ad vocated either by a democratic national convention in the plat form, or else some democrat has blazed the way by a speech in congress on the subject, a long time before Roosevelt ever thought of saying a word in favor of anything that was passed by the congress. A glance at any democratic na tional platform since 1890, or the Congressional Record since 1898. will prove the truth of my asser tions. As long as a j’ear and five months before Roo.sevelt ever said a word about railroad rate regulation, a speech w’as made on the floor of the house by the Hon. John Sharp Williams, of Missis sippi, the democratic tloor leader, that read exactly as the message of Roosevelt on the subject and nobody doubts that from it Roose velt got much if not all the inspi cation when he wrote the mes sage asking Congress to enact railroad rate legislation. If he liad stuck to his text and insisted on the same policy advocated by Williams we would have had a law that w’ould have had teeth; but he went back on all and ev erything that he had asked for and on everybody who had trust ed him in the transaction. People seem to think that should Bryan be nominated by the democrats tliat Teddy will be forced to run by his party as the only man who would stand any chance to beat him. Those who know Roosevelt at short range know that if such a proposition is put up to him, Teddy will accept it, no matter what he has said to the contrary, and many people believe that he is working to that end right now. It would give the people of the entire country a chance to choose between the genuine thing and the pinchbeck. For if ever there was a piece of pinchbeck in the shape of a poli tician in the whole range of hu man historj\ it is the man now in the White House. And I speak advisedly when I say jwlitician. He is one of the best politicians who ever sat in the White House, and one of the luckiest. He came as near being dragged from his pedestal upon which the people have placed him, when he tackled Tillman, Bailey and Chandler, but he wriggled out of that pre dicament by jumping on the meat packers, whom everybody hate and despise. He knew that fact and played on it for all it was worth and the trick won. Every body immediately forgot the rail road rate incident and the fact that Roosevelt had played a dou ble game and shown bad faith and in the end had surrendered to the roads and gave them the broad court review, and at once began heaping praises on his head for hitting the hated meat trust. Have you ever thought of that? Do you remember that the two things followed on each other’s heels? Well, that’s the way he played it on the people and they swallowed the bait, hook and sinker. Does an Education Pay? Does it pay to make life a ^lory instead of a grind? Do(;s it ])ay to opon a little wider the door of a nuirow life? Does it pay to add ])ower to the k'ns of the microscojK* or the tele scope ? Does it ]>ay to know how to take the dry di\‘ary drudgery out of life? Does it pay to taste the exliila- ration of feeling ont^'s powers unfold? Does it pay to push one’s horizon furtln'r out in ordcn- to g('t a wider outlook or a clearer vision? Do(‘s it pay to learn how' to mar shal on(‘*s mental forc(‘ effectively? Do(‘s it ]ui v to ac(piirea eharaet('r wealth, a soul ])roiK‘rty, which no disaster or mi.sfortuni* can Avreck or ruin? Does it pay to liave exiu*rt advice and training, to liav(‘ id(*als held up to onc‘ in the most critical years of life? Dot's it ]>ay to niakt' life-kmg friends witli In’it^ht ambitions young ]H‘ople, many of wliom will occupy high jiositions latter on? Toxaway Dam Again. CoiA'-MKTA, July lU.—Mr. N. A. Patterson, a hrotlier of Congrt'ss- man Jas. A. Patt(‘r.son, of Bai-n- well. writt^s to Governor Heyward from Arden, N. C., calling attention to wliat he considers the danger to And<.‘rson and otlu'r South (.’arolina c()unti(‘s from the big dam at Lak<' Toxaway. He stiys tlu‘ lak(' is a constant menac<‘ and that residents lielow it will .somt' day have a .Johnstown ifiood to go through with. Mr. Patterson also Avishes a cummissioin'V of deeds for South Carolina appointed in Aslu^villt‘. He .says notarial fet'S there are just doubli‘ tlu'ir amount in this state. Teachers’ Association. Becau.<;e of some conflicting ap pointments, the next nieetinf^ of the Transylvania Teachers’ Association will l>e postponed until August 2"). A program for the occasion will be arranj^ed and published later. We hope to have with us at our next nieeiiiiK a representative of the Woman’s AssoiMation for the Better ment of PubI c School Hou.ses in North Carolina. We shall expect every public school teacher in Transylvania to be present, and be prepared to take port in the general discussion of the sut>jects. T. Hp:m)Ekson, County Superintendent. A little love, a little wealth, A little home for you and me: It's all I ask except g-ood health, Which comes with llocky Ivlountain Tea. Z. W. Nichols. Is Mr. Roosevelt going to make the republicans force the nomination on him? The “Roosevelt style” of rest ing would make some men won der what you call w^ork. Gautemala and San Salvador are determined to have peace, if they must tight for it all summer. A current article on “Justice in Erance and America” shows that there is some of it in both places. Upto Sinclair may be a remark able young man, but he will not solve the servant problem. The servant problem will not let him. W’^hen the show girls swing their hammers in the Thaw-White murder case, it sounds like the w'hole “Anvil Chorus” in full swing. Henry Clay Evans takes the throttle of the Tennessee Repub lican machine and Congressman Brownlow will either ride on the trucks or walk. Senator LaFollette is now busy going about the country exhibit ing the trousers that had a hole kicked thro igh them by his re publican colleagues. Mr. Bryan expresses a willing ness to welcome all former hood- lers back into the democratic ]jar- ty, reserving the right however, to personally search them for concealed weapons. A burglar has been sent to the Jefferson City, Mo., penitentiary under two sentences, one for life and the other for ten years. Un doubtedly they will get the best of the man by making him serve the ten-year sentence tirst. Thousands annually hear witness to the efticiency of Early Kisers. These pleasant, reliable little pill.v have long borne a reputation .second to none as a laxative and catharti**. They are as staple as bread in mil lions of homes. Plea.^ant but eftV*ct- ive. Will promptly relieve constipa tion without griping. Sol<l hy Bre vard Dru^ Co. It is not surprising that .John D. Rockefeller was able to pick the winner at the French races. That man couldn’t Itjse money it he burned it u[) in an incinerator. Mrs. Longworth was mch in terested in the “creations” of the Parisian dressmakers. No won der that Hubbie Nick announced upon arriving in Paris, that their stay in the city would be very brief. Ciitarrli Cannot be Cured with local applications, as they can not reach the seat of the disease, ('atarrh is a blood or constitutional disease and in order to cure it you must take tnteriial remedies. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was prescribed by one ot the best physicians in this country for years and is a rejfular pre scription. It is composed of the best tonics know, combined with the best blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two ingredients is what produces such wonderful re sults in curing CiiNirrli. Send for testimonals free. F. J. CiiKXKY & Co., Props. Toledo, O. Sold by Druggist, price 76c. Take Hall’s Family Pills for constipation. Union Meeting at Mt. iVloriah. Mt. Moriah church cordially invites all the churches in Tran sylvania county to send messen gers to the next union meeting which she invites to meet with her the 5th Sunday in Jul^’^ be ginning on Friday before. Kin DAY. 11 a. m.—Sermon by Eld. T. (\ Hoi tzcia w. Dinner on the ground. 1:89 p. m.—Subject: “Is the spiritu ality of our churches what it ought to be—if not what is the cause?” Ope»>ed by J. M. Hamlin and J. H. Owen. SATUUDAY. 0:30 a. m.— Prayer and song service by J. M. Bowen. 10 a. m.—Subject; “What shall we do to revive the spirit of missions in our churches?’’ Opened by A. (’. Beck and A. H. Garren, Adjournment for dinner. 1:30 p. m.—Have we as many preachers in Transylvania county as the cause demands—if not what is the cause? Opened by T. C, Henderson and A. (). Allison. SlJXDAV. 9 a. m.—Sunday school mass meet ing conducted by J. M. Harulin, The follow mg subjects are sug ^gested: (1. What advantage i.s a Sunday school to a church?) (2. Is literature a leal adv.intage to a Sunday school?) (:’>. ( an we better the Condition of our Sunday school?—If so how?) Speakers to he selected by the conductor. 11 a. ni.—Preach inji‘. The preacher will be selected by the* church. A collection will be taken on Sun day tor Missionary J. V. Dows of China. Done by order of the chnrch June 0 l‘K'1). S. C. OWKX, .Alod. J. M. SrTHKRN', C. C. IJowel (ill Cliildroii. During the sunn.ler months chil dren are subject to disorders of the bowels which should receive careful attention as soon as tbe tirst unnatur al loooseness of the bowels appears. Thi" best medicine in use for bowOl complaint is Chamberlain’s colic, cholera and diarrhoea remedy as it promptly controls any unnatural looseness of the bowels, whether it be in a child or an adult. sale by Vi. W. Nicliols, T?revard and (). L. l*'rwin. (’alvei-t. At last reports Speaker Can non’s presidential boom had halt ed at the Oklahoma State line, and Ai'izona was searching for it with a big bowie knife. John Sliarp Williams isopposed to using American warships to enforce the speculative transac tions between the European usur ers and South American repudi- ators Kansas populists refused to in dorse former Senator Harris for Governor. The Senator has quit wearing whiskers and a dandruff coated collar. By the time the Thaw’-White case is washed out, the citizens of Gotham will wonder if a new packinghouse has been started up the Creek. A Hur<l l.ot of troubles to contend with, spring from a torpid liver and blockaded bowels, unless you awaken them to their proper action with Dr. Iving’s New Life pills; the pleasantest and most effective cure for constipation. They prevent appendicitis and ton« up the the system. 25c at Z. W, Nichols drug store

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