News Our County—Its Progress and Prosperity the First Duty of a Local Paper. 'T- J. MlXEl?, Manai;or. BREVARD, TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY, N. C., FRIDAY. AUGUST ;^4. 190G. VOL. XI-NO. 34 snsylvania Lodge No. 143, Knights of Pythias I^Cirvilai- convention ev- Ij* ery Tuessday nijrht in Ma- bonie Hall. Visiting * Knights arc cordially in vited to attenil. T. W. WHITMIRE C. C. Brevard Telephone Exchange. HOT'KS; Haily—7 a. ni. ti> 10 ]i. m. ^^uiuuiy- s to lit a. in.. 4 to »• m. <‘Vnii-al onice—McMini, lilork. Professioi^ffll Cards. W. B. DUCKWORTH, attorney-at-law. Investigation of Land Titles a Specialty. Kooins I and 2. 1'iokelt^iiner Buildin”". ZACHARY fj. BREESE ATTORN EYe-AT-LAVV Offices in McMinn Blocic, Brevard, N. C. GASH A GALLOWAY. LAWYKRS. in i>i*actiee in alltlio coui'ts. 1 looms '.t and 1(>. Mi*Minn lllock. D. L. ENGLISH LAWYER ll'tdius 11 ;ni(i 1:2 >i(‘Minn IV.ock. I'.KKVAiM), X. r. Miscel!ar^ecus. CALENDAR FOR THE TRIAL OF CIVIL GASES. T ransylvania County Superior Court, August-September Terrrit 1906. Wi<:i>nksdaY, Au(irsr IDOG. Xo. 4—.]. E. Duckwortli et ;il. vs. Kobrrt M(M"co. y—(reo. Holmes ol al. vs. J. F. Hays et al. 11—(Jeo. Holmes vs. T. V. Smith, li!—(roo. Holmes vs. .J. K. (ialloway. lo- (loo. Hohues vs. J H. Keed et a I. 14—(Jeo. Holmes vs. Tlie Toxawa}' Co. Thi usdav, Aroi'sr lUOt'.. 15—I. S. Fishef vs. \V. J. Owens. 17—T. (J. Ccoft vs. Ed. C. Wilson and J. F. Hays. "2-—Vance (Jalloway vs. Khoda E. FisbcM-. admi-x. I’o—C\ S. Kinshind vs. C. (irimsha'vve. Fuiday. Ar(;rsT :{1, 19(H*>. L'7—Anna Norwood vs. J. E. Duckworth, ot al. ils F. L. Dk^Vano, Trustee, vs. L. Yonnj^. I’it—F. L. D(A"ane. Trustee, vs. L. Youn^^ :U)—.1. U. Xt*al (it al. vs. Win. Powell. Sati'uhav. Ski’i kmhkr 1, l‘.>or). .‘II—Frank McC’all vs. A. \V. Ivin'ire:; al. AV. T. Mason l^br'Jo. vs. C’. C. I\il[)atrick, Sheriff .AIoxdav. SKi”n:Anu:ii IDOO. 0-1 (). J)Owen vs. J. C. Kinir et al. )!(»- A. E. I M)ai'dman et ux vs. The Town of Hrevard. ].!. 11. 'Puttie et al. vs. Iv. M. Tuttle el al. (Iriuishawe vs. C. A. Post. Ti'ksi'av. Ski’Tkmi;ku -t, lUOt). 10 r.,e(' I-\ Xorlon et al. vs. T. 15. IuhhI. ■41—r. (lrni)sliaw(‘ vs. A. II. Lyi.uan ft al. -!i* I'riiislaud A.' Wells vs. M. S. Dunn. r»;' Pal Mrlntyre vs. .1. \V. McMinn. ."jj (\ Cohen Sons v.'^. T. V\\ \Viii!!jir(}. Wi;i)m;sdAY. Ski’IKMni'.K r>, I'H’ti. .“o T. (!. i-’ish( r et al. Tii(> 'Toxaway (^'o. et al. 1—'i\ \\'. Whitmire v.->. ,\, X. IL'alli. THOIAS A. mm, Jr., DENTIST. < 1 lollr'C HKNDKRSONV'I.I.H. - - N. C, < iditi < rowii, nri(l}^«‘ Work ami roifclain Work special! ie.'. All work i^narantcod and j>ricos r. a Mitiaid<*. !’ainic'-s i lxiraelion. .sao!:i 1 ordan .J o!'(lati. ^ Millv Ann llvod w.. E. 1). Uec'd. , I ()iV Haynes. li-‘;tsoii ('o. vs. li. .). I’ici:e!si mer. Till i^-|)AV. (*i. .1 i;lia llooil e! Mi. \'s. W in. ^Mlison. ( ^ lu >1 v> clu ‘<1 i n 11u‘ i ;1 ill ib.'ii’ ■'■ "rul.;r )• : staml tor .rh('r\vis>' ay they a^x' set f< ;r tri;;l will l\v tl).' ToT.rt. r.nlos 17-'(•'('I l)y ili>‘i'<lurr. N«> %vitnvs>cs will 1)»“ allowt'd T<i ])roV(* ;ni .■ t;ni“ tho (lay <>7i wliidi tlio caM' is set lor trial on'tlu* ca’i'iidar. v.Lotions may !'»' ln'ard at :iny tii'.a'Vviirn tb(' roui'V is 7i..l w's “ ( nira ■-'.(■(I. I;'-' c* nsi-nt or ^ v‘s Moticr t<> tin- ctlio - sid('. iiiJK -Wi: 1) !;AR .'vS,^0( LVTif, ):<. \y li, »urk-v,.rtl, \V,.l.;, ,■ , I :'i. L. (-ia-a. \\ . \\ . Zacliary. \ The JEihelivoi 3It’ Vrd■> Xi'w liolfl -.Mod'-iai .\!i 1)1 < >pcn all tin' year )<■ i-'a! r<>11 of the t i-;i vt'linii'ild’' Tii. rir-t r ^ ol ic i t > . a^ '.'.(‘il <>s lu\ir c'oart lloasf. l )rev;;i'.:. .s. < iM-l^A-X-S TaUnles ])«)<‘iors lind A _ir<)(xl }ires<‘i'ij)tion l'\)j‘ inaiikiiid yi-P'lit packff <‘n(iuu!i !i r Tiif fa'iiiiy biitilc 'i;o i-i- t'' u >ui‘{>’.v f<ira\oar. All drii,u:'-ri'-t> >cii I.,, iit. Oldf'Pt in the Rtftte. Rusl- iies-^. Sli<Ttlianil.Tyi)ewri- IV 11 ui a ivt^Ii I p,an(l Kiitrlit^h courj^es. 1k«0 pr:iilun.tes! in iiositlciiK. lliilf or mere ot your rail- fare );aid. 1’k‘nty of li-ifirdal 82..'>ilti>t''—''0 jX ;>L*r weel;. No g l.:ntfr any Si>ei::al * c()i:rso bj luail if you us'k for it. In -The Land of the Sky.” ^ ^ . Hear the SaPi^WruCouutry. I'rincipal. ASHEVILLE, N. C. HOLL'i^TL'R’S f?cc!cy f^Guntain Tes A Busy Modiolao for 13usy People. Brlng3 Goldea Health and Renewed Vigor. ^ soeciflc for Conslijiation, Indipestion, Live j and Kitluey Trotibles. Pimples. E<v.emn, Impure ' Blood, Bad Breath, Sliiprc'sh Bowels, II.'Rdachf* and Backache. It's Rocky Mountain Tea in talj- lot form. S') ceats a box. Genuiae made by Hollister Druo Company, Madison, Wis. iSOLDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE ,Jo!in IJull ami I*<*uco. It soi'ais to !■;' ”C!UM'alIy inuitTsIood tliat Cri'.'it Ui’ilaia is ;ui\’n(ns for ]>c:ice, altl’.or.uli ivuIiil;' ail li-ii.uMis to !>•.“ in**- pai'od fo!' Avar. r(‘:-h;ip-< lit'i' tions r;c;>:i tliat slu' ain:s to !'c t’u' world’s |>^“accniak(‘r aial la.aiatiiin If slu- has to li;j,ht for it. !';:t now ■;iid tlii'u so'.ac trii! • iadic.-iti's tlait the i»owi'" v.itli ciidu'ss do:ainioas is r»“ady to yU>l(l for tl:;‘ saki* of ];,‘arc. .Not that slu“ is rt'aily so viM-y ;'oo;l all at l)ut \\-ar is iH'coiidii'-r f.-.ari'illy cxiH-ush'c, and tlie avei'aLTf liriton, A\lio u(‘ts jio irloi’v out of tli:* uaine aiid foots all tile hills, is Idc'cia'.:. Not v(M'v 1 >au' a;;<) tin! l’»ritis!i fc»ri*i-rn o!licai:;dt> oiiicia.lly tlic fact that nc.uutia i ious wen* ^oin,,; oa to i»rin:: tli<- r.ritish lioa an-.l tin; iljissian l)i‘ar iuio t)u‘ traditional juxtaposi;l.>;i of tlic lion and the l.-MiiJ), wlu<-h spidls tin? niillonninni. IOn<-on;-a.Lrluu' ri'ports in this Iha* 4iav«.> h'uk<Ml tnit since, aa.i if may !>«' tliat tlu' ra'xt I[a.i^U(‘ <-onfcr- cnce -will have a real triumi)!i (U' tiie jirinciplc of .-irhitralion to ci li'braK*. It is said that tlu‘ sultan of TurUey is on i»ins and ni‘(*dlcs for fear Loadon and St. reti*rsl)ur{^ are ,1,'eltin,:^’'elh- er on matters pertainin.^r to tlit' near east. \V<dl l;e knows th:it the monu'at t'lat takes ’dace the crescent come down from tlie mo.siiue of St. Soil.I at (’onstantinoi>io aiul the Mos lem i>ow(‘r (init Europe batr and l'U'<- .uraKe. Mon* than once of late he has indtat(‘d the liorsc; sense of the coon in the spa rrins: scene witli Davy Crockett by cryin.i^; “Don’t shoot. I'll come dov.n,” a clear indication iJiat he no lonjrer counts uj>o!i the <iuarrel.s of Turkey's European uei{xbbors as the mahistay of the Turk. A treaty be tween liussia and (Jreat Britain Avould l)e the first step in a quadruple alli ance, France and Japan being the j)fh- i er fai'tors. W'ai' a;^a;:!st eo;;:!ii’); W(.)nld lie fi’olhardy and t!ic v.o;';.:'- ! peace thi'i'e'.i;' assTwed. I Sv.'im I'or Voiir i/.Cr an;l Vour I 'I'Ik' lon.u and harrow<-ha;)tt.‘;‘ o. I urownin.u’ accidi'uts which is a part o; ILv* oiiiiai;' s.-ast>n’'s history ope;u'.l ear- : ly this year. Se'.'eral Il\es ’(Vere io-; : ia v::rioi;.s parts of tiie <-o; that I with a little presence of miiitl. conpl;-,! j v^'ith skill, miyht ha\e ix\-a saved :i..d ■ perhaps never lUit iii s;.rioii.-^ jettpar ly. ' Most (h'o\vKiU'4 ac(.'idents are diu' t>> lack of early education. Tlie \i<-tiins ; liever l(*arn to swim. lii* are often I made by jiersons youn.v.'cr and not .so : .■'trea.:^ as Lla* in i»eiil. aa.l L’irls!:nes appear as the ln‘roiaes of j th.-se i‘X]doits. I Swiniuiin-C ou.^ht to be in the experl ' ence of every boy and ,i:irl. It ma; save the swimmer's own life and also the lives of others. Moi'<‘0\er, it is a ; health.v all around i‘Xt>rcise. Mascles are developt'd in swimndnK, skill an^l ! presence of mind follow its practice as : a matter of cmu’si*, and proper swim ming means proper brt'athing. The swimmer of a few strokes can kc‘ep alloat after fallinj? overboard umil oth er means of rescue can Ive had. And , swinindn.!? is (iUioker ]earm*U than playing ball. Ill <Jr<‘at J>oinjiii<l. The deiriatid lor ('lianiberlain's Colic, Cholei-a and Diarrhoea Keni- edy here has been so <?reat that 1 ! have scarcely been ahle to keej) it ill stock. It has cured cases of dys entery here when all other remedies j tailed. Frank Jones. Pikeyille, Ind. For .^;ile by Z. \V. Xicliolf, ]>revaid and O. L. Erwin, Calvert. Toxaway Inn. l-:dit;n* Sylvan Valley News. 'I'oxaway Inn is th(‘ scen(^ of much activity this week, many people are iu‘r(* and ail are out for a j;ood time. 'IMu'si' heautifid days invite owe to participate in the out of doors sports, such as ridit);?, drivjnjj:, hoatin?, I>athiu‘r, tennis and fishin^j:. One en- terpri^iiii^ (*oup!(^ indul;j:,ed in a walk avovn\d 1/ake 'roxaway—iifteen ^0(^d lon<^ mik's—no road, no tiail even, iMit they returned witli |y:lowiii^ ac counts of a <lay well spent anti a walk worth while. laick has l)e(*n with the fishei’nien this Week and fine specimens of heautifid trout have been brought to th(! Inn. Last .summer Toxaway iiad th(* proud distin<‘tion ofenter- taininj^ a fisherman of j;reat note, ( apt. Ikison of ('liarlotte, N. ('. Tins gentleman had many narrow (escapes, and once a tish ot such mammoth ]>ro[»orti()ns that th(‘ ('aiv tain hesitated to des< ril)e it, found its wav to his line and actually took »iis hook and straightened it causiuir the Captain ^n*at pe'dnbation ot mind then casually suam away, l<*avinji the useless hook to tin* he \vil<lere(l lisiiernian. This sunimer ('apt. I'asin lias returned to the scene of his di>comtiture witli blood in ins eye. lie is after the bold, h'ad lish. W'o wish liim joy, liiit is tluji-e man with heart so cold tnat eoukl wish the cai)tiu'e of this lish'.' i’ver.v (Mie lia.s become exciK'd over (’apt. r.ason’s bi^- ii~h which lie actually aw in the lake, tliat lisluii'j; iias -n- co(‘aseil to su(di an ext(>nt that riaes, hooks, tac'.Je and bo;>ts ainl al most an*:I(‘ worms are at a premiinii. and cards occn'py tlic (‘venin‘;s. The b('autifid ball room is llu> eent('V of anractioH. 1/"M Wedne>day evening' a (Jermanv.;;' da!!'. ed w i ? I! Mi'. ! ,a t h i'( >) ■ 1 ore):; a* i and Mi>--< doncs i('a<linj. Mrs. Win tl'.rop and .Airs. Aiken were chap ('I'OUi'S. 'i'ox;iv.ay not only lias (ti^>^ln;.:u:.'-’.l- ed ri.-hernK’ii with lu‘r l>nt this week iias brought <lislin^uished lawy(^-' to h(‘r hospitable root, .lud^e Speai is lioldiair court luM’e. Xot only i- lu‘boidir.”' '-ourt and jjjoin;;- thi-ouiib all of llie f(-rm.-ilities tiiat tliis ini- plie.s, blit lie is bavin;;' tlieexp(n’i- enc(‘of conductinu' t!n*se pIoc^^■din^> in a r-p('t m(»r(‘ bi*autii'ui than v.a- tbe forest v/liere iaibin liooil eaiUMi his merry men to^c'tlier anil dis persed Jus* ice as I’(‘ it. 'rito pa- villion on tiie island in tiu\ lakt' ha- b(‘(*n c.inv(Mted inti) a court room that surpasses eviMi IJobin Hood’r ‘•ruder lh(‘ Crccai Wood Ti’ee^.” i^ach of the four walis t-ontai-', . ni:!- terpiece \)a>nted by i he ureiitest »>! all artisis—\iiture. Hert; .Iud;j,'' Speer sits anti listens to tlie aru'a- ments and Wei;^l»s in the balance ot justict; tht^ points that make ft):', truth and <‘i[uity. He.e he must feel a keener perception, a broader understanding that inakt*s far wiser jud}4’mems tban ever btdore, becausi* of tiie biiT scale by which Nature measures standards. !Many distni- jruished lawvt'rs are with .lud^e J'"pet*r, and the ‘guests ot the Inn are eiijoyinjr the privilej^e of heariiiii' iJ^entlemen imder these favora ble and md(|ue et)udltions. Following; is a ]vartial list of arri vals: Mr.- and Mrs. K. O. Tluntt-r, Tampa, Fla; E. C. Slater.^^e- hurj;, S. C.-, (\ M. Capps, Vir^nnia; Mr. and Mrs.B. Wyche, San Antonio, Texa?, Geo. Iluett, (’olumbia, S. C’.; H. M. McDonald, ^Mr. and Mrs. .Ino. D. V>'alk(‘r and W. H. liurwell, Spar ta, Ca.; M. T. Galloway, Mr. and ^frs. Peel, Atlanta; K. D. and Mi-s Atkin Latta, .Mr. and Mrs. T. C. (iuthrie. Waller P.rem, H. F>. pMtter- soD, Paul 11. Alien, Mrs. J. A. Young, Mrs. L. A. Dodswf)rth, Miss Louisf* Wadsworth and Miss Helen Hall, Charlotte, X. (\; ]\!isses Peel, Atlanta; Win. A Till, New York; a. s. Uaines, I*ortsmouth, Va.; A. P. Ciill)ert, W. 1). TayUie, llichmontl; Missies Lillian anti Lucy Urowder, and Get). II. P.rt)wder, Atlanta; F. N. MctJlean, C'olumbns, Ga.; .Mi-, and Mrs. .losejih W. Co.x and Misses ('ox, l^oanoke, Va.; Martin L. Smnter, Nt‘W York.; Mr. and Mrs. .1. K. T>il- lartl, Washin<;ton, (>. M. L<-id. Mr and .Mrs, L. X. Duke, ,MissM:iry and Mr. An^ief Duke, New York. List Of Jurors. At the UKietin^^ of tlu; Hoai’d oi‘ County Commissitiners held Mon- d:iy, Au^^ (1. lilOd, llie following- iXM’Sons wtM'c^ drawn to s('rv<* as .j urors at the next term of th(> Su perior Court of Transylvania County which convenes Monoay. Auir. i!7, .lud^'e O. H. Allen ])re- sidin.u;': [ ii:sT wi;i:k. ion Clayton Dr Wliitt !'r )<•:<-. .1 R Zatdiarv S I ^lef t(‘ .r W Brooks Jake Al.-Call I .Mor^'an d F iia\s Win Maxwell ( »wc i\ I i> \\’ 11'.Mulersoa \V h Cb.ajvn\aii John W Dodson l>():r .James []racken .Inlir.s M ^;c<■ iIi L Me la/.i'tier Pen Ale.\;Uldt‘r W .V .Mlison C (' \’oii!4ue J r Conley (ico L Giaz‘acT Win -Shipaian W’ P [-'O^^S<*d M T !’rva:d W !,'fo\\n>ead \\ aliser < I alio'A • Hasl-ad L;,'day Sy Iviius (: illo'A- y 1 icnrv I;a!’loii (icMj-c W S .\s!i wor; il P !•. Fiejii^li ,! i>r\'^oM \'an W;\ldr<*p .i (> ( ai;;i.d! (Jas < I la/.ener d W .''.’cyMiri ^1 L ( b’r \\ I-. (« ' i',' - ■ JC Whitmire \','ade i‘S.>u‘lie-.. s;;;\}M) Wi;t:\. W M Meeee S d 'l in>b y 11 L i}i-bop ;,eon ( : iih -'jd riios ,1 Poss C<|s- D lVeiijto;-; j 1-' ('iay ton 1-jI Pattoa j:- W (' Sbipnnm \’ li S.-ru;.;;.,'- 1\ .1 Wliitmii-.‘ L A-h\\:!r!}i M L llamiiton L:ii'uyeiie ()-r;‘e. 1 li Laxter Will Hoa<l A P ('a.'li .ios M ( !;; iio'.v; doe (iarrtMi W L M nil r.(‘() i!o<is(.(l I'erry (i i!!(“-pie 'ar.’o'' ijvday H b'ii;;.;' ! 's 'i’h js V We olier one huatlr d (bdl.trs rr^- vvard tor any of catarrii tl'iat •annot !>e cured by liall's < i aarrh ure. 1 . .1. ('I’.eney y < 'o., T H I I , ) , ( ) . j V.'(*, ttu'eiidersj^ni'd, have l<nfwn I !•'. d. Cln'iiev {'.a'the last l.'i yeat", land I tdievi- hiai perfeetly hoinnablo I in a’l his b;;s;!K>s t ransac: i. >ns :i ntl j linar.cially able t > c:irry out aiiV obligations natd > 'oy his lii- a. W'aldinur, |\inn;;n<'c >!arvin, \\'ii()h*salt* nru”<.;lsls, '^i'ole to, O. IlalPs Catarrh Cu!e is taken inter- nrdly, acting' diretrily upon the blootl and mucous surface< of the system, Ti'stinioniais sent free. Price 7 c(Mits per bollle. Sold l>y all drujj- li'ists. Take ITalPs I'amily Pills ibr con- sti})al ion. Anyw.'ty \l losevelt tlo ‘s not iiave to tii^ht otf a renomitial’ani for another year at lea.sL Because they applaud the Drey fus verdict, the French are ai^aiii bein" called tickle. The kind of fickleness which leads to the right ing of a great wrong is not bad. Old maids wou’d be sc nco and hard to fnid, CouUl they be made to s;*e, IIow ^race anti beauty is combine I By using L\ocky Mountain 'I ea. —Z. W. X"ichol.i,

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