van Yaliey News Our County—Its Progress and Prosperity the First Duty of a Local Paper. I5REVAKH, TKAXSYLVAA’IA COUNTY, N. C., FKIDAY. AI'dl’ST 19n(S. VOL. xi-xo. Transylvania Lodge No. 143,; "O “O A "O X? IT* IT’ f , Knig’nlsofPytliias BAKfaU hi. Fine lusio, Exoeifent Speeclies, Oood Ballons! % ^ lu'unliu’ ci>nveHlH)n cv- ei’v 'riH'MiMV iiijilit ill Ma- t^o'iiir llaii'. Visiiiiiir I\iii;4ht> ;ii-<‘i‘(»rdia 11V in- viU'd to alUMiil. T. W. WfilTMinE C. C. Brevard Teiepiione Excliange. Horijs: T">aily 7 a. in. li> U* !». m. ^uiuiay - t(i a. lii.. t t(' (i ]>. m < c'titral (>tVu-c‘ .Mf.Minn lUork. Professionai Cards. W. B. DUCKWOR.TH, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Investigation of Land Titles a Specislty. K')tnus 1 aiul II. 1’ii'kflsitui-'f JiuiUiii)^'. ZACHARY &. BREESE ATTO RN EYS-AT-LA W Oificss in Mcfifiinn BlDck. Brevard, tl. C. GASH <fr GALLOWAY, la\vyi-:rs. \Vi;l |)vaetic-t> i’i ail tin' rolirts. I'.tul 10. M-.Miiiti lilock. V, L. ENGLISH LAWYER 11 ar.'l V- I’.lock. n. r. Msscellci^xcus. 7HBMSS 6, Mtl, jt„ dentist. ()|>])()sii'‘ < 'i» -ra ;;; >’>;>'■ HHNDHRSONVIl.l.H, - - ^ {,(»1<1 <'rown. \\ oi iv iind l’.»r.-. lain Work -i>*>fialties. All work <jcwar:int('t*(l aiul prici's r« a -(iiKibl''. t’ainl»‘"^ !:.\tr;utioii. (Tc)l 1 KJl'l'O w.) Goins Oyt anc! Brin^ tiiG Laf’ias mi GliiitlreR. I THE FIRST REGIMENT EAIs^D I ()f t woniy-1iv(MiU‘i!il)('rs. will on hatul to itiako ini’sit'. I’.n'.l will i plav (lui’inu: tho oiitirc dav. i ' GEN. THEODORE F. DAVIDSON ' Will l)c ()!!(' of tin* s))<‘:iK'(‘rs. and lio is so wt*ll known in ibis count}’ tiiat t he si ni [)le an non nciJ ni(*n t of his | )!'(‘S(M1i‘(‘ wiil brin;r ;i n’owtl. WIRS. E. B. GLENN, Ttio most I'liKjnont ()i'at I't'ss in tlio South, who has ;i nation;il rejm- tation as a spoalccr. will he h<M’«>. BEST BARBECUE COOK IN THE SOUTH [s (Miiia.iit'd for this occ-asion. and tliLM’o will Vx* plenty to (>at. and Uhat the ‘’host ever." for all who att('nd. lirini^ bn>ad only—moat i will !)•' f'ook'rd lu'i't'. ! DAUGHTERS AND SONS OF VETERANS. I ’'I'his narb(‘CU(‘is ^'ivi'U by t!i<‘ l)aiiir!itL‘f.s :ind Sons of (.’on |at«‘ \'('tei ans. foi‘ tlu} purpose oi jzett in^’all toj.n-l ht'r and l):ivinir a i!'ood tiiiK.'- on*' to be loriir nMninnIxM'cd. Thc.-o is no [xilitics what !t‘vei‘and overvbodV is invited. Foliowin<j: is the PROGRAMME: I ()[)t'>nin<:: Pray(>r at 11 a. ni. Musii:. ' by C'horus i>and. I *\(klr*'ss by Hon. Tiieodorc' Davidson. ^^^si(.‘. I •‘Maryhnul. -My Maryiand." by Chorus. i>and. (>ration by Mrs. 1^. ! I. (i'aMin. Alil.sii*. ^ •■'rii'' llunnie l>bu‘ I'^la'-i’. ' by Mrs. 1\ (!. l^lsoni. I>:>rid. I “(Jod r>i^ With Ts till \V(‘ AL-'ain." i)y C'horiis. ! DINIvJER WILL BE SERVED ' .\ft(M'the I'firular proirI'aniiiK*. and tht; IJand wiil play duiin:j: tiic afternoon, and tiuM’t* will bo iinpi’oniptu ^pt‘och“s by sevt.'i'a! oi our v-itiz‘-ns. (\)ni(*out everybody and have a <^'‘ood tiini'. FrxOM PUG!LI3:v1 TO UPLIFT The JEthelwoLd Miwan:’^ Now ilet-, ; Ai>- poiatn’.t'tits all *i>o yoar T’-'e i>a:!‘(»iiaL:''-‘ ot ’.lu- ira vrl.i.^- ar- well as;:':> xilicit' ti. e'ourt X.<'- ]{-I-r-A-X-< Tal.ules Ib'.otofs liml A Li''0<l pros'-nption For itiaiikiii*! pTv-k-'t Cii.ciijr. ’"1 ..-lUi! ■ a'^'.n'S. riic ta'.:n!v tif’-ilc ‘''."it' t- c-rM.ui;'a >ui>p<\ for a vL-iir.’ Ai: .ii li Otnfft in the Ptato. Busi ness. SlKirthaiid.Tyiiev.rl- tintr. I’c II m a ii s )i i p. and Kni_'lish coursc>=. If^OO (rra'iiKites in ]>i>Fiti«nP. Hall or more 'if your nii;- runil fare I’leiity of (TIPIIIi tioanl at |ier wtcli. Nil vai-atiniia. Kilter any time. Spocinl e<ii;rsj lij mull j£ you aiik for it. jn“TlieLand of tlie Sky. year tte bappliirt Couiitry. > I’riiK-iiittl. ASEEVILLE, K. C-^'s |?ocky S^bu!ital;5 T3a ^fuggets A Bcey Kedfoino for Busy People. Brings Golden Eealtli nnd E^nov^ei Vigor. A FTT^cifiC for Cor.stiiiat inn. l[i'1i;rost;on. I.ive Kiiln.'V Trou'jlr's. I’iiiiplcs. j-lc/eniM, lmpi;rf Bad Breath. Sl’.ic-fjT’sli i^O'vols. Iloailncli' sr.d Backacije. It's Rocky I,louij-.ain Tea in tuli- ](,z form, hit cects a l>ox. Genuine iiiado by Hc't>'-iSTER Dri'o Cojipan'y, Iiladison, Wig. (BOLDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE lailtli:!!; llfr<trf.s t<» F:;iprfv* 'V twit of Elis IJirir;. r.atliii.-,' .W'isuH. i!.u':!r'vc;,:;l:t c-ha”.i t!'ia of tlu' lias I’.’.riicd civic ih- ■ ;;:;:1 iii- ciicri-’ics in tl;.- I’rUtu'i' •■vil! lt*‘ (’.‘V'iti‘,1 -1.) upliftiiiir and in;- .jr.iviuir tli<' Id’.vn <if his hirth IIoi;';'- \vi:H‘h. I:iii.. ;;i:al of swa;!;;!S and dc.; i- latii>n. 1-LK V.!! a>; lli;“ “juin:lin,;; 'i;’r K iys i’!.‘ > Triluniv. lie r (lilt to do tliis with thi.* s.ninc cnthnsiasni lliat h‘;l hiia It) vic-- ;a;-y :'Lra:as1 .Iin;:..y r.'.'ilt and Y)i!’!‘i an’l it i^ ]u\*dicl<‘d t!;at "vur.c;li hi)i'.. (‘" lilacs ai'(‘ in stori' I'cr liiosi' con- <(‘vva;iv(* jx'rsoas \vh(< om'ost* liis ^li-i'iirio.aty. "ril par this town in sli;i]x* if I hav'* to lay lait coM t!it“ aldi'rnica ami al! (In* iM-oaiiiMMit citiz»Mis.'' said tlio y »raiLj [tii!;il;st jii>t lu'fovi' h*‘ n!:irch‘.‘.l i:’c.)ii M'lynilian ;it lli<‘ hv^ad (»f his M/iiiniiti‘H‘ (if pnl'.lic si»irlto!l cili/.cn.'. N;'ls(iii rcccnt'y rotiirncil fiHiai a f.vo years' li^iitin^ t )ur of tht* v.cst. ;:iiil ho i'(‘inarkf'd as h(‘ :ili,Lrhtcd at tlio diii”y statim ;;nl s:i\v ihc raila'aipt streets. th(‘ utMieral hoitcdess and deeayiiiu: as- lK*ct of liie jila.ct', ih:il it n > ];I::ee t'(-r a while man t<* li\a> in and lu‘ would ;rot liUsy. 'I'lu' l!!:!ner had saved money a.nd in vested it in t\vt> houses. 'I'his may liave h;id 5 iii’.etliin.i; to do wiih h'.s awakei-ed iat< rest. At any rate lio slartod a (iiiiet eampai.Lni and fo’.ind maiiy v^•i!lin■J^ to joi'a him. II‘- did move in ;i thiy th:ni most reform (;:-;;-uii/.a- tiuns do in a inontii. In ll ;■ aftern »:>a ht‘ e:!!I(“:l a m-',ss nioetiiiu" of all the yoanu' hlados wh.o were piteliini: quoits hehia.d t!i(“ i>!:'.ek- smitl; He also to )k in a few bar- (eiuiers Avho v/ere not liusy, t'ae "'.•oe('r and th(‘ i‘i)sta:aster. Iliy anii >".nei*d t!iat the !Ie,u''V,'iseh 1 nii»i'ovement jisso- cia.tioii '\\:is laiuielu'd aial lual himself eiecte I jiresident. Losln,:^ no timo lu? aj»j»o!ato:! an exeeiilive e »minitteo and started out t:» visit Alderman Moyni- han. As h(' mareh(*d dov.ii th.e street ll tlu‘ head of his eommittet' crowds of hoys took r.i* th(‘ trail, thinking that a tigl'.t w;;s ah ait to h(‘ pulled off liehiiul Mahoiu'v's l»arn. Alderaiaa Moyiiihan ' VMS ;"-;!c( ’'i:'!y t > ■ i in hl'i <>'.:>•■' !1 h'' ! ; l;v'i cv, <•;' I’.V- ! v.'ind'jw and saw tl;'- j mc.i- ■ in::'. I "Pe.n’t he ;ifr.-.:d. Mr. : R!iid X(>ls m, as he liis -.viiy :iito ! I’.M' eilic*'. “W'c h;;’. e i e ..e <!;: vi; to .u'ive y )U a few st;:. _e't'.(.i.s f< •• 'i’:e ' ^o ). 1 of tiiis i.iwa. \\'e t > M;ave a place to live afti'!’ tl:'s o;- I k:io\v t!;e roa-m wl:y." A!> ;' ;-'n ; Moyailian w rii.tiie;! a'^ th<‘ .''s eye i f.'.s’t'i'.ed lipun liim in a lixcd, (;e;(‘;-;.;:a- I eu s:a:-(‘. j ‘•.\:;y;hiuir y ui want. .Mr. Xe>'>:i: ;!”- y-ai v.;;nt.“ he !;;U!’..:;;rei!. i appeasiii-ly. I "Wc* d'ja’t Avant n’.ach." s:';i N( !son. j *'i h;;Te a oT llii’.’.us lio'.'o v.we ! o!.'er as a 1 lejn'inninL:'." He v.;;ro!;ed a j lar.ue p:>p.>r and n>ad in a so!e:aa I voice: i I'oal pn’i'ce .‘-'tatinn. with real pr'lice- I “A Tr(’ (3i-rartrr.€‘nt that will v.-. rk. “r'lr. i-ts paved. “il’iTiri:' liirhts on ttio cornors. “A i'.I'l-. t < ;,r v> stcm. "lU t'.'T l.'H.l liuihlii’j'.'^. wai( r "i :i(ii;(.-t.-mc ni.-J to manufacturers'.” “Is tiiat all?" a.sked the aUlonnan in a W(>ak voice. ‘■'i'h;tfs ('iiouLrh for iiov.-,*’ said Nel son. ‘'(leL r.s these and we wiii have th(‘ model town of i!h' vrest.” ■■(.”ona‘ a.roiind toiiKjrrow,” said the alderman. 'Sat Tariflf. Amt)as.';ador Whitelaw licid said ot thi? Fourth of July lianijuet in T.ondon that the prosp(>r!ty of this eoantry vas due to pold and not to tlie I >incjley tar- I iff. Te;I the stand patters. I III <ilr4‘at J>oiiiaiMk. I TIio ileiuaiid for Cliaiirnoriaiirs ('olie. Cholera and Diarrhoea iioiu- edy here has been so jjjivat that 1 'have soarcoly been able to kM-p it I in stock. It has (*ur(‘(l case>; ofdys- entc*ry hero wh(>n all other remedies railed. Frank Jones, Pikeyillo, Ind. i I'or sale >)V Z. ^V. Xiehok, :J!-evai-d and O. L. Krwin, Calvert. GARDEN CITIES. List of Jurors. Work TIk!i 'Iiist lie IJrujc I'or Tovth tiy Use Artist.s. It is o.-oltiiely ini-ossiid.' to ereatc* a he:ilthy race 'witlaiuL an altuiulaneo of fresh air. says (nudoors. .Soein;^ that it is impC!S>;il»k? on the score of e:-:i»ease to cir.iverl on:’ eiti(*s into placc'S where a haalihy et>mmu lity can he reared., th<* railroads mtisi, iie iitiliz(*d as never l’..'fore to carry i!i>* Iireadv. iaiK'r rajiid- !y l-e;w(>(>a his pl.te,; of ha.-iiiess ia l!ie eily and his siiharlian or <-ou:it:y lioaie. .\lo:m- iIk' track (.^f eacli ad that ra.diate.s froui tlie city a series- of resi dential iiarks or Lardcai cities slioalu he built (‘xa)!i(;i;!;;' foft.v or lif:y miK.s away, the mi>r(‘ <’.i^t:^at to bv> ri-aeiu'd by ir.iias. 'I'iK'se ;_'ai>le:i cities si’.etlld b(‘ l)e;'.I!it,ne,l h:;ii(l by a;'cliile(-is v/hD are til'- ) art ist.; ia lani.-ca.iK* Lra.ri’eninu;'. 'r!ie indivl lu.'.l ci.);: will ly nut less tlian I'.iO stiuare f(>;‘t of la.nd, or four ordinary city lots. a!Toi‘diiii: a liovrer L'':ir<'"n ar(a!i’.d ho;a<>. T!i-,' avenuc's will b-» aiu'ays curvinu. aivl the village .criMMi or <-ity i)ari; v.ill 'i‘ a plac' ll'.at v'ladden;; th<j (\v.'s of all wlio frecjuent it. I At th(‘ nieetin^^ of th(‘ lioard of County C’onmiissioiK'rs hold Mon- dtiy, Ane'. (>. 100b, the following*' ))orso:is Were drtiwn to sc*rv(» a.s Jurors at tlio next toM'in of tho Su- A ( loan City { When you se.* a littU' uirl or a littl? l>oy i>ickin:4' iii» iiaper in tii'* streets or sw(‘;>j)ii;.u' rp the bade yards in tia* Htil! House !ieiulibo:'h()oil it is n;;t a ra'v,’ kind of' ia ChieaLTo. I'licLi c'aild w!‘:irs a Iratton a.inioiri-ci’i.~ its ’Membership in t!ie ('lean.City elab, says tlie (’hicayo 'I'l'ibune. 'I'hi' was rec(Mitly nixed Iiy Mi’s. < Howe I^ritton. h.e.iil kiialeruartaer :;t the soeial S(*ttlenaMit. Here .'ire t'a* rules: Pick 1!T) at l'’;e-’t n;:o pi- (’'■ of pap r fr ir.i t’;“ str"i:l <'V( il;;y. yoar yar.1 e.nt! ri'-ih, .■'”(1 i;’v to intf-i’i-st I'ai- lie\-s anit r '.v. ' ■;! (1> : T. op ;it ]>'ast ('Ml' r in tin wiii'low. He- siiii’iin;; .'.r 1 dean >oiirs If. Th(‘ eluJ) i^ subdivided into croaps. ('.‘•ell with a captain. The ;:roiip-: c,)::i- ;::andc(l by \'\'i!i I>il]o:i and .loe S<-a;:- loai. six-A'('.ar-old'*rs. mtide thi; '.K'st rae- o’/d ia (•■(>:',n:n_' up bade iiv >ai;s-> V»'i;t(h'na' tl’i*;ii. jx-rsons of u’atare a'.:e bi-caaie ('i'.iir,isi:-.stie in the “ c]-.':'.u up." “I/idi chil 1 u'il! report t<i the caMtaiii of Ills ;i,ro;:!». aa:l at t!ie en;I {.f the e»‘lc v,'(‘ sli;'.!l liiiow j^^;t \. hat i; boon accoa!pIisIi<*d.'' said Mr’s. I>ritto:i. perior Court of Trtinsyl vani; I i 'oain 1 y wiiioh convenes Ai(»nda\' j A ue-. i!7, .1 ud,o-( ‘ (). 11. Allen pr(3 sidiiiLi': ITUs T wi;i;k. I'. Clayton Dr W hitt IIroftkr •J K Zaciairv S i' F'tiottt! J \V lirooks .>;iko .MeCali .[ M Moriran .1 F Hays j \\'tu I'I.-i;<u'oll < 0;eman v)’>vou t> \\’ Iioinlor~oii W' ! > ('hapman J(;hu W 1 )od~ >n j i; 15 Orr .Jamo' ! !r:'.ck(>u .1 uliii-; M Me*: all L M (; !a/.(‘uer W [Cfowu'Ciid 1^11 Alex;inder W alker (iallouay W A .\lii~on U.isktd Lyday < ' { ' VoilLMK' Syh iius ! ,ailo\va> .} T < onloy llonrv barton < ?o)» Ij (; lazoiior ,\ .1 (JOOfer^. W in Shi[)aKin W' .S A-hwiuth '.V I> Ho-sod I’ i» Knu^iish aF T [h-y;int .1 A r.rysoM \’an t'5 Waldroji .1 <) ( antrell t ius (; lazonei’ .1 \V .Mc.Minn LC>n- \V K < hdlow ay ~i .1 V' W'hitmilo W'ado IC"’()Utliorn s'.a i)Xi> \v::i;k. V,' M Meoce S J 'riii'ley It !> i-i'hop Loon (i ilh -pio i'hos ,T po< ; ( OSS Davonport I 1’^ ('!a vtoM I'.d I'attou jr W ^ ’ .''’^hipmtni \' i‘» S.-ru;.;-;:': .] W'lutndr • 1. A A-'h W( n’l h M f. !hinditnn laii'ayotto C'tt‘o;i J tl Ihi.xter Will lload A V Ca-ii .b)s M ( a lloway •)oi‘ (,;n’r(‘u v; L :\,u:i i .oo i : o,;-“d Ferry (i il!e-pie '• av!.i- Lyday ,\ Ll Kiii.i.? Qiiifi* S«^. “Yoai’ husbinai is s > fiili of fan, Neuricln*. he m:!l:e>; iie.ip'.i* f;ii:']y sh.ri* k. He is always ch:',t’an?i'. isrf t heV "Yes. in('e(‘d. I tt-’.l hi;n he is tiulte a chaafA'ur."- r.a.ltimore American. 'I’Jio Kiti Sju*;iU.s. fp.l>1^ ::i'p' i.- :.'t cr;;.; !: (]. I-: v(r: k it. 'r a iCt. lie ta!i;s \.:r straa'a.-t scit of H'l Am; .s lik ‘ a;i; f cun't t. !I haU' t!;" ti;r.i' v.-’ 1;<; 1.' : i;vv lo co!;'.-. y t.i !.>•. I’e.l nV'thc;' caa ::i; l act ka.'.f tr\' — Sli, 's li\i 'i with hiai na.;-i- yi-a.r-; t! 1. F' !• in.'-taac'*, J-.o sr>.'.-s ;i" fr-r n," ‘•-'aii th' a" ( ha;.to “.-.‘a’ Wiiii “'i.-i" for ■•ja.-l" :;a>l •‘'a" t:r "that." Ifc kill's I.;.- :.;acs-i:-v \vh }:■'s at. He twists aa. 1 tortar<■% ■. ry W(.r>l Or so. It ■•-•I-' r.'s to lai- ab.-an-cl. Ami inoihi 1' ^■ay^ 1 o v^ua'i t.n;’.;rroVv- it r.ccaaae l)y traiJo he is a pi t-t. She ?-a> s he tlii'* f,i!n!l\- purse I’y w'.ilia'^: yaii!s ;,a:t \ards of vi.r''*- lake thi": "!.a.<’ i;!,-;ht 'ist al'it r t. a M\ pa he tak< d ni - t :i hi:-- ki'i e. N'eii ir.a sh<* lafl'ei] ’i.'t fit to An’ a ; !ie j ui l to I'nclo J.i’.l. 'iXow. don’t >o!i t’lin’.-: that i;<:- I.s ’ist cute as he can t)i-?’ An’ ’cn iny tuirle la.ffeii; "ITa. ha! ITee, hce! lio. ho'. '1st like his pn!’ ” They sound to mo like awful (^rool. These poems of the "an’ ’on" s’eliooL -Pack. “3inke Hay while the sun shines.'’ Then' is a le.ssoii in the work of the tlirit'ty tanner. Ke knows that the hri^di^ sunshine nuiy last hut a day «nd lie prepares lor the sliovTer,-; which are so liable to follow. So it should be with eveiy housi'hold. Dysentery, diarrhoea .uid ( holora inorhu' may attack some memb(*r of the liome without wainiuu^ Chamlx'rl.ain'.' Colic, (Tiolora tuid Diarrhoea Renu'- dy, wliioh is the host known niodi- ciiH* for these diseases, should always he kept at inmd, as immediate treat ment is necessary, and delay may prove fatal. For sale by Z W. Xichols Brevard, and O. L Kruin (,'alvert. [1«5*A "s \S’e eil'er one hniKir. <l dollars n* uMr<i lor any ca.-e ot' catarrh thai •annot he enrod by Hall's « tatinii < 'm e. i-5, ( iionoy a: ( 'rolod(», (). Wo, tho i:ndor'i*;iied, have known F. .1. ♦ liouoy Ibr tho last 1.') yotii: , ind holieVv' him porl'o, tly honoi-tihli.’ in ;ill In'; bnsiuoss transact ions and titiauclally abie to carry out any obli^;ritiotis made Ity Isis ilrni. W'aldiu”^, i\innan A- .'iarvin, V. holesalo s, Tolo;'u), (>. Ha-I'- ( at;irrh ('are i' taken iiit(-r n:ii!y, ac: iio^ diroot ly uio:i tho l)loi (! and. ittueoas sMi'faco" of ; ho system, i'estiniouials -out froe. Price 7 •e:,!^ p.-r Ito;: lo. S<ild by all dru'r _i-t-. Tako :;:.iP> i'amiiy I’ilN for con 'tipa^ ion. u-aoliers Assoslalion. Chamberlain's Cough Reinedy Cures Colds, Croup and W’hoopiug Cough. ;o’.' i;io’ !.■> the proirrain foi ra n-sy [ Vil n I a Jotioher.s » •iation. Aui,^ i’r», ID ;i. in. ;it tlu' ' V);ir^ riouso: i!oil cah—Answer with ;i titiotation. Sonj.;—A morica. i*rayer—Hy lh‘v. . (>. Allison. Teachers Associatioi.—Mr. (iri'en. A ;‘roritabl(‘ MtMula.y Morniny; in -l;o )!—;]y Miss .Tuli.i l)eavor. >e':olniship of Toachors—Miss Xo- r:i A''!>W(;i th. X' rmal rrainiii^r—Avery (hiHo- •vay. ;‘.'iy~' -til '—l>y 3Ii>-s Julia < )ivon. SaiTj^ostions for seat work—Mi,-.s ! hittio Aiken. iTaoh Teacher is expectt^d to l;d:<‘ part in tiie ^oneial dir-cU'sion of the ;)!.l i.'iaids would be sc:irce and hard to thul, ( <uiKi tiiey be to see, Ilow ^rtice ami heauty is combined i,'y ushi^; r.ocky ,Mour.tain T<m. —Z. \V. Nichols.

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