N o SYLVAN VALLEY NEWS (Muars al)S(‘nc(‘ in S. W. Wlntnnrt‘'s boanlin.u: iiori'cs opposite' the News otlict‘, has h:'.(l her rooms fillod for s{>voral \vi‘> Mrs. J. A. ]\I<-(4uir(‘ of Lalct' Tox- -•;\vay was a Bri'vard visitor Mon- <1my. and made a welcome call at th«‘ No’svs floAVi'i* irarden. ('. A. C'ooko, of the C’ooko Ev ans Co.. Windsor, X. \vas a wol- (*om<' (*:ill»'r at the Xc'ws otlict^ Fri day last—roLrist*‘rcd at tht‘ JEtli(‘l- wolvl. “TIk' Sahhath and Row to Kei'j) it” ’.vill bo Rev. P. (4. Elsom's snb- ject at tlio Ba]>tist ch.nrch nt‘xt K^iinday ni.uht, bcin.!^ tlic fourtli in tho st'rvicc (,>n the tt'ii cc^mjnand- nu'nts. (’. rd. Doyle, th(' ])otato mail, has !>v*('n in (’olmnbia, Auirtista. Savan nah aiid otlu'r sontlu'rn cities, look ing; aftei- the ]U)tat»> market. As a :*()nst‘(inenc(' he is h'aiiimr a car i’or AiiLTriSta to-day. r.Ir. and Mi’s. Janu'S (^)ninland 'vrt' calli'r^ at the Xi'ws otlici' last Fiiday. ]SIr. C^/uinland is tr(‘asurcr »f tii(‘ (-;r:-('nv.'ich Savinirs Banli of Nevr York city, and it \vas onr ‘lower ^arde'a that was res])onsibl(' tor the call. They were ,i.rut‘sts of H'he Franklin. J)urin<; the month of July the lines assessed in our mayor’ts court amounted to 1.70. The dat(' for tht‘ Confedc'rate re union has l)tH‘n post])oned iintil the “ir)th at the barlx'cue. ^Ve learn that the property l)eh)nj;- iiig to J. (*. Cooper in We.st Brevard has been sold to F. E. B. Jenkins The loth was an unlucky day for draymen, as Mayor Wintmire .seenjs to have forj^otten how to say “not j;uilty.” Several ilollars in tines were added to the school fund. Carl Epps of Dallas, N. has accopt(‘d a jx^.sition as ])harmacist at the Bri'vard drn^ store. Mr. E])])S is a Ph. (4., having graduated from tlu' state c(dleg(‘, and comes highly n'cominended. A me(‘ting of the' road su]>ervis- ors of Cath('ys Creek townshi]) is i call(‘d to m('ct Jiext Friday, August 21. at 1 ]). m. All intert'sted in working the road by taxation an‘ urged to meet with them. Tlu‘ ic(‘ cream festival on tlie ^lethodist church lawn last Friday night was a V(‘ry successful func tion. W(‘ learn that about was added to th(‘ fund for paying somt' ])Oor girl's t'xpt'nst's at the Industri al scho(,)l. The obj(‘ct was a wor thy one and th(‘ Xt‘ws is glad that tlu‘ t'O'oj-ts of tlu‘ E])worth L(‘agU(‘ W(‘ve successful. BARBECUE. A cordial invitation is extended to all tlie citizens of the county to attend a grand bar])ecue und .speak ing to b(^ held in Brtn’ard on Sat urday, August 25th. The best bar becue cook in the state will b(^ here and we will have a line dinner as can be prepared and i^very one will be w’elcome. In addition to the dinner aifA speaking there will be music by a line brass band, and an enjoyable time is ])romised to all who attend. Do not bring anything to eat exce])t some bread and cake. The meat will b(> cookc'd right here and theiv will be mort‘ than enough for all. If it rains wt» can us<‘ the court house. RenuMuln'r tlu^ date, Aui'ust 2r)th. ii. K. Osbonu' of (ialYney, S. C.. .tdde>l his nam(“ to oui’ subscri})tion list Monday. II<‘ is vi>.itlng th(‘ old :tnci'sti-al lialls at tin* hunu* of his iather. W. K. Osboj-iu', and is gr( atJy ])leased v.ith thi* ])rogress Brv'vard has made during th(‘ thir teen years of his abs'.-nct'. -Ion- ITaiiiiin. wli m-tn;* y(':;rs ab.-cnt \ania coanty. came in from Cliat- tan<^.:M lu>t week on a visit to his ’'•Id ' ■: I.r- iti:;iiy ]-elarives and n-ie-tv's > i;roud to see him and ’’o V: ijiat jiis hialtii h;is 7iot aiiev^. I'ii'ice le;;vin'j: the mountaii’s. It ;t foiil •)‘el K-V. . rt'ei-:. ni ar iiK'rviii!'.'-at 1< < I nvei't-- of tin 'i>!an.'l 1 1 .] !>v llr:. ! nriuti/.e al t !h.' . t 'ii' ■ ■ »X: ’ ■i:," ::b! "i t-l '■»e'.. ■>;il no. •eviuii"] :-' 'i l!, 1^1:: I Our officers have I’outkI “signs” of blockade whisky recently, and those signs are being watched. \Ve would warn all violators that evidence to convict is not as hard to get now as it was a few yc'arsago. Our town has been getting on very nicely with out intoxicants and better conditions has'e made their impress on the pub lic nnnd. liewaie, or you will be caiiglit and punished. The Concei-t hist INIonday night lias b('en lor j was one of the best entert:iinments trom Transyl-; t(, ^vhich lirevari i)eople have ever been treated. The suiging v,as ex- celliMit and well receivetl; the read ing selections were entevtaining and Well delivered, and every number on tiu' pr(»gram was apidauded. The receipts, after deducting exi>enses, wa^ about We learn that tlu^ concert will l>e n'peated lU'xt Mon day niuht—rain liaving dei)riv(*d ■I; ., l’\ I,' I'cing })resent. • i i'. . ?'[( . (’ha])man vs'ill olll- : ' i hiiips next S»nday. u'ji. .Morning prayi'r. nnnlon and S(‘rinon at < »T‘ovv'th in the Holy S])eci;il oi'l‘(>ring for D. ^V. S«‘arc(‘y died at Catlieys Cre(*k on th(^ l.‘5th of August at :oO p. m., ag('d 7t) y(‘ars. He was bui’ied (m Tuesday last, Ri'v. J. M. Handin conducting the S(‘rvic(‘S at th(^ cluu’ch and ceni('t(‘ry. H<‘ was a member of tlu^ Ba])tist church for many years. A kind hi'arted man of a retiring dis])osition, a good husband and father and a kind neighbor, lu; has gone to his rest res])('ct(Hl by a largi* numb(>r of rtdatives and frii'nds. He l(>av('S a widow, two sons and on(> daughtt'r. Such was the succi'ss of tin* Sa cred Song (.'cmci'tt giv(‘n in tlu* f’oiirt House last Monday night that it will b(‘ r(>])(‘at(‘d with n(>w solos and ri'citations by Mi.ss Cas- .sici Young on X(‘xt Monday night, Aug. 20th. The singing by the chorus of fifty vidces vais .sph'udid whih> Miss Young brought down th(‘ housi^ by her wonderful ])ow(“r of elocution and wit. Ni‘xt Mon- day night slu> will r('cit(' h<‘r famous numbi'r, “At the* Photographer's.’' .?7J{.0() was taken in at tlu> door and that too on a rainv nii^ht. LUZIANNE Mocha and Java Blend Our Guarantee If after using tlio entire contents ol a can of this collee you are not satisfied in every respect we will reiund the money you paid for it. Put u}) in one pound cans and ground. 2oc per cjiii. Mitchell 6c Cox The Grocers J MORGAN & MORRIS Meat Market Fruits Vegetables Orders by phone filled and delivered promplty* Miller Block Brevard, N. C. Phone 30 !l mtwwwwtrniriTO oi' <':;tl;ey's ni xt Sund;;y "’’hest'are the ‘r.; i.-\ i\ al at ■. COT'.(in; ted ivev. .iordan lii'.u' and Cal !)-ek- nnouiu Ml. d I nu.rnin i . :,7n .iani ,1 li’ ’!)V. it;,)-. i). ! > iU Wl t* si'. /)Ul ruKi >vv • w---:«‘ i' i.i- ih- 'i(‘t II- ■d by 11 and fa\H)r- : ■ ];e c..:;nty. v.;;l ;i(.in ;he ;ro,lMK-ed. iiiytla' farn'i. :is di.':-- )vered Sntiirdr.Y w.’UMnuan -..Jnile ,v. n ■ )o lat-e t. August lioly ( I n. Snb.iect, <'onnnunion. ilucation fniid" next Sunday St. pjiili])s .Junior .\ux- •y will hold tlie regular ni< nthly ^ionarv Ti'iei'tinjr ni'xt Surulav ■ I!' la- ..1 ai't“rnoon :vt 1 Friday St. Bar- iniew’s day tlierc' will be s.'r- vii-e at .■") :‘Nt. I'la' sun.jCi t of r.exl Sunday ni(;rnii';g'> sermon Ix'ing a jii'.fiST ini];ortant ont*, a full atte^id- a'iice of tile niei!ri)( vs i.- t'arner^ily re; fuelled. V\'arit(“l—By ( lucago wholesah' and n.aii oi-di r liousw. a*^sisiaiit nKinager (man or v>'oman) for this eoinUy nnd adioi:iing teri‘iiory. Salai'v and exi;;'n>t‘s ]>aid wei'k- 1( money :‘d.vancrd. \s ork ;;le;;sant. ]:osition ]>erinanent. Xo ]- ‘ei'n i in.vestment or (‘Xin'ri('nc(' reouired. ca •;3i kllov, 11. ;''al C071-j si'arr time va.liiabk'. Wi'iti* nt oTict '^''.acbin- ; for full "particuhirs anal inc];>se swif- < '■ wiiirii j addressed envt'lope. Addiv^'^s. <-5en- :-i:i v»f thel(M“;l Mann -'cr, K5 i 1.., J.nke St. (-In- Icago. »10 Business Locals. Mitchell c'i: ('ox. (io to J(*nkins cV" Bro. to get your se(‘d ry(‘. (’lov(‘r and gra.-;s .seeds, all kinds. —J(‘7ikins iV: Bro. Extra lot of mirrors, ])ictur(‘s, picture frames, oil paintings, (^tc just rec(dv(‘d—Arthur Kilpatrick. The “Mayilow(‘r" shot's combine's oldtinn' honc'sty with nu)d('7-n style. \\\* carry tlu'm in si/c's to tit and styles to ])leas(,'.—O. L. Erwiii. Don’t fail to read our last notice of the great slaugiiter sale. Vv'e want you all to come Satunhiy, the la-t day, and see the wind-up.—Whit- njireA' Verdery. On account of rain last ^londay | ni'j^iit th(‘ Conc('rt for benc'iit of tin* i I n»'vr Ba])tist church is to Ix'i-e])i'at('d i next Monday nighr. AdmissioTi ?-■) i c-ccts for adults, l.“> c(‘Uts for cliil-I di'en. j Xot less than worth of fall | and winter siioes, dry goods and no- ■ lions, hats, caps, shirts and clollung ■ will bt‘opt'U and ready ibr inspection by W^ednt's.lay. Aug. '1'2—then you will set' the newest and most stylish line of goods ever in I’-rc'vai-d. Onr i-tt'an.i cant'i'y is now open at : the same stand on Xortli CaMwi'll ■ St. We are ]>r(!i])ai ed to do liv>t cbtss work and our terms ari'cash. ner bun'lrcd. cans furtnsiK'd. velill- ed iit lu'i' ]u:ndt‘('d. Work must be c;'.!! for in one ws't'k of time alter leavin?' iv. AVe woji't bi' rt';-ponsi:;le I'ovciip.s after on>' \v,-i'k tinu .—Lt'wis cc iirooics. eib:’e (hat tinse I had a cough which for y(‘ars had Ixjen grow ing v.orsi*. Xow it s i'oni'.” Cures chronic coughs, la grippe, croup, wiiooping cough nnd prevents piiemnoniii. iMeasanl to t ike. Ev-'i-y bottle guiirantced at Z. . Xieho!'.’ Monday and Tuesday An Invitation To inspect the handsome Fall and Winter patterns of high class Custom Tailoring Materials and to have your measure taken by an expert cutter representing Strouse 6: Bros. Baltimore The well-known makers of high art Clothing, Orders will be taken at our store on Monday and Tuesday, August 20th, 21st. WM. p. WEILT, BREVARD, N. C. N. B. -New goods arrivirig daily.