SYLTAN VALLEY NEWS 3 REAL ESTATE FOR SA.LE. Property to Rent Rents Collected A River Bottom Farm for Sale. Tlie tarin consists of—yir?^t liottorn, 9U ncros. OrohiM-d aiid stToiid hottoin, 20 acres: Upland and wo;)ds, 4o acre.'—total, 1441 acres. We plant tlie 1st bottom in corn, wlx'at and crimson clover in rotation. Our averajji* cro]>s run from lOOO to liiOO bn. corn and i»00 to 000 bu. wheat: The orchard is old, ue have yjalhpred from 80 tO KM) bu. apples. Then* an* two indifltM-ant loj; cabins. One first class barn, Ktorios, capacity 14 horses and T)0 cattl«*. Otie crib, capacity 3000 bu. witfi granary above for ir>00 bn. One 2-story tool house with perhaps 5000 It lioor space. Tliese thret* last buildings are iti (irst-class shape. There are sev<iral sprinj^s, a very line house site with avenue of younjj white pijies leadiniJ: up thereto. The j)hice is on Iv. F. 1). Route No. 2, 3\ miles from court house. The farm has produ(*ed tor years $4uo to S700 net, and been improv’ed yearly. At the ])lac.‘ will pay over 10 i>er cent, with a competent ovarseer who both oversees and works. Such a man can be «iotten tor ^20 to «2'). The place when supervised and worked by owner will yield 15 to 20 ]>er cent, with }x<><>d manaijement. We will sell for one-third cash, bal ance secured bv bond and niortf^a^^e in 1‘our annual instalments, 0 prct inst. Desirable Building Lot> (’orner Main si. and Wood ave. .] acre, 2S4xS5 ft. No restriction^ — drainage perlect—slope makinj; it high and dry. Well shaded, with fine views and vistas. }*<»“><>(> cash. Furnished House for Rent. l'( >11 HI\NT —Nice 8-rooin liousi*; furnislied: (Je.sifal>le location. If you want to SELL your property, let us advertise it. If you want to BUY, see us» It will Pay You. Galloway, Duckworth & Co. Brevard, N. C. Aethelwold Building. INSURANCE Fire, Life, Casuaily and Accident. WE CAN GIVE YOU A POLICY IN The Prudential Life of America, $107,000,000 Assets. The premiums charged are less; the dividends paid to policy holders as much as any old line company. Take a policy while you can—thousands are anxious l)ut are unable to pass the necessary examination. There was a day when tliey could. Jict now. ^ I Casualty company protects you against damages of employees. It is good business to protect yourself against this if you employ laborers. Scaffolds fall, boilers burst, hundreds are injured. AVe are prepared to protect you. rej)resent twelve of the very best FIRE INSURANCE COMPA- NIES. They pay their License and their Losses. It is not good business to leave the earnings of yours to the mercy of flames. Fire, like lightning, strikes when you least expect. WE PROTECT YOU IN Aetna with assets over $10,000,000 Home 15,000,000 Ins. Co. of North America ** ** 15,000,000 Glens Falls « 10,000,000 Hamburg-Bremen 10,000,000 Fireman^s Fund 3,000,000 Niagara Fire Ins. Co 500,000 North River 500,000 North Carolina Home ** ** 200,000 Vh-ginia State 200,000 Piedmont 200,000 CALL JiMD SEE US GALLOWAY, SHIPMAN & CO. /Ethelwold Building. Opposite Court House. i THE TARIFF EXPLAINED. \'isitors or residents of ])revar(l looking l‘or lots on which l)uild homes, will be interested in property which 1 )riei* i'or sale. I also have some business lots—as line as the town alloi’ds. You will conserve your own iiitei’ests by consulting me .n'tore buying. W. W. ZACHARY. U. S. ?4al! a liankintr by mail has hfcoint' \;m-v populai* and com- 111(111. Slmk] u." y<iui‘ .'iui-ulus inoiiry and let it l)c eafii- in^:' V(»u soniftliiiiLi’. ^Ve sdlicit a<‘«.*()Uiits of . . . . AND UPWARD weTa Y 4 Per C‘3!^t. Interests Compounded Quarterly. ASSETS OVER $4,250,000 Waciiovia Im k Triist Co. askevhle, j. C. T f\ The Brevard Light ot Power Oo. .\i‘0 ])rc-pariiig to handle coal tor domestic i)urposes. i)oth stea:n ;nid Iniitj) v/ill be koj)t and sold al a VLM y close price, ^^ee iis l>elbi-e l)uying youi' w'in- ler sup])ly. Brevard Light and Power Company. Hoit Ooveriimeiit i»nd tli«» Triiis.s Col- le«*t tlie Tn*. The tariff qiK'stion i.s very siinplo, and yt't it is coniijlicatod by over paraxrai)!).^ many of Avliich j;re a.s (Jrei'k to ordiiiaiy people. It is tlu?re- fore not extraonlinaiy tliat many pr>o- ple <lo not imderstand the tarili (jues- tiou. In fa'‘t. A-ery f(Mv realise ihat they pay tariff taxes at all. If they eonhl see the tariff tax ai^ tliey si'e thi‘ tax on their property or poll tax t!iey ■\vonld never auain vote for lii^:h tariff •.<nd its resuitiim- liiuh prices. Wht*n you tro to ihe store to i»ny iroods you j>ay so nitieh for the uooils aiul so niuch for tlie tariff tax on them if of forei-tn niaanfaeture. If the v:iK)ds liavt> bi-en l)roduc<'il here at lionie iustt*ad of l)0- iu.i; in:porlod you still, of course, par so iiiueh for the ;zoods ami at tlu' same time pay what would 1)»> the tariff tax to the trust or combine that manufac- tur;*(l the iruods. When you buy a pou:id of su;s'ar .von pay cents for thi^ suijar and liUj cents for tin; tax on it. If .vou l)Viy a p«>und of borax you pay 3 cents for the borax .-nul (i ce:its for the tax. If you l»uy a lifU'en dollar suit of clothes y(ju pay .S.'* tariff tax. Nov.' srii»])()se that after you had bou;;hi th!>se irootls and started to take th;*in to your home two men should stop you at the store door and dei:;and of you .So tax on tliL* suit. cents tax for ovt'i-y j>'>und of suirar nzid (» ceiits tax for every })ou!id of borax 'what would you do? One of the iiKMi would wear brass britlons and would reju-esont th ‘ ‘.rov- ernnient. IIi; would chilm al)our two- third.'i of the tiix on suirar, o.ii'-tliird of the tax on th * suit and noin' of the tax on borax. Tin* other uuin v/onkl not v»’onr a lioveninieut nnil'orta. I>::t would liohl a taritf club in oiu; nnd a eertiiicate or lieense fi-oni <*oii- .rrress in ih«> other hand authorizin.LT him to collect cerlai-n taxes ou ce.rt;:in arti cles. lie v.'ould rein-esent the jirotect- ed trust.s .-'.nd would <*laim all of the tax on borax, tvro-thinls of the t:;x o:i the KuU and one-third (jf the tax on tl’.e Tl'.e’i remein'x'r these ar<* onlv 4 * three artick's out of over Too you n'.ay buy that are taxed in like manner. As a kiw abidinn’ citizen you v>'ould dtvide to settk; with the uovernnient a^ent, but you iiio?;t certainly vrould deu3’ the rl,r;ht of the trust auent to col- l(Kd tax fn)ui you. liut )>oth a.l^ent^J wonkl toil A’ou that this country be lieves in “protection” and tliat you must settle with lK*th uuents or they would coiiliscate .vour st>ods—that is. would lake them all from yon v/ithout con’ p e 1K-;; 11 i o n. What would you thou do? 'NVoiild yon jta.v ijiexe taxes a!ul sh.out adoud for the poiicy of iiroteclion a!id vow to vote reuiilarly for the Kepublican can- dU’;ites who ;\re res])onsihle for these taxes or would y.u hold an indi«'nation meeting' with yo.«- nei‘.;hbors and or- .tfaiiize to pvit th;U trust aijeiit out of business? Now, under o'.ir t.ariff system you l>uy yoi’.” jroods and j»ay yoar tariff tuxes all at once. It is not necessary for the j;o\ernment and the trusts to station tl’.eir atrents at t'very store door to make the people mad. The irovern- iiient puis Its aaents in the custom houses ai-ound <>nr b(n’ders and collects taxes ou all the u'oods hroui:rht into the Country. The inercha;its who ini]»ort the coods add the tariff to the cost of the "oods and collect both, vrith a fair prorit, wlu'ii i!u\v std! the jroous to you. The nianui acturt*rs in this country may be and usually are ai>le to make .uoods Just as cheapl.v as do forei.nru iuanufactur>‘rs. Hut our manufactur ers l)j formin.;.: trusts to control th.e ]>roductlon of jioods here <*an and usu ally do obtain as hizh prices for their .U'oods as are obtained for siinihir im ported .L’ooi's. 'riu'y need no a.irer.t to collect tariff taxi's because you are at th-.;ir mercy. You can pay the ])rice of foreign .;to<h1s, with the tax added, or .vou can take the trusts’ .^roods at the same price. You are inside of a lao- nopol.v wall, and there is no e? vipe *’or you 1‘xceiit you knock down that wall. This you can ilo on!.v with your vote. Wlien you vote all you ha\(.? to re- loendfcr Is that the Kepu'.'lican party stand- for the trust a;;’ent his share of tlie tarilf tax :iinl tlu‘ Democratic party stands for so revis- iurj the t.nriff tha.t only the ”ov(>rninent can colle<'t ilie tax and then only so much as is lu-ces.-ary to run tlie .uov- ernment economica]]3' auil hoae>'.tly ud- minisie'/i'd. Here is an ICii.L;hsh nu'(iical man who says that dielin.;^- is all wroii,::: «nd that we «lon't eat cMion^^Ii. It isn’t at all likeh’ that tliis supposed expert ever had to i>rovide for a larae assorted family of ball jilayin.u: boys aiul ath- ' letic j'irls. The r»oxt‘r indemnity <-har;^ed against China for outranH's on American citi zens amounted to* .S2.‘!,onn,(t!H», but onl.v , .$o,00;),tK:0 has Ihh'u claimed. 'I'he in ference is. of cours(>, that we dema.nd (Hi >?20,0u0,no0 too much. In this state it is not iiec'jssiuy to servt' 11 liv(‘ (lays’ notieo for (‘victioii <>i a (*ohl. r.-;o the oi i^inal laxativt* coii^h syriij'. JCenuotly‘s l axative lioiicv ;ui.I far. oi i- tc-. I>y I’ri'Vaid l)i utr (\>. * Acute nttacks of colic, diarrliooa and dysentery come on without wannnf? and prompt relief must be obtained. There is no neees.sity (»f ineui rint? the expense of a physlciaji’s service in such cases if (’h.injberlain's Colic,.(’liolera aiul Diarrhoea Rem edy is at hand. A dost* of this reni ed\ will relieve the j)atient before a doctor couUl arrive. Jt has never been known to lail, even in tlie most severe and dano-erous cases and nt) family should be without it. l\>r sale by Z. \V. Xicliols Ib-ovard and <). L. Krwin C’alvcrt. J{!vidently our po})ukition i.s not "•I'owing last onou^di. Following' up(jn Kansas's earnest ti})penl for harvest h.inds, comes a lr(?nzied b)wa demand lor more school- mci'cims. Hay while the sun shines.’’ Tiiere is a lesson in i he work of the thrifty f.irmer. He krows that the bri”iu siinsliine may last but a d.-iy and he prepares for the showers which are so liable to follow. So it should be with eveiy houseludd. Hysentery, diarrlioea and < hol(>ra morbus may attack soni'j mi‘mb('r of tlte home without warning. ( hamberlnin’s ('olic, ('holera and Diarrhoea llenu*- dy, which is the best known medi cine lor these diseases, should ah\ ;jys Ije kept at hand, as immediate 1 nnd- mcnt is necessary, nnd delay may prove ratal. I'or sale by Z W. Xicliols Hrevard, anil<). L Mrwin ('alvert. It'll be wartli tea years of poacet’iil lil'e to r(‘ad IdaTai*beir.s review of Kocdvefelier's forth coming' boolv, A 3iystery So!vi‘d. “ilow to keep oil’j)eriodie att.-icks of l»i!iou.sness and habitual constipa tion was ;i mystery that Dr. ICin^’s Xew Life Tills sol veil for nu*,” \vrit(‘S John N. IMeasnni, of .Ma^nio- lia, Ind. The oidy i)iils tliat are guaranteed to j?ive perfect satisf^ic- tion to everybody or money ret'und- ed. (hdy ‘Joe at Z. W. Nichols' diuj^ store.

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