Sylvan Yalley News J. J. MIXKIJ, Mauiiijrcr. Our County—Its Progress and Prosperity the First Duty of a Local Paper. BREVAKD, TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY, N. C., FRIDAY. SKrTiaiKER U. 1906. VOL. II-NO. 32 Transylvania Lodge No. 143, ^ Knights of Pythias IveiTular convention ev ery Tues(iay in Ma sonic llalL Visitinj^ KnijrUlt) are cordially in vited to attend. T. W. WHITMIRE C. C. Brevard Telephone Exchange. HOUKS: Daily—7 a. ni. to 10 m. JSunuay—S to !(* a. ni.. 4 to (> p. m. Central Oflice—McMinn J>lock. Professional Cards. W. B. DUCKWORTH. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Investigation of Land Titles a Specialty. Rooms 1 and 2. I’ickelsimer Biiildin<r. ZACHARY &. BREESE ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Offices in McMinn Block, Brevard, N, C. GASH GALLOWAY, LAWYERS. Will practicc in alltlie courts- liooms !> and 10, McMinn Klock. DESTEOYEROFEOADS AUTOMOBILES SAID TO BE CARRYING OFF THE DUST. D. L. ENGLISH LAWYER llooms 11 and 12 McMinn Block, r.! I KVA in'). X. ('. Miscellaneous* TKOfitjIS k. £LIEN, Jr„ DENTIST, ()li|H)siti‘ Opera lIou>c HENDERSONVILLH, - - N. C. (lold ('rowii, r.rid^e Work and I’orcchun Work spocialiios. All work ^uarant(*c(l and prices rca- t^onabh'. I’ainlc-s Kxiradioii. The JEthelwold Brevard's New Hotel-Modern Ai’»- pointnients -()pcii all the year The ])atronaye of tlic traveling'- pv.hlic as v*ell as suinnier louri.-'i.'> i.-si)liciti,*d. Opp. Court House, lircvard.. X.(‘. Eiiix^rimenfN of G«»vernnient K:tiierta ♦o A.scortaiii (tiiaiitity i(l<t\Tn Awny I».y >Iot«r furs—KffcirtN Uein^ Made Fin«l a Ilt'iiieily. The nutoniohile stands accused o:i official y^ovcTnnient authority of a hirrii rriin(' and ndsdeuK'anor. It is dcstroy- inir ro.'ids. And if it be asU(>d. How so? the answer is; l’.y carrylue: off the dust. The dust, strains? thodjrli it may ?!(‘ein, is the life of a road, without ■which it soon luidergocs disintej^nit iou. This will he (‘xplained later on, liow- ever. Meanwhile it will he interest ini;- t-^> (h'scrihe some experiments Avliich I’neh' Sam's road ex])('rts are now eu- pa.Lred in makinp:, with a view to ascer- tainin^-- just how much dust is carried off from a road by an averajje motor car Iravelinp: at various rat(>s of speed. Oh(^ method adopK'd for the pur[>ose is to mount a photojrraphic camcra on the front of motor c;ir. and. followin.^r close behind aiu)tl)cr .‘lutomobile, to take snapshots of the latter at difTerent spi'eds. It is (juite i\ plctures(|ue and in- t<‘restin,ir i>orforinance. the c'xact sp<>('{ls beini? determined by means of stoj) watches held by nuMi stationed al'ii;<^ th»* track, while additional photo,::rra- jthers are i)laced at intervals on the j roadside to take pi(*tures of the ma- j chinc's as they lly past. The work in I fiiiestiou is beiiiLr <lon(' in tlu* noiulihor- hood of ^^^•^sIli^.^r(o^ inidc:' (he (i'rection of th'e burt'an of roads, which uiilizes a cf‘rt:iin stretch of ro.'ulw.ny f:ir a iri\'Ou afternoon. w;:rnini: all vehicles to keep carefully to the riirht. Tli( n sonu'thin.iT be;rins to happen. Tlie speed l.av.' is ;ibro-cat('d for t!i;it afternoon ov<>r this juirticular .-tretc!i dpscrihed. Soraothinc: must be found, obviously, to keep the dust from boiurr carried off the roads, and the pre ventive seems to be either tar or oil. For some months past the experts have been ai>plyinpr tar and crude pe- troleimi to different sections of roads, and they have found that either tthou^ih tlio far seems to be ]M’eferred) accomplishes the purpose admirably. It appears that an application of tar costs less than 2 cents a scpiare yard, Includinj,' Jal)or, and it will last for a ,v(‘ar or so, Just how lonj: can not be stated exactly as ytM. The cost of oil is eA'^'ji less. The tar is trans- l>ort('d for the purpose in tank cars and heated in the ear b.v intr;>ducit''r a coil (;f steam pipe into it and furnish- In.^^ the requisite lieat from an en;?-ine on wh‘els which is run up alon;;s‘ide. In this T\-ay the material is made llnid. so as to be easily spread by men with brooms or otherwise over the surface of the roadbed that is to be treated. The tar sives a hard and smooth coat- injr, resend)linj? asphalt. It penetrates to a depth of one or two inches, and in tl’>e c^-e of macadam forms a sort of matrix into Avhich the s+on<>s of the top la.ver are set. A tarred street is dust- less in the sam(‘ .sense that an asphalt street is dustless. Our Barhecue. Brevard Attractions as seen by a Visitor. wMM Children’s Work In Yp.sllantl. Tlie (‘(‘rtificates of membership to th.e boys’ and girls’ auxili.ary to the Civic In)provement association, a branch of the AnuTican (’ivic association, have been distril)uted to the various schools for distribution amou" the children. 1.100 to the different city sc!iools and 400 to tl’.e training school, or l..">00 in all. 'I'he certificates are very neat and aro made of bond j)aper and imj^ressed AviHi a f^old s(*al. The boys and ^'irls v.ili have their names on the certili- cates and will acrree to help n\ake the* city in which they live m<tre l)c;iutiful. ^'o neatly are the certificates jrot ui» that they v. ill b;' framed and kept with the olher certificates r('<-,<ived from the schools by the children. The v.'ork 1h(*y are to do in t!iis association will be mid;r the Instruclion and vision of th(' ;rr:id(» tfvicliei's. sui>er- t'asli I’lmi I’liys. The new i»l;tn adopted l ist sprinir r>f pa.viii^; cash for road v.'ork is irivin'4 sat isf;iet ion in lU'dl'ord lownsl.iit. Mich., says the ^lotor News. More y-'or'i has already been d(»!)(‘ fh;ni in all of 1 1st yerir. The towiishi]i has been redistricted into fift(H>n districts, to be su])ervis(‘d by pathmasters. eaclj of whom is furnished v. iili a blank order b(i;>k. I'or eacli day’s work an ord<*r for .'^1..'">0 is issued on the townshii) tre.':.surer. Dr.s'i’ i:AisKi» jiv ArroMouii.K ti;avi;i..i:>'o TuiHTi' an jiock. of road. Several motor cars of diller- i <'nt ly]ies and weiirhts are in readi- I ness. The photographers and the men I wltli slop watclies ;;it‘ duly jtlacc.l at j theh- ai)p:dut<‘il stations. Whoosh! <)U’ li'oes a machine at ;i rapid rate, foi- ! hnved closel,v by another, in the front I of Avhich. Vv'ith the chautiein*, sits a man wh) optMVites a camera. The dust Hies upward in a cloud, partly obseurinf^ the automobile in fr(»nt, but that is uhat is wanted—to slu*w by photojrraphy how miu-h-dust is thus thrown ui* from the roadbed, to be;i(>d oiV by the breeze, and so, in considerable part. lost. To say that dust is tl:e life of a road is not pultintr the fact too stronrily. It is tlio cementing material of the road surface*, which, combinin,:; with the moisture contrilmted by rain, holds to- irether the st(uiy i)articles composing: that surface, sheddint; storm Avater and i»reventin;; the j)articles from un- deri^ disinte.L'ration. Thus it ma.v be s.aid that dust is to a ro.-id AA'hat shinirles are to a house. If it is takc'a away the roadbed ^;oes to pieces The amount of dust thrown up by the :;u- touiobile is in jirctportion to the s’ioc.l at which it troe.s. Hut, in order to ol>- tain exact lijrures on this point, the .irovernment experts take a series of If there is anythitiu' you want built; jdiototrraphs of each motor car. trav eling over the same stretch of road, at ten mik's, twenty miles, tlnrtj’ miles ! and so on up to sevent.v miles an hotu’. i A stretch of road with a fairly sharp I turn is chosen by prefer<*nce, in order that phototrraphers posted at the bend I ma.v, with safet.v to themselves, snap- j shoot each Hiotor car from directly in front, as it approaches, and also directly from behind, after it has passed by. Now', it is not merely for theoretical purposes that the road bu reau is makinj? these* experiments. ' It is tryin.2T to find a remed.r for rtie mis chief—a practical part of .the inquiry ^ which is being carried on simultane ously Avith the aiitomobile tests above 1M_P_A-X-S Ta1 Milos Doctor.-; lind A ii'oij^l prescription For iiiaiikiiKl The .'-(’OJit packft is lor n«nal nc'-a'-ioTis. Tl'.f faniiiy I'Oitie iC.ti ( »•>a fora year.' All sell tlic;;i. K. W. NORTON Woodwork of Every DescrlptlQn Wagon Kepcirs, Etc. Can be Found at T. L. Snelscn's Shop, of wood c;ill and let !:ie estimate its cost—1 can save yt»u money. Snelson's Sliop, lirevard, X. C. R. W. NORTON HELP IS OFFERED TO WORTHY YOUNG P£OPLr& We earnestly request all youne persons, no master how Kmited their means or education, \rho wfeh to olftain a thorough business training-and grood posi tion, to WFite by first mail for our preat half-rate Success, independence and probable fortune are guaranteed. Don’t delay. Write today. The Ga«*Ala. Business College* Macon. Ga. Adopts* llio County Itoad Systotit. (>ne-h:ilf of the taxes in the villagi? of Munising. Mich., is ])aid by tlu* Cleveland ClifTs Iron comi)any. This company has iign'ed to ('xp(>nd ,?1 for ever.v dollar rr.ised by the villatre for P'^rmanent stn'i-t im])rovemenls, so that, in fact, tliive-fourths of iJie cost of str<‘('t i:;iprovenu‘iits v.’ill be ])aid by the coriipany. Alger comity, in Avhh-h Mtmising is locat(*d, has. folloAA’ing t!je load of the (’leveland ('liffs Iron com- l»any, .adopted the county road system and A’oted to raise .Stoo.oftO for road improvement in the cftuntj*. “Rut aren't yon afraid the baby may be sjtoiledV” “Not a bit. You^see, its gr:vndpareuts nre all dead."—rhiladeli>hia I’ress. “Vl’ljle ATvake Farrtiers. During the present season there aaMII be ten different stone macadam roads built near Hecatur, Ind.. says Motor News. The county auditor's otiice has been flooded Avith road petitions since early in Januarj-. It seems as thotigh the farmers in this fount.A' are deter mined to do th(‘ir share, as some of them haA'e affixed their signature.s to several different petitions. (From the Chai’lestou Evening’ I’ost.) A Charlestonian at Brevard. N. C., sends the following interest ing letter of a barbecue which he attended a few days a^o: “The citizens of TJrevard and surrounding country were g’iven a rare treat on Saturday, Auj^ust by the Daughters and Sons of the Confederate Veterans, who gave a most successful barbcue in the thriving little town. “For miles around the people made ready to attend the big feast, and a sfiecial program of speaking and music was an nounced to precede the serving of the barbecued meats. When the morning arrived ^m^u could see the crowd coming in from all directions: some in buggies, some in covered wagons, and some walking. Rain tiireatened but this did not dampen tho inter- ('St in the feast, tind the attend ance was big. It did rain off and on during the day, but this did not bother th.e i)eople much. A tine brass band of twenty- live })iec("s j)layed during tlie d;jy and joined in the applause of the speakers. Gen. Theodore F. Da vidson made a stirring address. I and Mrs. E. I>. CJlenn, of Win- throp College, one of the most (^1 oquent women sj)eakers of the South. VvTouirht her heai-ers to tears by lier oratorical ability. Wild cheering marked the uttei'- anc»*s of l)oth orators. ••The celebration was opent'd witli ])niyer at 11 o'clock in tlie morning. ‘Dixie' was sung in chorus, then speaking, other ])ii triotic choi’uses; ‘I>onnie liliu* Flag,’ by ]\Irs. P. G. ELsom. tind a b’g sacred chorus closed the formal program. “TIk' difiner was then serv<^d Several big beeves, halved and prejnired proporly. half lio^^s. sheep, ch.ickens, ge<'se and oth('r iiK'ats ’oeen I'oasting slowly ovf'r hot lirt's all night, basted and done to a turn. l^rown(‘d. tender and luscious, the moats with their fi-agrant aromas ikmmI ed no introduction to tlie throiijjrs of men, women ;md children gath- ej-ed about. Eich was provided with a plate and bread and re ceived a big, juicy slice of meat Nearby lemoriade and other soft drinks wei-e served, and to the music by the band the happy crowd ate to repletion. One can hardly eat enough of barbecued metit. It has a particularly crisp, rich flavor. The feast lasted a long time, and laughing, singing, talking, the people of Brevard and their guests mingled togeth er in gay enjoyment. “Brevard is a favorite summer resort for Charlestonians. It is a very ])retty little town, and is ra])idly foi-ging ahead. Electric den surrounding the home of the paper makes it an ornament to Brevard, “Many Charleston visitors were at the barbecue and had n, splendid time. I thought that some of your readers might like to hear liow the njountain ])eople enjoy themselves, and entertain their visitors, Air. Editor, and so I venttn-ed to write this letter.” Union Meeting. The next Union Meetiag of tlie Transylvania Association will be held with the Enon Baptise church, Sept. 28 30. FIUDA V. 11 a. m.—Sermon l>y P. f;. El.som. l;3()p. HI.—TIk* work of our Liiioii as it lies Ijeibrc! us. G(*n(‘ral dis cussion led by !•’. ^I. .Iordan. •‘5:00 p. in.— Does the IJible teach that the chosen of tlie T.ord often sin “and Come .short ofthejjjiory of God-,*” Twenty minute speeches. 1. Old Testament teachin*?, P. (J. J-^Isom. 2. New T'estament teaching, .Ino. W. Hri jrjrs. SA Trin>Av. 10:00 a. in.—Keligious (‘xerci'cs j(‘d by the pastor of Enon ciiurcii. KJrlT) a. m.—Our relij^ioiis home life. Twenty minutes speeches. 1, Tlie parents, V. :si. Jordan. 2. The J’.i- ble in the iionio,^vTnd<on (’orn. Hik^li ide.-ils for tin* hotiH', P. (I. Elsorn. 4. Proper rea<Uiig tor the home, Jno. W. P.riggs. r,. j’roper topics of conversation in the h(*me, J. M. Ilanilin. lu>:00 m.—.Sermon by T. (\ lioH/.- ('law. l:->0p. ni.— I\ind of mission work that should be done in onr .\ssocia- tion. (;<Mieral discussion led I)v F. M. .Iordan. >j:00 {>. m.—How shall we train our church nxMiibers, and especially theyoun<r, to meet tlu> iiicrea-itr^ d(Mnands and enlargement of (hu* work in (»nr state aiul naiioa, .-md to the ulniost parts oi'the earth? I^ediby E. Allison. M XDA V. 0:^0 a. fO.—Iteligious exerci-^(*s h-d by.Ino. \V. I>riy:gs. 10 a. in.—Sunday sciiool nia^-s nieet- ing. Three twenty minutes speeches. 11 a. m.- .Sermon by ]■' M, Jordan. p]very cliurch in the As-ocia- tion should be I'opresented in tlie Lnion. A glorious meotinir is expected. Thi-: GoMMiTTiiK. It arouses energy. deve!o[*s and stimulates nervous life, arouses f-ie courage of voutli. It makes you young again, 'i'hafs what Hollis ter’s IJocky .■'louiitain Tea will do. ;>") cents. Tea, or tablers. Z. W. Nich ols and l'>revard Drug Co. ifnlOO .1^1 (K>. The readers of tliis ])aper wiil bo plea.sed to learn there i> at le.sst one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stage'^, and that is Catarrh. Hall s Catarrh ('ure is the only ]>ositive cure ik)u^ known to the nieilical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional dis ease, re»ptires a constitutional tr.'at- ment. Hall’s Catarrh <'ure is taken internally, acting directly i!{>on th‘> bloo<l and muc<^us surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the t’oun- dation of the, .and giving the patient strength by building up the lights, telephones, two hotels, j assisting nature in good streets, now beiiiff paved. ITlie 1 . 4. u • I have 80 much faith in its curative and other impi-ovements bring-1 , hai I powers that they offer One Hundred ing the town to ttie front. Thej-,. „ ^ , ^ , Uollars tor any case tiiat it tads to Sylvan \ alley News, a J eure. paper })ublished by J. J. Miner, is a live clean sheet, to which the editor devotes all his time and energy. A well-kept flower gar- pation Sentl for list of testimo:;iaIs. Address F. .1. ( iikxevJc Co., Tv)ie- do, Ohio. St)ld by all druggi-ts, Tie. Take Hall’s Familv Pills for consti-

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