Sylvan Valley News Our County—Its Progress and Prosperity the First Duty of a Local Paper. 'T. J. MINER. Manager. BREVARD, TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY, N. C., FRIDAY. AUGUST 81. 1906. VOL. XI-NO. YOU ATJHE BARBECUE? Reirular convention ev- ery Tuesday nijrht in Ma- sonic Hall. Visiting Kni>^htti are cordially in vited to attend. T. W. WHITMIRE C. C. Brevard Telephone Exchange. Horus: Daily—7 a. m. to 10 p. m. Sunuay—S to 10 a. ni.. 4 to p. m. <^'outral Otlice—McMinn Block. Professional Cards. W. B. DUCKWORTH, ATTO R N EY-AT-L A W. Investigation of Land Titles a Specialty. Uooms 1 and 2. I’ickelsinier Buildin<r. ZACHARY &. BREESE ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Oflices in McMinn Block, Brevard, N. C. GASH A GALLOWAY, LAWYERS. Will ])ractice in all the courts. Uooms 9 and 10. McMinn lilock. Wasn't It Wonderful How the People Turned Out? More than 2,000 Visitors Partook of the Barbecue Dinner last Saturday. And Brevard Was Honored by Her Multitude of Interested Guests. The Barbecue last Saturday |of ours can describe her ora was a much more stupenduous j tiony Her first sentence riveted event than the most optimistic advocate iiad dared to anticipate. Our country cousins bej^an ar riving,'- in tlu' vicinity of Brevard attention to her, and we behove the audience would have sat and listened to her every word had it rained ])itchforks with sawlo^^s D. L. ENGLISH LAWYER Kooms 11 and 12 McMinn Block, BBFAWrJ'). X. C. Miscellaneous. THOMAS L ALLEN, Jr., DENTIST. ())>pof;itt“ 0])et a llou^e HENDERSONVILLE, - - N. C. (■'old Crown, Dridge Work and I’orcclaiii Work <{)ecialtics. Ail work <;uarant(H‘d and pri(*es n-a fionablc. I’ainlc-s Kxtractiou. The JEthelwoid P^rida^^ evenin'^ and it was told | for handles. ” She has a wonder- on our streets at ni^lit that there ful voice that was easily heard to were at least 150 country people the remotest corner of tiie vast already within hearinjjf of the jaudience—and that in the open court house bell. Early Satur-'air. Her facial expression was jday n^orning they commenced ! remarkable and her "ostui es jarrivin.i,^—the 7 o'clock train'tine. We do not remember over brin^in.ij: quota frotn Mont- htjai-in"- a more cr(.“ditabl(} or vale. Lak’e Toxaway and interme-1 praiseworthy public speech by a diate stations. They came on i woman, and she held lier audi- foot, on iKM-seback, by carriag'es. ence without losing a sentence bu^-git^-^. farm waijons. ox carts, th!-ou<^h another doir days and we are not absolutely cer- shower. ttiin that some did not roll them- i And the sin<2:in£r—the cliorus selves here in wheelbarrows. wasn’t it finoy ^ We mMy be There never has been such a obliged to import orators and crowd of ])eoplein Breva/?! since brass bands for public functions the county ot Transylvania was but no imported voices could organiz(Kl. And th(>y were a good eclipse the charm of ]’>i'(‘vard's natured. C0sii]0[)0litan crowd- bent on havinir a good time. There was the gray-haired vet(.*r- an on crutciies. with his “old wo- j man" and i’amilv with him: the iuMue talent in sok> or c-lioi r.s. Mrs. Elsom as in ‘-The' Bonnie Blue Flag” made a tliou- sand friends who had nev**r heard her sing befoi’o. besides ter attractions to bring out our people, she may have better mu sic, more brilliant speakers and a better dinner, but never will she liave better order than pre vailed last Saturday. An extra police force had been sworn in for the occasion, but there was no need—not a breach of good behavior was discovera ble. One of these special police was heard to remark after it was all over: “It seems almost like robbery to charge for our time— there was nothing to do and we have not earned anything.” This was so dirterent from former ex periences w’hen whisk}^ was pres ent, that it becomes the most forcible temperance lecture that was ever deliv’ered in our county. It certainly pays to have a “dry” town. No report of this great gather ing would be complete which fail ed to mention the moving spirit in this great meeting. Hon. Wm. E. Breese jr. conceived the idea and put into its execution all the vim and energy (jf his make-up. It was he who circulated the sub scription and I'aised the necessa ry funds. It was his iniluence which secured the speakers, tln^ band, the cooks, etc. Of course he had able and willing lieuten ants. and they are entitled to their lull meed of praise for its success, but he was the leader on whose shoulders the success or failure of the enter{>rise rested The Veterans Speak. Jlcndrjuarters Tranxulranta <’(nup t of I ailed (Jon fr(h rate I’l t( ratis. \ Brevard, N. C , Aug. 25, >00. At a meetinf'of the ('amp held thi.s alternool) \\ ni. M. O.sborne re- sio;tied as commandant of tiie Cami) and J. ,1. Shipman was (July pro moted to the office. Mnjor William K. vvjis elected jidjul.Miit with C. L. Osl)orue, J. Mcl^, (’;irson and J. M. Hamlin as vice commander< and Capt. W. E. Deaver a.s chaplain. It was moved and re.solved (hut the thanks of tlie C’amp are "rafet'ully due and be extende<l to all who in any dej^ree contributed to make the day Ko conspi(!uously and eminently enjoyable and successful—i. e.. the Sons and Daujjhters ol* Confedorate veterans; the merchants and friends of lirev’ard and vicinity who ^ave S(\ irenerou<ly; the youn^ ladies and men of the chorus; the soloist. 3ns. Klsorn; the chaplain, Jlev. W. H. Davis; the citizens j;c“nerallv; the distinguished .s[)e.ikers, (Jen. Theo. F. David.son and the incoinj^arable Mrs. E. H- Glemi; ati<l above all t(j the Hon. Wm. E. l)ree,><e, Jr., Frank L. DeVane, John W. McMinti, H. 1*. ('larke, ('ai>t. J. A. ^Tiller and theii connnittee to wiiom the ureat sue cess ol the occasion is pre-eminently due. AVe mark it in our mi:;utes us a “red letter day” in our annals and trust that out of ii.s unparaileied suc cess the sugjrestion ot‘ our or:itors that Camp‘d of Son.s aniJ l)tuu"!iters will be speedily or^aniz m1 to perj>et- uate Idstory and memoi’ies. Ksto perjx'tua. In financial tramHiii Uiv in the substantial fai’inors fro'.n :ill over : confirming the frit'iidship of ;i the county with their fanjiTu^s;; thousand others who were al the v/ido awake lads and lassies ■ ready her admirers, and th(‘ ciio- rus which assisted was worthy of and received unbounded ])raise from the audience. And the dinner—there was b;ir- who are just now making their dobut on the stage of life: the childj-eri who came unrestrained ;'rom the valleys and coves to see niKU w^is going to liuppen, tuur bcciie beel. niiutou ami pork— last, but by no means least were ; to feed a regiment be- what was eaten. There Brevard's New Hotel -Modern At) pointini'nts—()[i«‘n all tlie year , Th(' patrona;^e of the t!'av(‘linyf pnl)lic j nu?r visitors who at jires- | sides aswdlas.Mmnm.riom-ifisK.M,lic.t.;.l.i,,,itliaveuli(.u:- hotels, boarding i „-as hash, desi.-ribed bv all-.v ho (,),«>. toiuillous..-. hiuv;irc. . jhouses and many private ie»i. | succeeded in getting a .siipplv as 'donees tilled to overliowin.g. „iost toothsome deliea.'V ,)l the time the train arrived wiiieh : the Jiarbecue; imtalo salad and brought tlie attraetions--tlie|pickles. There was enougi, and ?peal>-ers and the band—the pec-, to .spare, and the onlv drawback pie were so thick on our streets; to a meal which would hare been that .a foot passenger couldn't | long femembered was the rain navigate Withouuaking-thi mid.; Every time that an elTort was die ot tlie road. | made to spread tiie tables a show- The' lirst sound of the bass! or would interfei-e, so when the drum was a signal for the crowd ! programme was ended and eat- HELP IS OFFERED TO WORTKY YOUNG PEOPLE We i-:irnostly roquestall youns? pcr.sons, r.o matter liow limited their means or education, who wish to obtain a thorough business traininj? and jrood posi tion. to write by first mail for our frreat half-rate offer. Success, independencf.-and probable fortune are guaranteed. Don’t del;iy. Write to<Jay. The G:i.*Ala. Easiness College, Kacon. Ga. and in making so many happy he made hims..lf the ha))piest man ie,xa,miners’ onlv appear 111 1 ransylvania county. It wa-^ | dusinjr act. a great day and ought to be long rememberod. As a n'sult of Saturday's sue cess an annual Bai'becue may be come ono of the established holi days of Hrevard. and if it should occur again nixt year let us hope | that the weathei’ may be morel prc)pituous. I^ain was the only ! drawbiick—it i)ut out the tires | and dehiyed the cooking; it pre-| vented tiie proper serving of ji i jsph.nidid dinner, but it never' I cooled the ardor nor runied the j Although we ktu'w ii ail tlie j teaiper of the l)est nalured crowd ! it is a great shock for us to j of l’.OOO that (*ver ass(.*inbled. ! discover that our judges are }iu- j May th(' noxt occasion have no l^eing human, th*.* WlNCon- dr£iwback'S. !sin judge ['oj'iiaps cordihr' .’it;]') Chas. M. Schawb is said to be backing an opera adventur**. He too ujust have aversion to dyitig rich, although he't laise false hopes by adverti.-ilni; tlio fact. Old maids would be scarce ajid liard to tind, Could they Iv made to s o, How j^race and t>eauty is e.)ii,:>;ned l>y using liocky Mountain '!'e;i. —Z. W. Xie:i )l<. Tal.ules R-I-r-A-X-S Doctors find A good ])i‘cs<'riptioii For iiuinkiiid to congregate on the ])ublic I square, and just as they got seat- j ed and the programme was about i to commence, a dog days rain ■drove them all to cover and de- ; layed the performance at least an I hour. And at intervals all thro’ the iierformance those showers Ttio ."-fef’t packet i>^ •■noufiii tor ocf'asioiis. Tlu- famiiv bottle if.o ( oit'-) a'Uiiply i ‘ . i ^ i foravi;iii- Alldru^;J^i^t.'sciithem. i made re[>eated elTorts to drown the music and dampen the ardor of the audience. The programme as published last week was faithfully render ed. Gen. Davidson, tshe first speaker, was introduced by Guy. V. Roberts of Marshall, and his description of the causes which led to the war between the states was a masterpiece of interesting history’. It certainly deserves to be printed and })reserved for future generations, Mrs. E. B. Glenn—what words ftWeet In the Stnte, Bust- ness. Shorthaiul.Typewrl- tinjr, IV IIm 11 nhU i p,and F. n ur H s h cwurti^F. IHOO frniiluatos in iM>"'tfons. Jlalf or more .voiir niil- rnad fare paid. Plenty ot (rood hoard at t2.&0to$'<.59 per week. No va*ati<-nfc Kiiter (my tmtte. 4>p<>ci«I eo\irs-e by mail if you ask for it. jB “Tlie Land of the Sky.” ^ . KeartUeSftPPlilre country. Princii>al. | ASS£V1LL£, N. C. | ing time came thei’o was nothinir on the tables and sometliing of a grab game was the i-esult. The plans for serving the crowd wei’e properly laid but the weatlier disarranged the plans, and oi)- portunity took charge. However, we heard no complaints—everv- body ap[)eared determined to make the best of it and not gru mble. But probably the most noted feature of this great gathering was the remarkable good order which prevailed throughout. Not a dro[)f)f whisky was in evid(^nce. not a quarrel or row of any kind, not a boiisterous manift^station of anything but genuine pleasure was heard anywhere in the vast audience, or outside of it. Bi’c- vard may in future have larger gatherings, she may sfecure bet. L isn<‘<*<‘.s.sary -Acute attacks of (•(i!ic, diarrlioea } and dysentery come on without^ warnmy: and l)romi>t relief must be obtained. Tln*i(^ is n<> necessity ot‘) incurrintr theexp.-nse of a jthysician’s ! service in such cases if Ch.imberlain's I _ Colic, (. Iiok'ra and 13iarrhoea l,'(-“m' i l, - , jam-, \ou can become a “stanc'-pat »'(ly a, liand. A dose of thisrenjly^^ it t in i . „ I KoDublican for one d<jllar. tnev re ed.\ wjII relteve tiie patient before a' " : o r« 7 1 I /\r doctor could arrive. It has never! been known to fail, ev(-ri in tlie most | severe and (huiuerous cases and no applying for a )obaT<>. In this state it i< not uei ‘^->arv to serv'e a (ivk* day;-’ uoti('e for ev\;ti,»u oi a cold. Lthe oi io;iiu\i !a.\ '.tiv‘> cou^ii syrup. ICennedy’s i vo [loiif'y and Tar. No opiates. Sold by r>revard Druf^ ('o. family should be without it. t o!’ Side by Z. W. Xicliols iirovard anti (,). ].. Krwin (’alvert. That Birmingham. Ala. bank teller who got away with SlOO.OOO i p. j.’ cheney for"the last prc)bably served his ap])ientice- ship in Chicago. a cheap lot. HoAt’.s Tins? AVe <)fVer one liundnd doll irs re- v>'ard for any case of ('atiirrli t.hat cannot be cured by Hall’s ( 'a-irrh Cure. L'\ J. Cheney Co., Toledo, (). We, the under-itrned, have known l.'» years, and believe him perfectly honoi-abl*> in nil Ins business tran.sacrions and financially able to carry out .-'.nv obligations made by his tirni. Wahling, tV: .Marvin, WhoIesaI(‘ Druggists, To|»^ 'o. {'). Hall’s ('atarrh Cure is taken iiiter- nally, acting direcrly u{)on the b!oo<I A 3!.%st<‘ry Solv<‘<I. “How to keep off periodic attacks oi'biliot»sness and habitual constipa tion was a mystery that Dr. Kin«;’»5 Xew T.,ife Pills solved for me,” writi's Johsi X. IMeasant, of Magno-■ and mucous surface* of rhesy^‘-*m. lia, Ind. The only pills that are ■ Testimonials sent free. Price 7;) ‘Tuaranteed to giv® perfect s.^^tisPae-j cents per bottle. Sokl by all drug- tion to everybody uranoney refund-' (jists. e<l. Only at Z. W. Nichols’ drug j Take Hall’s Family Pills Or con- ' tipa tion.

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